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Worst movies


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I just spent 2 hours watching one of the worst movies ever made.  I kept thinking it would get better.  Nope......it ended horribly too.

It was called The Open House.

What movies have you walked away from thinking, "That was a waste of time!"


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6 minutes ago, Seasider too said:

The Shirley Temple movie version of Heidi is atrocious. My daughter, under 10yo at the time, took the DVD out of the player and said, “Mom, we have to throw this away so no one else watches it!”


That's how I felt after seeing Shirley Temple in The Little Princess. Her whining and pouting ruined it.  I don't understand why people found her so charming.

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The Last Mimsy. I rented it one time when dd was having a friend spend the night. OMG, so mind-numbingly idiotic with that menacing stuffed bunny and the absolutely ridiculous Intel product placements. I felt like I had to keep apologizing the the friend! 

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23 minutes ago, happysmileylady said:

Another one that lots of people love, and all anime fans, please, please don't kill me, but...........Howl's Moving Castle.  DD24 absolutely LOVES it, watched it over and over and over.  

I like/hate that movie! Hate it because I love the book and the movie totally didn't do it justice (too many weird changes/additions). I like it as a random Studio Ghibli movie...if I can forget the book.

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I believe I've seen the Worst Move Ever Made (no, not Plan 9 From Outer Space). There was a drive-in when I was a teen that often showed movies no theater would show. I can't believe I actually stayed to see this movie but I was with my 3 high school best girlfriends and we giggled and laughed our way through. Years later when I started dating dh we were talking about growing up in this area and got on a remember kick.

Remember the Vanguard Drive-in in Cocoa?
Yeah, I saw this awful movie there called Frogs.
OMG so did I.

So we had that in common right from the start. 😂🤣

ETA: it wasn't 1972 when I saw it. I think it was the mid 70s.

For your viewing pleasure, or for your nightmares. You decide. 


Edited by Lady Florida.
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Napoleon Dynamite - We thought it was the stupidest movie and all of our friends raved about how funny it is. 🙄

The Piano - My mom selected it and fell asleep. I am scarred for life from seeing Harvey Keitel full frontal nudity. 🤢

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Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.

My dad watched so many awful movies.  I stayed because everyone else left the room before me and I didn't want him to have to watch alone.  When he asked me if I liked it, I gave him a very noncommittal "it was ok".  He then said something like, "That's great because Return of the Killer Tomatoes is coming on next!"  I skipped the sequel and went to do homework.  Only later did I find out that I missed out on a young George Clooney.

Edited by Junie
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1 minute ago, ashfern said:

Napoleon Dynamite - We thought it was the stupidest movie and all of our friends raved about how funny it is. 🙄


I've never seen it and I'm pretty sure I don't want to. I felt that way about The Hangover though. So many of my friends thought it was hilarious. While I didn't think it was the worst movie, I thought it was just stupid.

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There's a couple of straight-to-dvd Disney sequels that were awful even by those low standards, that even my early elementary kids nixed: Mulan 2 and Cinderella 3.  I actually thought the premise of Cinderella 3 was fun in a fanfic-y way (time travel by the steps to the events of the 1st movie), but the execution was unwatchable.  Mulan 2 - the female characters were girl-power/follow-your-heart-and-damn-the-consequences over-the-top stereotypes while Mushu went from amusingly-self-centered-but-with-a-heart-of-gold to flat-out morally horrible - and the movie didnt have a shred of self-awareness about any of it.  I nixed it 30min in.

In terms of a movie that aimed higher, quality-wise, I gave up on Voyage of the Dawn Treader - made me so mad how they added in a totally unnecessary scary green cloud of horribleness plot (which also terrified my younger kids). Totally changed the overall story, for the worse.

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20 minutes ago, stephanier.1765 said:

Isn't it funny how we'll keep watching despite hating it because we are sure it will get better? Right now I'm watching Cursed on Netflix. Terrible, truly terrible, but I keep watching thinking it will get better and because I want to know how it ends. 🤦‍♀️

I love the internet for looking up spoilers so I don't need to keep watching!

