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Josh Duggar was arrested today


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48 minutes ago, plansrme said:

I attended several of his seminars when I was probably ages 12-14. I never witnessed a staged (or otherwise) attack, but I also remember specifically objecting to several aspects of his teachings that no doubt contributed to his ability to get away with what he did. For example, he teaches strongly against "taking up offenses," which means that if Josh does something wrong to Jinger, that is solely between Josh and Jinger. Anna can't be angry with Josh about it and has no recourse against Josh because it was not an offense against Anna. Even as a child, I knew that was dangerous, and I am sure it explains a lot about why his followers never ratted him out. Likewise, the teaching that a woman being raped should cry out to Jesus for help to keep from being raped--well, the very implication that a rape is her fault for not engaging in this ritual was ridiculous. And he goes on and on about the sins of the fathers, etc., being passed down to the children and its implications for adopted children (who are basically the spawn of Satan), with some rituals in which one should engage to keep this from happening to your adopted child. Now, I say this as one who believed (and still believes) in literal demons and holds a host of other theologically conservative positions. But, still, despite the dangers I could identify even at that age, I sat through 4 or 5 days' of his basic seminar, several times. He is an engaging speaker, and at the time, I did not think everything he said was worthless (I pretty much do now, of course). I also think a lot of what he pushed was not presented until the advanced seminar level, which I never attended. For example, large families were not a focus in the basic seminar at that time, although they may have been added later.

Interesting and really good points about taking offense.  

I’ve heard from others that there were similar “attacks” at different seminars but of course, it’s not a tactic that one can use all the time.  

My friend who invited me was from a much more conservative family (my parents were *very religious* but also politically progressive hippie types- my mom took us to both anti-war protests and pro-life rallies). My friend later became a missionary.  She didn’t go in for the more restrictive stuff about gender either tho and her and her husband have opted not to have children for career (she has a PhD and now works at a religious university) and health reasons.  

Coming from a Catholic family, at the time it wasn’t that I didn’t believe in demons but rather that I didn’t think a demon possessed man would go from rushing the stage of an event to *asking thousands of people to sing his favorite hymn* in a matter of minutes.  The coincidence of his father “who hadn’t seen him in years” just happening to be there also made me think it was a farce. 

ETA:  I think one reason I was skeptical of Gothard at such a young age was that the anti-Catholic sentiment in that circle was very noticeable.  Coming from a Catholic family, I was somewhat protective of my roots.  My parents had left the Catholic church (though both subsequently returned) and so it wasn't like I didn't have any of my own criticisms of the church but I also knew that a lot of what I was hearing said about Catholicism was simply factually untrue.  When people lie to me about one thing, I tend to assume there are more lies coming.  

Edited by LucyStoner
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Jill and Amy attended the hearing today, which is a bold move for Jill since she’s definitely not there to support Josh.  Good for her-doing what she needs to do. 
‘Edited to add: it’s all via zoom, so I guess they’re not physically there. I’ve seen it reported from multiple sources, but of course it might not be true.

Edited by Annie G
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1 minute ago, Annie G said:

Jill and Amy attended the hearing today, which is a bold move for Jill since she’s definitely not there to support Josh.  Good for her-doing what she needs to do.

And Amy's reaction to the video of him being booked was, "is he smiling?!?" or something like that. She's no fan. 

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2 minutes ago, Annie G said:

Jill and Amy attended the hearing today, which is a bold move for Jill since she’s definitely not there to support Josh.  Good for her-doing what she needs to do.

How do you see this?  I thought the hearing was delayed a few minutes because of audio issues.

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9 minutes ago, Katy said:

How do you see this?  I thought the hearing was delayed a few minutes because of audio issues.


Just now, AbcdeDooDah said:


I’m just relaying what I’ve read on Free Jinger.  They’re not 100% reliable but it’s shocking just how often they are. 

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Katie Joy is going live when it's over.  It's against the rules to report or be on social media during. I don't think she's the greatest at legal interpretation but so far she's mostly been in line with what the lawyers who report a few days later say (at least for the first hearing).


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23 minutes ago, Katy said:

The hearing is ongoing. The Sun is illegally reporting anyway.  He used the same password as he did for his bank.


