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What do you keep your thermostat set at in summer?

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78 in summer and we don't turn it on in the winter unless we get too many 50ish days (in the house, not outside.)


ETA: I may have it *set* at 78, but that doesn't mean it *is* 78. Sometimes it is 85. Right now it is 80 (overcast day.)

Edited by Renee in FL
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Our thermostat is set to off. :D Right now, downstairs reads 81F and upstairs reads 79F. I only turn on our air conditioning if we hit 86F inside, which is usually about 2-3 days per summer.


But, we have a sea breeze and ceiling fans in every room. ;)



In the winter, we generally have it set to 67F if we're being active, and 68F if we're being sedentary.

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ETA: I may have it *set* at 78, but that doesn't mean it *is* 78. Sometimes it is 85. Right now it is 80 (overcast day.)


Sounds like our house. We keep the a/c set at 78 but usually the upstairs gets to about 83 due to our vast west-facing outside wall. Downstairs stays a bit cooler. Without a/c the upstairs would easily get to 90 or more.


Winter heat is set to 68.




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62* in the winter (although I'll sometimes put it up a little to get the chill out of the air, and we have a space heater in our family room). 78* in the summer, and like Renee, our a/c can't usually cool down that much. It's usually 80* in the house with the a/c running constantly except at night.


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62* in the winter. 78* in the summer


:iagree: If I were setting it based on my comfort, it would be 68 year round. But I set it to fit our budget, hence the cold winters and hot summers. I try to only run the a/c when I have to--so I'll run it in the afternoon, but once it cools down below 78 outside, the a/c is shut off and the windows are opened with fans blowing.

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80 in the winter. But it never actually gets to 80 degrees. They didn't factor the height of our ceilings when calculating for heating elements. :glare:


OFF in the summer. Our house only gets unbearably hot a handful of times over the course of the (short) season. Then we sit outside in the shade or hit the pool.

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68-69 during the winter

80-82 during the summer~if we need the a/c on it is because it is at least 100 outside so 80 degrees feels nice and cool. :D


I would probably have it a little warmer in the winter and a little cooler in the summer, but I'm not willing to pay what it would cost.

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Well, dh loves cold weather & abhors warm or hot weather. Therefore, our house is somewhat chilly (imo) year-round, lol.


Around 62-64 in winter (unless I really get cold & I'll bump it up a few degrees to get the house warm, then turn it down again).


69 or 70 at night in the summer. We bump it up a few degrees during the daytime &/or if we're going to be out of the house for a few hours. We all sleep better, though, when it's nice & cool in the house at night.

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Summer: downstairs: 79 (except it is programmed to go down a couple of degrees during cooking and dinner time (4:30-6:30) so I'm comfortable in the kitchen. Upstairs, 78, set to go up to 80 while we're sleeping under ceiling fans. I'd like it a little lower all the time but don't want to pay higher bills.


Winter: downstairs: 67, upstairs: 69 (but heat rises, and it doesn't run much during the day).

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It has always changed for me depending whether or not I had little ones nursing and being carried around all day or on my lap as toddlers.


Right now (this year, no babies or toddlers) I keep it at 79-80 in the summer (just enough to keep the humidity/heat under control) and 74-75 in the winter.


I refuse to feel too cold or hot if I don't have to. I've earned the right to be comfortable in life.

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We heard a speaker talk about the brain. He said the optimum temperature for the brain is 67 degrees. So, that's what we set the thermostat for in the winter during the day and turn it off or around 50 degrees at night.


During the summer, we turn the heat off. We don't have air conditioning. It has been cool here the last few days so I have been tempted to turn the furnace on just to take the coolness out of the air, but that just doesn't seem right. Isn't this summer?

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We keep it set from 62 to 65 in the winter (as we can stand it), and we start at 75 for the hot, humid summer. At the beginning of our nasty weather, 75 degrees feels unreasonably hot, but a month or so into a/c season that same 75 starts feeling chilly and we bump it up a degree at a time (over a few days) until we meet resistance.

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Ours fluctuates between 78 (when DH or DW#2 turn it down) and 81 (when I turn it back up). In winter we set the thermostat to 60 or 65, and it very seldom kicks on. A good stretch in fall and spring it stays off.

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Well, it's 100* out today plus the humidity and we have the air set at 75* with ceiling fans going.


In winter, we have a woodstove in the same room, so we set it to come on about 64*, in case the fire goes out. It doesn't come on much...NICE considering our heat is propane.

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When it first starts getting hot and humid, I sometimes bump the air down as low as 74 just to get it to cut on and dry out the house. I can't stand that sticky hot feeling inside. Now that it's VERY hot, I keep it around 77/78 most of the time, as it will still cut on often enough that way. We have a lot of tree cover, so it rarely gets above 80-82 inside even without the air. Winter we're more stoic. We sleep with the heat at 58, anywhere from 60-65 during the day, depending on how we feel.

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Took me a few posts to realize you guys are talking about air conditioning when you mention what the "thermostat" is set to in the SUMMER. :laugh:


We don't have that - we just turn the heat off for the summer and back on again when it gets cold. We don't 'set' it at anything in the winter - it's not one of those ones that you can program or whatever... just a little lever that you nudge up & down.

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71 in summer, 69 in winter.


I can't function in heat and humidity. DH is always turning it to 73-74, then I get boiling hot and turn it back down. I keep threatening to get a lock on the thermostat!:lol:


ETA: We live in a drafty old house with horrible windows. Even when I try to seal up the windows, it doesn't seem to help. I think I could keep it more moderate and spend a lot less on energy consumption if I got new windows.

Edited by thescrappyhomeschooler
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My dh would love to have it set to 78 in summer and winter.


I start to feel sick to my stomach when I am hot indoors. I have the thermostat set at 75-76 during the day and 72-73 at night (and even then wake up completely drenched in sweat and have to turn the thermostat down further despite sleeping with the fan on and only using a thin sheet that I mostly kick off).


In winter I would prefer to keep the thermostat set on 65, but what I actually do is have it set about like I do in the summer. My dh can always put on more clothes, but there's only so much that I can take off.

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We keep ours at 60 in the winter and only turn on the ac in the summer if it gets above 84 or so inside. Sometimes we'll turn it on for a little bit if it gets really humid, but it's never on below 82. This means, for our climate, we rarely use ac.


I, personally, feel the body is more healthy with little artificial heat or cold - plus it helps our electric bills stay low.


We do use fans (ceiling and otherwise).

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Lol, I don't have a thermostat, just a window A/C unit and a heater (gas? I can turn it to low, medium, or high).


During the summer the A/C runs at night and periodically during the day. DD and I both get hot when we sleep, plus we co-sleep, so the cooler the better. Otherwise our bed is like a furnace!


During the winter the heater runs in the mornings to take the chill off or during the day if it gets too cold to stand it. Mostly we like being cold though.


When I lived somewhere with a thermostat it was set at 65-70 pretty much year round, and we slept in the coldest room in the house.

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No A/C, but we keep the thermostat at 65 and guess what..... the heat does come on in the summer!




LOL!! what a different lifestyle! I'm looking forward to our Alaska holiday in 2012!!! Where are you in AK? My dad lived in Ankorage in the 60s - and during the earthquake. I can't wait to see it!

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