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How long is your dh's commute to work?

Guest kacifl

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I made this an issue when we chose our house. I knew how long it would take to get just ten little ol' miles in traffic. So, we live just six miles from where dh works. In his early, early morning commute, it takes him six minutes to get to work. In his late afternoon commute, it takes him 25-30 minutes to get home.


I can only imagine how bad his commute would have been if we had bought a house 20 or more miles away from his place of work.

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We are only 3 miles from I-95. My dh's work is another 14 or so miles north. It can take him anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and 30 minutes to commute. During the summer, when everyone and their brother are traveling via I-95, it takes him the longest to get home. Again, his commute is only 17 miles one-way!!


There was a job opening just up the street (about 2 miles) and I asked him to apply for it. He said it may be a salary decrease (10-20%). I argued that his time on the road and the wear and tear on him is worth taking the cut. There are so many things he misses out on because he is stuck in traffic (dinner, kids sports). I am crossing my fingers that he gets it.



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Well, currently it's about 30 seconds (dh has an office above our garage) but his two jobs before that were both an hour commute.


Ditto! LOL! My husband works from home, too! He also used to commute an hour each way for work. (He moved his business to our home 10 years ago and it's the best thing we've ever done as a family!).


(He does go out once or twice a week on sales calls, though, and they can take an hour or two each way to accomplish).

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As long as it takes to walk down the steps :lol: When he's in town, he works out of his home office. But when he "goes" to work, it usually involves airplane flights...he travels a lot. So our commute concerns are mostly how close we are to a major airport. Right now it takes him about 40 minutes to get to the airport.

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From front door to his office over an hour. He walks about 15 minutes to the train station, the train is 50 minutes, then he has about 10 - 15 minutes walk through downtown Chicago to his office in the Loop. He listens to his Zune/reads/chats with folks on the train ride, so it is not as bad as driving.


We chose our house to be able to have him walk to the train, so we only need one car.

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Dh got a new job last year which changed a commute of about 10-15 minutes down to about 2. His new office is very close to our house. However, he often isn't working out of the office, so may have to drive up to an hour away for different clients.

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NYC public transportation here. It takes dh less than an hour to get to work. This is with a 15 minute bus ride, a 30 minute train ride, and a few blocks to walk. Same coming home. (It's only 6 miles away, but morning rush hour and the fact that it's Manhattan make driving in ridiculous. I've driven to a hospital a few blocks from dh's work and it took about 8 minutes at 2am, lol. Wish it took 8 minutes all the time!)

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It depends on where he is working that day. He has four businesses and an office in downtown Asheville. If he is working at his office it takes him about 30 minutes. On Thursdays he makes a stop at all of his stores, and one is 70 miles away. He spends Thursdays driving. :001_smile:


We live out in the country north of town and none of us would change that for a shorter commute. Once we all wind up back at home, it is peaceful!

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15 minutes here. However, if/when we buy another house "further out" that will increase his drive time. I hate for my dd and I to spend less time with him, but to get away a little more from the city is appealing to all of us and we feel the advantages would outweigh the disadvantages. My dh said he'd be willing to travel 30-40 min one way.


We'll see how much further out we can go with the lesser side of a commute for him. HTH.

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We have had longer and shorter commutes -- all due to traffic, not distance -- and dh has driven, taken the bus, and taken the train/walked to work over the years. We find that over time, a long commute is *extremely* wearing and steals precious time from our family. There are ways to make commuting more tolerable, but overall, it's just so taxing... We would rather have a small house closer to dh's work (and other places we go regularly) than a much larger, "nicer" house farther out.

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1/2 hour - 15 min. in town, 15 min. on highway, backroads


When we move it will be less than 10 min. if the roads are clear (snow/ice wise, not traffic - we'll be living in a rural area)


Dh will be glad to make the change. He doesn't like city driving. In our city, just the stoplights drive him crazy. We don't have backed up traffic. I doubt I've waited through the same stoplight twice more than 5 times in three years, and those were due to construction or accidents.

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45 miles, 1 hour 15 minutes typically to commute without bad weather or accidents, but can be as long as 2 - 2.5 hours. We did this because we both wanted acreage and wanted to live in the country. When he's home, this is truly his haven.


I suggested moving closer to his work a couple of years back, he wouldn't hear of it. It's a small price to pay for complete privacy.

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I only read the first pages or so of responses, so forgive me if this has been said. I would encourage you to think about this decision in terms of what your family values, not on what is typical. For us, we value time with our children and the environment and want to do our part to reduce traffic congestion and emissions. So we felt very fortunate to be able to find a home within a mile of our work. (Housing prices have escalated in our area at such a shocking rate, there is no way we could do this now. Truly, we feel very lucky.) We both work part time on a college campus, and are able to walk or ride our bikes, though sometimes we need to drive if we have errands or children to shuttle.


If there is excellent public transportation near your husband's work, that, of course, might impact your decision as well. Anyway, think about what is important to you, in terms of your lifestyle and values.

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Depending on the time of day and traffic, 20 minutes to an hour. Since there are 2 ways to go, usually only about 30 minutes.


The commute was an issue but we LOVE it out here where we live and would not change for anything. Plus dh travels so much, he was gone all of June, July and most of August he really isn't driving *that* much. :D

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