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In terms of worst movie I saw all the way through (in the theater even, so help me), it definitely has to be Scary Movie.  I only saw it because I was with friends, and it's the only movie where I wished I had that 90min back.  Mostly I just quit watching if something's too bad.

In terms of movies where I couldn't even be in the room while someone else watched it: 28 Days Later.  Made my dh turn it off - just couldn't take it, it was too awful (in terms of freaking me out - so disturbing).

Edited by forty-two
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1 hour ago, stephanier.1765 said:

Isn't it funny how we'll keep watching despite hating it because we are sure it will get better? Right now I'm watching Cursed on Netflix. Terrible, truly terrible, but I keep watching thinking it will get better and because I want to know how it ends. 🤦‍♀️

Welp, saved me from wasting my time, lol.  Thanks -- it was on my to-watch list but....maybe not? (I also look up ending spoilers online when the book/show is awful.)

24 minutes ago, happysmileylady said:

Ok, now it's my turn to go all 



How can anyone NOT like Independence Day?!?!?   


I know, right?! I introduced it to my kids this 4th of July, and it was A Big Deal.  Classic. I watch it nearly every year, lol, if I can find it on tv. 

Edited by alisoncooks
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1 hour ago, Lady Florida. said:

I've never seen it and I'm pretty sure I don't want to. I felt that way about The Hangover though. So many of my friends thought it was hilarious. While I didn't think it was the worst movie, I thought it was just stupid.

That’s how I felt about O Brother, Where Art Thou. Dh loves that movie! It’s one of his favorites! But I just really dislike what I call “stupid” humor. I like witty humor, not simpletons acting simple. I know it’s supposed to be a funny parody of The Odyssey but...just, no. 

The one thing I like in that movie is the bluegrass song that makes them famous. 

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I have the worst time finding any movies that are worthwhile on Hulu, Netflix, etc. And, Redbox seems to have an overabundance of horrible horror shows. As far as mainstream movie making goes, it seems super hero movies reign supreme. Unfortunately, I'm not a fan. More often than not, when we decide to watch a movie, we end up scrolling through the offerings for an hour or so and then clicking the TV off. 😩

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2 hours ago, stephanier.1765 said:

Isn't it funny how we'll keep watching despite hating it because we are sure it will get better? Right now I'm watching Cursed on Netflix. Terrible, truly terrible, but I keep watching thinking it will get better and because I want to know how it ends. 🤦‍♀️

Oh, we tried watching this. Even as a medieval historian with a thing for Arthurian legends, I didn't like it. If I was 17, it would be cool as heck. The dialogue is bad. the one redeeming quality is Gustaf Skarsgård as Merlin, if I could just watch his scenes, that would be okay. 

The award for worst movie from me is The Ballad of Buster Scruggs - it was just stupid. Then it was mean and sad. After 30 minutes I didn't care at all about anyone, we turned it off.

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I am a huge movie lover and it is hard for me to say "well that was a waste of time"  simply because even the worst movies can be made enjoyable by making fun um them.  But there is one movie that I hate and can not even watch to make fun of it.  And people are going to give me shit for it,  they always do, but I say it anyway.... Titanic.

I hate that movie so much and it is the only movie I have ever walked out of the theater while watching.  I have since watched it all the way through a few times and nothing is redeeming about it. Even the bits of accurate history put into don't make that garbage of a love story worth watching.

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5 hours ago, Quill said:

That’s how I felt about O Brother, Where Art Thou. Dh loves that movie! It’s one of his favorites! But I just really dislike what I call “stupid” humor. I like witty humor, not simpletons acting simple. I know it’s supposed to be a funny parody of The Odyssey but...just, no. 

The one thing I like in that movie is the bluegrass song that makes them famous. 

I love that movie and the soundtrack! I don't like stupid movies either but that one had a side of intelligence with the stupid. I mean, The Odyssey, after all. 😄 

4 hours ago, soror said:

The Last Airbender

Worst acting in the world.



