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Colonoscopy at 45?


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1 hour ago, SKL said:

Basically there are 3 options.  No sedation, full sedation, and "twilight sleep."

I was not told about the "no sedation" option.  When I expressed the concerns you mention above, I was told about "twilight sleep," so I chose that for my first colonoscopy.

The problem with "twilight sleep" was that I apparently responded to discomfort during the procedure (though I had no recollection of this).  They aborted the procedure.  I ended up being charged for a colonoscopy that never got done ... and advised to come back for another one.

(Why would I have had discomfort?  I assume it is an inherited issue, as my mom and some of her relatives have some kind of twisting in the colon ... I don't know the clinical explanation, but it's not an issue most people will have.)

The next two times, I directed them to just knock me the heck out.  I want the colonoscopy to get done.  I didn't end up having any reactions to the knockout drugs.

There are a couple of 'corners' in the large intestines that the doctor has to work around during a colonoscopy -- hepatic flexure and splenic flexure. Think about the large intestine like a long skinny deflated balloon ---- during the procedure, the scope is advanced, the colon is insufflated with a bit of air, and on. Folks can also have a tortuous colon (twisty) that can be challenging to advance. Sometimes we would reposition people from side to side to help advance the scope. 

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1 minute ago, Kidlit said:

I've had a sigmoidoscopy unsedated.  At the time I had it, I was young and ignorant so didn't know what to expect t.  It was quite uncomfortable but I survived it without much emotional/mental trauma. It involved A LOT of pressure.   However, if I had to do it again, I'd know to dread it and be quite apprehensive.  I'd definitely go for the sedated version (I usually do twilight sleep) if at all possible.  

Bless your heart! ❤️ I've only seen a full colonoscopy done ONE time --- gentleman didn't bring someone to take him home. He had already gone through the prep, and wanted to be done with it, so we performed it with no sedation. He was as tough as nails. I think you have to have the right doctor and staff to be patient, talk you through it, etc. We did flex sigs in the office without sedation, and it was no fun. 😞

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1 hour ago, SKL said:

Basically there are 3 options.  No sedation, full sedation, and "twilight sleep."

I was not told about the "no sedation" option.  When I expressed the concerns you mention above, I was told about "twilight sleep," so I chose that for my first colonoscopy.

The problem with "twilight sleep" was that I apparently responded to discomfort during the procedure (though I had no recollection of this).  They aborted the procedure.  I ended up being charged for a colonoscopy that never got done ... and advised to come back for another one.

(Why would I have had discomfort?  I assume it is an inherited issue, as my mom and some of her relatives have some kind of twisting in the colon ... I don't know the clinical explanation, but it's not an issue most people will have.)

The next two times, I directed them to just knock me the heck out.  I want the colonoscopy to get done.  I didn't end up having any reactions to the knockout drugs.

I’ve had them all three ways. Fully out was by far the best experience for me. 

Eta my no sedation experience was not an a full colonoscopy, it was a flex sigmoidoscopy

Edited by Grace Hopper
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8 minutes ago, MagistraKennedy said:

Bless your heart! ❤️ I've only seen a full colonoscopy done ONE time --- gentleman didn't bring someone to take him home. He had already gone through the prep, and wanted to be done with it, so we performed it with no sedation. He was as tough as nails. I think you have to have the right doctor and staff to be patient, talk you through it, etc. We did flex sigs in the office without sedation, and it was no fun. 😞

I'm sure that's what this was--flex sig in office.  It was pretty intense, but I lived to tell the tale. 

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5 hours ago, Carrie12345 said:

These are the details THIS 45yo needs to hear!

They're the important bits! After our friend was diagnosed, all of his friends signed right up as soon as we could, so we were able to trade prep stories. The Miralax dissolves really well into the Gatorade - it takes a bit of stirring, and I gave it a half hour in the fridge to get extra cold too. I had to drink 32 oz Gatorade mixed with the Miralax over the course of 1 hr. It helped a lot to drink it out of a big straw (I have some that we got for smoothies) and alternate with sips of seltzer to cut the sweetness a bit. But the Miralax is flavorless, so it's basically drinking a bunch of Gatorade relatively quickly. Boudreau's Butt Paste was a godsend as well. 

