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12 minutes ago, Carrie12345 said:

Oh, I figure we’ll get it, too. But I’ll continue to do what I can to delay it and avoid spreading it. Not to the point of lockdown and screwing up my kids’ college credits, but the stuff that matters much less.

My sister is in another state and works at a hospital.  She is very, very worried.  She told me to keep the boys home from everything.  I said they have 2 outside classes that we have to go to until they shut them down.  They are in 9th grade and these are for their transcripts for college.  I'm not messing that up either.  The teachers can do those on-line if needed so they should be able to finish this year.  But...they are still meeting for now.  

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Just now, saraha said:

Do you dice it, fry it and sprinkle the soy sauce on after? or how do you fix it? We just slice and fry like breakfast meat

My mom used to score and put whole cloves in the top.  Then added some glaze (I need to look that up - might have been on the can).  It was so good!  We didn't have it very often, but I still remember it.

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34 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

Although ibuprofen is not the same as paracetamol, it can be used as a substitute in many circumstances.  I don't know if it's also going to be in short supply.

I believe paracetamol is the same as acetaminophen. Tylenol is the biggest U.S. brand, so much so that the name has become genericized. 

2 hours ago, Seasider too said:


I wonder if that is due to a number or elderly folks on food assistance? My dad was a WW2 veteran and he bought a can now and then to be fried up like bacon at breakfast. I think it was nostalgic for him, he ate a lot of it in the war years. 

My dad served in the Army in the 1950s, stationed in post-war Japan. He liked Spam and he always said he learned to like it in the Army. He also liked that canned deviled ham stuff. I could never even choke either of them down. They were usually items he bought just for himself, since no one else wanted them.

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2 hours ago, Arcadia said:

My teens were joking about people stockpiling SPAM at home. The SPAM cans have not run out at any supermarket we go.

The shelf of Spam at my local grocery was almost empty. I think it’s still quite popular here. Also marshmallow fluff sandwiches. 🤮

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2 minutes ago, saraha said:

Do you dice it, fry it and sprinkle the soy sauce on after? or how do you fix it? We just slice and fry like breakfast meat

Yeah, I cube it pretty small and just throw it in a (dry, no oil) pan for a few minutes. Then sprinkle with soy sauce and fry a bit more. It's pretty salty (spam=salty, soy sauce =salty) but the rice cuts it. 

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16 minutes ago, saraha said:

Not trying to totally derail the thread, but has anyone ever used the gatorade powder? For stocking up purposes, we don't have room for a bunch of gatorade

We've used it before. It doesn't taste as good as the bottled (well, none of it tastes great to me, but the powdered somehow tastes more sweet to me). But it is ok. My mom and dad use it regularly in summer.

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Dr. Campbell did not have good words for the CDC today.


Evidence to suggest that the virus has been circulating in the US for some weeks now. And yet they've managed to do a few hundred tests. The Center for Disease Control have dropped the ball on this one. Really, the level of testing in the United States for such an advanced, sophisticated country, is... just appalling... unacceptable. That's what it is.

He goes on to say they're expecting 1 million tests next week.


Pity for the delay.

He has nicer words than me.


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23 minutes ago, saraha said:

Not trying to totally derail the thread, but has anyone ever used the gatorade powder? For stocking up purposes, we don't have room for a bunch of gatorade

We have a gigantic container of it leftover from a multi day running race my DH did. It works fine.

Thanks for the reminder—I had been thinking about stocking up on some gatorade and forgot about the powder!  Pre-prepper prepping! Lol

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In this video, Dr. Campbell does talk a bit about high risk individuals. I don't think he gives much solutions, unfortunately. 😞 But at least he does recognize and voice the problems! Which is more than, say, the CDC does.



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15 minutes ago, saraha said:

Do you dice it, fry it and sprinkle the soy sauce on after? or how do you fix it? We just slice and fry like breakfast meat


21 minutes ago, alisoncooks said:

I'm not going to judge you. We eat it, maybe, once a month. We pan fry it with soy sauce and eat it over rice. DH learned to eat it this way from his college roomie whose Vietnamese mom cooked it for them. 

(And I bought 4 cans to stock up because it was on sale, and I know we'll eat it...)


14 minutes ago, mlktwins said:

My mom used to score and put whole cloves in the top.  Then added some glaze (I need to look that up - might have been on the can).  It was so good!  We didn't have it very often, but I still remember it.



We use luncheon meat for fried rice usually in Asia. Spam and luncheon meat are basically interchangeable in recipes.


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3 hours ago, Arcadia said:

My teens were joking about people stockpiling SPAM at home. The SPAM cans have not run out at any supermarket we go.

