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Who here shoots?

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I feel like there's this big secret in my real life. I don't even think my mom knows. I shoot guns with dh. In fact just this morning he invited me along with a couple of his friends to shoot at an outdoor range. We all shot our own guns and then James let us shoot some of his. He must have brought 10!


Anyway, I feel like it's a taboo subject around here. I'm a city girl and I shoot guns. There I said it.


Anyone else?

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I haven't in a couple of years, lack of time. But I am going to start back up again. My my dd's 8th birthday she is getting her own 22 (a pink one :D). Of course she will have to pass a gun safety course first. She has been shooting my dh's bb gun for the last year. Oh, my senior year of highschool, instead of going to my homecoming my dad took me hunting for mule deer in Wyoming. Still one of the best trips I ever took.

So yeah, I shoot and LOVE IT.

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I don't necessarily DO it, but I have all the skills. I do want a gun but just haven't bribed my dad enough into giving me one yet. I'm the one who has taught DS how to shoot his pellet gun because DH can't shoot at all. He grew up in Australia, where guns are largely taboo, and my dad is only just now teaching him to shoot. It's fun to watch my 5'7" dad teach my 6'8" husband how to shoot. I don't know why. It just is.

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I used to shoot all the time. I was in an Australian Junior team and went to England to compete. I was also in various state teams. I shoot a 7.62mm bolt action rifle over distances from 300 to 1000 yards. I actually have not shot since having little DD. DH just found it too stressful with 3 little people all by himself. I could go back now but with another on the way i will be too big to lay in the correct position soon so don't see the point. Hopefully once the new baby is a little older i will get back into it properly. The benefit with my sport is most people don't reach their peak until their middle aged so i'm not missing much.

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I do and I LOVE it! My kids do too. We are huge hunters so its just natural that we do. DH collects guns also so we have a variety. I have shot handguns, rifles, and plenty of shotguns. Currently on my Christmas list is a Walther P22 which is a semi automatic pistol :D


All are of course unloaded and locked seperately and keys well hidden. But my kids are also taught from early on about gun safety and handling. My DH quizzes them all the time. I was a city girl so my mom is a little weary, but here in the country...its life.

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I do.

ETA: I wanted to be in the FBI when I was younger so I learned how to handle and shoot hand guns. I used to be pretty darned good at it.

Now I mostly shoot smaller caliber guns or air rifles.


My DH and DS shoot every week. DS is awesome and I hope we can register him in competitive shoots soon. He is doing shooting in 4H and will be taking the shotting sports merit badges for Boy Scouts this summer.

Edited by The Dragon Academy
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I have! My husband does every week though he is a member of a sportsmens club and an avid hunter. If I shot more, I'd want a pistol or something, not the shotgun I've used. But we need so many other things for the house that a pistol of my own is at the bottom of the list.

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Guest live.laugh.love.6

Didn't expect this to be the topic of my very first post here, lol.


Dh is in Afghanistan but before he left he asked if I'd like to learn when he comes home. I was SO excited that he'd ask! He and dd2 (14) go all the time.


I have a short video of dd handling and shooting one of his shotguns that's nearly as tall as she is. A few friends have said it's inappropriate to allow a 14 yr old to shoot for fun, and for me to "glorify" it.

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I like to shoot. The gun noise bothers me so I gave it up for archery. My dh and I belong to an adult archery league. Archery is SO much cheaper than gun shooting and also is environmentally friendly.


My dh runs the pistol shoots at the Rod & Gun club, and he shoots guns regularly. My boys got tired of it after a couple of years and only shoot guns occasionally now.


We target shoot only. I DO NOT like the NRA.


Why is it a big secret?

Edited by MIch elle
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Does shooting off my mouth count?


It sounds like something I'd like to try but I have no idea where to go to learn or what to shoot. (handguns? shotguns? rifles? sniper rifle? :lol:)



Go take a class. IMHO, a .22 pistol is the best pistol to start with. Very little recoil or noise. This is the type pistol I qualified with when I got my carry permit.


