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What is your kid(s) doing for summer?


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Dd18 will go to Europe for two weeks, work at camp, do college orientation and generally prep for going away to school. Sprinkled in between all those, she’ll work her restaurant job and hang out with friends.

Ds16 will also be working, at a grocery or a restaurant, or maybe both bc the schedules/hours are so different. Tbd. He will do football and lacrosse practices, have a week at camp, do a driver’s ed class and get his permit. He’ll have some youth group events and hang out time with friends. 

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L (18, college junior) is an environmental educator/counselor at a nature center summer camp, where being able to identify a snake from 20 yards away in tall grass is a valued skill set 🙂, and also writing a new class for Athena's (turning the mist fun parts of  two college courses into one class)


M (17, 12th grade ) is an assistant swim instructor and working on college application stuff


C (14, 9th grade) is working at the concession stand at the pool and doing swim team. 

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Peter (rising 9th grader):
- A week of BioTech camp
- A week of Programming camp
- A week of Dungeons and Dragons camp
- A smattering of other 1 day science camps
- Getting a head start on the heavy 9th grade load he wants to tackle
- A week in South Carolina with DH's parents
- A week at my parents' cottage

Spencer (rising 5th grader):
- A weekly piano lesson with a collage professor who has performed around the world
- A weekly violin lesson
- A weekly music composition lesson
- Online class: Exploring Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas
- A week of Crime Scene Forensics camp
- A smattering of other 1 day science camps
- A week in South Carolina with DH's parents
- A week at my parents' cottage

Audrey (rising 2nd grader):
- A week of science camp
- A week of Humane Society camp
- A smattering of other 1 day camps
- 8 hours a week of Gymnastic Team practice
- A week in South Carolina with DH's parents
- A week at my parents' cottage

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7 minutes ago, wendyroo said:

Peter (rising 9th grader):
- A week of BioTech camp
- A week of Programming camp
- A week of Dungeons and Dragons camp
- A smattering of other 1 day science camps
- Getting a head start on the heavy 9th grade load he wants to tackle
- A week in South Carolina with DH's parents
- A week at my parents' cottage

Spencer (rising 5th grader):
- A weekly piano lesson with a collage professor who has performed around the world
- A weekly violin lesson
- A weekly music composition lesson
- Online class: Exploring Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas
- A week of Crime Scene Forensics camp
- A smattering of other 1 day science camps
- A week in South Carolina with DH's parents
- A week at my parents' cottage

Audrey (rising 2nd grader):
- A week of science camp
- A week of Humane Society camp
- A smattering of other 1 day camps
- 8 hours a week of Gymnastic Team practice
- A week in South Carolina with DH's parents
- A week at my parents' cottage

Wow! That’s a lot. I live pretty rural and we just don’t have that much going on ever.

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DD21 - working full-time (sometimes it's hard being an adult LOL)


DD17/turning 18 - Monday afternoons - Art in the Park

-CNA summer school & clinicals, hopefully culminating in a certificate

-taking ACT

-volunteering at library gardens

-volunteering at animal shelter


DD16 - Monday afternoons - Art in the Park

- Wednesday afternoons - assisting children's librarian with summer reading program

-finish up math from sophomore year

-volunteering at library gardens

-volunteering at animal shelter

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DS20 is visiting friends in Ohio and LA (a few friends from uni are meeting up) for a couple weeks, then working full time as supervisor at a local swimming pond. He'll teach swim and lifeguard again as well. I get him home all the way until late August! 

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6 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Wow! That’s a lot. I live pretty rural and we just don’t have that much going on ever.

We are in a suburban area (just outside of Grand Rapids, MI), and there is SO MUCH going on. I could have my kids in art, science, music, movie making, sports, zoo, and all sorts of other camps every day of the week if I wanted.

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Ds18 is working putting up tents and doing landscape and clerical work for a lawyer. Dd 20 will also work for her and maybe pick up something else( she was supposed to work away.). Dd14 will finished school through June. Then she had a week of adventure camp and a week of Youth group Camp at the beach (with ds18). Then we will move seven hours away to a place where school starts earlier so we will be getting everyone settled and she will hopefully play soccer. 

We will also go to NH, Connecticut and DC and maybe PA to see family. It’s going to be a kind of weird disjointed summer. 

