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Random Vents (feel free to vent here )


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WE all need to get random things off our chest sometimes, so here is your chance for the holidays. Purge the negative energy from your life, and make room for a more positive light to warm you from the inside out.


If you have something irritating you, nagging at you, or just downright angering you....feel free to let loose here.


Complete sentences not required.

It doesn't even have to make sense.

Just let loose and let go.

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I wish Mr. Smarty Pants would have continued sounding out his spelling words and looking up at me for hints, rather than getting all confident and writing the words, often wrong, before I even get my "example sentence" out. I have to vacuum daily to pick up all the eraser crumbs.


"I want to spell it without your help!"

"I want you to spell it correctly."

"Well, I want to spell it without your help!"

"That vowel combo is the third sound of..."

"Nuh, nuh, nuh! I want to spell it without your help!"

A few moments of mutual hairpulling later:

"Are you done? I know ee can make a long e sound, but other letters can too, and in this case...."

"OOOOOH, I get it..."


"Nuh, nuh, nuh! I want to spell it without your help! Why do all my pencils have worn down erasers. Dang!"


(In two months, this will have passed and he will be annoying me with something else.)

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I annoyed that my MIL's idea of Thanksgiving dinner meant everything straight from the can. ick. Instant potatoes, boxed stuffing, jar gravy, canned sweet potatoes with marshmellows melted in microwave. Ick.


Thank goodness we host Christmas dinner, where everything is homemade.

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People who leave their plates, cups on the dining room table. It is only a few steps to the kitchen, folks. I am not your maid!! The table is where paperwork, etc. happens.

(Note - it is NOT the kids doing this!!!)


People who read the newspaper in the living room and leave it draped over the chairs, couch, coffee table - it goes back, folded, onto the corner of the dining room table!


People who chew food with their mouths WIDE OPEN, smacking their lips and generally being gross. Again - not my well-trained kids doing this.


Drivers almost hitting me because the cell phone smashed against their ear prevents them from noticing other drivers on the road!!!!!

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Ok, I'm frustrated that I study how and what to learn with my daughter, and she'd rather do anything than study. Especially read books that have no value... like... Twilight.




:iagree: that and...


I can't say the other because I don't know yet if it's a legitimate rant or just self pity and complaining! I'll think about it and maybe post later.:glare:

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Drivers almost hitting me because the cell phone smashed against their ear prevents them from noticing other drivers on the road!!!!!




People who appear to be adults, but act like they're about 12.


People who text me. I DON'T TEXT, DON'T SEND THEM TO ME!


That's all I've got right now. But, I'm going out in public today, so I'm sure I'll have more by the end of the day! LOL

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That was the way my MIL fixed things too. Bless her heart, she's been gone 20yrs now. Oh, and to liven things up and make it special she would add Ritz crackers. :) dang I miss her.


But I make everything from scratch, taught DH how to do that too.

Edited by Blue Hen
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Drivers almost hitting me because the cell phone smashed against their ear prevents them from noticing other drivers on the road!!!!!




My computer is acting up and I so don't want to buy a new one. Backing up stuff and moving it is so annoying (even if it is my husband that actually does the work lol).


It is going to get cold and rainy here tomorrow, and I don't like it. :glare:

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Packing is driving me crazy! Why does my house have to be magazine perfect so we can sell it? This house was a disaster when we bought it..gross shag carpet from the 70's..falling down celings, bad plumbing. I envy the person that gets my house now that everything is fixed and we are moving!!!


Teenagers who want to go to mall instead of working on said house.


Where did all these clothes come from ahhhh!

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My computer is acting up and I so don't want to buy a new one. Backing up stuff and moving it is so annoying


Going through the same thing. I got a new computer back in April, but until Thursday night it was still in the box because I didn't want to deal with moving stuff from one computer to the other. Well, on Thanksgiving my father and sister decided that they were tired of hearing me yelling, grumbling, griping, and saying not-so-nice things about the old computer, so they set up the new one.


I still haven't moved my stuff from the old one so it's also set up .... on the dining room table. We're supposed to have our turkey dinner today, so I'm not sure how that's going to work.... But I'm not done with that stupid computer yet and still don't want to work on moving my stuff...:glare:

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Yep. The desk top is a dinosaur; nobody wants to use it. Yet it holds nearly our entire lives.



