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When do you start putting gifts under the tree?

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I've always put them out over the course of the week before Christmas. The kids enjoy looking at and shaking them. :) Christmas Eve, we put out "Santa", stockings, and a few other gifts. This is how it was when I grew up, too.


This year, I'm thinking of hiding all gifts and putting them all under the tree Christmas Eve, after the kids go to bed. I'm just wondering what others do.

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I do the majority of my shopping online. I wrap the gifts and put them under the tree each afternoon when deliveries arrive.

I love the look of pretty packages under the tree.


My boys have never bothered them.


This is what I do too. St Nicholas doesn't bring any presents ... just stockings on Christmas morning so there is no reason for me to hold any presents back.


My kids are very interested in the presents but they don't know which ones are theirs because my sister and I have three kids between the two of us. We're naming all the presents Huey, Duey, and Luey. They won't know who Huey, Duey, and Luey are until it's time to open the presents! (Actually they've got a pretty good idea that Luey is the baby because those presents "rattle" like a baby's present would. Clever kids!)

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We put everyone else's gifts under the tree as they are purchased and wrapped, because it looks pretty and festive. But the ones for our family (that we will open together on Christmas morning) go under after the kids go to bed on Christmas eve, same as when we had Santa coming. Then I leave all the tree lights on, the little Christmas Village lights on and turn on Christmas music before I go to bed so its still a magical awakening in the morning. :)

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HOURS after the girls go to bed on Christmas Eve...all the wrapping will be done in advance.


But this year we are going to Seattle for Christmas on Eve morning, so we're going to have family gifts here in the desert on the 23rd. I'm actually really looking forward to it. I think Christmas Eve services are going to be SO much more meaningful knowing they aren't dwelling on what they are getting "tomorrow morning."

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These days, gifts go under the tree as soon as they are wrapped. I like adding a few each day.


In years past when I had a home business, a lot of people were picking up orders during December. I really didn't like the look of *tons* of packages under the tree...too obvious and a slight potential for tempting a break in. (Surely not from my clients, but you never know....)


I gathered all the kid's teddy bears and stuffed critters, put a pretty Christmas bow on each one, and placed them under the tree. It was more than cute.

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We always put them out as I wrapped them and stockings were found filled Christmas morning. I have loved seeing the fun build under the tree.


This year, the presents are building on the top of a cabinet in the garage, out of reach of our ds. At least he can see them. He is terribly upset that everyone gets presents. He thinks all the presents should be for him. I think there is some confusion that I am not getting, because he cries about it every time we talk about everyone getting something. We will keep working on it. I just hope he is more generous in spirit on Christmas morning. I would have trouble with a child crying whenever someone else gets a present. We will have 5 people, who will not have their own families with whom to celebrate. We just wanted to share this year even more than usual, so I hope he will be on the same page.

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When I was growing up, presents for the extended family went under the tree as they were wrapped, then prezzies for us kids went out after we were in bed on Christmas Eve. I'll do the same here, once the kids are past toddlerhood and can be trusted not to open Nanna's present ;)



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Most years I put them under as I wrap. Or in a couple of wrapping sessions. But this year...I have a very active almost-1 year old who would shred everything she could get her hands on. So I have stacks on top of my dining room table, buffet, etc. ;-)

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I hide all of the gifts until Christmas Eve. We put them under the tree and fill the stockings after the kids have fallen asleep.


One year, we put the gifts under the tree as I bought and wrapped them. None of us liked it. It took away from the Christmas morning surprise.


We don't do Santa...so our waiting has nothing to do with Santa bringing gifts overnight.

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We put wrapped presents under the tree as they are ready in the week before Christmas and then put out one or two gifts from Santa on Christmas Eve after the kids are in bed.


This year I've borrowed an idea I found on here...all of the presents are addressed to Santa's different reindeer so nobody knows which ones are theirs. It has been very fun with the kids...so thank you to whomever suggested that. We are loving it! (Dh is afraid I'll lose the list though...).

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As soon as the tree goes up, and as packages arrive. This was the first year the dc have been really good about staying out of things, though. It probably helped that they just had eight nights of gifts (albeit small ones aside from tonight) to distract them from what is sitting under the tree.

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Presents go under the tree late christmas eve night once everyone is in bed. I will put a couple of new board games I bought under the tree the night before christmas eve. Christmas eve for us is full of family fun and of course a huge meal.


The kids will put their gifts under the tree for each other sometime christmas eve. We will open those later that night.

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We've always put them out as they were wrapped. We never gave gifts in the name of Santa (greedy -- we wanted them to know the gifts were from us LOL), so the Christmas morning thing was never really needed.


This year, though, I decided we'd put a couple of the gifts for the boys from us under the tree now and then the rest when we leave my parent's house on Christmas Eve. My parents' presents to the boys are already under the tree. I wanted them to be surprised by the presents this year.

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We do all of ours late Christma Eve/Christmas morning, around 1 a.m.


It's a combination of animals/little kids/nosy big kids but MOSTLY we like the fact they went to bed and there were no presents, and they woke up the next morning, and the tree was FULL of presents. It's quite exciting for them.


Plus I remember what me and my sibling did when we were younger: we opened all the presents we could find, by slitting the tape at the paper seam, so you could never tell, peaking and then putting another piece of tape right on top of that one. My mother never knew until we were older and told her.

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Only the gifts from the kids to each other, and our traditional PJ gift goes under the tree. I buy the funniest , craziest PJ's I can find for each child. That's the gift they open on Christmas Eve. They shower, put it on, and go to bed, they wear them the entire day for Christmas. Last year my ds was mortified, his was a superman PJ w/ cape.:) I have done it since they were babies, they always start talking about the PJ's around T-giving..lol

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Guest janainaz

We only put them out Christmas eve after my kids go to bed. I like the big suprise in the morning.


My sister and I used to slice the tape on packages, carefully unwrap and see what our gifts were, and then re-wrap the gift putting transparent tape over the other tape. You could never tell they had been opened. We finally got caught one year when my sister handed me a package and I said, "No, not the socks, the other one." I don't think my kids are devious like we were, but I'm not going to chance it.

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We put them under the tree after the kiddos are in bed on Christmas eve. The only presents out before that are the boxes containing their Christmas pjs. I love seeing their faces on Christmas morning when they see the tree with presents. I also love spending time on Christmas eve with dh talking about the kiddos and what we know they are going to enjoy as we put everything under the tree.

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We only put them out Christmas eve after my kids go to bed. I like the big suprise in the morning.




My sister and I used to slice the tape on packages, carefully unwrap and see what our gifts were, and then re-wrap the gift putting transparent tape over the other tape. You could never tell they had been opened. We finally got caught one year when my sister handed me a package and I said, "No, not the socks, the other one." I don't think my kids are devious like we were, but I'm not going to chance it.


:lol: What a way to get caught!


I used to open gifts, too, only I was an expert in peeling the tape back without taking any of the paper with it.

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