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DD22 just graduated college and is looking for a job.  Meanwhile she has a few things she is doing to help with her resume.  She will also be helping with some speech and debate things with her former teams this summer (paid), if she hasn't gotten a job by then.

DS20 is on deployment right now.  He left earlier this year, and should be coming back stateside at the end of the summer sometime.

DS17 will be working at a BSA summer camp all summer at the coast.  It will be his second year and he is very excited about it.  He will take one week off to go to a different camp with his troop.  At the end of the summer he is talking about doing a road trip with some of his friends from the camp who will be going off the college in the fall.

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My oldest is going on a couple camping trips. All my kids 8 and up have weekly church activities. Usually it's some sort of sport or water gun fight out on the lawn behind the church. Weekly piano and ballet. Lots of gardening and trips to the park with friends. Hopefully swimming lessons if we can find affordable ones!

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We're heading to Michigan for a couple weeks to visit family. Other than that I'm trying to get a weekly park playdate going and we will do periodic hikes. Dh is a public school teacher, so summer is our family time and catch up on house repair time.

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ODD 16 is babysitting 4 days a week. 

DS14 is doing an internship at the Children's theatre helping run there summmer programs

YDD4 has 2 different dance camps so we can try for before committing for the year. She is also doing a fairy tale camp at the children’s theatre her brother will be the TA.  

Everyone will do a ton of swimming and lots of weekend road trips. First summer in years DH will have weekends off.

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DS 15 will hopefully be doing driver's ed online (not the road stuff yet). I'm sure he'll be playing his instruments, I am hoping he'll do some yard work and paint. He seems to be in tip top condition after a year of recovery from scoliosis surgery and some pulmonary issues. He's also going to a conference related to his rare disease, and I'm hoping the kids he knows from his online support group will be there as well.

DS 19 will be working his butt off, literally. He will be doing finish carpentry three days per week and working at a garden center for two. He put in over 30,000 steps at the garden center yesterday, lol! 

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3 minutes ago, kbutton said:

DS 15 will hopefully be doing driver's ed online (not the road stuff yet). I'm sure he'll be playing his instruments,

He might be able to combine the two. My dc discovered that the online drivers Ed requires them to be on each webpage for a certain amount of time, regardless of how quickly you finished reading it. They did paper homework on the side until the time let them move on. Multi-tasking!

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Dd20 is working to pay for college.  She’s taking a long weekend mid-summer to go visit her boyfriend.  But mostly, she’s working.

Ds15 is going to 3 different week long-ish camp, plus a youth group trip to do a VBS at a small church.

Dd7 is going to the first camp that ds is going to (I’m going too, it with our church).  She’ll also go to our VBS.  Plus enjoy as much time as she can with dd20 before she goes back to college.

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We don't have anything exciting going on, but it will be busy.  Older will be a senior next year and will likely start on college application essays and SRAR stuff.  Kid is taking an online DE class and is working on a homegrown computing class (spouse is a computer engineer and directs this) and possibly reading books that I'll turn into a history 1/2 credit elective.  Kid will start working on his Eagle project and will have workouts for baseball 2x/week at the school and probably some independent ones at a local sports club.  If the weather is good we'll have 7 weekends of summer baseball tournaments.  Kid has told the high school coach to let him know if local tournaments need paid scorekeepers on days that there isn't a conflict with his games, so he may pick up some cash doing that.  The high school is hosting a few days of baseball camp for younger kids so the team will probably be working at that as a fundraiser.  We live on a couple of acres and have a huge garden, so we may pay kid to do some yard stuff.  Kid also likes to go to the open gym at church every Thursday night and play a few hours of basketball - it conflicts with baseball during the school year but is a summer favorite.  We had debated encouraging kid to get a summer job, but between AP and DE kid is on track to be able to do college in 3 years (or work towards a masters if he stays longer).  Since kid is interested and able it makes more sense to let kid keep working on academics.  