My computer is acting up and I so don't want to buy a new one. Backing up stuff and moving it is so annoying (even if it is my husband that actually does the work lol).


It is going to get cold and rainy here tomorrow, and I don't like it. :glare:

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Just tried to print out a PBS wrapper on my new computer. Had to download and install adobe. It doesn't look the same... not the same version I used to have... not sure what version I had, but I'm used to it...


Printer is not working the same either since I had to reinstall it... after having to download the driver because I couldn't find the stupid disc... going to have to readjust printer settings....


It used to only take a few seconds to print a PBS wrapper....



I am grateful for the new computer. I am grateful for the new computer. I am grateful for the new computer. I am grateful for the new computer. I am grateful for the new computer. I am grateful for the new computer. I am grateful for the new computer....

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Family members who think that they are helping by ranting about everything my mom has done wrong about her health for the last 50 years (think smoking-heavy-drinking-sister and know-it-all-brother-who-moved-2000-miles-to-get-away-from-us) and that is why she is in the hospital right now and how all the doctors, nurses (and me) are doing everything wrong. I don't need a ***** session, I need help wading through this mess so that we can have a plan for helping mom. I cried in public after talking to said know-it-all brother.

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Don't put....... Pick up the...... why did you......where is the..........not in the livingroom........leave that alone... where is my........I'm not going to clean that up............never touch that again.....&$@*#


:lol::lol::lol: That is the soundtrack of my life...

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Here's mine:


The one...the ONE TIME...I do not procrastinate on something and do it right away (re-order a gift for my MIL to give to my DH because the first one doesn't appear to be coming at all), I get kicked in the rear. I placed the new order first thing this morning, and MIL just called to say that the package arrived today in the mail :banghead: Now I have to try to cancel my own order with a company that, from all reports, has horrible customer service. Note to self: Not all procrastination is bad.

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Here's mine: We moved in May due to dh getting a new job after being in the AF. Everyone told me how the housing market was doing well, so old house should sell quickly. Uh, no. Still hasn't happened. May have to foreclose because we can't keep paying for 2 homes. We would love to move back to our old home, but can't pay for moving expenses and dh doesn't have a job there. If the house had sold, we were going to fly to see our parents around now. However, we now have no money at all for such a trip and driving would take us 2-3 days to get there, plus travel/hotel expenses. Plus the kids and I are due back at the eye dr, but I can't afford new glasses right now. My computer died a ways back and I'm stuck on dh's mac (which I loathe) since we can't get a new one.


A money tree.....I just....need....a....money tree.........

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I'm a new mil myself and yes, I've been guilty of cooking everything from a can. At least, I got the dinner on the table in the past. It seems that it's a new trend to cook everything from scratch. I agree that it's healthy and delicious and I prefer that myself but we in our generation can't all be enlightened overnight. Funny thing though is I remember the health food craze back in the seventies where everything had to be freshly picked and cooked from scratch.

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I do NOT want to be chauffeur. Do NOT. I HATE driving. I want to stay home. One day. Just ONE day.


MON: Dentist Tues: OT WED: Psych testing (5 hours, total) Thur: Bible Study (I'll need it by then!) FRI: Violin and Piano Sat & Sun, various holiday activities NEXT WEEK: MON: Counseling TUE: OT WED HOME!!!!!!!!


I still need to schedule another Dentist Appt, and 2 opthalmology appts. And somewhere in all that, I'm suppose to homeschool, right?!?!

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Why is it that Every Single Time I go into the (very small) kitchen to start cooking dinner, my husband has to come in to fix himself a snack? Or put water on for tea? Every day, at 5:00 I go into the kitchen to start our evening meal. He's had about an hour to get his snack or his tea. Or he's had all afternoon, if he's home that day.


And why is it, that while I'm in the middle of cooking the THANKSGIVING DAY MEAL, he has to cook himself a HAMBURGER at 11:00 am?