But really it is better to start with a .22 rifle. I prefer shooting the rifle anyway.


If you have a hunter uncle, grandparent or friend ask them. My dh has taught several other ladies about shooting. It is not that complicated and with a .22 you don't have to worry about hurting your shoulder.

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I have a short video of dd handling and shooting one of his shotguns that's nearly as tall as she is. A few friends have said it's inappropriate to allow a 14 yr old to shoot for fun, and for me to "glorify" it.



I have pictures of my dh helping my 4 year old shoot one of his rifles! We all do it, but they are all schooled on gun safety. They have NEVER even touched a gun here without our permission.

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I have shot and plan to shoot again soon. All of us have. I learned at FLETC and then kept up for a number of years. Haven't bought any bullets since we lived overseas but plan on doing some target shooting this summer. The girls did 4H air rifle shooting and would like to do that here. My son did shooting with the Boy Scouts. DH has done some shooting with friends and two days in his 23 years in the military.

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I have a short video of dd handling and shooting one of his shotguns that's nearly as tall as she is. A few friends have said it's inappropriate to allow a 14 yr old to shoot for fun, and for me to "glorify" it.


I used to shoot with my dad when I was growing up. It was so much fun because we are both very competitive, and eventually I was a better shot than him. It doesn't "glorify" guns. In fact, when taught proper safety it make you more aware how dangerous they can be when improperly used.

I still shoot with my dad occasionally and I'm licensed to carry a handgun. So do many of the people I know, I live in Texas. :D

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We live on a small farm, and all shoot. I mostly shoot varmints that are trying to kill our livestock, but dh and dd love to target shoot also. Dd, 11, recently took 2nd place in archery and 3rd place in rifle at a local 4-H shooting competition, against teen boys. They weren't too happy about a "little girl" placing so well.:glare:


A lot of people are uncomfortable with guns, and some are actively against private gun ownership. IMO, those are mostly people who have not personally experienced using guns as tools to stop predators or to put food on the table. I live in a rural area where hunting and raising livestock are what enable many of the families around here to remain self sufficient and free up government assistance for others who need it worse. Guns are a tool and occasionally sporting equipment.


I feel that my dd is much safer around guns since she has been shooting for 5 years. There is no mystery, and little curiosity regarding guns. She is well aware of what they can do and would not hesitate to report to me or other responsible adult if she saw some kid using one inappropriately. She will even tell on Daddy if she thinks he is not observing the range safety rules to the letter of the law (even though they don't shoot at a range, only here on our farm).

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Guest live.laugh.love.6
I used to shoot with my dad when I was growing up. It was so much fun because we are both very competitive, and eventually I was a better shot than him. It doesn't "glorify" guns. In fact, when taught proper safety it make you more aware how dangerous they can be when improperly used.

I still shoot with my dad occasionally and I'm licensed to carry a handgun. So do many of the people I know, I live in Texas. :D



I agree, and should add that dh is Mr.safety about everything, and a bit OCD so of course he's taught dd the proper way to clean, load, shoot and transport.


They are laughing and having a good time in the video, and I think that might be what a few have taken issue with. They don't get sport shooting and think it should be a serious matter reserved for LE only.


Those same few people have been the ones to frown upon our co-sleeping when the kids were babies and kicked and screamed at the idea of pulling ds and dd3 out of ps and homeschooling. They also happen to be ps teachers, lol.


Everyone has opinions though, and you know what they say about that, lol.

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I do. But not as much as I used to. There's such a sense of satisfaction in hitting the target! I really like trap shooting, but I am too much of a tightwad to keep purchasing items for the sole sake of destroying them!


Nowadays, I just want to be sure that if we own firearms, I know how to use them. DH is training DSs in the proper use and care of guns. I think back to the old days when boys younger than my own had their own guns and were responsible for bringing home the family dinner. My guys would have loved that.

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I grew up in San Diego and my father taught all 4 of us as children. Now Ds is also very interested. I haven't done it in a while, guns are illegal in Mexico, but I would like to see if we can do archery here and shooting when state side. Just have to see where we can do archery.



