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Old WTM Board Poster's Who are you?

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I was, and still am, Renai. I think I started reading the boards in 2002 and posting somewhere in 2003. Or was it reading in 2003, and posting in 2004?? Hmmm. Nah, I'm sure it was 2002/2003. I stopped posting about a year ago, and recently came back to the boards. Anyway, all the name changes from the old to the new board confused me, but there are folks I certainly miss from "back in the day." There's always some old fogey here to reminiscence about the old days. :D

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Guest Katia

I've been on these boards since 1999.


Back then, I had one just starting high school and two in elementary. TWTM meshed nicely with the CM method I had been using up until that point.


Now, I only have one left at home and she's in 11th grade.


Boy, does time fly......

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Please chime in if you were a poster on the old board


I loved the advise from the old board.

When I first started homeschooling, the old board poster's were my "mentors"


I never posted back then but read everything they posted.


I know boards change, people move on, but I was just curious who was still hanging out here (that posted advise) not a lurker like myself


Pam in NJ, Pam in VA, Pam in MD, Pam "Sister Flaming Sword of Moderation" in MD, Pam "SFSOM" in MD, Pam "SFSOM" in TN.


All me.

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I hope the new edition of TWTM mentions this site as a current source of information!


I was Julie in AK, but so few people around here are neoclassical homeschoolers and ALSO named Julie that I needed to go a little bit more "under the radar." So I changed to buddhabelly. My belly is not huge, but I definitely have some roundness going on there!



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I've been posting on the old boards since around 2003, when I started using WTM with my son his sophomore year. I can't remember my username before I was SolaMichella.


I remember it.

At least I think I do.

Weren't you Old Mother West Wind?

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I've been on for a long time, though I read more than I post. I loved sitting down in a school break and scrolling down through all of the conversation of the old board. Whenever the boards would go down, it was a small crisis. Hated those board error days! There were always deep sighs of comfort when the boards came back up. :D


I've really enjoyed meeting folks IRL that I recognize from the boards (Grace in MD, I still have yet to really "meet" you!)




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I first read TWTM when it first came out and my oldest was 3. I learned about the boards a couple of years later when we were officially homeschooling and spent TONS of time on them around the turn of the millenium, always as Ida. I remember posting a birth announcement when my daughter was born in May 2001 and I had been on the boards at least a little while. I actually posted quite a bit back then, but have taken several extended breaks and rarely post now. I find that I drift away when we're chugging along then come back when we're in transitions or I'm looking for new curricula. I miss being able to see the opening lines of everyones responses so you could catch the drift of the conversation without actually opening them. It was more skimmable, and there were so many great one liners.


I too remember Quiver with 7. What ever happened to 4 boybarians and FINALLY Rachel Grace? And Miz Booshay? For some reason I did find it easier to "know" people on the old board. At least some things, like bean dip, have carried over.

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I first came to TWTM board in late '99/early 2000? I know I was here before we moved to MI from Tokyo. I was planning to bring my children home full-time (we had always afterschooled in Japan) and was looking for high school level support. I mostly frequented the high school board. After arriving in country, I was pretty quiet while we went through some difficult adjustments in our family. I have continued to post infrequently but have always been here reading. For awhile, I was just Marie on the old boards. Then someone else started posting as Marie, so I started using my Tokyomarie moniker even though it is only in my dreams that I am in Tokyo.


I've since graduated my two girls and am now down to just my son at home.

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I was an old board poster, starting the first year the book first came out. And have always been catalinakel. And have always come here to connect with other women, other mommies who are like minded in terms of educating their kids, even though I don't homeschool anymore.

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Please chime in if you were a poster on the old board


I loved the advise from the old board.

When I first started homeschooling, the old board poster's were my "mentors"


I never posted back then but read everything they posted.


I know boards change, people move on, but I was just curious who was still hanging out here (that posted advise) not a lurker like myself


I did. :001_smile: Same posting name. Though I will say I was never one of the main posters that offered a lot of information/advice.

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Before I even read the other posts, I was thinking. Hmmmm I was on the boards when Jean was Quiverof8. But then I remember now that you changed to that just after I started posting.


So, if I knew when you had kiddo number 8, I would know when I started on the boards.


I remember one of my favorite oldies was a lady named Donna that was from Louisiana. Does anyone know who I'm talking about? When I was starting out, she just seemed to have some fabulous advise.


I remember when Mindy changed to WTMindy and Pam added the sisterhood alphabet to her name. I remember Abbeyej posting about being frustrated that her baby girl wouldn't quit crying.


It's amazing how much I know about a group of people I've never met and never hope to. I've spent an awful lot of time here, but I've gained an immense amount in return for it.


Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

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I found the WTM boards in 2001 or 2002. I posted with the same screen name that I'm using now. I can still remember certain names from back then, like Tami, MI chelle, Chris in VA, Ria, Quiver and more! I always read more than I posted (much like I do now). WTM still remains the best homeschooling forum on the www, IMO. The hive mind is quite knowledgeable!

Edited by BizyPenguin
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I was on the old boards too, since the late '90's. I even remember Ellie from Vegsource boards! Hi Ellie!


Oh yes! Vegsource is how I found TWTM. Ellie is how I discovered Rod and Staff. I will be forever in her debt for that one. Thanks Ellie.:001_smile:

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