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4th grade??


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DS (turns 9 in August):


Math: CLE, continue with 300 level, then onto 400

Spelling: Explode the Code 8, then onto Spelling Wisdom and Megawords

Grammar: Growing with Grammar 4

Writing: Writing Tales 1

Handwriting: Queen Pictures in Cursive

Logic: Logic Countdown, and Logic Safari 2

Latin: The Great Latin Adventure book 1

Computers: Scratch, maybe some logo, typing with Spongebob

History: SOTW 2

Science: A Child's Geography in the fall, Head To Toe science and Easy Make and Learn Projects Human Body in the winter, Home Science Adventures magnetism kit? in the spring

Music: Recorder and Piano Adventures

Memorization: IEW's Developing Linguistic Patterns Through Poetry Memorization

Homeschool Co-op classes (not sure yet what they will be)

PE: Basketball

Bible/Reading: Day by Day Kid's Bible

Greek: Greek Alphabet Code Cracker


It looks like a lot when I type it all out like that...but not every subject is done every day, and some things will only be done for part of the year (like the Greek Alphabet Code Cracker.) :001_smile:

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What are your 4th grade curriculum plans?? Or, what did you use last year for 4th grade?


We started 4th grade July 1st with . . .


Mathematics - Life of Fred + Living Math

Composition - Writing With Ease (dictation yr 3, narration yr 4)

Classics - Lively Latin 2, Elementary Greek 1

Music - Pianimals Book D

Memory Work - selections from Living Memory, Science Verse, and religious sources


Grammar - The Language Mechanic

History - Story of the World 2-3 (half of 2 last year, half of 3 this year, I think)

Geography - the Americas through crafts and living books

Logic - Art of Argument

Religion - Paganism: An Introduction by Higginbothams

Science - Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry Level II

Visual Arts - Artistic Pursuits 4-6 Book One

Literature - Timeless Themes (nonsectarian Bible) and Sutcliff's Homer


+ Spiral Scouts and cycling


It looks like a lot, but everything above the line break is done daily, and everything below it is scheduled for just once a week. So the kiddo's days are still pretty short.

Edited by dragons in the flower bed
I keep forgetting whole subject areas!
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Upcoming for Hobbes:


Maths: Galore Park Junior Maths 3 plus Life of Fred Fractions

English: Galore Park Junior English 3

Spelling: list from the internet

History: SOTW 3 plus Our Island Story and This Country of Ours

Science: Teaching Physics With Toys and RS4K Chemistry I

Logic: Logic Countdown/Liftoff

French: Galore Park So You Really Want to Learn French 1 (we did the first half this year)

Latin: Galore Park Latin Prep 1 (first half)

Mandarin: community school plus tutor

Greek: Galore Park Greek for Beginners (we are 2/3rds the way through, moving slowly)

Art: Draw Squad

Typing: Mavis Beacon

Recorder: Recorder From the Beginning Book 2

Music Theory: free online resource

Home-based speech therapy for stammer

Memorisation: various poetry

PE: swimming lessons, Karate, daily running


Plus cub scouts



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My 4th grader will be doing:


History: Mystery of History/SOTW (Ancients)

Science: Real Science 4 Kids Level 1

Geography: Trail Guide to World Geography/Geography Songs

Latin: Latin Prep 1

French: Auralog Tell Me More French

Bible: How to Study Your Bible for Kids/Bible Study Guide for All Ages

Logic: Building Thinking Skills

Math: Saxon 6/5/Life of Fred Fractions

English: Rod & Staff 4

Writing: Imitations in Writing Aesop



Last year my 4th grader used:


SOTW 4, Latin for Children A, Rod & Staff 3, A Child's Geography, Nancy Larson's Science 2, and Writing With Ease. We didn't do French.

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This is what my 4th grader will do in the fall.


