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What should I eat?


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I was diagnosed with covid on Sunday.  I’m not dying or seriously ill, but I feel pretty lousy.  Congested, coughing, queasy, exhausted, feverish, achy, sore throat.  The thought of food is REALLY unappealing, but I’m starting to wonder if I’d feel better if I got something into my system.  Plus, I really have to be fit for work on Friday.  Is there anything that is going to make me feel more like a human being?  Crackers, dry cereal, and the like are kinda turning my stomach.  I’m not sure what to try.  Any suggestions?  

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Chicken soup, homemade if someone will make it for you, preferably with a little bit of lemon juice (like a tablespoon in a recipe of five or six cups). We actually put a dash of Tabasco in, too, but that might not appeal to you since you have a sore throat.

Alternatively, the old Joy of Cooking mulligatawny recipe is basically chicken soup with a couple of teaspoons of curry powder and a good amount of coconut milk. Start by chopping and sautéing a big onion, several ribs of celery, and a couple of carrots in butter. Add 1 1/2 tbsp of flour and 2(+) tsp of curry. Add 4-5 cups of chicken stock, simmer, add rice and chopped chicken and half a small chopped apple. I always use more onions, celery, chicken and rice than the recipe suggests, and probably double the coconut milk (added at the end) to about a cup. Again, add a tiny splash of lemon juice, maybe a teaspoon or so. There’s salt, pepper, and thyme, to taste. Probably a search would bring up the recipe.

Or maybe something cool like pudding or jello?

I’m sorry you feel rotten. Please don’t go to work. I hope someone will cook for you. Rest and get better.

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3 minutes ago, Ausmumof3 said:

I’m pretty sure you will still be contagious Friday so shouldn’t be working 😞

can you do some lemon and ginger tea or similar? 

Trying ginger tea. Just…blah.  Feeling really lousy.  Can’t taste.  Weak.  Dizzy.  It’s dumb and frustrating.  

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I think maybe you need so meth by with strong flavor. If you have anyone who can cook for you, have them take a chicken breast or thigh and VERY generously coat it with a spice rub of tumeric, garlic, onion powder, cumin, sprinkle with salt, sear on both sides in a hot pan, squeeze lemon over it, put in the oven at 350 to finish cooking through, and then eat with some bell pepper.


Maybe. I don't know if it would overcome the yucky taste of being sick. Possibly sweet and sour soup?

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I'm sorry that you are not well.

I don't have any food suggestions but I have another thought. If you are able,  do some very gentle stretches and twists. After not very bad covid,  I put my back out and have suffered nine months of sciatica.  I'm convinced it was the immobility of covid that set me up for it.

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I'm so sorry you've got Covid! 😞 

Whatever you do, don't be a hero and overdo it while you're sick. Don't worry too much about food and focus on staying hydrated with whatever appeals to you.

Sending lots of hugs! I hope you feel better very soon. 

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When my kids are sick, even now as adults, I make bone broth in the instant pot (chicken bones, carrots, celery, onions, mushrooms, ginger, garlic, and a little soy sauce for umami and saltiness), then pour it through a fine mesh strainer, chill it, scoop off the fat, and fill a thermos with hot clear broth to sip on. When I'm sick myself I do veggie broth with ginger, garlic, and miso. Store-bought bone broth, with some extra garlic and ginger, could do in a pinch. I think the key is to not try to force yourself to eat a whole bowl of something, but to just have a thermos of something hot, tasty, and nutritious to sip on a little at a time.

I also don't believe in trying to reduce a fever, because fevers have a really important immune function, so if anything I try to enhance it — long hot shower or bath, then crawl under a big pile of blankets with a thermos of broth or tea, and just try to sweat it out and sleep it off.

Edited by Corraleno
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After a serious GI illness, the one thing I really truly craved was Chinese egg drop soup. My dh and the kids made me a quick version of chicken stock with a splash of soy into which they stirred a beaten egg and topped with a sprinkle of green onion. We used chives sometimes in a pinch. I lived on that stuff for a couple months.

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Ahhhh, I'm sorry.


I had COVID last week -- sounds like mine was a milder version than yours -- and all I consumed for three days was rice, then graduated to rice and beans with a bit of melted cheese; and hot water with lemon, then graduated to hot water and honey with one of those Citrus Tea products (which are, essentially, marmalade).

Hope you turn the corner soon.

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Soup - chicken with garlic and turmeric, preferably made with bone broth. Broth heals the gut & rehydrates. Turmeric lowers inflammation. Garlic kills the virus, lowering viral load and lowers inflammation. 

Sun - it literally kills the virus in your blood and lowers viral load. Don’t get burned, but being ill makes laying out worth the minimal sun damage.

Alcohol - I’d go with bourbon. Gargle it until your throat is numb, then swallow. It lowers viral load too. 

Fever - Induce a fever by taking a hot shower or bath afterwards, bundling up in the warmest clothing you own, and then taking a nap wrapped in at least 3 blankets. This also lowers viral load. 

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1 hour ago, Catwoman said:

@Terabith Just checking in to see how you're feeling today. 

Exhausted. Completely wiped out.  Achy and congested and overall sick feeling but mostly exhausted.  Need to get up energy to at least lay in the sun but just having trouble generating energy to get out of bed and do anything. 

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19 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

I think maybe you need so meth by with strong flavor. If you have anyone who can cook for you, have them take a chicken breast or thigh and VERY generously coat it with a spice rub of tumeric, garlic, onion powder, cumin, sprinkle with salt, sear on both sides in a hot pan, squeeze lemon over it, put in the oven at 350 to finish cooking through, and then eat with some bell pepper.


Maybe. I don't know if it would overcome the yucky taste of being sick. Possibly sweet and sour soup?

I don’t think she needs meth. That seems drastic. 

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I'm going to preface my suggestions with desperate times call for desperate measures.

If nauseated Sprite is my go to somehow the fizziness and calories. (My friend will make a mixed drink with ginger and Sprite.)

If you are having trouble keeping things down or really just having an appetite you can try Gatorade it keeps you hydrated and has electrolytes to keep your body kind of going and calories. Soups are better for you but sometimes when I have trouble getting anything to be palatable/keeping things down these two things are my go to until that phase has passed.  

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26 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

I see I’m not alone. I crave McDonalds when I’m sick. It makes no sense, but I don’t question it too much 

A long time ago, one of my doctors said the fat/salt combo helps with nausea but I don't know if that's true.  

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I’m not vomiting, but I have pretty much zero appetite, and when I do eat something, my stomach kinda flip flops like it’s not happy about it.  I just tried a piece of dry toast and some tea with honey.  Hopefully it’ll be okay.  

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