That was so disappointing especially because the animated series was so good.

4 hours ago, Dotwithaperiod said:

 I saw this when I was 10, at the drive in. We’d watch a Clint Eastwood or Planet of the Apes first, then fall asleep and my parents would watch a second one. My brother and I stayed awake, tho, for most of  Frogs, because at the time we were big time toad collectors. We had plans to get rich with the biggest toad emporium in Texas.

I think it’s available on Amazon Prime!

Strange as it sounds I'm glad to find someone else who saw that god-awful movie! 🤣

4 hours ago, hjffkj said:

 But there is one movie that I hate and can not even watch to make fun of it.  And people are going to give me shit for it,  they always do, but I say it anyway.... Titanic.


I didn't hate it but I don't get the love for it. 

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This is maybe off beat but by far the worst movie I’ve ever seen is Mother! With Jennifer Lawrence.  I think she is a marginal actor at best anyway and the storyline was misogynistic garbage.  I’m literally angry when I think about it.  If only whoever put that mess together was half as smart as they thought they were.  



I thought titanic was bad too.  Way too cheesy and over the top.  We critique everything her but enjoy most at the same time.  

Edited by FuzzyCatz
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22 hours ago, J-rap said:

 Haha, I remember thinking the worst movie I ever saw was Ishtar with Dustin Hoffman.  I've probably seen just-as-bad movies since then, but that one stands out.

I actually love Ishtar!  My brother and I quote it to each other all the time! We may be in the minority in our opinions.....

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22 hours ago, MercyA said:

Just popping back into say that I actually enjoyed Shirley Temple's Heidi and The Little Princess. I find her to be resolutely cheerful. 🙂 

@Seasider too, I hear you on The Happening, but The Visit was worse. I couldn't even finish it. Still a Shyamalan fan, though.


I loved those two Shirley Temple movies as well!  Sure, it was a different era of movies, but I thought they were very cute and fun.  Side note, my mother is exactly the same age as ST, and when ST became popular, my grandmother used to try and make ST ringlets in in my mother's hair (like many mothers did during that period I hear).  Apparently my mother's hair was really fine and it was a flop!

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6 hours ago, soror said:

The Last Airbender

Worst acting in the world.

The main character was hired for his martial arts background and the fact that he was a fan of the series. He had never acted before. 

It's universally hated, I think. 

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8 hours ago, Storygirl said:

 A more recent movie that I found horrifying is The Kingsmen. Colin Firth's character massacres an entire church congregation. I have a fairly strong tolerance for violence in movies, but that scene was completely beyond the pale.

I agree, that movie was absolutely bizarre (the exploding heads??).

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8 hours ago, happi duck said:

The only movie I intensely disliked *and* watched to the end was Fargo.  I kept thinking it must get better because of the person who raved about it to me.  I was shocked they liked it so much because I thought we had similar tastes.


Oh, but it had some really hilarious lines in it that still play in my head and make me laugh!

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I think Coen brothers stuff is either a yes or no for folks.  They were actually raised in this area and I feel uniquely aligned to get their stuff for good or bad.  😂🙄  All of their characters, etc are caricatures and tongue in cheek.  

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On 7/28/2020 at 11:04 PM, J-rap said:

 Haha, I remember thinking the worst movie I ever saw was Ishtar with Dustin Hoffman.  I've probably seen just-as-bad movies since then, but that one stands out.

The Far Side once had a comic with Hell's Library and all it contained was copies of Ishtar.

I paid full, California theater prices to see Water World in the early 90s.  Kevin Costner owes us $16 and if I ever meet him I plan to tell him so.  I also saw The Heffalump Movie in the theater.  Only my son managed to stay awake for that one.  

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6 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

The most boring movie I've seen was The Lord of the Rings. Just one damn battle after another.

I like Coen brothers films.

I dragged DH to see the 2nd LOTR movie, after seeing the first movie in theaters. We got about halfway into it and he leans over and says, completely serious and confused, "Haven't we already seen this movie?" Lol. 

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