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We are all comfortable with firearms. We have a collection.


My father was a sniper during Vietnam. He taught me when I was young. I taught my boys. My DH learned from some friends when he moved from the city to a country town in high school.


The boys and I target practice in the back yard (lots of acreage) or go to the the local "National Forest Range" This is fun because you get to test your skills against other's.

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I grew up shooting but haven't in a long while. I've actually been trying to talk my dh (an ex-marine) into buying a gun. He's a no-go right now. I do remember a time when my brothers and I were shooting skeet with a shotgun and my dad finally said I could try his "little" handgun. I don't know what it was but it knocked me on my butt.:tongue_smilie: I remember thinking that since it was smaller it shouldn't have been more powerful - I learned a valuable lesson that day.

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I shot for the first time a year ago. That's when I discovered I really needed to have my eyes checked, lol! My dh has a membership at a gun range and I should go with him again sometime. I need to improve. If we ever had an intruder, I'd really do some damage to his shins.

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Dh and I have gone shooting numerous time. My dad is a member of a local gun club and takes us. Our 7 yr old has taken to shooting with the jr rifle club. She seems to be natural. I know what you mean about taboo, though. It can elicit strong responses. But, I feel good about dd's training and rigid sense of safety with handling and what not. They have taught her to be hyper-vigilant.


It is amusing, though, to hear dd tell people "we don't hunt animals. We only shoot paper." (she is a real animal lover).

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I'm a very good shot and enjoy taking target practice with a pistol, or shooting skeet with a good shotgun. But I don't keep a gun in our home.


Archery is also something I enjoy, and plan to start with my son soon. We have a wonderful archery range near our home.


But for the ultimate target practice there is noting quite like a harpoon :D



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I feel like there's this big secret in my real life. I don't even think my mom knows. I shoot guns with dh. In fact just this morning he invited me along with a couple of his friends to shoot at an outdoor range. We all shot our own guns and then James let us shoot some of his. He must have brought 10!


Anyway, I feel like it's a taboo subject around here. I'm a city girl and I shoot guns. There I said it.


Anyone else?



I don't, but I admire you for it. We have talked about taking lessons as a family when our son a little older. So, what's a good age for that? He is 8 now. We are thinking 10-12ish.

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I don't, but I admire you for it. We have talked about taking lessons as a family when our son a little older. So, what's a good age for that? He is 8 now. We are thinking 10-12ish.


I don't know much at all! But I think it's more of a maturity thing than an age thing. My dh takes our son to shoot, but due to the rules of the range we belong to, ds can only shoot a 22 rifle. DS doesn't care. He loves to go! DS is 9 1/2. Dh has been taking him for about a year.


What's going to be interesting is that at 16, the range allows them to shoot pistols. DH and I both want oldest dd to be able to shoot. I don't think she cares but at 16 she will be taken to the range and taught to shoot with our 22 pistol.

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Oh yes. But, we haven't had the time for a few years. Dh was a little surprised the first time he took me shooting.:D We do keep guns in our home. We do not usually hunt. We usually just kill skeet, potatoes, old fruit, aluminum cans...

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Oh yes. But, we haven't had the time for a few years. Dh was a little surprised the first time he took me shooting.:D We do keep guns in our home. We do not usually hunt. We usually just kill skeet, potatoes, old fruit, aluminum cans...


You know what's fun? Shoot those little "jugs" of juice. The kiddos love it. :001_smile:

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Dh grew up in the wilds of Montana and Wyoming. His family hunted for food. My father did the same. So...shooting heritage on both sides. My boys are in Boy Scouts - hence, rifle and shotgun merit badges. While not original Okies, we do fit right in with "clinging to our guns and Bibles" :lol:


Last week a local gun museum hosted a shoot-out for the kids and adults of the community. I didn't know about the adult shoot, but took the boys to the kids shoot. While there (we know the director) I was asked to shoot the BB gun also. I did...and was told that if I had come to the adult shoot I would have placed in the top 3! I would have beaten the sheriff and several police officers!

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