2 hours ago, MEmama said:

I have one coming up soon. The thing that makes me most apprehensive (besides gagging down a repulsive drink) is the drugs they give to sedate--is it really necessary to be put out? My body does not tolerate heavy drugs, and I'm having a hard time understanding if they are truly necessary. Is the procedure really much of a bigger deal than an annual gynecological exam? 

See if they'll give you the Gatorade/Miralax prep. It wasn't bad at all - I mean, it was a lot of lemon-lime Gatorade, but it was palatable. I do terribly with drugs - I can't do painkillers w/ narcotics well, and I was so sick after anesthesia when I had it. I was fine with the colonoscopy procedure - they put anti-nausea meds in your IV, and they give you just enough sedative/painkillers to put you mostly out but not 100%, so you wake up really quickly. With mine last week, my paperwork said that they stopped giving me sedatives at 9:02 am, and I texted my friend to let her know I was done at 9:06 am. We met with the Dr. for a few minutes after, and I was home and eating a bagel w/ cream cheese before 10 am. No nausea or oogey feelings. 

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1 hour ago, AmandaVT said:

They're the important bits! After our friend was diagnosed, all of his friends signed right up as soon as we could, so we were able to trade prep stories. The Miralax dissolves really well into the Gatorade - it takes a bit of stirring, and I gave it a half hour in the fridge to get extra cold too. I had to drink 32 oz Gatorade mixed with the Miralax over the course of 1 hr. It helped a lot to drink it out of a big straw (I have some that we got for smoothies) and alternate with sips of seltzer to cut the sweetness a bit. But the Miralax is flavorless, so it's basically drinking a bunch of Gatorade relatively quickly. Boudreau's Butt Paste was a godsend as well. 

See if they'll give you the Gatorade/Miralax prep. It wasn't bad at all - I mean, it was a lot of lemon-lime Gatorade, but it was palatable. I do terribly with drugs - I can't do painkillers w/ narcotics well, and I was so sick after anesthesia when I had it. I was fine with the colonoscopy procedure - they put anti-nausea meds in your IV, and they give you just enough sedative/painkillers to put you mostly out but not 100%, so you wake up really quickly. With mine last week, my paperwork said that they stopped giving me sedatives at 9:02 am, and I texted my friend to let her know I was done at 9:06 am. We met with the Dr. for a few minutes after, and I was home and eating a bagel w/ cream cheese before 10 am. No nausea or oogey feelings. 

This is really helpful--thank you!

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4 hours ago, MEmama said:

I have one coming up soon. The thing that makes me most apprehensive (besides gagging down a repulsive drink) is the drugs they give to sedate--is it really necessary to be put out? My body does not tolerate heavy drugs, and I'm having a hard time understanding if they are truly necessary. Is the procedure really much of a bigger deal than an annual gynecological exam? 

About the repulsive drink - when my dh did his prep, he didn’t want the sweetened drinks that were recommended by the doctor’s office, so he drank herbal tea and vegetable broth. 

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I'm turning 44 this year- so 1.5 years to go for me. I've not had any medical procedure that required putting out except wisdom teeth removal since my tonsillectomy when I was maybe 7. I had 3 babies at home and one in the hospital and not even an IV. But I don't know which part bothers me more- the thought of being put out or the lack of privacy with it put them together oh vey. I know it is just their job but it greatly bothers me. I'm not really modest (by local standards not at all) but the vulnerability of being put out and half naked and exposed is extremely bothersome to me. I might have to get some kind of drug before I even do it because I think my anxiety will be sky high. I'm not even considering the day and night in the bathroom. That doesn't sound fun but doable but the actual procedure. It is not a comfort to me that I won't remember it. I find that all the more concerning. It is one of the reasons I don't like to drink. I don't like to be out of it. I like to keep my presence of mind.

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18 minutes ago, Soror said:

I'm turning 44 this year- so 1.5 years to go for me. I've not had any medical procedure that required putting out except wisdom teeth removal since my tonsillectomy when I was maybe 7. I had 3 babies at home and one in the hospital and not even an IV. But I don't know which part bothers me more- the thought of being put out or the lack of privacy with it put them together oh vey. I know it is just their job but it greatly bothers me. I'm not really modest (by local standards not at all) but the vulnerability of being put out and half naked and exposed is extremely bothersome to me. I might have to get some kind of drug before I even do it because I think my anxiety will be sky high. I'm not even considering the day and night in the bathroom. That doesn't sound fun but doable but the actual procedure. It is not a comfort to me that I won't remember it. I find that all the more concerning. It is one of the reasons I don't like to drink. I don't like to be out of it. I like to keep my presence of mind.