Criminal defense tip:  If law enforcement seizes your computer and doesn't give you a reason you should not causally ask if "someone" downloaded child porn onto it.


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2 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

I don’t know what shocks me more: Josh Duggar downloading young child CSA and being stupid enough to use his birth year as a  common password or the Sun illegally reporting.


The being stupid enough to use his birth year as a password.

but I listen to 1dd go off on mega rants about people doing poor computer security.

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3 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

I don’t know what shocks me more: Josh Duggar downloading young child CSA and being stupid enough to use his birth year as a  common password or the Sun illegally reporting.


That people are stupid with their passwords never ceases to amaze me.  WHY would someone use the same password with their bank for anything makes zero sense to me.  Silver lining: at least he was stupid enough to get caught!   

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1 minute ago, LucyStoner said:

That people are stupid with their passwords never ceases to amaze me.  WHY would someone use the same password with their bank for anything makes zero sense.  At least he was stupid enough to get caught!   

the stupidity that is bred of arrogance.  makes it easier for law enforcement. children everywhere should be grateful.

enjoy the big house creep.

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4 minutes ago, Danae said:

Criminal defense tip:  If law enforcement seizes your computer and doesn't give you a reason you should not causally ask if "someone" downloaded child porn onto it.


I wish I could have seen his lawyer’s face when that little revelation was said in court today. 

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6 hours ago, FuzzyCatz said:

I totally agree. I will not watch or follow any reality programming that uses minor in an ongoing way.  I have been saying this for years.  And I was slammed for it during the Duggar golden years.  Emotionally healthy parents don't pimp their offspring's childhood for financial gain.  

This is one reason why I am a little concerned when I see early college kids or other child prodigies getting a lot of media coverage. I've been told I'm just jealous when I've raised such concerns-but I am kind of glad that my teen's online presence is largely limited to conference listings and titles, not articles about "Kid Genius comes to campus" that would potentially be googled by a future roommate, when all my kid wants is to NOT stand out based on age. 

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9 minutes ago, Dmmetler said:

This is one reason why I am a little concerned when I see early college kids or other child prodigies getting a lot of media coverage. I've been told I'm just jealous when I've raised such concerns-but I am kind of glad that my teen's online presence is largely limited to conference listings and titles, not articles about "Kid Genius comes to campus" that would potentially be googled by a future roommate, when all my kid wants is to NOT stand out based on age. 

Oh, I absolutely agree. I have one kid that got called a prodigy to his face for a few years in music circles, both my kids are GT. It's definitely informed how I've chosen to parent and launch my own kids.  

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They believe in someone being reprobate. However, that is for people outside of ATI, and beyond rare for a male to be declared that. In Gothard world,the only truly reprobate thing is to not believe in Bill.Got hard, and his minions take that to heart. They really do not worship god; they worship Bill and his weirdo beliefs. So for Josh, so long as he keeps up his sad face, and says he is sorry, and the devil made me do it, and that wife you gave me made me do it, and even worse and very likely "I saw McKenzie when she was wrapped in a towel, and she tempted me", then all is forgiven. He cannot fall from the pedestal. And according to the " wisdom booklets"and Advanced Institute, for him to be into child porn, children had to have tempted him, been immodest around him. That is the theology of the religion. So that means his own kids or his nieces and nephews depending on how they choose to land the blame, will be counseled about their role in daddy uncle's mistakes, and why they caused him to sin.

JimBob has the umbrella of authority over Anna now, and so the responsibility is his to mete out the "counseling" and consequences. Consequences are spelled out in the wisdom.booklets and conferences, Pearl like and worse. I weep for the children tonight.


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1 hour ago, Katy said:

The hearing is ongoing. The Sun is illegally reporting anyway.  He used the same password as he did for his bank.


It's deeper on Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/n5qs3x/bond_hearing_prosecution_first_witness/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

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I'm not a violent person at all. I don't believe in the death penalty, for example.   I won't say what I want to happen to him because it goes against what I just said and I'll be called a hypocrite.  Which I am, I guess.   Child molesters and their ilk deserve something really really horrible.  And that's all I'll say.   

