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Would you leave the kids for a week to go on a trip with DH?

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DH and I have the opportunity to go on a trip to meet with some friends in Maine this summer (camping, white water rafting, etc.) By the time of the trip, our oldest will be almost 9, our daughter will be 6 1/2, and our toddler will be 2 years and 8 months old. The older two have stayed with DH's parents on many occasions, but the toddler hasn't yet. He is very comfortable with them, but has never been left for more than a few hours.


It's 6 days. They would have a blast (my in-laws would plan all kinds of wonderful fun things for them to do together.) I would love to go on a trip with DH like this (he will turn 40 in July and that would be an awesome birthday present for him.)


But we've never left them to go somewhere by ourselves, and have never left our toddler overnight. Would you go?

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I have mixed feelings, I feel the right thing to do would be to go with Hubbie. But my heart hurts whenever I leave my dc. You would have a wonderful time, especially since your in-laws have left most of your children. And since your older ones will be there, that would help make the younger one feel more comfortable. but I am a big wimp when it comes to leaving my kids. But .......I know you will make the right decision. have fun!!!!! nancyt.

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DH and I have the opportunity to go on a trip to meet with some friends in Maine this summer (camping, white water rafting, etc.) By the time of the trip, our oldest will be almost 9, our daughter will be 6 1/2, and our toddler will be 2 years and 8 months old. The older two have stayed with DH's parents on many occasions, but the toddler hasn't yet. He is very comfortable with them, but has never been left for more than a few hours.


It's 6 days. They would have a blast (my in-laws would plan all kinds of wonderful fun things for them to do together.) I would love to go on a trip with DH like this (he will turn 40 in July and that would be an awesome birthday present for him.)


But we've never left them to go somewhere by ourselves, and have never left our toddler overnight. Would you go?


I would and I did. :D When my youngest was 2, and my oldest was 6, dh and I went to Seattle for a week for our anniversary. The kids had a great time with my in-laws, and dh and I really enjoyed our getaway. My youngest is now 7 and my oldest is 11, and they have no memory of being left for a week. But my hubby and I still have all our great memories of our trip. Your kids will be fine. Go to Maine. :thumbup:

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Yes, my boys love being with the grandparents. I would not hesitate. My husband and I go out of town for a weekend each year, but we would go longer if he could take the time off work.


I would just call each night and say goodnight. I would also mail something special ahead of time -- a letter or even a package for each if you can swing it.

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It depends a lot on you and your kids.


For me, a lot would depend on the distance between m-i-l and destination. I will let my kids go off with grandparents for several days at a time if we are within a few hours' driving distance.


I'm not okay with being 12+ hours away from them, and they are not okay with being away from home and mom/dad/routine for more than about 3 days. Even on fun vacations with parents AND grandparents, they get a little teary-eyed about missing the cat on day 6 or so :lol:.


I would definitely give the little one a few overnight tryouts before committing. And if you go, keep giving him practice in longer times - - it's not really fair to go from a few hours to 6 days w/o mom & dad, kwim?

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Let me think for a minute . . . .or maybe, like, a nanosecond.


Yes. In a heartbeat. Dh and I used to go off for 3-4 days at a time. It's been over 3 years since we got away by ourselves for more than 24 hours. Life has just gotten more complicated.


Go. Enjoy. You won't regret it.

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I wouldn't if the oldest was two, but youngest? Sure would! I left my 18 month old with hubby and ran off with my brother for a weekend, and that was great! Everyone had a good time :D


Bon voyage, lassie. (As in girl, not the dog.)




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No, I would not. I would miss them too much! Plus, dh and were older when we married and really old when we first had dc, so we did all that stuff when we were younger.


If we had a week to do something like this, I think we'd take the kids or do something with them.


But, no. I couldn't leave them for 6 days.

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*starts packing frantically*


I mean, yeah, sure! If I were you that is, not me. My MIL is wholly incapable of managing my children for a half hour, let alone 6 days. I wouldn't trust her to feed our cat for a week, if I were being truly honest.


Go, have a wonderful time, and count your blessings that its something that you are able to do. Your children will benefit from being able to enrich their relationship with their grandparents, your inlaws will benefit from the time with their grandchildren, and you and your dh will benefit from the time spent together, just as husband and wife without being Mom and Dad for a week.


What a wonderful gift to your marriage, and to your children!

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I would do it! We just had 3 nights away and it was worth every second. And, it sounds like you have things all set up - place to go, people to spend time with, parents to take care of the kids. Your marriage is top priority! Show yourself, your husband and your children that it is top priority and go.

