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What did you do that was good for you today?

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So far, I've not killed the dog. I woke up to a huge "intestinal distress" mess and she is still alive, which is good, because had I killed her, I'd have been charged with animal cruelty and sent to jail, which would be bad for my mental health and well-being.


So far, that's all I got.

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The day is just getting going... BUT LAST NIGHT I did something very good for myself! I joined my dh out on the boat to watch the sun set on the delta.


I usually don't do that because it takes up a good amount of time... and if you know me, you know that life is about what needs to get done...


It was great... cooling off after a very hot day... watching the waves, enjoying the choppy waters and spray off of the boat, watching the sky change colors and get dark... having nothing to be able to do... to just "be".

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Woke up waaay early and got a jump start on chores. Wait, does that count as being for me? Dunno, but it sure makes me feel good. :D


I love hanging the clothes out to dry on a cool morning like we're enjoying the last couple of days. It's magic. Reading Peter Kreeft this morning too, and he says how those beautiful precious moments of joy also bring us sadness, because we want to fully enjoy them, to taste everything about them, but time is a river that pulls us onward toward death, and everything passes away. It gives a melancholy glow to all beauty.


Philosophy in the morning . . . I love it. :D

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Even though I'm battling morning sickness, I went out and picked fresh green beans and beets and did some weeding. They are simmering on the stove, to have some nourishing food for today.

A garden is good therapy for morning sickness. I even felt better out there in the fresh air.

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I worked in my garden. I was patting myself on the back for planting butterfly bushes and lots of bee-friendly flowers. It was lovely, all the flying and buzzing.

I also ate fresh organic snow peas from my garden for breakfast, with a fresh egg from one of my hens, which I scrambled with chives and scallions, also from my garden.

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I had a green smoothie for lunch--a big one with watermelon and romaine lettuce. I even convinced myelf it tasted like a root beer float. (It looked like one! :D).


Then I released the baby raccoon that was trapped in the garbage can, and cleaned up the mess. :glare:

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I painted my bedroom and my living room this weekend. Today, I am LOVING the color and organizing everything. My hubby thinks I'm crazy, but when my surroundings are in order and pretty, life is pretty.


Oh, and I had a salad and watched "The People's Court.":D




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I sent my kids up to the playroom to watch a dvd and I took a nap. I haven't been sleeping well since we moved (there's a huge skylight over our bed and there's enough light coming in at night to keep me from sleeping well) and this is just what I needed.

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WOW, good for you!


I had fake nails put on. :001_smile:


I cleaned the house to my standards. I did this for dh and my friend coming tomorrow but now that it's back to where it normally is, I feel so good that I feel like I did it for myself.



My older daughter waits to hear me walk to the bathroom in the morning so she can come lie in bed with me. I spoke to her a little bit but then told her I was tired. She went downstairs and I rolled over and stayed in bed until I *had* to get up to get to my nail appt.


I spent hours on the computer...... just because. :001_smile:


It's a start.


Boy do I miss walking!

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I worked out for an hour at the gym and wore my sexy black heels to work and didn't get too upset at myself when I was out of balance (I'm a bank teller) at the end of a very busy day. The out of balance thing is pretty big, I've been in balance every single day since I've started and while it's normal to be occasionally out of balance- I really didn't let it bother me. Of course it doesn't hurt to be over instead of under...and I know where I made the mistake- I transposed some numbers in one transaction.


Usually I would have allowed a mistake like that to ruin my mood, my day. Not today though!

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I ran 4 miles FOR ME today -- 2mi in the a.m. and 2mi this evening!



And, I had everyone get showered, ready for bed, do some quiet reading (as opposed to the kind of reading that is really LOUD :glare:) and had them in bed by 8:30pm -- which is a real treat with DH on travel.



And, I wet-swiffered the kitchen floor -- which made me feel so good. :001_smile:


And, I was nice to the dog - which I did for the dog and for me!


thanks for asking this! good thread!

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After class today I went to the Student Recreation Center that just opened up on campus--which I have a free membership to while I'm a student and for 2 years after graduation, since I helped pay for its construction--and swam 21 lengths of the pool, and rewarded myself with a 10-minute soak in the hot tub built for 30 while I watched the clouds overhead. Boil me bones!:001_smile:

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I cleaned my house.

On the surface it's not something that appears to be for me, but my guys will all be gone from 11am until 10pm tomorrow. Because my work is caught up and my house is clean, I am looking forward to a day to myself without obligations hovering in the background.

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I have a growth on my inner thigh. I went to the surgeon today to have it cut off. Before he takes it off, though, he told me that he wants to have a biopsy first as the growth looks 'suspicious.' The biopsy will be done in three weeks. If it is benign then we will decide if we need to take the rest of it off. If it is malignant, well, you know what that means.


So this is what I did today for me.

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I have a growth on my inner thigh. I went to the surgeon today to have it cut off. Before he takes it off, though, he told me that he wants to have a biopsy first as the growth looks 'suspicious.' The biopsy will be done in three weeks. If it is benign then we will decide if we need to take the rest of it off. If it is malignant, well, you know what that means.


So this is what I did today for me.



Take care of yourself!:grouphug:


I had a great workout this am and played on my new iphone. :)

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We moms are always taking care of everyone else...so what did you do good today to take care of you?


I walked 5 miles and listened to a new cd and have stuck to my weight watcher points. :D:D



I finished reading my latest mystery and just got out of a bubble bath.

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