R&S Math 4/5

Hands On Equations

R&S English 3

SL 3 - History, Science, Bible, Read-Alouds, Readers

SRA Spelling program


IEW Poetry Memorization and CC memory work

Daily Grams & Daily paragraph editing (alternate)

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Bible/History/Science/Music/Art - My Father's World: Creation to the Greeks


Math - Singapore Primary Math 3A/B


Language Arts - Learning Language Arts Through Literature Orange Book & Writing Strands 3 (also maybe Imitation in Writing Aesop, undecided)


Latin - Latin's Not So Tough 2, Matin Latin 1, Minimus/Secundus


Typing - Dance Mat Typing

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We'll be starting 4th in about three weeks. My dd will be doing:


Grammar/Spelling: CLE LA 500

Literary Analysis/Vocabulary: CLE Reading 600

Reading Skills: Finish Reading Detective 3/4

Writing: Learn to Write the Novel Way

Literature: Anne of Green Gables, Sherlock Holmes, Across Five Aprils, Number the Stars, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Prince and the Pauper, Journey to America, Dear Levi: Letters from the Overland Trail

Memory Work: Bible Verses, Poems by Longfellow, Frost, Shakespeare, Yeats, (just cuz I have their poems)


Bible: reading the bible, Jashub's Journal


Math and Logic: Horizons Math, Life of Fred Fractions

Logic Liftoff

Math Perplexors, Math Detective, Mathematics Today


History: SOTW with History Odyssey, many biographies, outlining and narrations


Geography: Evan Moor Daily Geography


Science: My Pals Are Here (finally decided on this)


Art: we just do this together


Music: I may teach a co-op class on music in modern times. If not, I'll do it solo.



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My 4th grader:


Math: Saxon 65

History: SOTW 2 and start 3 with an emphasis on American history portions

Geography: a few map books I have lying around and starting a state notebook

Science: homemade using Considering God's Creation with some BJU reading and TOPS magnatism

Reading: BJU Reading 5 and a Progeny Press guide I have yet to decide on

Latin: Latin Christiana 1

Grammar: KISS grammar 3 and a diagramming workbook

Building Thinking Skills 2

Bible: AWANA


other: piano lessons; art and choir at local fine arts homeschool program


Forgot: We will also be doing ILL for writing and some grammar; writing will also include some for history and science


And we will be learning to sew and do other handcrafts -- I'm hoping to start her on crocheting finally this year

Edited by Linda in TX
forgot something
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Here are my plans for 4th grade:


Building Thinking Skills



Daily Paragraph Editing

Easy Grammar & Daily Grams

Wordly Wise



Writing Tales 2



various - she loves to read

Abeka Read & Think Skill Sheets



Saxon 6/5



Latin for Children, Primer B & some CLC (online & start reading unit 1 book)

Rosetta Stone Spanish



Veritas Press

Ohio History Study

U.S. Presidents Unit Study (lots of reading on historical events during each presidency) plan to take 2 years to cover



Europe Map Study & Lapbook (1st Semester)

Asia Map Study & Lapbook (2nd Semester)



Abeka Choosing Good Health

Scott Foresman Science

365 Simple Science Experiments



To Be Like Jesus, John Piper - Children Desiring God

Catechism for Children


Art & Music Appreciation

How to Teach Art to Children

Recorder (working on this summer)



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My 4th Grader will be doing:


Math: CLE 400 and MUS Gamma

Grammar: either Growing with Grammar 4 or CLE LA 400

Writing: IEW All Things Fun and Fascinating

Spelling: All About Spelling

Reading: Sonlight 2 Readers

Science: Real Science Odyssey Earth and Space

History: Sonlight Core 2

Geography: Down to Earth Geography and Map Skills

Art: Artisitc Pursuits

Music: Recorder and various other resources

Latin: Latin for Children A

Handwriting: HWOT

Typing: Typing Instructor for Kids


Other Activities: Soccer and Cub Scouts

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Veritas Press

Ohio History Study

U.S. Presidents Unit Study (lots of reading on historical events during each presidency) plan to take 2 years to cover





What resource, if any, are you using for your US Pres Unit Studies? If not using a resource, please explain your approach.