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1 minute ago, WildflowerMom said:

I'm not a violent person at all. I don't believe in the death penalty, for example.   I won't say what I want to happen to him because it goes against what I just said and I'll be called a hypocrite.  Which I am, I guess.   Child molesters and their ilk deserve something really really horrible.  And that's all I'll say.   

I don't think they are held in high esteem by other prison inmates either.  

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6 minutes ago, Laurie said:

I don't think they are held in high esteem by other prison inmates either.  

I think now they may be put in protective custody with others like them.   I think cops who go to prison are put in that area, too, but I wouldn't bet my life on it. 

I know years ago, my ex-aunt worked at a womens' prison in south Florida and she said that it was hell for child molestors.  But for some reason I think they now put them in another cell block.  

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16 minutes ago, WildflowerMom said:

I think now they may be put in protective custody with others like them.   I think cops who go to prison are put in that area, too, but I wouldn't bet my life on it. 

I know years ago, my ex-aunt worked at a womens' prison in south Florida and she said that it was hell for child molestors.  But for some reason I think they now put them in another cell block.  

You're probably right.   And I wouldn't want the other inmates who are there for other types of crimes to be forced to have these people around them.  

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1 hour ago, HomeAgain said:

Okay. This details exactly what he downloaded. It's blacked out with a trigger warning. 

My question: was Anna at the hearing? She needs to know exactly what he was looking at and I pray to God someone tells her.

Edited by MercyA
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1 hour ago, HomeAgain said:

What is being reported in the media is just the tip of the iceberg. According to police testimony, as detailed in that thread, he specifically searched for rape videos and downloaded videos of children as young as 18 months being raped and physically tortured. He is one seriously sick son of a bitch. 

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omg!  I just read the blacked out part of that reddit post.  If you haven't, just don't.  It is sad and gross. What a disgusting piece of s**t. I have a really hard time not wishing bad things on him beyond living behind bars.

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18 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

What is being reported in the media is just the tip of the iceberg. According to police testimony, as detailed in that thread, he specifically searched for rape videos and downloaded videos of children as young as 18 months being raped and physically tortured. He is one seriously sick son of a bitch. 

I cannot believe after all of that evidence he will be allowed to have contact with children let alone have a family member supervise visits with kids. He has a history of assaulting children in the presence of others and his fantasies are obviously violent and sadistic.

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And Anna is the "supervisor" for visitation with the children.

I would like to puke. I am so sick of these s.o.b.s being released on bond while people rot in jail because they used drugs three times, never hurting anyone else! As a taxpayer, housing this waste of skin until trial is exactly what I want my money used for!

There isn't a hole deep enough for them to throw his car as into that would satisfy me, and I am beginning to think the judge should be removed from the bench. 

The children need to be taken away from her. The end.

The Rebers (sp?) were asked by JimScum to house the p.o.s. and they admitted they are not tech savvy, have guns in the house, and give piano lessons to children but guessed they could stop the lessons and relocate the guns. The wife said she had been unaware of how serious the charges were, and that her husband made the decision to take p.o.s. in, and she would respect it. I.E. ATI speak for "submit".

I am camping with my family, and I just really need to go heave a log on the fire, and not think about this.

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1 minute ago, Faith-manor said:

And Anna is the "supervisor" for visitation with the children.

I would like to puke. I am so sick of these s.o.b.s being released on bond while people rot in jail because they used drugs three times, never hurting anyone else! As a taxpayer, housing this waste of skin until trial is exactly what I want my money used for!

There isn't a hole deep enough for them to throw his car as into that would satisfy me, and I am beginning to think the judge should be removed from the bench. 

The children need to be taken away from her. The end.

The Rebers (sp?) were asked by JimScum to house the p.o.s. and they admitted they are not tech savvy, have guns in the house, and give piano lessons to children but guessed they could stop the lessons and relocate the guns. The wife said she had been unaware of how serious the charges were, and that her husband made the decision to take p.o.s. in, and she would respect it. I.E. ATI speak for "submit".

I am camping with my family, and I just really need to go heave a log on the fire, and not think about this.

what pieces of S**t these people are.  

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8 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

And Anna is the "supervisor" for visitation with the children.