I am like this, and I think asking for an anxiety med would help a lot.

I had a kidney stone—the pain was quite motivating to get over my squicked out feelings at being put out. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, but it did bother me to have a blank in there (but the nap was glorious!). I have also had to buck up and model good behavior because I have a son with complex medical issues that I knew at the time would mean serious surgeries down the road (and he had one of them a little over a year later, so it was worth keeping my worried in check and venting when he wasn’t around).

I am of age for a first colonoscopy with the younger guidelines, but I am low risk, so I did cologard and will have a colonoscopy in three years. It is my understanding that if a polyp is removed during a screening colonoscopy, it is recoded as diagnostic. Cologard is not super difficult, but you have to 💩 just the right size—wish I were kidding!

Standalone surgery places can be less $, but they also often don’t follow Covid guidelines.

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I had my first one 3 years ago.  Almost to the day.  The procedure is suppose to take 20 minutes but mine took an hour.  They say I have a tortuous colon and a lot of diverticula. One polyp which was removed and non cancerous. So because of all that I have to go back after 3 years. My aunt had colon cancer in 2006 and she is currently in the hospital near death…not from cancer but from the  a breech in her colon that has set up massive infection.  She is very very sick.  She has been in the hospital since December 17.  And she has not been conscious all of that time.  So I am highly motivated to get my follow up colonoscopy. 

Edited by Scarlett
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3 hours ago, Kidlit said:

I've had a sigmoidoscopy unsedated.  At the time I had it, I was young and ignorant so didn't know what to expect t.  It was quite uncomfortable but I survived it without much emotional/mental trauma. It involved A LOT of pressure.   However, if I had to do it again, I'd know to dread it and be quite apprehensive.  I'd definitely go for the sedated version (I usually do twilight sleep) if at all possible.  

Same, except that I was bawling by the time it was done. Part of it was the discomfort, part of it was the doctor saying, "now see, that wasn't so bad," and part of it was the embarrassment of the position and what was being done. I'd much much much rather have a colonoscopy and sedation, myself.

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I really dislike all things medical and was supposed to have an early colonoscopy due to family history.  I was really dreading the prep as I am a water only drinker.  The liquid prep wasn't great but the volume was much less than I had heard about.  My husband chose the pill prep, but beware, they are horse size pills.  I know there are several different options for prep these days, so just figure out what will work best for you.   TMI warning:  I do have a bidet, so it made my time in the bathroom much easier.

The colonoscopy was so not a big deal.   I was stressed out for nothing.   As is typical for me, it took a couple of attempts for them to place my IV, I was taken back to the procedure room and I don't remember anything else until my husband was sitting next to me in recovery.   There was nothing to be embarrassed about at all which was my concern.  I am pretty modest.  


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My dh had his last colonoscopy without sedation. He loves to save money. I will not be saving that money on mine! He did say it wasn't bad, maybe just slightly uncomfortable, but the doctor talked to him the entire time telling him everything that he was seeing on the screen, etc. I'm sure he asked lots of questions too.  Doctor doing the procedure said he chose not to be sedated when he has his either. 

You can ask for a lighter sedation. 

Our last two insurances -if they find anything, it is no longer preventative, and we have to pay some small (less than $500) portion. If they do not find anything (this has only happened once!), then it is free. Except for the anesthesiologist. You still have to pay your portion for them - which I will gladly do. 

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17 hours ago, Terabith said:

There are different ways of doing prep, and I've been successful doing one with just miralax, which really isn't bad.  I don't think I'd be able to drink the one that's the gallon of go lytely or whatever.  Like I don't think I'd be able to keep it down.  

^^Agreeing with this. My husband had the gallon jug with something in it, and he said it was awful and tasted oily. He described drinking it like the scene in Harry Potter where Harry is trying to convince Dumbledore to drink the awful potion in the cave--just a little more, then it will be over, just a little more.

For me, my prep was Exlax (or dulcolax? I can't remember) and Miralax. My best advice is that you don't use a flavored drink as the base for the miralax mix.  I used Crystal Light lemonade and I swear I will never be able to drink it again.  LOL. Better to use water, and then use a flavored thing as a sort of "chaser" I think.  