Thank you!

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Saxon 6/5, with a few weeks of facts review before


SOTW 3 with extra reading for American History and a 3 week study of Explorers using Amy Pak's CD-roms.


Field-based bio and botany using Jr. Ranger programs, nature study, Considering God's Creation (parts of it), and whatever else I can find


Rod and Staff Grammar--maybe 3, maybe parts of 4


Either Spelling Workout or Spelling Power


Finish Prima Latina (did half in second grade, then didn't do it in 3rd as dd went to ps), then either do LC or LfC


Study Africa using crafts, stories, etc


Support overseas missionaries and missions via VOM, Operation Christmas Child, and Chain Foundation (raising money thru a bake sale and sending letters).


Bible--not sure what to use as a devotional yet, and I may not use the Explorer's study I have.

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4th grader will be using


History - MOH

Science - Considering God's Creation

Phonics and spelling - Alphabet Island II

Geography - Capital Game and a State by State notebook she will make and research on her own

Grammar - Scott Foresman

Math - Math-U-See (just decided on this)

Reading - Librabry books of her choice followed by a short book report


We will also be keeping a daily journel to practice her writing skills, taking a weekly art class, and doing Girl Scouts along with our church activities.

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The basics:


Math: finishing Saxon Math 5/4 - not sure where we'll go after that. Maybe TT7, maybe Saxon again.

Grammar: Abeka Grammar 4

Spelling: Spelling Power

Science: we're finishing REAL Science 4 Kids Chemisty - then it's on to Apologia Botany and Zoology III

Logic: I actually cannot remember the name of the book we're using atm! LOL!

History: SOTW, finishing Volume 3, beginning Volume 4

Latin: Latin Primer


I know I've left a few things out. :001_huh:

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WeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re half way through 4th grade (our year starts in January) and this is what weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re doing;




Singapore 4A

Supplemented with Math-u-See


Language arts:

Writing Tales (Just finished 1 and starting with 2)

Literature selections from Sonlight, Veritas and other lists

Kiss Grammar

Spelling Wisdom

Poetry memorization Ă¢â‚¬â€œ own selection from various sources


2nd and 3rd languages:

Latina Christiana 2

Afrikaans Sonder Trane

Afrikaans literature



Story of the World 3. We do Ă¢â‚¬Å“history clubĂ¢â‚¬ with two other families once a week to do the activities from the guide. ItĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s great to rotate preparation with 2 other moms as we all have different skills.

Each family does the mapwork and reading (SOTW and literature suggestions) on their own.

South African living books program in parallel to SOTW (we do this in the weeks when progress on SOTW3 is held up Ă¢â‚¬â€œ the drawback on doing it with others).



Discovering the World of Geography

Working through the Ă¢â‚¬Å“Planet EarthĂ¢â‚¬ book by Farndon et. Al. This is a lovely book with two-page spreads on each topic followed by neat activities.



WeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve do an eclectic mix of Singapore My Pals are Here Science,

Sonlight Discover and Do DVDĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s and

reading through various books as thre is interest in a subject.



Steck-Vaughn Critical Thinking level C


Religion and Character study:

Finished reading through VosĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s ChildrenĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Story Bible. Now reading stories from other religions.



We do a Ă¢â‚¬Å“composer of the monthĂ¢â‚¬. http://www.classicsforkids.com is a great resource.

Violin lessons



Ă¢â‚¬Å“Artist of the monthĂ¢â‚¬. I print out paintings from http://www.artchive.com and put them on the wall. We read books about the artist.

Pottery lessons



Horse riding

Homeschool netball


Dd does math, violin practice and religious study daily, and the rest of the subjects follow a rotating schedule. She writes for LA, history and science.

