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TP.....10 Stores------there HAS to be a better way


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My dear friend spent hours today going to 10 different stores in 2 different cities looking for TP for her parents.  There HAS to be a better way to do this.  That meant, even though she was super careful, that she went into 9 more stores than was needed to get essential shopping done.  Times that by hundreds of other people looking for just this one item that no one can find and there is SOOO much more exposure and shopping than really needs to be done.

Does anyone have any great ideas for how stores or shoppers could handle this?  Stores in our area are already limiting it to 1 pack per person.  Do you think that big box stores could put the TP up front right by the doors and then have a sign up when it is gone?   Maybe smaller stores could have some sort of sign on the door to show if they have TP in stock?   Green for YES TP ON SHELF or Red for NO TP?  I can see calling smaller local stores to ask but that won't work for places like Target, Walmart, bigger grocery stores, etc.

If the goal to is to discourage shopping and unnecessary trips, then someone needs to figure the TP situation out.

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Costco. Your friend would have to be there before it opens for the day. They have signboard outside the entrance and the Costco staff at the end of the customer line for going in would be able to tell you also.

Photos are from two different Costco near me.



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huh...I would not be that dedicated to TP. Sorry, family, we'd be improvising (using family cloth). So yes, there is a better way. Simply use something else.

What's that saying? Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without. I just wouldn't be chancing spreading germs at that many places, so we'd be doing without.

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I was told by a costco employee that TP and paper towels are consistently available first thing in the morning. He said that people line up early and that the employees look at the length of the line and open the doors earlier than regular time if the line is too long (california). Apparently, the paper towels get sold out in an hour, but, TP is still there for most of the day. Limit of 1 pack per customer. If your friend bought a huge pack from costco, she could even divide it between 2 households.

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I have lucked into some on Walmart.com.  Twice - one was for my in-laws.

Check a few times thorughout the day.  I think I‘ve gotten both in the afternoon.  Make sure you are signed in and ready to go (credit card entered).  Once it is in your cart, hit order and pay the $5.99 shipping charge.  I have lost out twice...once on tp and once on paper towels because I was trying to add stuff to get free shipping.  Don’t do that or you will lose it.


Edited by mlktwins
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5 minutes ago, barnwife said:

huh...I would not be that dedicated to TP. Sorry, family, we'd be improvising (using family cloth). So yes, there is a better way. Simply use something else.

What's that saying? Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without. I just wouldn't be chancing spreading germs at that many places, so we'd be doing without.

She is trying to prevent her elderly father with diabetes from going out....and GOING OUT he will for TP....his own package, not just extra rolls from other people.  He is very stubborn and independent.   AND FRUSTRATING to my friend.

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I was on NextDoor today and someone was desperately looking for TP in our area.  I know we haven't seen it anywhere either.   But, someone in the comments said they went ahead and ordered theirs off Amazon. I wasn't supposed to come until the end of the month - but SURPRISE - it came in less than week!. 

So I hopped over and ordered mine on Amazon today.  The earliest mine will arrive is April 14th, which isn't too bad.   I'll let you know.  We only have about a week or maybe 10days worth of TP left so i hope this person is right. 

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Have her try going first thing in the morning. Most sores have told us it's all gone by 11 if there was any. That's pretty much been our only way if finding any. Specifically, lining up at Costco before opening has been there best bet for people I know.

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Even regular grocery stores in our area, have had signs similar to Costco, saying what is in stock each day and what is not. Sometimes preprinted signs say out of stock, but there is a little on the shelf, so you may want to still check. Costco's version of the sign that makes it easy to move things back and forth, are often more accurate. 

In our town, I have seen TP available almost every morning each time I have gone to stores. Early is definitely better than late. If you can't find any, maybe get some Kleenex or paper towels if need be. Don't flush them, but at least they can be just as effective to get the job done.

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Everyone says morning, but dh went last week in the middle of the afternoon at Walmart and they were stocking and he grabbed some.  I think all stores should have the costco like signs out front. 

But yeah I have seen some on Costco, Sams, Amazon, and Walmart.com .    You just have to check a lot. 

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1 minute ago, mommyoffive said:

Everyone says morning, but dh went last week in the middle of the afternoon at Walmart and they were stocking and he grabbed some.  I think all stores should have the costco like signs out front. 

But yeah I have seen some on Costco, Sams, Amazon, and Walmart.com .    You just have to check a lot. 

I've had the stores tell me morning is my best bet. I'm sure it's available here and there at other times too!

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1 hour ago, barnwife said:

huh...I would not be that dedicated to TP. Sorry, family, we'd be improvising (using family cloth). So yes, there is a better way. Simply use something else.

What's that saying? Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without. I just wouldn't be chancing spreading germs at that many places, so we'd be doing without.

I am pretty sure that my family could not handle that. I do appreciate the concept though. 

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Our Costco here in SE Michigan was well stocked on Saturday.  My dh was there maybe an hour after opening and it wasn’t too crazy and he did get toilet paper.  There were limits on some items like canned chicken that weren’t posted that also surprised the cashier.