Other than that, welcome to the wonderful world of colonoscopies!  I had one at 47 (they had just changed the guidance that year to say 45 and up) because my dad has had multiple polyps removed over the years. Fortunately it was clear and I get to wait five years.  Hang in there. 

Edited by cintinative
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I was asked to take a pregnancy test!

Obviously, slightly dehydrated from the night before, I was unable to give a sample. So, they put in an IV until I was able to give a urine sample

Person missed the vein and had to get a different person plus waiting to give a sample increased the wait time and my stress level!

Then I walked across the hall in a johnny with the IV pole. I would’ve gladly come in the day before to be tested 

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5 hours ago, Jann in TX said:

I've had enough surgeries and sedated 'procedures' that I opted for the cologuard test instead.  Next check in 3 years...


My husband has a window open about ordering this test.  I mentioned this thread, and he'd already gotten the post card in the mail.  He is going to go this route, I believe! As for me, I am turning 42 in a couple of days. I haven't had a pap smear in a long while (since before my 6 year old was born) or my first mammogram. I so need to go.  Covid stopped me, but it is time.  There is so much cancer in my family and in my in-laws' family.  😞

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34 minutes ago, Kassia said:

@Ting Tang yes, it is time!  Please take care of yourself!  

I feel so bad I am overdue.  I know early detection is key.  So that is one of my resolutions.  I think my husband and I are coming to terms with all of this--we are watching our parents suffer from cancers.  They are tough people, but my dad told me that I might think I am busy, but I don't have time to sit in a hospital for 2 years.  He is right.

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Re the prep--I've had various kinds (I think I've had 5 scopes), and get really nauseous no matter what the prep meds are. My MD started prescribing Zofran (anti-nausea medication) and that has been soooo helpful. Last year I had the Su-tab prep (the tablet, followed by lots of water) and thought I could do it without the Zofran, but I still needed it.

With the nausea under control, my biggest dislike is being allowed only clear liquids the day before. I get hungry and jealous of the food eaters!

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I've had a sigmoidoscopy without sedation a couple of months after a c-section. It was a breeze - just a brief moment of severe pain near the scar. Very tempted to do a repeat sigmoidoscopy instead of a colonoscopy if I am allowed (I think it has to be done a bit more frequently(, since apparently most cancers are in that part of the colon) - the prep was just so simple, too. Both DH and I are overdue - with covid, it's not been easy scheduling stuff like this - you never know when we are in a lull (or region had like one month with very low cases last year after the first omicron wave, that's it).

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I'm up way too late--haven't read all the comments--but I just had my first colonoscopy at 52.

I have IBS like symptoms, so they let me do the Dulcolax/Miralax in Gatorade prep. Well, If you are really regular and prone to "D" like I am, You don't need the Dulcolax. I have never taken a stimulant laxative in my life until that prep. It made me feel very sick. Painful cramps and nausea. But I'm not normal on that. If you are normal or struggle with constipation, you'll be fine with the Dulcolax or whatever prep. Now you don't even have to do the awful Movi prep. You can take pills instead. The Miralax is the gentlest overall. The next time I do it, I might take one Dulcolax pill before taking the Miralax. The Miralax didn't make me feel bad or cramp at all. 

Like you I had been dreading this procedure for years. The actual procedure was easy peasy. The worst part is the IV. The sedation feels wonderful lol.

Pro tip: I happen to have some Zofran on hand. The dulcolax made me so sick there was no way I could start the Miralax in gatorade. I took a 4mg Zofran. Worked great. Enabled me to continue the prep w/out issue. I looked it up online, and there were GI practices that recommended it, so I had no qualms. 

I had 2 polyps removed from my cecum. Still waiting for pathology results on that. So glad I finally had it done! Don't put it off.

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I had my first colonoscopy about 10 years ago and my second one a few months ago. Both of my brothers were diagnosed with colon cancer in their 40s; one had had symptoms for a long time but neglected to get it checked out and by the time he was diagnosed it had spread to his liver and he died within a year. My other brother got tested as soon as the older one was diagnosed, and he ended up having a large section of colon removed, plus chemo, and is currently doing well. He had no symptoms and would likely have gone several more years before testing had my other brother not gotten sick. My first procedure was totally clear, but with the second one they found and removed one small polyp which wasn't cancerous but was the type that can eventually turn into cancer, so I'm glad it's gone. 