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Rising 4th grader:


Math: Singapore 4a/b, Math Detective

Grammar: Editor in Chief and maybe Grammar Island/Practice

Writing: WWE3, outside writing class, maybe Outlining

Spelling: Sequential Spelling

Reading: Book group w/ Literature Circles, assigned history reading

Science: Mr. Q's Classic Life Science, coop, Science Detective

History: 20th cent. US history w/ older sisters, then Ancients if we finish

Geography: Map Skills

Music: Piano, Chorus

Spanish: Working on figuring this out - did EspaĂƒÂ±ol para chicos y grandes last year - don't like level 2

German: German Saturday School, reading, dvds

Handwriting: Getty-Dubay Italics

Typing: Typing Instructor for Kids

Art: Artisitc Pursuits (hopefully - we didn't get to it last year :blushing:)

Logic: Grid Perplexors


Other Activities: Ballet and probably 4H

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I know I need to update my signature with this year's stuff. And I know if I actually type it out it will be an overwhelming list that seems like way too much! Sigh. Here's what I've got on hand and hope to use:


Math: Singapore 4A/4B/CWP 4 and supplement with Horizons 4A/4B

Science: finish informal geology then REAL Science Life

History: Biblioplan America and the World 1850-2000 with SOTW 4

Grammar: R&S 4

Spelling: finish R&S 4, go on to R&S 5

Writing: Writing Tales II. May also get WWE 3 workbook when it comes out.

Latin: Latin for Children B

Spanish: Spanish for Children A (from lesson 13 to end of book)

Bible: Voyages 4th grade

Geography: I have a couple of workbooks

Art: Artists from 1850-2000 using Discovering Great Artists and Great American Artists plus library books.

Music: Piano lessons, study composers from 1850-2000 as part of Biblioplan.

PE: outside activities--gymnastics, swimming, softball, maybe ballet.


Also have Mavis Beacon typing, want to do some poetry memorization and recitation, do a little Teaching the Classics style discussion on books read, etc. Not enough time in the day! Anyway, we begin our incredibly slow ramp up to a full schedule on Monday. Maybe just history to start!

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Literature/Poetry-Ambleside Year 4


Writing-IEW SWI_A

Penmanship-Copywork, HWT Cursive

Grammar-Fix-it Grammar (maybe)


Latin-Latin for Children

Spanish-NO IDEA

Math: Singapore 5A/5B, CWP 4

Logic: Logic Liftoff

Science-Lego League

3 units: Ben Franklin (book from library), Snap Circuits, GIzmos and Gadgets (book from library)

Creationist Studies: It Just Couldn't Happen

Nature Studies: Nature walk/journal -focus on plants, trees, soils

Health: Various -using scout badges as a focus

History-Ambleside Year 4

Geography: A Child's Geography: Explore His World

Citizenship: Plutarch (Ambleside)

Art: Artist Picture Studies

I Can Do All Things Drawing and Painting

Music: Composer Studies, Hymn study, Folk Song Studies (Ambleside)

Guitar Lessons

Bible: NO IDEA

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We are five weeks into 4th grade.


Spelling: Spell to Write and Read

History: Story of the World 3/4

Latin: Lively Latin BB1 Lessons 6-16

Composition: Classical Writing Aesops B

Math: Singapore 4a/b

Monthly projects: basically lapbooks that we do over a month

Science: various kits on various topics

P.E.: Swimming in the summer and gymnastics this fall

art: free access to supplies

music: taking a break from piano right now

socialization: Friday playgroup


Co-op: we work on teamwork, crafts, public speaking, etc through 1-4 week units.


So far it has been working well for us.:001_smile:

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Last year we used:


First Language Lessons 4

A Beka Readers

Wordly Wise 3000 Grade 4

Spelling Power

punctuation supplement

Handwriting Without Tears Cursive

Writing--did my own thing


Horizons Math 4


SOTW 2 with lots of supplements


Apologia Exploring Creation with Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day

N.O.E.O. Physics II


State geography

Daily Geography Practice 4th grade


Logic Lift-Off

Editor in Chief Beginning


A Beka Health & Safety 4


Co-op classes

Cub Scouts



We really liked everything we used this year. Wouldn't change a thing.

