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What if we ALL signed our posts like SpyCar?

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Oh, what a world it would be! I have been planning next year's lessons/curriculum/calendar/craziness and am feeling COMPLETELY overwhelmed. I am going from teaching one to teaching THREE in one fell swoop. (My son learned to read last year, but it was very casual, just us sitting around on the couch reading, nothing planned out. He learned a lot of spelling and math, but it was mostly just us answering his questions, not planned lessons.)


I started thinking about the ways I would sign off right now:


~Cyndi, who could REALLY use some peace and quiet right now!


~Cyndi, whose brother won't stop texting her for pork chop recipes


~Cyndi, whose husband's MIL is driving her crazy.


~Cyndi, whose laundry is staring at her from the basket, just waiting to be folded.


~Cyndi, who is now hitting the 'submit' button. :tongue_smilie:

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Lisaloo-who wonders if she could use dried organic eggs to make mayo.

Lisaloo-who really should be in another state working on her forever home.

Lisaloo-who ought to get off her ample bohonkus and do some house work, but keeps putting it off for fear of aggravating her broken rib.

Lisaloo- who wonders why at a certain age her feet dried up and her face got oily.

I could go on and on.

Lisaloo- who thinks Cyndi is onto something and we should all imitate SpyCar, and hope he would look on it as flattery.

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I hear you. I was there last week. Keep going!




--Rose, who is simultaneously participating in a 4-way DDR competition


--Rose, who is installing Final Cut


--Rose, who is worried about the pizza dough we didn't end up using yesterday


--Rose, who is a throne for a sick cat


--Rose, who is scheduling The Trail Guide to World Geography


--Rose, who is starting to wonder why her four-year-old has been so quiet for so long

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~jane, who really hasn't been off the computer in the past three days except to feed her kids who are taking a break from schoolwork this week due to show schedules.

Edited by Mejane
because I forgot the little squiggly before my name.
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--Rose, who is worried about the pizza dough we didn't end up using yesterday





OHMYNOODness! I just remembered that I have bread dough (actually Unsloppy Joe roll dough) in the fridge from Tuesday!!!! :001_huh:


~Cyndi who is grateful to Rosie and now wondering if this needs it's very own "would you eat this?" thread. :lol:

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~Sarah, who is grubby from gardening and needs a shower


~Sarah, who is on the couch surrounded by physics books and cookbooks


~Sarah, who really needs to buy groceries


~Sarah, who is looking for chicken recipes as creative and simple as the vegetarian recipes she's been eating for twenty years


~Sarah, who really just wants to watch glee.

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~Sophia, who laughed while she read all these, but is still pondering if

"~Cyndi, whose husband's MIL is driving her crazy." is really being driven crazy by her own mom (isn't that her dh's mil?) and the only reason to ponder this is because it beats going to the gym ;)

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~Sophia, who laughed while she read all these, but is still pondering if

"~Cyndi, whose husband's MIL is driving her crazy." is really being driven crazy by her own mom (isn't that her dh's mil?) and the only reason to ponder this is because it beats going to the gym ;)



Yup, it's my mom. She lives with us and it's easier for me to distance myself a bit by calling her HIS MIL. I sent dh a text one day that read,"I HAVE to get out of here tomorrow! Anywhere, somewhere, don't care, just not here!" He replied,"Is it my MIL or the kids?" :tongue_smilie:


~Cyndi, deep deep deep in denial, who doesn't want you to disturb her here because the water is just fine, thankyouverymuch! ;)

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~Paula, who couldn't find the d@!! squiggly line on her computer


~Paula, who knows stubborn can be a good thing as an adult, but can be trying in a 12 year old


~Paula, who is quite glad its Friday


~Paula, who is going to nap as son as ds is done reading


~Paula, who really wishes there were chocolate in the house


~Paula (who is always forgetting something, like parentheses)

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Leslie (who is trying not to forget the parentheses)

Leslie (who is looking back at Bill's post to make sure I spell "parentheses" correctly)

Leslie (who is doing the happy dance around the room because the kids just finished their state required standardized testing!!!)

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~Karen, who prefers not to emulate Spy Car

:lol: Oh stop that. He has his good points too.

~Paula, who couldn't find the d@!! squiggly line on her computer


~Paula, who knows stubborn can be a good thing as an adult, but can be trying in a 12 year old


~Paula, who is quite glad its Friday


~Paula, who is going to nap as son as ds is done reading


~Paula, who really wishes there were chocolate in the house


~Paula (who is always forgetting something, like parentheses)


~Gretchen (who wishes Paula lived closer, so that I may share my chocolate with her.:D)

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~Cyndi, whose husband's MIL is driving her crazy.
Isn't that your mother?