I had the Dulcolax/Miralax prep both times, which wasn't bad. I felt like I really didn't need the Dulcolax and might skip it next time. I added the Miralax to blue Gatorade (which seems less gross and salty to me) and I didn't have any trouble keeping it down. Keeping the drink extremely cold and drinking through a straw helps a lot. Using vaseline or diaper cream before things really get going is imperative, or the stomach acid will burn you. You also want soft TP and unless you have a bidet I recommend getting an inexpensive peri bottle and filing it with warm water to rinse off after each toilet visit; that way the TP is just for blotting dry and you won't get rubbed raw (or remove the barrier cream).

For those who worry about the embarrassment of being "half naked," you'll be wearing a gown that ties in the back plus socks to keep your feet warm. You'll be in a bed under a blanket until it's time to be wheeled back for the procedure. Then they'll position you on your side and you'll still have the gown over you right up until they're ready to start — and by then you'll be out. When you wake up, you'll be under the blanket again in the recovery room. It's really not as embarrassing as you think. And the staff are sensitive to the fact that it's a really uncomfortable thing for most people, so they're quite warm and helpful and reassuring. 

It's not as bad as most people expect, and after it's over you'll either have peace of mind knowing that they didn't find anything, or relief that whatever they they found was removed so thank God they caught it.

ETA: The prep will totally clear you out, including all the helpful gut bacteria that you need. Various sources say it can take anywhere from 2 weeks to several months for your microbiome to completely bounce back, so I recommend taking a good probiotic for a couple of weeks afterwards to jump start the process and make sure you're repopulating with good bugs before any bad bugs take over. And be sure to feed the good bugs with plenty of fiber. (Gastroenterologist Will Bulsiewicz, author of Fiber Fueled, says to think of probiotic capsules as "seeds" — it's not enough to just plant the seeds, you need to feed and care for them as well, so they grow and thrive and "reseed" your gut.)

Edited by Corraleno
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14 hours ago, amyx4 said:

I was asked to take a pregnancy test!

Obviously, slightly dehydrated from the night before, I was unable to give a sample. So, they put in an IV until I was able to give a urine sample

Person missed the vein and had to get a different person plus waiting to give a sample increased the wait time and my stress level!

Then I walked across the hall in a johnny with the IV pole. I would’ve gladly come in the day before to be tested 

Oh, I forgot about that, LOL!  My 2nd colonoscopy only (age 50).  They were angry that I hadn't had a preg test in advance.  Nobody told me to!  I haven't so much as sat next to a guy since I was 40!  I told them that and they reluctantly agreed to skip the preg test.

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I had my first colonoscopy this past summer right around my 53rd birthday.   Dh has been getting them for years, both because he's quite a bit older than me and because his mother had colon cancer.   

I had the Miralax (in blue gatorade) and ducolax prep.  I was worried about the prep because I get really nauseous when I don't eat.   I did make sure to have broth, ice pops, and other clear foods available so I could eat something.  I was told ahead of time that especially broth could help with not feeling super hungry.   

The procedure wasn't bad at all.  I did have to do a pregnancy test despite being 53 years old, having had an ablation and my tubes tied.  Definitely worth an eyeroll.  

Worst part was I was told I'd probably lose 5 or so pounds and I didn't lose any weight.  😆

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23 hours ago, Soror said:

I'm turning 44 this year- so 1.5 years to go for me. I've not had any medical procedure that required putting out except wisdom teeth removal since my tonsillectomy when I was maybe 7. I had 3 babies at home and one in the hospital and not even an IV. But I don't know which part bothers me more- the thought of being put out or the lack of privacy with it put them together oh vey. I know it is just their job but it greatly bothers me. I'm not really modest (by local standards not at all) but the vulnerability of being put out and half naked and exposed is extremely bothersome to me. I might have to get some kind of drug before I even do it because I think my anxiety will be sky high. I'm not even considering the day and night in the bathroom. That doesn't sound fun but doable but the actual procedure. It is not a comfort to me that I won't remember it. I find that all the more concerning. It is one of the reasons I don't like to drink. I don't like to be out of it. I like to keep my presence of mind.

This is exactly why I don’t want one too.


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7 minutes ago, Ann.without.an.e said:

Thanks for all of your thoughts, tips, and encouragement. It is scheduled for tomorrow morning and I was so close to calling and canceling it and y’all talked me out of it. 

here goes nothing ….😅

You've got this!! Come back and post if you get a bit hangry during the stretch between when you have to stop eating and before you start drinking all the liquid. I was a bit hungry during that period of time. 