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Dd starts 4th in exactly a month (the 10th!)


Math Life of Fred Decimals & Percents, followed by LoF Beginning Algebra, both supplemented with various Key to... workbooks.


Spelling/Vocabulary All About Spelling, finishing up Level 4 and continuing to Level 5, interspersed with Vocab from Classical Roots 4.

Handwriting Spencerian Penmanship

Grammar Editor in Chief A1 & A2; Junior Analytical Grammar

Writing Writing Tales 2

Literature Lit List


Latin Lively Latin 1


Science Physics - which I've cobbled together from various sources


History 1850-Present, using SOTW 4 and a lot of supplemental books & biographies


Logic Mind Benders and then the logic liftoff books


Fine Arts Master's Academy for Fine Arts, homeschool band & chorus


P.E. Swimming 2x week, biking 3x week, homeschool soccer 1x week for a few weeks, and a homeschool martial arts class 1x week.


She's also doing a co-op creative writing class, co-op math club, and Girl Scouts.

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My dd is a rising 4th grader. We have the following planned:


Daily memory work (Scripture, AWANA, IEW poetry, math facts, Latin vocab.)

Singapore Math 4A/B

Latin for Children Primer B

Classical Writing: Aesop

My World Science (Green)

SOTW & AG Vol. 3

Rosetta Stone German

Typing Instructor Deluxe

Logic: Grid Perplexors


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Here's what we have planned


Math - Teaching Textbooks 4


First Language Lessons 4


SWO E and F




Latina Christina, Lingua Angelica


United Streaming Spanish


Veritas Press Lit. guides


American History - using Veritas Press


Extras - piano, cello, soccer, and tae kwon do

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I will be using Heart Of Dakota's Preparing Hearts For His Glory. Next year I have to use something else because Apologia and A Child's Geography wasn't great with us. Their newest guide uses them.


Modern Curriculum Press - D

First Language Lessons - volume 4

Learning Language Arts thru Literature - orange

Story Starters

science/history - a bunch of different books using the Preparing guide

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DD's 4th grade curriculum from last year:


Singapore Primary Math 4A & 4B

SWO F (finished) & SWO G (completed 1st half)

R&S English 4

CW Aesop

Assigned daily reading that was narrated to Mom orally

TruthQuest AHYS 2 & 3

Apologia Zoology 2


BTS 2 (started) and MindBenders A series

1-2-3 Draw Ocean Animals

piano lessons

completed about 1/2 of The Story of the Orchestra

Typing Instructor Deluxe

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Judo Mom,


I noticed that you're switching from LfC A to Latin Prep 1. If you don't mind saying, why did you decide to switch from the LfC series to Latin Prep?


Also, I noticed you're moving from WWE to Imitations in Writing Aesop. I'm thinking of doing WWE 4 with my rising 4th graders, but I haven't been able to actually look at the level 4 yet. Why are you switching from WWE?


Thanks for any insights!


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Here's my plan--I'm always more ambitious than I'd like:



Finishing up MUS and LOF Fractions this summer

Saxon 6/5 and Singapore 4a/b


Language Arts

WWE 3 or 4

FLL 3 or 4

Maybe continue w/CW Aesop


Memoria Press Copybook

Literature, The Odyssey, The Iliad, The Aeneid

Poetry--haven't picked the selections yet, same w/memory work

Independent Reading



SOTW I again (hopefully we'll finish 4 this summer)

RC Connecting w/History I



Finish Minimus, continue w/LCI

Also do Song School Latin w/lil sis



Real Science 4 Kids-Chemistry



Meet the Composers


Hopefully piano lessons



Drawing w/Children

Art fun every Friday



Girl Scouts, volleyball, basketball, baseball, fencing, martial arts


We may join CC and that will change some plans.