Younger has karate 2 hrs/day 2-3 days most weeks and will have volleyball practice 2 evenings a week most of the summer.  There's one jiu jitsu competition on the calendar so there will probably be some extra practice for that.  Violin lessons will continue most weeks so there should be some practice.  I'll start counting hours towards high school PE and fine arts credits - kid will be doing extra conditioning to prepare for a karate blackbelt test in the fall so we may do some bike rides together to get in some extra cardio that isn't hard on my not-a teenager joints.  🙂  This kid will also be a crew leader at VBS one week.  Sleepovers and fun with friends are priorities, so kid has already done work converting the playroom into more of a teen space.  We will likely do a couple of day trips to a water park that is a little over an hour away - there are closer ones, but this one is small and only $15 per person so I'm happy to go and take a friend a few times.  There may be some stuff with the youth group at church - we're getting a new director so the schedule is still not out.  

Between morning karate, evening volleyball, and weekend baseball, we aren't traveling much.  We have a family trip to the beach but otherwise we'll mostly spend the summer hitting and throwing things.  🙂  At one time I would have hated the thought of being so tied down with sports, but somewhere along the line I came to love it as much as the kids do and I'm cherishing these years of getting to enjoy it with them.  

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Dance, of course for BalletBoy. And also just relaxing. Dance is so consuming. He needs a break.

Mushroom got an internship with a digital gaming organization. They're sort of a statewide industry group connecting companies and universities. He'll be in a team building an app. He'll also be in the state where he basically now lives, so he's happy about returning to where the gf is.

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7 minutes ago, Farrar said:

Dance, of course for BalletBoy. And also just relaxing. Dance is so consuming. He needs a break.

Mushroom got an internship with a digital gaming organization. They're sort of a statewide industry group connecting companies and universities. He'll be in a team building an app. He'll also be in the state where he basically now lives, so he's happy about returning to where the gf is.

Yes.  There seems to be no off season for ballet.  Is he doing an intensive? 

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6 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Yes.  There seems to be no off season for ballet.  Is he doing an intensive? 

Yes, but just the one. So he'll have more than a month off. He needs it. He hasn't had any time off. They act all nice that they gave him Christmas off. Like, puh-lease.

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DS will turn 15 this summer and get his learner's permit. 

He's continuing with art and blacksmithing. I am kind of surprised he wants to keep blacksmithing this summer, because it gets HOT here. 

I want to do some day trips to Dallas and Houston this summer, to visit museums and interesting things. There is a cavern nearby to visit and he wants to go to the zoo again.

We school year round, so he'll have reading to do. 

I am debating signing him up for archery classes, but between blacksmithing, chores, and daily walking, he's pretty active.


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This is our first summer in Europe, and honestly we have nothing exciting planned. The kids have a very short summer break from school, and this international school has been a big adjustment for them. I think they are looking forward to doing a bunch of nothing. Plus, we aren’t in an English speaking country so there aren’t too many kids camps and activities outside of school.

DS17 is playing on the semi pro baseball team and working full time. Also hopefully he will be doing some things to get ready for college.

The younger three will hopefully take advantage of living in such a walkable/bikeable area and spend some time exploring. I’m also planning to take them on a day trip once a week. I would also like to take a trip or two, but we traveled quite a bit during the school breaks and now I feel like we need to save some money. But, if oldest ds and dh stay here to work, that saves money 😀

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Dd19 will be on summer break from college and will work as many hours as her grocery store will give her. She will also go on her own adventures (that she won't tell me much about 🤣). 

DD17 will be a docent at a local historic site and ENJOY the summer between high school and college. 

Ds12 (13 next weeK--EEK!) is signed up for a few enrichment camps (band, art, and something else) at his school and is supposed to do soccer workouts.   I'm not sure about that.  He will also be taking tennis lessons and competing on the Junior Circuit to help be ready his last year of middle school play.  

ds10 also has enrichment camps at his school.  He will attend one week of VBS at mil's church, which will be his last year for that.  

Both boys will participate in summer reading at the library where I work, including attending our Friday programs.  

our family is currently on a short vacation at the beach and will go on a trip to Yellowstone, etc., at the beginning of July in honor of dd's high school graduation. 

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My 15 yo (rising 10th grade) dd is doing alot of volunteer hours at our local zoo. She is doing two weeks of “counselor in training” for zoo camp and then she will be doing the regular teen volunteer shifts where she does education carts and discovery boxes. She loves talking to people and working with kids and is possibly interested in exploring it as a career path. She is also doing three days at a zoo in a bigger city that has a zoo camp for high schoolers so she can do something as a participant and not just a worker. 