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15 minutes ago, Ann.without.an.e said:

Thanks for all of your thoughts, tips, and encouragement. It is scheduled for tomorrow morning and I was so close to calling and canceling it and y’all talked me out of it. 

here goes nothing ….😅

Good for you! 

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1 hour ago, AmandaVT said:

You've got this!! Come back and post if you get a bit hangry during the stretch between when you have to stop eating and before you start drinking all the liquid. I was a bit hungry during that period of time. 

Gosh I didn’t think I could eat anything at all today? It says nothing at all the day before and then I think I start prep this evening - blah. Clear liquids only. Is this right? 

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I agree with going for the colonscopy.  When I had my diagnostic mammogram, MRI, PET scan for my breast mass in 2017, I was so sure I would walk out cancer free. I didn't.  Not only do I have to do several breast cancer tests each year but I also have to have colonscopy and endoscopy to monitor for abdominal cavity cancers for which my genetic testing showed a mutation for being prone to these cancers.

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1 hour ago, Ann.without.an.e said:

Gosh I didn’t think I could eat anything at all today? It says nothing at all the day before and then I think I start prep this evening - blah. Clear liquids only. Is this right? 

I was allowed a low-fiber breakfast the day before - I went with yogurt and cinnamon toast! And then all clear - lemon italian ice was my friend that day! 

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This has been an enlightening thread! I’m 47 and it was suggested by my PCP that I do Cologuard last year (which I did). She said that in three years we could decide whether to do it again or have the colonoscopy. I have no family history, so I guess I just wait the three years? I assume my insurance wouldn’t cover a colonoscopy any earlier? After reading here, I now I wish I would have done a colonoscopy instead. 

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3 hours ago, Ann.without.an.e said:

Gosh I didn’t think I could eat anything at all today? It says nothing at all the day before and then I think I start prep this evening - blah. Clear liquids only. Is this right? 

My prep instructions said clear liquids only the day before, no breakfast. I was also told to eat a "low residue" diet for 2-3 days before that, which was probably the worst part of the prep for me because I was supposed to avoid beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, and that's a big chunk of my diet! But the day of the prep I just had vegetable broth, lemonade, and iced tea. Oh and the instructions said you could suck on lemon drops or other hard candy as long as they were clear green or yellow, no red/orange/purple. (You can have green or yellow jello, too, but I don't eat jello.)

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1 hour ago, Corraleno said:

My prep instructions said clear liquids only the day before, no breakfast. I was also told to eat a "low residue" diet for 2-3 days before that, which was probably the worst part of the prep for me because I was supposed to avoid beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, and that's a big chunk of my diet! But the day of the prep I just had vegetable broth, lemonade, and iced tea. Oh and the instructions said you could suck on lemon drops or other hard candy as long as they were clear green or yellow, no red/orange/purple. (You can have green or yellow jello, too, but I don't eat jello.)

So I was initially excited about the low-fiber, all-the-white foods diet. Then I quickly realized that I'm not 10, and that stuff does not satiate me like I always hoped it would when I was a kid and my parents were all about healthy foods. I was ready to kill for veggies or a salad pretty quickly!! 😂 (something my 10 year old self never would have thought!)

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1 hour ago, Corraleno said:

My prep instructions said clear liquids only the day before, no breakfast. I was also told to eat a "low residue" diet for 2-3 days before that, which was probably the worst part of the prep for me because I was supposed to avoid beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, and that's a big chunk of my diet!


11 minutes ago, AmandaVT said:

So I was initially excited about the low-fiber, all-the-white foods diet. Then I quickly realized that I'm not 10, and that stuff does not satiate me like I always hoped it would when I was a kid and my parents were all about healthy foods. I was ready to kill for veggies or a salad pretty quickly!! 😂 (something my 10 year old self never would have thought!)

I have to eat like this all the time after two colon resections.  It was a huge adjustment for me and makes it so hard to keep my weight down.  


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I was terrified of having a colonoscopy and put it off til age 55.  It really wasn't too bad!  I mean, the colonoscopy itself was a breeze, and the prep actually wasn't too bad.  I holed up in our den that has a sleeper couch, a bathroom, and a TV, and just ignored everyone for that last night before.