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Saxon Math

Apologia Science (1/2 year), Real Science 4 Kids (1/2 year)


Art Class (outside house)

Ice skating


Easy Grammar

Write Source (4th grade book)

Plaid Phonics

Year long geography study

reading, reading, reading (book reports, author studies, etc)

Reading Detective

Wordly Wise 3000

Edited by gingersmom
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*Math--Singapore 3A & B; calculadders drill

*Reading--Literature list??

*Writing--Writing With Ease, finish level 2, start level 3

*Grammar--finish GWG 3

*Spelling--ETC 7 & 8

*Latin--Either finish Song School Latin w/ sister, then start LfC A OR dive right into LfC A

*Geography--Trail Guide to World Geography w/ siblings

*Science--My World Science

*French--review Ecoutez! Parlez! 1, work through level 2 (this will be carschooling)

*Music--Trombone, choir, and a listening class at a music co-op

*Art--IF I actually get it together and can make this happen, we will use Children's Art Videos

*Poems--IEW's poetry memorization program


Whew! Looks like a lot, but most of the lessons are short and to the point, so his days really aren't that long.

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We have used the following this past school year:


Explorer's Bible Study/Discovery Series

Sonlight Readers (based on Core 4, 19th century America)

Lots of fun reading

Getty Dubay Handwriting

Shurley English

Dictation from readers

Spelling Workout

BJU Heritage Studies

Considering God's Creation

Latin for Children Primer A

MUS Delta


Have fun -- we sure have!




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  • Sonlight Core 3 early American history with extra readers
  • Sonlight LA 3
  • Singapore 4A and 4B with IP
  • Science - unit studies including prehistoric animals & a paleo-knowledge competition team and Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry
  • lapbook on the American Revolution using History Pockets and Michael Gravois' book
  • lapbook on early Presidents and states using own design
  • Devotional Stories for Little Folks books
  • Meet the Masters art curric
  • Suzuki cello lessons and orchestra
  • Mavis Beacon Typing Tutor
  • town basketball and soccer

This was what my 9-10 year old did this year.

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For DD (9) we will be using:


Ambleside Online yr 3

Latin for Children Primer A

Writing Tales 1

Simply Spelling

Math U See

Living Memory


She will also be taking piano lessons and we attend co-op that has music/pe, art, history and science!

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What are your 4th grade curriculum plans?? Or, what did you use last year for 4th grade?


I've adjusted mine a bit, and probably will again...


Singapore Math 5A,5B, IP5A,IP5B, CWP5 and then onto Russian Math 6 (I also will use Saxon Math as needed for review and to cover topics not covered in the above)


SWR - Finish this, CLAA Vocabulary or MCT CE


Grammar - R&S 4, CLAA Grammar I or LCI (I am leaning towards CLAA at the moment)


Writing - Writing Tales 2 alternating with WWE Level 4


History & Literature - Various things correlating to the Ancients


Science - Kolbe Academy Harcourt Science Textbook (Astronomy and Physics sections) plus Science in a Nutshell and Science Wiz kits, K'Nex Into to Simple Machines, Stars & Planets Smart Lab for visual effect, Archimedes and the Door of Science, and various other books



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The plan for next year:


BIBLE: Child's Story Bible by Vos


MATH: MathQuest 4


HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY: Canada's First Nations of Long Ago, SOTW 2, Geography & Map Book Intermediate?


SCIENCE: Plants & Animals - R.E.A.L. Science; Light & Sound - kits/books; Weather - R.E.A.L. Science


ART: Artistic Pursuits or Mark Kistler's Draw Squad


P.E.: Hockey, Soccer


Spongbob Typing CD, maybe


ENGLISH: Dyslexic boy-o is doing VT this summer. Will continue phonics with younger sister this fall, Scaredy Cat Reading System level 3. R&S orally. HWT Cursive Success. May introduce IEW SWI-A mid-year.