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Well, it really depends on the situation. My hubby and I went away for one week at Disney when my 16 yr. old was about two. My mother lived with us so she stayed home with the girls. I felt perfectly comfortable with that. My youngest two were still breastfeeding at that age though so it would have been a no go. If you are comfortable with your MIL and the kids are as well then I don't see why not.

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I think the little one will be fine being with the older children. I have found that calling at bedtime isn't always the best for us. My ds starts missing me if I call then. We have a wonderful call sometime during the day before he is getting tired. Of course he can call me if he wants. Enjoy.

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Yes, go, it's fine. I left my 18 mos old and her 2 older siblings with my mother for a week and I was still nursing. She never cried once ( though I did). She took up nursing again just as soon as I walked in the door! But she was fine the whole time and I had a blast with my DH in Puerto Rico!

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I would! And I have :D DH and I went to Europe for 2 weeks when my my guys were little - not quite 2 and 3 1/2. They stayed with the grandparents and did just fine, and DH and I had a wonderful time. As long as you're not breastfeeding and you have someone reliable to look after them, I'd say go for it.

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Yup, In a New York Minute! I would put lip stick kisses all lined up in a row...all 6 if them. The start explaining what it looks like...and start packing! Don't forget some bubbly. and books...and...oh anything else you like:-)

When my kids were little...I could come back after 5 days and still nurse! And, my kids sleep with us, but at g-mas it's just different. Our little one (5.5) still sleeps with us or siblings...That's what having olders is good for...

I say...have a GREAT time! (PS, for my mom...I'd offer a babysitter for one of the days...or something to give her a break...)


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DH and I have the opportunity to go on a trip to meet with some friends in Maine this summer (camping, white water rafting, etc.) By the time of the trip, our oldest will be almost 9, our daughter will be 6 1/2, and our toddler will be 2 years and 8 months old. The older two have stayed with DH's parents on many occasions, but the toddler hasn't yet. He is very comfortable with them, but has never been left for more than a few hours.


It's 6 days. They would have a blast (my in-laws would plan all kinds of wonderful fun things for them to do together.) I would love to go on a trip with DH like this (he will turn 40 in July and that would be an awesome birthday present for him.)


But we've never left them to go somewhere by ourselves, and have never left our toddler overnight. Would you go?


Yes, I have before -a few times and I am planning on it again this summer. We are going on a 7 day cruise & leaving kidos w/ the inlaws! I would leave them for a weekend trip first if they've never spent 2 days w/o you-- Whenever we leave them, I make a paper link so my youngest can remove one each morning until the day we would be home (or make a calendar she can cross off each day!)...


I'd say go for it, as much as I miss my dc dearly, it helps my marriage ALSO... my kids KNOW without a doubt how much dad & mom love each other & make time for each other!.

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Would I do it with a 2 yr old? No but that is me. My dh and I didn't leave our older kids with anyone until they were middle school and above and we have never left our two youngest since we have adopted them.

Do I think you would be wrong in doing so? No. You have grandparents that you trust. It sounds like the kids would enjoy and the grandparents would also.

I truly think this kind of thing has to be a decission that is made between you and your husband and sealed with peace.

One thing to remember is if you decide not to do it at this time is there will be other chances to do the some or something similar. Sometimes we make our decission with the thinking that this will be our only chance.

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DH and I haven't had a single night together away from kiddos. Only one surviving grandparent (my mom) who hasn't even wanted to babysit for an evening.


Go!! Have fun!! Kiddos will have fun and bond with grandparents!! They will all thrive!

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Go! My dh & I went to Maine 2 summers ago and it was such a blessing in our marriage. Our girls stayed with my parents and had a wonderful time. They were 6 and 4 at the time. That trip was the first (and only) time dh and I had been away together since the girls were born and it really was great for us.

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I think you should go with what your heart tells you to do.


If this were the oportunity of a lifetime, I'd do it. Is there any way you could all go and arrange for childcare for the outings they can't go to? Otherwise I tink the fact you are even asking saying you aren't 100% sure you are comfortable going and leaving (probably the toddler.)


More than anything else you have to be comfortable with it.



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I wouldl definitely go! You'll all have a wonderful time, and I believe (IMHO) it's good for everyone to "take a break" from each other for a little bit. You are not leaving forever, just 6 days. I WISH dh and I had this opportunity! Maine is so beautiful! :)

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Some of you have said it right...I'm a bit unsure about leaving our toddler. While I am sure he would be just fine, I'm nervous about it.


