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After homeschooling...

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Well, I'd have to get a paying job if I didn't have one already. Assuming I was able to find something I wanted to do and was qualified for. I'm hoping I'll be able to study a naturopathy course in the future, but we'll have to see what the future holds.



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I've been a part-time professor for ten years now, and I'd like to go full-time but that's unlikely. For whatever reason, of late they like to hire technical superstars instead of people who like to teach. This is a 2-year school, so whey they do that escapes me.


And I teach at a local co-op and love that. I wouldn't mind travelling around, teaching at different co-ops or at a private school. Public school scares me:D.

Edited by GVA
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LOL, I have a while to think about it.... Ask me again in 23 years, assuming we don't have another little one after this one. :P How old will that make me? 55. I don't foresee ever working again. We have a hobby farm now and I've run my own herb business from home, so I foresee spending my time putting around the farm, raising our chickens and rabbits and goats, mixing up herbs, and most of all? Spending time with my DH. Oh imagine that! No kids, just us. We'll have been married 36 years then... (I like him!)

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You mean I am suppposed to be doing something? I need a new career?


I am fully enjoying retirement here.


The last kiddo at home is in college and planning a wedding in a year or so.


I spend my time much like I did the past 34 years...laundry, bills, baking bread, cleaning, managing our rental properties. But I do enjoy getting back at my sewing and now I have 4 little Grands to sew for. So much fabric, so little time!

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I spend my time much like I did the past 34 years...laundry, bills, baking bread, cleaning, managing our rental properties. But I do enjoy getting back at my sewing and now I have 4 little Grands to sew for. So much fabric, so little time!


Oh my goodness! Spending all the time I wanted on quilting sounds like a dream come true. :D

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I'm going to take a teaching position. It is part of my original agreement with dh six years ago. :D


I was a cradle-robber (and I'm still completely unapologetic :tongue_smilie:) so my dh will only be in his mid to late 40's when the youngest is in college. Our agreement was that he works - currently 70 hours per week - so I can be a SAH/homeschool mother and when the dc are all successfully on their own paths he cuts back to 30 hours or so (although he could even accept early retirement at that time,) I teach and we spend our free time traveling or out on the water. We have been very lucky that it has worked out so well to this point. Dh goes in to work so early, he still has two full afternoons, two additional evenings and a full day off to spend with the family each week, despite the longs hours he works. And the kids get the joy of rarely being required to do school work when he is home.

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LOL, I have a while to think about it.... Ask me again in 23 years, assuming we don't have another little one after this one. :P How old will that make me? 55. I don't foresee ever working again. We have a hobby farm now and I've run my own herb business from home, so I foresee spending my time putting around the farm, raising our chickens and rabbits and goats, mixing up herbs, and most of all? Spending time with my DH. Oh imagine that! No kids, just us. We'll have been married 36 years then... (I like him!)


And....let me tell you, that 23 years will go in a flash....


I'm 52, married almost 33 years, and my youngest just graduated. It was only about twenty minutes ago that my guys were little and I was thinking I had lots of time.....


I plan to take this summer off....then I may get a part time job to help with debt reduction, but my goal is to spend a lot of time writing, quilting, gardening, and stained glass. Grandkids will probably wreck any and all plans in a big way. :D

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Shoot, y'all are too ambitious for me. I'm going to sleep in, watch movies, eat chocolate and ride horses. And then I want to be a SAHGrandma.



Ah, now if we inherit millions from somewhere, I won't be going to work! I'll be studying Polish heraldry and Polish historic costuming, travelling around, growing obscure herbs, eating nice food and generally enjoying myself until I get to be a SAHGrandma too. Then I assume I'll make Polish garb for them and feed them the obscure herbs. Oh goodness. I hope my future grandkids aren't fussy eaters! :svengo:




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Just this weekend dh and I are alone in our house. Oldest dd took the three youngest ones to her apartment, my 2nd oldest is out of state, and we are alone. The first time in 20 years alone in this house. The first thing I did is clean the downstairs. Know what? It's still clean. We had a quiet dinner outside, watched a movie, and slept in. I love my children and am a very hand-ons mother: nursed for years, co-slept, homeschooled, etc. But I think I will adjust well when the time comes. The house will be neat, I will be available to my dh to meet his needs better. There will be lonely times, but it will be okay.