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Math:CLE 200(and if this doesn't work then MUS)

Language Arts:CLE 300

History: Time Travelers Colonial and American Revolution

Science: Apologia Elementary, Astronomy and Botany( and if we have time Zoology1)

Writing: WWE 1 and IEW SWI-A(weird combo I know but the WWE 1 will be done first)

Latin:Latina Christiana 1

Music: Homeschool in the Woods Composers

Art: Homeschool in the Woods Artists

P.E. swimming , cheerleading camp, running, bike riding, beachball volleyball, soccer and whatever else we find to do.

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This is what I'm planning with my 8yo son:


Math: Math-U-See (new to us), supplemented with CWP, CER Math Masters, and Ray's Arithmetic

Grammar and Writing: Rod and Staff 4 English (we loved 3); WWE (maybe. I bought it for my 6yo and may use it some for my 8yo, too)

History: SOTW 2 with lots of library books (loved MOH 1 last year and are excited to start SOTW)

Science: Earth science (mostly using A Child's Geography) and space (lots of living books)

Foreign Language: Lively Latin 1 and more bits of Telugu from my husband

Spelling: Spell to Write and Read (just getting started on this and love it already)

Penmanship: a stronger effort at cursive

Lit: hoping to use DITHOR with books related to history

P.E.: homeschool group class and daily bike rides, etc.

Music: piano lessons

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Here are my 4th grade plans for ds soon to be 9:


Bible reading on own, fighter verse program from church

Saxon 54

R & S English 4

Writing Foundations 1

Classically Cursive 1

Biblioplan Ancients

Apologia Land Animals and Human Anatomy (God's Design)

Latina Christiana 1

Mind Benders Warm-ups

Co-op twice a month: Apologia Flying Creatures, Gym, Music

Guitar lessons or Continue Piano

Swimming, Baseball, Hockey

Art: Joseph the Canada Goose (Stebbing)

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Math: Singapore 3 (TB, WB, IP, CWP)

Science: Oak Meadow 4, RS4K - Biology I


Grammar: Intermediate Language Lessons, MCT Grammar Island/Practice Island

Spelling: Sequential Spelling 2

Writing: IEW Geography, IEW Fables

Literature: list coincides with American history and geography and ancient mythology


World History: Oak Meadow 4/5 (American History)

Classical History: Memoria Press D'Aulaire's Greek Myths

Art/Music: Harmony Fine Arts 4, Oak Meadow Art 4

Geography: online - CLAA Geography I

Religion: online - CLAA Catechism I


Latin: online - CLAA Grammar I/Vocab I

Greek: online - CLAA Vocabulary I

French: Le Francais Facile Jr (Easy French, Jr.)




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...if anyone has ANY input to offer, I'm all ears. My dd is not exceptionally strong in Language Arts, so this amount may seem too light. But I'm trying to ease into more structure/rigor in that area. And what isn't obvious from the way I've written the plans here is the amount of narration she'll be doing, as well as copywork and dictation, which I think will be tremendously beneficial.


MATH -- RightStart, finish Level D, then Level E


LATIN -- Latin Prep, finish book 1 (Galore Park)


ENGLISH -- Junior English book 3 (Galore Park)




LITERATURE/POETRY -- Ambleside Online


HISTORY -- Story of the World, finish Vol 2 and start Vol 3, with corresponding readings from Our Island Story and This Country of Ours, with a few biographies sprinkled in.


GEOGRAPHY -- Continent Study and mapwork associated with History readings.


CLASSICAL STUDIES -- this year, focused on Rome: Famous Men of Rome, The Story of the Romans


SCIENCE/NATURE STUDY -- Nature Study ongoing, done pretty informally. Science for first term will be a study of the periodic table. Haven't planned out the other terms yet.

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