These are simple questions, yes? :)


Other than that... he's the best husband a lady could ever want. :)

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Last week on our way home from Disney, a crazy woman turned around and screamed at DS, "Quit stomping your feet!" DS was quietly reading his book and hadn't moved a muscle other than his page-turning hand through the entire flight. Her unprovoked attack upset him greatly. Urrrgh.


On Wed. at the big kids' piano lessons, DD3 and DS2 were super-tired (see above:)) We were in a big room on the upper floor of a music store. NO ONE ELSE was anywhere near us or even on the same story of the building. We were doing our best to keep them happy and quiet until we got home for naps. In the 40 minutes that we were there, they screamed 5-6 times for approx. 3-4 seconds. The woman who works in the store came all the way upstairs to tell me that they simply had to "cut out the screaming." We've been taking lessons there for 3 years. My DC are well-behaved and supervised. I really thought that the store owner/employees could have been a little more gracious and understanding.


I like this random vent thing...

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My dog ate all the turkey leftovers...several pounds of the best turkey I ever cooked! We have company and it would have fed them for days...sandwiches, soup, etc. DS8 left it out on the counter, uncovered and unattended. He may be grounded for life.


My sister says that my kids have SPD because they are homeschooled and I isolate them from "real life." She told her kids that tormenting my kids until they had meltdowns was good for them because it exposed them to the realities of peer interactions. :glare:


I think that's it for today!

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Dd's - who are old enough to know better - who are right behind me as I clean messing it back up again.


Handing either dd an item - any item - saying, "Go put this away." Then finding it on the kitchen counter the next time I walk by. (Yelling) "Is this where this goes???!!!!"

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It's not as if I'm actually doing them: I'm only supervising. I don't want the bathroom to be refitted (it was wrecked by the previous owners who let it get damp), the attic to be converted, the nasty overgrown hedge to be replaced by a windbreak, the spindly trees in the wood to be thinned out and replaced, fruit trees to be planted....


I moved the entire family across the world last year. Home education is getting tougher by the month. I'm exhausted. I want all those projects to be done, but I don't, don't, don't want to have to do a single thing to get them done. I could stop the projects, but trees that aren't planned and planted this year will be one year later in growing in. The attic conversion will make the household run very much more smoothly by giving us a family room. If that bathroom is done up, then husband won't wake me up every morning by turning on the light in our ensuite. But I don't want to do it! Any of it! And the boiler is dying.



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Stupid head cold that has for THREE DAYS NOW prevented me from sleeping at night. Or doing anything productive during the day.


My lack of sleep is caused by a baby, but I know how this feels. I'm tired of sucking at everything (especially parenting) because I haven't had a decent night sleep in, ohhhh, long time. And a special note to any other adult in the house: If I *ever* fall asleep on the couch (and I only attempt this about 4 times per year,) I want you to take the kids outside to play *before* the toddler climbs onto my head. I can't sleep with people standing on my head. And what's more, if I'm so tired I've been screaming at you about it, with tears pouring down my face, I am not in a position to be capable of politely explaining my predicament and casually requesting you direct the toddler away from my head. I EXPECT YOU TO NOTICE!!!!!!


Mamma commandement #1: Thou shalt not live on stimulants alone.

The woman needs sleep. Every day, actually.


Mamma commandement #2: Do not dare wake the woman of the house, then, when she stumbles unhappily out of the bedroom, kiss her and head back to sleep another two hours. To cuddle up with her pillow is further insult.


Mamma commandement #3: If you have broken the previous commandement, don't expect a gracious answer when you finally surface and thank her kindly for letting you sleep.


Woe is mEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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OK, I feel a little childish being upset about this, but here goes:


We don't do a big party or anything fancy for birthdays usually, but since we are now living with my inlaws, and my mom is in the same town, we decided to cook a beef rib roast and have my mom over for a nice dinner on my birthday. My mom would never buy and cook this for herself, and she enjoys this, so it's a real treat for her. My birthday falls on a Saturday this year, so my son was happy to be able to celebrate on my actual birthday instead of waiting til the weekend. Everything seemed set, but then mil told us that she checked with sil, and she needs a babysitter on that day so they can take a trip into the city for the day. It seems that whatever is going on around here, SIL manages to @^##^ it up! (stomping foot) My dh is really mad, and we decided to take my mom out to dinner on my birthday instead, and if the inlaws can't make it - oh well. He refused to change the date of our plans because of his sister, and I have to admit my feelings were hurt.