The best thing I did was to drink a very lightly-colored herbal tea (I think I had chamomile) instead of Gatorade.  I had the doctor's approval to do this.  I feel jittery and sick after just one big drink of overly-sweetened artificially flavored drinks.  The herbal tea was iced and made everything so much easier.  

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47 minutes ago, J-rap said:

I was terrified of having a colonoscopy and put it off til age 55.  It really wasn't too bad!  I mean, the colonoscopy itself was a breeze, and the prep actually wasn't too bad.  I holed up in our den that has a sleeper couch, a bathroom, and a TV, and just ignored everyone for that last night before.

The best thing I did was to drink a very lightly-colored herbal tea (I think I had chamomile) instead of Gatorade.  I had the doctor's approval to do this.  I feel jittery and sick after just one big drink of overly-sweetened artificially flavored drinks.  The herbal tea was iced and made everything so much easier.  

It says tea is ok on the instructions and I've been drinking mainly green tea with a little honey and some chicken broth. I don't like sugary drinks either. I can fast but no food plus a ton of sugar is not a good feeling for me either. 

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3 hours ago, Corraleno said:

My prep instructions said clear liquids only the day before, no breakfast. I was also told to eat a "low residue" diet for 2-3 days before that, which was probably the worst part of the prep for me because I was supposed to avoid beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, and that's a big chunk of my diet! But the day of the prep I just had vegetable broth, lemonade, and iced tea. Oh and the instructions said you could suck on lemon drops or other hard candy as long as they were clear green or yellow, no red/orange/purple. (You can have green or yellow jello, too, but I don't eat jello.)

Same. I had mostly had chicken broth, popsicles, and jello (which I normally only use once a year for a Thanksgiving cranberry salad). I drank coffee and some teas. I don't normally drink sugared drinks, as I am T2 diabetic, so I was concerned about the sugary stuff, though my jello was sugar free. I know you should have electrolytes, but I don't like gatorade or sweet colas.

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1 hour ago, AmandaVT said:

So I was initially excited about the low-fiber, all-the-white foods diet. Then I quickly realized that I'm not 10, and that stuff does not satiate me like I always hoped it would when I was a kid and my parents were all about healthy foods. I was ready to kill for veggies or a salad pretty quickly!! 😂 (something my 10 year old self never would have thought!)

I felt the same way! I actually snuck a couple of bites of broccoli and cabbage! As far as will power goes--that was harder than the actual fasting!

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1 hour ago, J-rap said:

I was terrified of having a colonoscopy and put it off til age 55.  It really wasn't too bad!  I mean, the colonoscopy itself was a breeze, and the prep actually wasn't too bad.  I holed up in our den that has a sleeper couch, a bathroom, and a TV, and just ignored everyone for that last night before.

The best thing I did was to drink a very lightly-colored herbal tea (I think I had chamomile) instead of Gatorade.  I had the doctor's approval to do this.  I feel jittery and sick after just one big drink of overly-sweetened artificially flavored drinks.  The herbal tea was iced and made everything so much easier.  

I started colonoscopies early --- right after my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer and I'm due for #6 sometime soon.

They're not fun, but none of them are that bad either. I also didn't do well with Gatorade or other sugary drinks. Herbal tea and homemade chicken broth and water worked best.

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16 minutes ago, Ann.without.an.e said:

I gagged the su prep down. I learned a whole lesson from my 21 year old on chasers 😂. For real, pickle juice works. Who would’ve guessed. 

Ha! The bubbles and non-sweetness of seltzer helped me. Tiny bit of advice for the next few hours - if you think, even suspect a teeny bit that you may have to go to the bathroom- go. Quickly. Do not wait. And bring a book. 

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36 minutes ago, AmandaVT said:

Ha! The bubbles and non-sweetness of seltzer helped me. Tiny bit of advice for the next few hours - if you think, even suspect a teeny bit that you may have to go to the bathroom- go. Quickly. Do not wait. And bring a book. 

I feel like I haven’t really been able to leave the bathroom for the last hour 😳 but I have my MacBook and started The Morning Show 😂

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5 minutes ago, Ann.without.an.e said:

I feel like I haven’t really been able to leave the bathroom for the last hour 😳 but I have my MacBook and started The Morning Show 😂

Oh good idea! It won't last forever - I think at one point during my prep, I sent a gif of a fire hydrant being opened to a friend to describe the, um, intensity of the experience. 😂

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