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Everything posted by MomofSeven

  1. Haven't posted in a loooong time. Life has been rolling and we just discovered that my husband is accepting a job in Texas! Now how to decide where to live: McKinney, Allen or Frisco. We've already visited and my impression of Frisco is busy and crowded where the other two are a bit slower and open. Here are my priorities: 1. Home with a little bit of land, at least enough for a small garden plot. As far as I can tell, the Frisco houses have hardly any. 2. Good soccer program for my boys. 3. A decent dance school for my girls - preferably with Christian dance. We're already registered for a Classical Conversations school in the area which is close to all three towns. My husband will be working in downtown Frisco. Any thoughts?
  2. It's been forever since I posted. I used to be quite active on this board but have been AWOL the past two years. Life has just gotten very full. But it looks like more changes are in store for my family and we may be making a move to Dallas TX. From what I've read on previous threads it sounds like a wonderful place to homeschool. We are specifically looking at the Frisco/Allen area. There does not appear to be a shortage of homeschooling options. One thing that I'm having difficulty finding is 1) A homeschool athletic program for my sons to play soccer and 2) A Christian dance ministry for my girls. They are currently in a wonderful and very affordable Christian dance company here in Pittsburgh. Can anyone recommend one in and around the Frisco area? Any other tips about homeschooling in TX is greatly appreciated. So far, I've been drawn to PATH co-op in Plano. Thanks for the advice.
  3. It's been forever since I've visited the boards and already there are so many new names. So much has happened in the past 9 months, and since I asked many of you to pray for me, I wanted to come by and give an update: First of all, I delivered a healthy baby girl at the end of August - Leah Hope. Despite my receiving 16 rounds of chemo, she is perfectly healthy and beautiful and praise God, she is already sleeping through the night! She has folded into our family just perfectly and is the apple of her brother and sisters' eyes. Secondly, I completed all my chemo in mid-September and last week's Petscan shows that I am now cancer free!!! Thank you to all who prayed. We had people from all over the world - thousands - who were lifting me up in prayer and I'm just so grateful and humbled that God was moved to heal me. I still have to go through six weeks of radiation beginning next week, to ward off reoccurance. I just don't know how I'm going to manage that and keep up with school, but God's grace has and will be sufficient. Next, I've put my older two in a part time classical christian school. They go twice a week where they receive their instruction and the off days are spent on assignments. This has been a huge blessing as I feel the burden of planning and teaching has been taken off of me. Also, I've enrolled my 1st grader in a cyber school that is primarily computer-driven. He's happy with that and again, has freed me up from the teaching aspect. Finally, you may remember in July, I came to this forum to ask about downsizing. My husbands business has tanked in the past 18 months and we could no longer afford our beautiful, big house. And so in August, we packed our things, mercilessly decluttered, and moved into a house about half the size of our former home. This has been the biggest adjustment for me - yes, even bigger than bringing home a new baby. I am a Martha Stewart at heart and just love pretty things. Decorating a home has always been cathartic for me. Now I find myself in a small rental house with tight quarters and very little latitude to make it my own. I tell friends that God is molding a Martha Stewart into a Caroline Ingalls - and I'm not happy about it. Anyway, when you read this update, it's quite laughable considering that our family has addressed the top four life stressors within just the past 9 months. If it wasn't for God's grace, I honestly don't know if we could have survived, and some mornings, I wonder if I will. Again, I thank you for your prayers. I hope to visit this forum more often once my life settles down. I do lurk from time to time, but I really hope to participate in the discussions again. Blessings, Amy
  4. Being from PA, I'm working hard to defeat Specter next time around (he's nothing but an opportunist), however I do give him credit for facing his constituents. However, a part of me thinks "well do we give a congressman props for doing what they're supposed to do?"
  5. and haven't had one single bad side effect. No nausea, mouth sores, fatigue, nothing. In fact, even the nurse commented that in her 19 years she's never witnessed someone NOT have at least one side effect. People from all over the world are praying for me. God's hand is on me. Why me? I don't know. But I'm so grateful!