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I HATE HATE HATE having sensitive skin.


I ran out of All Free and Clear liquid laundry soap, the only kind I know that my skin and my son's skin can handle. Even then, I only use 1/2 the required amount and double rinse every time. So, I used some Arm and Hammer Sensitive Skin liquid I had in my cellar instead. Even using 1/2 the required amount and double rinse, it bothered my skin. But I was so busy, I kept forgetting to buy more All. Each day my skin got itchier and itchier until my legs are now shredded. I have a rash from my waist down to my ankles. Some of it is just itchy, red bumps and sores (from where I've scratched the skin off). Some of it is patches that look like eczema. I have All now but my skin is taking FOREVER to heal...and I'm still itchy. It's torture, and there's no way I can sit without a TON of fidgeting, squirming, and itching. And the worst of it is behind my knees, the tops of my thighs, and my bottom (the crease where my thighs and butt meet)...not the best or easiest places to be trying to itch through jeans in public. Ugh!

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I'm sick. Bronchitis. Took kids to their event anyway...husband went hunting....noble me. Supposed to be picked up from church at noon. I get a missed call from one of kids at 11...can't reach when I try to return call.....decide they 'need' me to go get them early. Sit by my sick self in the car till noon thirty waiting on them. Turns out they had pizza...that's why they took longer. Were they concerned about their ill mother waiting for an hour and a half in the cold car? Could they call to explain? Heck no. After all, they had pizza. Feeling pretty non-noble now. More doormat-ish. I may go on strike. :angry:

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Oh, and my MIL. Who I really do care for and is not a bad person but......she is who she is and a lot of the things she does bug the heck out of me. My tolerance level goes way down when I have the above mentioned problem. Stupid cramps.

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Hoodie. Why wasn't "hooded sweatshirt" good enough? Why does it have to be shortened to something cutesy?


Cami. Camisoles used to be UNDERclothing; now they're OUTERwear, and someone's going to make it all better by making the name cutesy?


Tranny. There's nothing at all cute about a transmission. Why can't we just use the real name? And why does *everyone* seem to be using this term all of a sudden?


Patchy Freezing Fog. What the heck is this anyway? And why is it in our forecast for EVERY NIGHT this week?! And why is this phenomenon NEVER "widespread" but always, ALWAYS, "patchy?"


Hazy Hot and Humid. Another weather term that I can't stand. The good news is that I NEVER see this now where we live. Woohoo!


I like this thread! It's good to get the vents out. I feel cleansed ; ).

Edited by WTMCassandra
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I'm 35 weeks preggo with a 4th baby that has been head down, ENGAGED !!!, engaged people!!! for two weeks. I'm suppossed to not move until 36 weeks for fear the baby will fall out. I have fast and furious labors and a baby in that position even with no dilation can come out in under an hour. And I had to get through Thanksgiving and a birthday in this position!!!


MIL stopped several years ago calling to discuss ANY plans with me because I told her the truth if those plans didn't work with ours. She now calls hubby who tells her okay fine on everything. Why he can't ask me first I don't know but now she is coming this week at SOME POINT. Because she can't be bothered to set a blasted date and time. So I am to be on ready set for some visit sometime this week WHILE not moving due to first rant! I'm just not going to be able to get to the door to unlock it.:glare:


My very careful and responsible 3 year old used my digital camera to a take a pict. Something she always asks to do and always puts it back in it's designated spot. The camera is now MIA. We have torn the house apart to find it. It is nowhere. The same day we discovered the very irresponsible older boys lost my very favorite and non replaceable Christmas cd due to the lack of putting it back in the case. It is also nowhere to be found.


The baby blanket I knitted turned out to be wider than long and looks funny now though hubby has assured me over and over that it looks good. But anybody who knows anything about crafts will see just how obvious the screw ups are since one end didn't scallop and now you have to use it sideways which messes up the ripple effect.


SHew that feels better. THanks for random vent thread!:lol:

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