~Chucki, (who is going to get back to lesson planning since she only meant to ask one question in the curriculum board and had no business coming to the general board.)


ETA: Okay, got it - your mother. I didn't read far enough because the statement really threw me.:lol:


~Chucki, (who is really going back to lesson planning now.)

Edited by Parrothead
I needed to add the ()
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~Kim (who wonders how I am supposed to plan a campout for Girl Scouts when the thought of camping makes me want to cry.)

~Kim (who is terriffied of being mauled by a bear even though campout is in my back yard!!)

~Kim (who is obviously irrational.)

~Kim (who feels fantastic because she is actually getting out of bed to exercise.)

~Kim (who is craving s'mores but it goes against the exercise.)

Edited by caitlinsmom
blasted parentheses.
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It does share a bit more of ourselves than simply replying and staying on topic.


Gin (who is pondering the aquatic ape theory while resting from disassembling furniture while contemplating yet another cross country move and tinkering with the idea of doing a seahorse/undersea crewel project and also thinking she is bugging others with this run-on 'sentence' which lacks punctuation and realizes she is thinking about TOO MANY THINGS)

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Guest Katia

~Kat (who forgot to soak the beans for the chili last night and is waiting for them to be ready to add to the chili pot)


~Kat (who is teaching her dd to do her own laundry today for when she goes off to college in the fall)


~Kat (who needs to go to town today to purchase 8 graduation cards and gifts for this weekend with a total of $40, sigh)


~Kat (who loves reading all of Bill's posts, as they usually make me laugh or at least smile)

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~Kim (who wonders how I am supposed to plan a campout for Girl Scouts when the thought of camping makes me want to cry.)

~Kim (who is terriffied of being mauled by a bear even though campout is in my back yard!!)

~Kim (who is obviously irrational.)

~Kim (who feels fantastic because she is actually getting out of bed to exercise.)

~Kim (who is craving s'mores but it goes against the exercise.)


A gift for you.


~Shannon (who has wasted way too much time playing Pacman on google)

~Shannon (whose house is very quiet because Dad took the littles on errands [see distractions thread])

~Shannon (who really should be prepping for her Sunday school class considering that Saturday will be spent at a swim meet and horse show [all.day.long])

~Shannon (who likes parenthesis so much, she puts parenthesis inside her parenthesis)

Edited by Shannon831
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Apryl (who just snuck a cookie out of the box meant for dessert tonight)


Apryl (who is enjoying our brief 3 week schooling break)


Apryl (who although is looking forward to a visit from the inlaws, wishes they had sheduled it DURING our break)


Apryl (who really should be de-cluttering the school room like I told myself I would)

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Tap~ who is glad she finally resulted in raising her voice at her dd for guessing on her long division, dd cracked, finally applied herself and SHE GOT IT! She is now doing them, over and over, totally getting it! YEAH!!!!!


Tap~who wishes this revelation would have came to dd before she took her state assessment test (she still did very well).


Tap~who is consoling a friend via text about her favorite uncle who committed suicide.


Tap~who should probably go take a shower and get on with her day.



Tap~who is a format rebel

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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What fun!


Starr (Who is on a field trip with dc spending a lovely, sun filled day at the Cloisters in NYC. :D )


Starr (Who can barley move from all the sun, walking and history.)


Starr (Who has a whole week of this!)

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MamaT (Who is glad today was our last day of school for a while)


MamaT (Who is thinking about not giving the chocolate she bought for the kids to celebrate the last day of school and eating it herself)


MamaT (Who has been whining to dh on the phone about our house being the weekend hangout for too many teenage boys)


MamaT (Who is hoping her 11yo's baseball game gets rained out and yes - I know that's awful of me)

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I don't know about wanting to emulate anyone but this is a great idea. I would have more fun thinking of how to give an honest picture of what's going on at the moment than the post I'm probably making. :)


I could be:


Jessica, who's really needs to go do some yard work, but it's so very, very hot out there today!


Jessica, who's a nervous wreck over her first time high school planning. My favorite phrase today is "What if...?"


Jessica, who secretly is loving every moment of my house being quiet because 2 out of the 3 boys we have are out of the house!


Jessica, who wishes Susan Bauer would come make her high school curriculum decisions for her.


Officially though:


Jessica, I really want a nap!

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Paula (who thinks Bill should host a math play-date for all of the TWTM members who didn't have to ask what his siggie meant.;))


Paula (who would rather contemplate how to schedule next year's history than prepare for next week's spelling lessons...)


Paula (who is certain it is Friday b/c of the insane MESS of a house she is avoiding)

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