  6. is one of my favorite Parisienne sights. But I agree with other posters who recommend a nap. My husband and I lasted till about 3 pm and then we had to go back to our hotel and sleep. We woke up a few hours later rested and ready for Parisienne nightlife.
  7. and that is what brings us all together. So, yes indeed we mourn for any young man or woman who is in this situation, but the fact that he's homeschooled I would bet makes it hit closer to home for most of us.
  8. Granted I don't find the idea of buying into a government run healthcare system doesn't thrill, especially considering its record in running such systems as medicaid and social security. However, the idea of paying for illegal aliens and citizens who can but just don't want healthcare is even a bigger turn off. Not to mention the lack of moral perameters surrounding life and end of life issues.
  9. First of all, thanks for all the great tips. I will definitely be imposing many of them. THe house we found is in an awesome location. It's on a full acre with lots of trees and a creek in the back (similar to what we have here). It's within walking distance to the library, police station, middle school (which affords us playground equipment and basketball hoops), a local market and a Starbucks (woohoo). Plus there's a 4 mile walking path nearby. The house itself I would guess is about 2000 sqf. It's from the 70's so everything is very condensed - lower ceilings, smaller rooms, etc. There are four bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, a nice sized family room, a small panelled (yuk) office/schoolroom, a diningroom, and a basement (with very low ceilings) but it's big. We will lose a formal diningroom, a bedroom, an office and a full bath. But overall I think it will be doable. The house is hardwood throughout which I expect to be much louder than we're used to. I may ask the landlord if we can carpet the steps to avoid falls. I'm very excited about the enclosed deck and the adjoining open deck, both which have tons of storage underneath and a surrounding patio. I think that although it will be tight, we will get used to it. Heck, I grew up with those low ceilings...I can do this. I'm looking forward to getting out of debt, restoring our credit rating, and builidng some semblance of a savings, especially for our kids' education. I'm a bit nervous about the application process as I fear the landlord will see 6 kids (and one on the way) and reject us. But, we're prepared to pay a larger security deposit to assuage his concern. Anyway, I'm still taking tips from anyone on how we can adjust to this house. It's exciting, sad, humbling, and scary all at the same time. Thanks - Amy
  10. granted it was only used a couple of times and still in the box. But I believe they come with a lifetime warranty so I'd expect you to get the same or close to that price if you did sell it. I'm currently in a merciless declutter mode, so I say sell it. You can always replace it later buying used if you decide you miss. (but I bet you won't).
  11. No not necessarily larger just more functional and teen-friendly. And we are not planning to buy but to rent for the next few years until we can get out of debt and save up a nice down payment for something of our own. It's a Dave Ramsey plan.
  12. A few weeks ago I asked advice about downsizing our home based on several reasons, the primary reason being financial. I hate being house poor and not being able to take vacations or give generously to others. I'm frugal, by nature, but I don't like being beholden to a house. All that being said, without any prodding from me, my husband came to me one morning and said that he thinks we should downsize. That's a God thing, as I never once mentioned my thoughts to him. So now we are looking to go from a 3500 sqf home to somewhere around a 2000 sqf home. I have six children with one on the way and my oldest is 11. We currently have five bedrooms, 4 baths, 1 partial bath, a large playroom and a full basement. The houses we are looking at have 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, 1 partial, and a full basement. The kitchens are much smaller than what I have now and won't have a functioning diningroom as this will be our schoolroom. I'm overwhelmed by the thought of living in nearly half the space. I'm very good at purging and neither my husband nor I keep much stuff around. I am willing to sell several sets of furniture in order to fit in a smaller home. However, I'm more concerned about all those bodies in a smaller space! Fortunately my two oldest will be in school parttime next year, so that will help. And we are insisting on a large lot for the kids to play in. But still, can a large family function in a not-so-large house? Even though my kids don't have so many toys, we just have more stuff as a result of there being so many of us - more clothes, more sheets, more towels, more dishes, etc. etc. How do we make this work? BTW, we plan on being in this house for 3-5 years until we can get out of debt at which point we hope to find something more suitable for our future teens. Thanks for your help.
