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Pam "SFSOM" in TN

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Everything posted by Pam "SFSOM" in TN

  1. Did what I could on mine. So, so sorry you're having all this trouble. Ugh.
  2. I'll bet I'm mixing you up with Janie. But I guess I thought she was in NC. Hmm. Been away too long. :-)
  3. Jane, no, you're selling books, I've sent you money, you've sent me books. Several times. :) ETA: Or maybe not. I just assumed it's you.
  4. Aww, you guys are sweet. I miss you all. Janie, honey, you've sold me about half your library in the past four weeks. I'm still here, just on facebook. :) Now I need some chocolate no-bakes. Goodness. Worse than crack.
  5. So sad to hear this news. If you're reading this, Kay, love and strength to you for the journey.
  6. And when you're done, you have to watch the movie, Serenity, to see how it all :sniffle: wraps :bawl!: up.
  7. Kari, there are no words. Holding you and your family in my thoughts tonight.
  8. For not too many people would I break my board fast, Nadia darling. But here you go: :001_huh: :D :lol:
  9. Yes. Dd just used the one from the SSAT people, and she also credited ALEKS math (online tutorial) for a good specific prep for SSAT. Ds just took the actual test in 6th and 7th for practice and evaluation at his small private school, then for high school admissions purposes in 8th. SSAT tests by grade level, yes. You are scored with the cohort of the grade that you report your child to belong to. (Test as a 6th grader, get compared to other 6th graders.)
  10. Starfall.com Jumpstart (Um, yes Virginia, the same ones you got at home.) Peep (and Chirp and Quack) That's about it for K-5 here. Point, click, etc. Jan Brett BBC Scotland More BBC FOSSWeb Insects
  11. He was not, from what I can see, mocking the US. He was mocking mindlessly zealous "patriotism." It's perceived as a prevailing attitude in the US that we're better than everyone else in the world, and the chant of "USA, USA, USA!" sort of epitomizes that. It starts at the local level in the schools. Most of our schools are well above average in achievement. (Read about that here -- an excellent book.) On the national level it continues with various policy issues -- we chose the path, therefore it must be most virtuous and most efficient, because we are coasting on our former "glory" and previous generations' moral capital. (IMO) "We're the best, down with the rest!" attitudes deserve a little gentle mocking, IMO. But then, I've never been much of a cheerleader, and large groups chanting ANYthing frighten me.
  12. :iagree: Yes. Shame on you, Bill. (Why *is* the word "Spy" in your screen name? Hmmm??) America -- if you're not for us in every way, you're against us. If you're criticizing particular policy and outcomes, you're assaulting the Nation and All She Stands For. (Hey, I figure false dichotomy should *definitely* appeal to you, of all people.) Love her or go live somewhere else, like a developing nation so you can better appreciate the US and then primly lecture us on our poor uniformed attitude. Satire and a (lil) sarcasm was good enough for Jonathon Swift, but you, sir, are no Jonathan Swift. Public dissent on specific issues of disagreement is the lowest form of treason. You should know that. And you should be Ashamed. Get right, sir, and quit your agitatin'. It ain't proper. And make sure you tell your mama she didn't raise you right. It's good for her to know these things. And it's good for you to know you had a low-class upbringing so that you can, you know, aspire to better in the future or perhaps for your own children. (And watch the kids around those grandparents, as they might influence them badly like you have been. Just exercise caution, is all I'm saying. You see how it worked out for you, and you don't want to perpetuate that to future generations.)
  13. *snort* Well, no offense to your MIL who I am sure is a wonderful person :D, but I'm an RN and the tiny bit of Latin I had "teaching" dd primer Latin and Latin I helped me immensely in nursing school. My having a computer science degree doesn't directly relate to patient care, but being able to problem-solve and think and write logically and precisely sure helps. And Latin is just another way to develop those skills, IMO. Good thing you're not wasting *her* time, eh? Smile, nod, and pity her quietly.
  14. He was only a Senator's son back then (and a reserve officer), but yes, a US congressman's immediate family member would be considered (for internal "courtesy" purposes) a VIP. Showing respect to the office by giving respect to the family member, etc.
  15. Dh's Beau Biden story -- he was doing some processing at Fort Dix where dh was working at the time. Walked up, signed in, went to sit down and wait his turn on the floor. Now, it's a big fat hairy deal when a senator's family member in in the MEPS. Carpets are rolled and stuff is expedited. But he didn't utter a peep about who he was, just took his number and took his turn. Dh just happened to key in on the "Biden" part of it and googled him, lol, then told the CO that a VIP was on the floor. He declined to have his processing expedited, just elected to wait his turn with the rest of the riff raff. No expectations, no fanfare. Just a very nice man.
  16. I'm sorry, Karen. It's been so hard, these past three months. I come home and sleep for what feels like 32 of the 48 hours off, then study and try not to clench my teeth for the next. I should have followed up better on my dinner invite and on your coffee invite, though. I'm sorry you're having a hard time. You have a church in your back yard that will have you sitting by a Buddhist on the right, an atheist on the left, a lapsed Catholic to the front, and a free-thinking Jew to the back. And a lot of liberal Presbyterians all around. And you can sit side by side with the pastor at the local GLBT meetings, and help plant the meditation labyrinth in backyard of the church and do reiki on Tuesdays and drum circle on Saturday afternoon and read the Koran in a year (well, if you catch up) along with them. Have you visited? They are so very welcoming. And they would snuggle your baby and envelope your daughter. It's a good community. But they do not proselytize, so you would have to seek them out, I think, and actually make the move to attend. I've been through hell and back with the father of my kids, yelling, him not knowing how to fight, me not knowing how to give him space. I know your frustration. We had to learn each other. It was not easy. I would never want to start over again, it was that hard. I'm very very sorry that you're hurting and sad and that I'm here and that I'm not helping very much at all. I hope you find the right path to take in this situation.
  17. Yeah, it's not always like this. But I have to tell you, I rejoice with every rain. Our water tables have been so desperately low in the past years, and this is catching us up just a little bit. I worry terribly about drought. Farmers in our area lost a lot of livestock in the past years, and horses suffered awfully. Lots of people lost their beloved horses because of lack of ability to feed them. I'm sorry it's not to your liking, though. :- )
  18. Well, I can't speak to your specific situation, but I do know that studies show that if one parent is a stable constant during the separation, the children fare about as well as if both parents are there. They are equally secure, emotionally stable, developmentally ok, etc. This set my mind at ease over the years of military craziness that our family went through.
  19. KidsHappen is self-aware. KidsHappen is curious. KidsHappen is compassionate. KidsHappen is fair-minded. KidsHappen's glass is half-full, not half-empty.
  20. And in fact, honestly? I'd probably be using words like, "Get over it. This conversation is finished. This is what married people do. This is what makes the world go round. Shift your thinking, understand that you know these things now, and get over yourself." Then move on. Joanne said it best -- no hyperfocusing. No more than that he knows you move your bowels or that you menstruate or that money doesn't originate from ATM's. It is what it is, kid. Next.
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