I would like to puke. I am so sick of these s.o.b.s being released on bond while people rot in jail because they used drugs three times, never hurting anyone else! As a taxpayer, housing this waste of skin until trial is exactly what I want my money used for!

There isn't a hole deep enough for them to throw his car as into that would satisfy me, and I am beginning to think the judge should be removed from the bench. 

The children need to be taken away from her. The end.

The Rebers (sp?) were asked by JimScum to house the p.o.s. and they admitted they are not tech savvy, have guns in the house, and give piano lessons to children but guessed they could stop the lessons and relocate the guns. The wife said she had been unaware of how serious the charges were, and that her husband made the decision to take p.o.s. in, and she would respect it. I.E. ATI speak for "submit".

I am camping with my family, and I just really need to go heave a log on the fire, and not think about this.

There are a lot of people supporting him that seem totally unaware of the severity of it. There’s no way I’d bring him into my home. I hope those people don’t have grandkids. Time to find a new piano teacher too. How are you supposed to keep him away from minors when he’s allowed to go to church? Do all the kids have to stay home? As long as Anna’s in the pew too it’s ok? 

Edited by Sneezyone
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Some of the testimony today stated that Josh said other family members had access to the devices

on the one hand...he could have just answered a question that was posed to him (does anyone else have access)

on the other hand, he could be established a trail of doubt

and in my biggest fears...he is NOT the only one who accessed the CSA images from the devices.

he should go home and say goodbye to his kids and then turn himself back in. No one should be responsible for him. He should plead guilty. I know this won’t happen.

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3 minutes ago, hjffkj said:

what pieces of S**t these people are.  

Sigh. I should not respond and go enjoy the campfire, but I am so riled up inside.

They are all p.o.s. This is what I have been trying to tell people for years. ATI people make Sciencetology people, David Koresh people appear normal. The buy in to the most medieval mindsets is an all or nothing thing, and children are just something no one in this whole religion gives a sh$t about. Try try to make it look so wholesome, so special for everyone to look at from the outside, but the inside is so damn grotesque it is beyond the imagination of most of you. I just don't know what to say anymore except make sure you do everything you can to keep anyone you know from falling in love with ATI/IBLP and Bill Gothard/Doug Wilson. 

I stand by my statement that the children should be taken away from her. I am not backing down from that. I really don't care what others think about it either!

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2 minutes ago, pinball said:

Some of the testimony today stated that Josh said other family members had access to the devices

on the one hand...he could have just answered a question that was posed to him (does anyone else have access)

on the other hand, he could be established a trail of doubt

and in my biggest fears...he is NOT the only one who accessed the CSA images from the devices.

he should go home and say goodbye to his kids and then turn himself back in. No one should be responsible for him. He should plead guilty. I know this won’t happen.

Except, supposedly law enforcement checked and he was the only one working at the times the material was accessed/downloaded. They have the exact times and dates. 

He was just trying to throw someone else, anyone else, under the bus. 

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So, the computers had "Covenant Eyes" softwared, that was supposed to alert Anna if he accessed anything shady. But, he partitioned the hard drive, and so was able to access the ugly stuff using the other, unmonitored part of the computer. 

I'm wondering....if all year he's been telling Anna, "You know I didn't do this, you would have gotten an alert", and that is why she stayed? Not realizing he was able to evade it. 

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This judge was literally just appointed to her post:


"The United States District Court for the Western District of Arkansas hereby appoints Christy Comstock as United States Magistrate Judge for the Western District of Arkansas with her official duty station being in Fayetteville, Arkansas. The appointment will be for an eight-year term beginning on May 1, 2021."

Looks like her previous experience was with a legal firm where "her primary practice is the defense of motor carriers in transportation related litigation."


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1 minute ago, Carrie12345 said:

I’m not saying that the family members involved aren’t pos.

But this judge had the power to protect children and chose not to.

YES.  HIs family showed their colors years ago.  I am really upset with the judge.  

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10 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

I stand by my statement that the children should be taken away from her. I am not backing down from that. I really don't care what others think about it either!

If she allows him to have access to them while he is out on bail I will be 100% in agreement with you.  She loses all benefit of the doubt once she gives him access after what was revealed today because I can believe he hid it from her even after  the raid and he knew what they found.

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