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38 minutes ago, hippiemamato3 said:

I am pretty sure that my family could not handle that. I do appreciate the concept though. 

What do they think people did before TP? I just cannot understand why anyone would think themselves too...important? good? to have to be willing to contemplate such things. I mean, do I want to? No. But we are living during a pandemic. And as such sacrifices will have to be made. Going to 10 stores when something has such easy solutions (family cloth, paper towels if you have them, newspapers, magazines, junk mail, leaves) that completely avoid the possibility of spreading germs is just, for me and my household, not a line to cross at this time.

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Seconding Costco for the signage. As I understand it, they're all doing this in some form to save people from going in.

I read that the tp "shortage" is less about people hoarding it and more about people actually needing more than they used to because they're no longer using tp in the places we used to - work, restaurants, schools, etc.

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1 hour ago, barnwife said:

What do they think people did before TP? I just cannot understand why anyone would think themselves too...important? good? to have to be willing to contemplate such things. I mean, do I want to? No. But we are living during a pandemic. And as such sacrifices will have to be made. Going to 10 stores when something has such easy solutions (family cloth, paper towels if you have them, newspapers, magazines, junk mail, leaves) that completely avoid the possibility of spreading germs is just, for me and my household, not a line to cross at this time.

No, people are not seriously contemplating that yet because we are not there yet. Assurances have been made that there is plenty, it is just insane purchasing disrupting the entire supply chain.
If and when that changes, I'm sure people will adapt.

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8 minutes ago, rebcoola said:

Several restaurants here are selling Toilet paper.  They have corona specials like 4 meals a bottle of wine and a pack of toilet paper.  They have different suppliers than the stores.

Someone I know got takeout and it just came with  a roll. I read that a lot of restaurants have a surplus now because no one is using it in their restaurants.

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Assurances have been made that there is plenty, it is just insane purchasing disrupting the entire supply chain.

I keep reading and being told about these assurances but when I can't find tp anywhere I don't feel assured at all. I can't find it on-line (yes, I look repeatedly through the day/evening). I've driven to Costco numerous times only to see the stock I was told was there sold out. I so wish Costco had the ability to limit tp purchase to one membership per week (I asked and was told they don't have the capability).

There's something about the tp shortage that is getting to me. I was doing OK...plenty of soup, rice, flour, etc. We have cloth diapers and know how to make do, but I just really want to feel that sense of relief at seeing a package at Costco that I can take home. Just one package...which is what our family uses in one month.

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7 hours ago, emba56 said:

My DH saw a whole stack of TP at a convenience store, of all places. So maybe you could pop in and check when you fill up, just in case. But that doesn’t help much as far as limiting exposure.


4 hours ago, MercyA said:

I've seen some at Dollar Tree and at CVS.

I was, thankfully, well stocked on TP before the shortage, but from what I've heard on our community FB page the convenience stores and dollar stores have been the most reliable sources of it in this area.

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IMO, the “better way” I’m accessing here (for all of the OOS stuff) is a FB group of local friends one of my friends put together. We post in there if we’re looking for a product we’re not finding. We’re giving each other tips on which stores have what. In some cases, we are sharing or trading what we have with each other. I sent a friend yeast yesterday; another friend gave me wipes. I traded someone else eggs for flour. 

So, to me, accessing community through technology is the better way that is working for me. But I do agree with your overall sentiment that if you have to go to multiple stores or you have to go out several times a week bc you couldn’t get everything, then yes, it’s increasing exposure. 

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What about places like the big box hardware or office supply stores? I haven’t been in either for awhile but when this first started they had stacks available even when the usual places (Target, grocery stores) were out. Might be worth a try.

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9 hours ago, hippiemamato3 said:

I am pretty sure that my family could not handle that. I do appreciate the concept though. 

Just a thought on this: it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. In my family, I have a package of cloth facial tissues I bought many moons ago. I use them for only “clear” wiping. Anything messy gets TP, but if we’re talking just blotting after a pee, well, sure, why not? By doing this, I am saving - I don’t know, maybe five wipings a day? So the TP we do have is stretching longer. 

If I could get total family compliance on that, it would be great, but *shrug* oh well. You do you, as they say. I’m just “doing me.” 

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Also am I the only person who cannot wrap my head around how a bidet is helpful?
The logistics fail to make sense to me. Is it basically like a shower head? And so do you have to keep bath towels in your bathrooms then?
I must be seriously lacking in imagination. Lol.

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7 minutes ago, MEmama said:

Also am I the only person who cannot wrap my head around how a bidet is helpful?
The logistics fail to make sense to me. Is it basically like a shower head? And so do you have to keep bath towels in your bathrooms then?
I must be seriously lacking in imagination. Lol.

no, that's exactly what I thought.  Don't you still have to dry off?  