  13. [quote name= You know' date=' up until this point I've taken a live and let live attitude with these people. But now I'm really beginning to think of the whole thing not as a reality show, but a soap opera, with characters and story lines and everything that goes with it. Because I can't imagine, if this was truly *their* life, that they would want all of this very private stuff played out on television. And yeah, I am thinking more of how it will affect the kids. Sadly. It's getting sadder every day. People go on her show and others like it and spill their souls daily. It's not that uncommon, just odd to those of us in the real world.
  14. His statement that he is just 32 and has his whole life ahead of him, made me want to vomit. Hello? What about your 6 five year olds that literally have their entire life ahead of them? Really, what about them? The parents keep saying that everything they do is for the kids, but then he turns around and makes a self-centered statement like that! Not to mention the earrings, the car, ugh. It just repulsed me.
  15. is because I use the refrigerator and freezer. Other than that, I maybe use the over twice a year. But I do store things in the fridge that we use daily. Also the laundry room is downstairs, so I do need to go down there several times a day to do my laundry. In other words, the suite would not be completely sealed off. But we wouldn't be using it as a family on a daily basis.
  16. Apparently the man wrote a second letter to the newspaper apologizing profusely for his mistake.
  17. Thanks for the great advice on our house situation. Dh and I have discussed in the past about renting out the inlaw suite. It would have to be the perfect scenario....someone who works full time or at least is gone most of the day. We have a kitchenette down there, they'd have to be willing to allow us to use it from time to time. Our workout area is also downstairs and we use that. In general, they would have complete privacy in their bedroom and full bath, but would have to share access to the living area and the kitchen. Beyond that, how will we address this with my inlaws. Since they are hardly here, I think if we explain our financial situation and the fact that this space is otherwise going unused, they would understand. But I'm not sure. I keep thinking, "but what if they do decide to come visit. Then where will they stay?" I guess we'd just do what most families do and have them stay in one of the kids' rooms. Thoughts on how to handle this sticky situation?
  18. I love our house. My husband contracted it and put a lot of time and energy into building it. We have a perfectly level lot (which in Pittsburgh is a gem) and great neighbors. I have a great garden and a lovely creek that runs in the back of my half acre. We are situated within half mile to the soccer fields, where we live in the spring and fall. Our church is only 3 miles away and my husband's commute is just 9 miles. But this house is too big for me. There's just so much to care for. Between the five bedrooms, hardwood floors, and large yard, I'm just exhausted trying to keep up. Also, when we moved in 3 years ago, we built an inlaw suite in the basement for my inlaws to stay when they come to visit from their Florida residence. But they have hardly used it. I feel like it's just wasted space and yet I have to keep it clean too. Lastly, with the economy turning, my healt issues, and another baby on the way, I wonder if maybe we bit off more than we could chew financially. We were in a very different place financially just three short years ago. I still want to stay in the township. But I just think a smaller house might be more manageable. Of course with 7 kids, I'm not sure how small I can really go without losing my marbles and feeling we're on top of each other. Any thoughts?
  19. I usually buy a nice nativity set and a Lenox Christmas ornament. Both might be hard to find this time of year, except at an outlet store.
  20. I've got three weeks before my next chemo treatment which will then be weekly for 12 weeks. I'd love to squeeze a family vacation in there, but never planned ahead for one since I didn't expect to get a break. I've heard that there are a lot of beach houses that are not yet being rented and wondering if I might not be able to take advantage. Any ideas of places online to look and negotiate a price? Thanks, Amy
  21. I'm so glad to read the good news. God is so good. I will continue to pray. -Amy
  22. New curtains, hanging pics of the kids, shelving and some chachkas(sp?) sprinkled about.
  23. We got rid of cable about a month ago, which is fine, except I miss Exercise TV and am wondering if there is somewhere else I can find some good programs.
  24. THis is going to sound like a silly question, but my dh has had the hiccups for 24 hours, off and on, and they won't go away. He has tried everything to get rid of them. Any ideas or suggestions to help him. I suspect they are stress related, but he thinks it's nerve. Would a call to a chiropractor be helpful? Any medicines he could take. He can not go to work and successfully do his job when he's hiccuping constantly. Thanks for your help. -Amy
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