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What song are you singing today

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We were looking up name meanings this morning. I have a "Warrior" so now I can't stop singing...."Shooting at the walls of heartache...BANG! BANG! I aaaamm the warrior. Yes, I am the warriorrrrrr! and heart to heart you'll win...if you survive....the warrior! the warrior!"


Lord, please clear that low quality song OUT of my mind!

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Straitjacket by Alanis Morissette


This sh*t's making me mental

The way you nullify what's in my head

You say one thing, do another

And argue that's not what you did


Your ways making me mental

How you filter, askew, interpret

I swear you won't be happy til

I'm bound in a straitjacket


Sorry....I'm having on of THOSE days at work today.

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o, s, t, mus, tis, nt !


o, s, t, mus, tis, nt !




I almost spit popsicle on my computer. I was singing that earlier as I watched ds bounce up and down on his exercise ball.


We were looking up name meanings this morning. I have a "Warrior" so now I can't stop singing...."Shooting at the walls of heartache...BANG! BANG! I aaaamm the warrior. Yes, I am the warriorrrrrr! and heart to heart you'll win...if you survive....the warrior! the warrior!"


Lord, please clear that low quality song OUT of my mind!


This morning it was Survivor "Eye of the Tiger", I'd rather have the Warrior in my head.


During Classical Writing ds and I made up a song from our model. "on the fifth day they reached the mountain..." repeat in a sing song voice over and over while... yes, you guessed it, while bouncing on an exercise ball. :lol::lol:

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I can't get this one out of my mind, "Mama's little baby loves short bread, short bread, mama's little baby loves short bread stuff."


Edit: I just looked it up, and I'm singing it wrong. It's "mama's little baby love shortnin, shortnin, mama's little baby loves shortnin bread." Aaaah, now I can rest easy that I know the real words.

Edited by JenniferB
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I don't want to inflict my pain on others (at the moment :D) but anyone who listened to A Prairie Home Companion this week-end, and remembers the song Garrison had stuck in his head, and then had a female guest artist play (claiming falsely it was the only way to get it out your your head)...well, you know :tongue_smilie:


Bill (who wants it to stop!)

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Veggie Tales - Egads!! My dd17 has several VT songs on her iPod and was singing this today because she's going to be a pirate for halloween.


And now... silly songs with Larry...


We are the pirates who don't do anything

We just stay at home and lie around

And if you ask us to do anything

We'll just tell you we don't do anything.


And since I don't know the rest of the lyrics, I keep singing this first verse over and over in my mind.

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I'm hearing the descant to "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God". No, wait, it's worse; I'm hearing it coming out of my own mouth with the sounds of the choir and congregation and organ and brass playing the other parts all together.


What is wrong with this?


I haven't sung it like that for 2 years.


But I happened to think of it yesterday, and now I keep hearing it over and over.

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3 or 4 or 5 days max, you'll eventually get the song out of your head. Or so they say,


or so they say-aa-ay

or so they say :D

You've forced me to pull out

... (MAD, MAD... I tell you bwah, ha, ha, ha).


Take that!

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I've got all the songs from "Hello Dolly" in my head, since I'm in a production of it; we did four performances last week, and have three more this week. "Out there! There's a world outside of Yonkers!"


But I was listening to "Mamma Mia!" (the original cast soundtrack) over the weekend, too. So I have been singing "Mamma Mia" and "Thank You for the Music".



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Just had band practice today, and we're doing Silversun Pickups covers for fun and practice. (I play bass guitar.)


Very Fun! I have about 6 of their songs on continuous play in my head. ;)


Hehehehe, though now after reading this thread, Bananaphone is threatening to take over!

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I watched Juno last week and I still have the ending song in my head:


Here is the church and here is the steeple

We sure are cute for two ugly people

I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else

But you....


HA! I had that one in my head for 3 straight days until last night I caved and pulled out the soundtrack. It went away, only to be replaced by...


Oops, I did it again, played with your heart, ... got lost in the ...somethin', Oooh, baby, baby,...




(I don't like BS and I don't know any other words to the song, so its extra frustrating)

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