She is also getting her learners permit and taking drivers ed and taking a wellness course through online summer school so she doesn’t need to take gym class at school. 

She will end summer with a turn as a leader at a church camp for middle schoolers. 

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Too young to have summer jobs, too rural for a lot of camps. But our library system is stellar and we have 12 events lined up in June and July.

We also have friends who just moved a few miles down from us, so we will be spending more time with them. Keeping our standing park day with another friend.

We are on a mission to find the best sparkling water flavors (La Croix, Spindrift etc) and the kids are making a bracket. LoL

I also want to do one read aloud "Book and Movie" theme a month, so probably James and the Giant Peach in June, and Holes in July. Those are good for their ages. We'll have watching parties after we finish the books. 

Garden work. House projects. Math and reading lightly all summer. My husband will take a week in July and we'll probably go bowling, have a beach day, and camp in the yard.

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My kids are both 16 and will enter 12th grade in the fall.  Their summer:

  • Paid work in an ice cream store
  • Animal-related volunteer work (zoo / farm).
  • Hone driving skills / Kid2's driving license test.
  • SAT prep & SAT test.
  • Spanish tutoring.
  • Summer homework for AP English.
  • 1 week culture camp (fun, arts, & volunteering).
  • 2 week European cruise.
  • Soccer.
  • Horse riding / running.
  • Marching band.
  • Resume TKD.
  • Mom has aspirations to push study skills, personal finance, and physics.
  • College applications.
  • Individual projects of their choice.
  • Cooking, cleaning, reorganizing, being responsible for their dog, family stuff, friend stuff, health stuff ....

They said something about being bored this summer.  I doubt they will be bored, but if they ever are, they can come to me for additional ideas!

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4 hours ago, Farrar said:

Yes, but just the one. So he'll have more than a month off. He needs it. He hasn't had any time off. They act all nice that they gave him Christmas off. Like, puh-lease.

Just the day for Christmas?  I know he does tons of Nutcracker shows.  Is he doing the intensive at his company?

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4 hours ago, Brittany1116 said:


We are on a mission to find the best sparkling water flavors (La Croix, Spindrift etc) and the kids are making a bracket. LoL

We did this and it was fun! We did not all agree, of course. But I now know our top 2-3 flavors in each brand and look for them when they are on sale. Publix has one brand on BOGO every week.

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Just now, ScoutTN said:

We did this and it was fun! We did not all agree, of course. But I now know our top 2-3 flavors in each brand and look for them when they are on sale. Publix has one brand on BOGO every week.

Good to know about Publix! And here I was thinking I had a cool, new idea. 🤣 Yes, so far the kids are at odds on the best and I am middle of the road for everything. 

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BIG KID 1 is working, spending OODLES of time w/significant other, and going on vacation (cruise) with bestie before getting established in her new college city.

BIG KID 2 is going straight into band camp and related activities/volunteerism, MAAAYBE a college tour trip w/me through the midwest, also math tutoring in prep for next fall.

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We live in a seasonal vacation area so kids (and parents) here generally work like crazy in the summer.  My three at home work for a landscaper couple doing stone work, gardening, and babysitting respectively.  They will also help me with the garden and we will all hike and swim together, plus they'll spend time with friends hiking and swimming - I love arriving at a swimming hole to find my kids and their friends already there. Sometimes we coordinate, sometimes we agree to avoid each other 🙂 

Oldest ds is coming for 9 days when dd18 graduates, so I'm planning some adventures.  He and I are planning an overnight solstice hike: we'll watch the sun set from one peak then hike eastward through the night to see the sunrise from another peak.

Preparing for youngest to go to college the last week of August.

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Much less than last summer! I’m over the driving.

Adult kids- working


Over night summer camp 3 nights

soccer day camp 1 week (3 minutes from our house)

STEM day Camp 1 week (3 minutes from our house)

Beach, beach, beach- in our neighborhood, we live on a lake

We have a few historical re enactments we are in but way less than in the past.

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  • School as long as it takes until geometry is finished!!!!
  • a week of Boy Scout camp
  • Hopefully one week to just do housework and read and stuff.
  • Next year starts July 24 in hopes of being able to finish earlier next year and perhaps have a summer job.
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