But at the same time, the opportunity to go away and have some time with DH would be so wonderful.


The other option is letting DH go by himself and me staying home with the kids. I really want him to go for his birthday, he deserves to go and have a great time. I really want to go with him though.


Would you feel ok with letting your DH go on a trip like this without you?


I do have mixed feelings and that's why I asked the question. I'm seeing that most of you would go and that helps. Thanks.

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Yes, yes, yes! That is, if I really trusted my in-laws.:glare:


They managed okay with my 4 when I was in the hospital for a week. Unfortunately, I wouldn't leave them there by choice. They have something like 24 dogs in the house, my mil and fil hate each other, and my mil is more than a bit wacked in the head. So *I can't be comfortable with leaving them *there so I can have a good time.


A few years ago, when they were still fairly normal, you betcha!

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It would be a completely different trip for your dh without you. IMO, I think you should go with him.


My dh and I left our youngers with family for a week every summer to take a trip together. We needed the time just to be a couple and do grown-up things together. The kids have always enjoyed their time with their aunts and cousins.


Now that my 22yo is able to be home and take care of them, we leave every few months for a weekend by ourselves. We went to Costa Rica for four days in January, and the kids had a blast without us.


Go with your husband - he only turns 40 once!

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If my husband and I hadn't attented a marriage improvement class for 3 years in our church, I would most likely be telling you not to go. But, we took this class and it completely showed us the importance of our marriage. As women we have a hard time letting go of what we are in charge of. The couple teaching the class made it clear that a marriage needs away time at least one time per year. And they would say as long as the caretaker of the children is not going to kill your kids then go. Even if you think they may feed them twinkies all weekend - go! The biggest gift you can give your husband is you.

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But, then, I spent five days in the hospital when the twins were 4 and baby girl less than a year....hubby was gone 11 hours a day so Grandma was in charge. Kids were fine (Grandma was frazzled ;)).


So - a planned trip as a couple...GO FOR IT!!!! If just hubby goes and you stay with the kids...does that send hubby the message of whom you think is more important to you???? Besides - won't he enjoy himself more if you are with him???? You could have "tea" parties......

Edited by JFSinIL
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Some of you have said it right...I'm a bit unsure about leaving our toddler. While I am sure he would be just fine, I'm nervous about it.


But at the same time, the opportunity to go away and have some time with DH would be so wonderful.


The other option is letting DH go by himself and me staying home with the kids. I really want him to go for his birthday, he deserves to go and have a great time. I really want to go with him though.


Would you feel ok with letting your DH go on a trip like this without you?


I do have mixed feelings and that's why I asked the question. I'm seeing that most of you would go and that helps. Thanks.


Personally, my husband would feel jilted. I guess our situation is different because my mom lives a half a mile down the street, and my boys spend the night for fun quite often. I have never left my children with anyone I was not very close friends with (and that was only twice for an evening), they've never been to a day care, and they've never been in a school.


We left Nathan (who was one year old) with my mom for a weekend while we went four hours away to enjoy our anniversary. Sure I missed him, but in all reality, lots of family members have to spend a few days away from their children from time to time. The parting is very sad, but honestly, you will enjoy yourself so much that you'll be fine. I can only speak for my boys, but mine would be fine. I am very affectionate, oozing love all the time, but they still love being at Grandma and Grandpa's, and they can still handle some time without me.


I guess to me, I wouldn't want to elevate my relationship with my children above that with my husband. He was there first, he probably remembers the good times you had with him before the children came along. My husband would be very disappointed if I told him he had to wait until our children were all 12 years old to spend time away just the two of us. My children get far more of me on a daily basis than my husband does.


I cannot speak for your situation with the grandparents, but my parents were perfectly capable raising me and they are perfectly capable caring for my own children. Of course, my children have spent a lot of time with them.

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My dh travels 5 or 6 times a year to work on an industry standards book. To good spots with good dinners and nice entertainment options. If it's kid friendly (Monterey, CA) then the kids go. If it's NOT kid friendly (we go to Jamaica next week) my parents watch the kids. We have pretty much left them as sooon as each was weaned from nursing (about 14 months old for my youngest.)


It really does help that there are siblings staying. We wouldn't have left one without the other that young.


We end up with solo trips once or twice a year, usually. It's nice to have that time to spends together as a couple. Eating SLOW (multi-course) dinners and doing adult entertainment options that wouldn't be possible with pre-schoolers (para-sailing, white water rafting, horse back riding, etc...)