Since I'll be almost 60 when they'll all gone - if they leave between 18 and 20 - I think I'll focus on retirement and volunteer type work.



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I do like a clean home, but right now I have had to lower my standards so that I can homeschool, do violin with 3 kids, and run the children to swimming.


Someday I would like to actually get the cobwebs out of the corners, clean my fridge, steam clean my carpets, scrub my cabinets, and just generally give my house a good detail job. :D I may start cooking fancier dinners again too.

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Well...I honestly don't know what God has in store for us between now and then.


The last time I made plans, I lost most of the function of my dominant hand and arm, and added severe chronic pain to boot. :lol:


I think I'll keep my mouth shut and just wait and see. ;)

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Tutor other people's kiddos!:D


Well, I currently tutor other people's kids two afternoons and Saturday mornings at the Kumon center. It's wonderful to just have fun using someone else's curriculum with someone else's children. There is no emotional investment and you still get the joy of seeing the lightbulb go on. I definitely want to do it more.


It must run in the family. My 98yo great-great aunt is still a rocking grandma at headstart!


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My own previously-homeschooling mom now quilts, scrapbooks, has redone several rooms in the house, gardens, visits with friends, reads, and listens to me yap at her on the phone when I need someone to keep me company and sane while I now tend MY house and little ones!:)


My previously-homeschooling MIL now is always busy with one home project or another, sewing, gardening, going along with her husband on business trips, and many visits with her grandchildren who love her to pieces:)


Right now I am just looking forward to the day I no longer have to change poopy diapers!

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Get a job to pay for three in college at one time *gulp*.


Yep. Me too. If I get really lucky, I will go back for a Master's and teach part-time at community colleges or go back to freelance writing and editing. If not, I guess I will do whatever pays for the tuition!


I don't have any dreams or big ambitions. I don't know why that is either.

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I'm going to take up sailing, I always dreamed that I would love to sail and enjoy time on the lakes or ocean.


I am also going to spend a heck of a lot of time just going fishing and enjoying my time finding fun and interesting new relaxing hobbies.


Besides that, I am going to spend lots of time with my husband working on our farm and orchard and probably selling veggies, fruits and flowers on the side for additional income to save for retirement.


I won't be done homeschooling until my youngest graduates when I turn 57, so I will be older, but there is still going to be tons of life left in me for lots of fun activities into my golden years.


I am looking forward to those years in the future, I like to enjoy whatever "season" of my life I am in and I look forward to my future years with joy and hope that I will get to constantly challenge myself to learn new things and continue to live each day of my life to it's fullest !

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I'd love to be a professional organizer. Or maybe a librarian. Or just volunteer to rock babies somewhere. I'd love to write a book of our family history and funny stories. I'd love to learn to knit and maybe the guitar. My wonderful dh has said that he doesn't expect me to work full time after the kids have left home. (Isn't he sweet?!) But I still may.

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I will want to go into teaching, especially if my dh is still doing it. He teaches public school right now. In our state school system, you are vested in the retirement in 10 years. I'll be 54 when ds graduates. So I figure I can get a small retirement to add to his. It would be nice to work the same schedule as my husband and have the summer's off to travel. I've always wanted to work in GED type programs, so I might look at that. I have a math degree and LOVE to help other's understand it. I am convinced that EVERYONE can do math, even those that think they can't.

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Depends if I am remarried or not and what my spouse if I have one wants. If I am not remarried I will be back to working fulltime. IF I am remarried, who knows maybe working, maybe building my hobbies and volunteering. I still have 16 years to figure out what I want to be when I grow up :)

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