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7 minutes ago, Quill said:

Just a thought on this: it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. In my family, I have a package of cloth facial tissues I bought many moons ago. I use them for only “clear” wiping. Anything messy gets TP, but if we’re talking just blotting after a pee, well, sure, why not? By doing this, I am saving - I don’t know, maybe five wipings a day? So the TP we do have is stretching longer. 

If I could get total family compliance on that, it would be great, but *shrug* oh well. You do you, as they say. I’m just “doing me.” 

Ok, so a cloth for the women I can understand. But then what? It’s the logistics that always get me confused. What do you do with the cloth after it’s been used? Pail of bleach in the bathroom? 

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10 minutes ago, MEmama said:

Ok, so a cloth for the women I can understand. But then what? It’s the logistics that always get me confused. What do you do with the cloth after it’s been used? Pail of bleach in the bathroom? 

And doesn't this use up a lot more water between the bidet and extra laundry....as well as time?

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4 minutes ago, MEmama said:

Ok, so a cloth for the women I can understand. But then what? It’s the logistics that always get me confused. What do you do with the cloth after it’s been used? Pail of bleach in the bathroom? 

Well I’m sure people who have been using family cloth for a long time have their ways, which may be better than my way, but >>> (following is what works in my own bathroom set up; I’m sure it isn’t ideal for everyone) I just put them in a hamper in my closet. It’s not like it’s sopping wet. It’s barely different from what might get on underwear ordinarily. You know; body fluids. 

IF our set up were different and I didn’t have a nice master bathroom toilet pretty much all to myself, I would get a little lidded trash pail, put either a washable liner or a trash bag liner in it, and just put the cloths in there until laundering. I may even do this anyway because I have a trashcan that would work for that and I have a small nylon bag I can use for a liner. 

Years ago, I cloth diapered my babies and I used the “dry pail” method. I never had a bucket with bleach in it bc it’s hazardous. So I just had a pail with a washable liner, stuck the dipes and cloth wipes in there and then dumped everything including the liner in on laundry day. 

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4 minutes ago, Ottakee said:

And doesn't this use up a lot more water between the bidet and extra laundry....as well as time?

For myself, no. I wash my little pee-pee cloths with my other cleaning cloths or hand towels, which I would wash anyway. (Keep in mind, I’m not using them for messier wipings. Just pee wipings.) Time spent is extremely negligible. But also, I have been a zero-waster/trash reduction person for a couple of decades so I’m not at all a stranger to washing reusable things instead of throwing things away. (The hardest adjustment for me has been using a bunch of throwaway things now so there’s less possibility of germ transfer.) 

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I hadn't been anywhere for 15 days until Tuesday.  I was able to go into Target and they had pallets of Charmin by the case, paper towels 12 roll bundles , Lysol wipes  and tissue bundles when you come in the front door.    You were limited to 1 item each.  Since it's just my husband and I this is a months supply or more of some items.  I got one of  each item and then made sure to share with any of my neighbors that were running low on supplies.  

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3 hours ago, Quill said:

Just a thought on this: it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. In my family, I have a package of cloth facial tissues I bought many moons ago. I use them for only “clear” wiping. Anything messy gets TP, but if we’re talking just blotting after a pee, well, sure, why not? By doing this, I am saving - I don’t know, maybe five wipings a day? So the TP we do have is stretching longer. 

If I could get total family compliance on that, it would be great, but *shrug* oh well. You do you, as they say. I’m just “doing me.” 

I actually have no issue using it for pee - and have done that before! 

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11 hours ago, barnwife said:

What do they think people did before TP? I just cannot understand why anyone would think themselves too...important? good? to have to be willing to contemplate such things. I mean, do I want to? No. But we are living during a pandemic. And as such sacrifices will have to be made. Going to 10 stores when something has such easy solutions (family cloth, paper towels if you have them, newspapers, magazines, junk mail, leaves) that completely avoid the possibility of spreading germs is just, for me and my household, not a line to cross at this time.

Too important? How insulting. You have no idea what my reasons are...or what issues my family might have that would make it difficult.  We are all doing our best - there's absolutely no reason to be insulting because someone doesn't want to use JUNK MAIL or MAGAZINES to wipe themselves. Good Lord. 

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Re: where to put used cloths, have a small bucket, disused bathroom trash can, or small bag. (I have a little stainless steel bucket sold as a countertop compost container.) No need for bleach. Pre-rinse in the washer on smallest load setting, then wash with a load of laundry and dry. Save TP for #2 and it will last much longer.

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15 minutes ago, whitehawk said:

Re: where to put used cloths, have a small bucket, disused bathroom trash can, or small bag. (I have a little stainless steel bucket sold as a countertop compost container.) No need for bleach. Pre-rinse in the washer on smallest load setting, then wash with a load of laundry and dry. Save TP for #2 and it will last much longer.

Oh I have one of those compost containers! That would keep the cats out...

Although, I probably have 4-6 months worth of tp, too, but I’m always looking for backup plans. 🙂 

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