Also, we visit and stay with my parents as a family quite often. So, they're used to sleeping there. At first, I would go up a day before a trip and stay a night with them and get them settled in. Now, we often meet my parents at a half-way point and transfer everything over.

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A week would have been too long for my younger two. Even now at 5 and almost 4 a week would be too long for them. My oldest has been away from us for up to four days when she was 3 and did fine so I wouldn't worry about her now at 7 especially since we are considering having her stay with her grandparents in the mountains for a week this summer and sending her to Florida with the other set of grandparents for a week. But, the little two would be so upset after 3 days. It wouldn't be fair for my parents, the kiddos or me. If I could shorten the trip to maybe 3 or 4 days it would be doable but not at a full week right now.

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I should also mention that our oldest has gone on 4 week long vacations with DH's parents, the first being when he was only 2 (one month shy of turning 3, so only 3 months older than our toddler will be in July if we go.) Our daughter went on the last of those with them at the age of 4 1/2 (she had some food allergies and they weren't comfortable taking her at a younger age, but she outgrew the allergies.) And since we moved away from them 2 and a half years ago (we used to live a mile away from them), they have both stayed at their house for several days at a time on about 4 occasions.


We travel there and stay for the weekend about 8-10 times a year (they live about 75 minutes away from us) and they travel to visit us a few times a year. Our toddler is very comfortable at their house and used to sleeping there. The difference is that we won't be with them if we do this.


We have complete trust in them to care for our kids. My in-laws are the next best thing to us being with them.


We also have the option of the kids going to my parents home (which is about 3 hours from our home) for a couple days and then going with DH's parents for a couple days, which would break up the time for them and maybe make it not seem so long. We have not visited them as often though because they are further away, so we would need to think more about how comfortable the toddler would be with that.


I do think that my DH and I would greatly benefit from a trip away together. Maybe we could make the trip 5 days instead of 6 too?

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Here's a funny for you...I asked my dh about it and he was more adamant than I was about leaving the kids! :D He said "Sure, I would love to go on vacation for a week, if we could take the kids with us!" :lol:


Now that I think about it, I could probably leave my 10yo for a few days but not my 5yo. He would not do well without us for a week but the 10yo would probably be fine.

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If my husband and I hadn't attented a marriage improvement class for 3 years in our church, I would most likely be telling you not to go. But, we took this class and it completely showed us the importance of our marriage. As women we have a hard time letting go of what we are in charge of. The couple teaching the class made it clear that a marriage needs away time at least one time per year. And they would say as long as the caretaker of the children is not going to kill your kids then go. Even if you think they may feed them twinkies all weekend - go! The biggest gift you can give your husband is you.


:iagree: We have left our ds for as much as ten days when he was little. Granted it was my parents and he had stayed the night there before, loved my mom and dad. We made it like a vacation for him, to get away from us. :D


We called every day, left notes in his suitcase etc.

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They always do better than we think they will.


Now, YOU know your toddler. Can you do some trial runs before your trip? maybe some overnights or at least leave them ALL day? I don't even mean trial runs to decide yes or no, but to get them used to you leaving and coming back.


With MY kids....having them go together shores them both up. For our last trip, my 3 year old was having a cantankerous night and wouldn't let mamaw or papaw put her to bed. My 5 year old went in and "read" to her and laid down by her and she went right to sleep. So, having older siblings there will help the younger.


About switching houses....I don't know that I would unless they were really comfortable in both houses. For the older ones, it would break the trip up. For the younger one....It usually takes mine a night or so to get really comfortable, which means they would be switching right when they were settling in.


And flexibility is KEY. I tell my parents when we normally do bedtime, etc... but we've given them the freedom to adjust. If the kiddos are being fussy at bedtime, they may rock them while they watch a late movie and settle back down. Sometimes, the kids will sleep in the living room. They drink too much Sprite, they eat too many ice cream bars. But, it all comes out in the wash.


I always take plenty of lovies (their special blankets and stuffed animals) and I let the girls pack a bag of books/toys/games/etc...


It also helps even my youngest to have a count-down calendar prepared. They mark off the days and it's a visual reminder for them.

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I would do it. It would be SO good for your marriage!


Here's my true confession: I would have a hard time leaving the little guy - I'm not sure I could leave Schmooey just now, as he's only 19 months and still nursing. If you can give him a couple of one night trials, maybe working up to a weekend at Grandma's to see how he takes it, that would be good.


I think, though, once you get there, you will have such a good time being away from your kids for a few days that you will wonder why you ever thought about not doing it. :D

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