My DH would love it if I bought SPAM but it is much more expensive than it used to be so he considers it a guilty pleasure/delicacy. I don't know what he adds in, but my BIL grinds Spam & sonething (velveeta?) together & makes patties. Spamburgers. [Not my thing.] 

3 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

Someone from a local food pantry just spoke at our church and said cans of Spam are the most coveted donation. .. so maybe they are a good thing to get and donate if not used...

Is it not expensive (for the size/serving) where you are?

Edited by RootAnn
Added velveeta
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41 minutes ago, saraha said:

Not trying to totally derail the thread, but has anyone ever used the gatorade powder? For stocking up purposes, we don't have room for a bunch of gatorade

It works fine, but it is a bit expensive. We make our own with koolaid packets, sugar, salt, and fake salt. 

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20 minutes ago, mlktwins said:

Also, for those wanting Purell but not able to find it, mixing aloe Vera gel and rubbing alcohol will work too.  Look on the internet for instructions.

Rubbing alcohol is out of stock. SF Bay Area.

ETA: CVS pharmacy online is saying in stock at some of my local stores. Will be near one for lunch so will see. Online store inventory isn’t accurate most times.

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On Gatorade and rehydrating solutions--when my girls were little they needed to avoid food dyes so we made our own oral rehydration solution when they were sick. Posting in case it's of use to anyone else. I like how they list different ingredients to supply potassium, depending on what you have on hand:


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3 minutes ago, Bambam said:

Question - when I look on Worldometers I see that Vietnam had 16 cases but they are all recovered. What are they doing right? Cambodia right next door had 1 case also recovered. 

Not testing? (My guess)

The US numbers looked really great before the CDC let places start testing...

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3 hours ago, Arcadia said:


“Hong Kong health authorities confirmed on Wednesday that a pet dog belonging to a Covid-19 patient had contracted the coronavirus, with experts calling it the first reported case of human-to-animal transmission.

The Pomeranian, which repeatedly tested “weak positive” since last Friday – suggesting it was surface contamination, with the dog picking up traces of the virus in its nose and mouth rather than being actually infected – will now remain under quarantine with the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department for further testing.

“It is positive to tests and has been infected, so it is now quarantined in a centre by the department,” health minister Sophia Chan Siu-chee said during a regular press briefing.”

As worried as I am about my family and myself, this makes me kind of sick to my stomach. I would hate to think I made my dogs sick! I am also concerned about how to get veterinary care for an animal if my husband or myself is under quarantine. Also....(yes, my anxiety has gone into overdrive ) will they demand that all pets be removed and quarantined (or worse 😭) if someone in a home tests positive? As usual, the CDC is so reassuring.  “Wear disposable masks around pets!” Where do I find the 🤬masks? 

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“PARIS: French authorities have asked people who took part in an Evangelical Lent celebration in eastern France last month to limit social contact after 10 new confirmed coronavirus infections were traced to the event.

Christophe Lannelongue, head of the eastern France health agency, said on Wednesday (Mar 4) that he expected more confirmed cases of coronavirus infection to appear in the region following the discovery of the 10 cases in two families, all linked to a Lent church service in which about 2,000 people took part.

"The chain of contamination clearly started at the meeting of the Lent week of the 'Porte Ouverte Chretienne' ... we can expect new cases in coming hours," Lannelongue said.

Health officials are trying to track all the people who attended the service, but local prefect Laurent Touvet said this will be difficult as the event was open to the public and there had been no registration of the participants.

Lannelongue called on people who took part to isolate themselves and to report to medical authorities if they show symptoms of coronavirus infection.”

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2 minutes ago, I talk to the trees said:

As worried as I am about my family and myself, this makes me kind of sick to my stomach. I would hate to think I made my dogs sick! I am also concerned about how to get veterinary care for an animal if my husband or myself is under quarantine. Also....(yes, my anxiety has gone into overdrive ) will they demand that all pets be removed and quarantined (or worse 😭) if someone in a home tests positive? As usual, the CDC is so reassuring.  “Wear disposable masks around pets!” Where do I find the 🤬masks? 

On another board I belong to there is a veterinarian and a (human) genetics expert. Both are saying don't panic. The vet is monitoring info and if/when he finds out more I'll post it here. He says if Covid 19 is a true zoonotic disease he would have expected to have seen a lot more reports of infected dogs in China and other places. The genetics expert says this is the key statement from that article: "Professor David Hui Shu-cheong, a respiratory medicine expert from Chinese University, suggested it was still too early to declare the dog was indeed infected, and blood test results for antibody response were needed for ultimate confirmation. 'If the blood test result is negative, it means the dog is not infected,' Hui said."

My source says that unless/until the antibody test shows a positive result his opinion is that the dog is "infected" the same way a doorknob would be "infected" if someone coughed or sneezed on it.

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29 minutes ago, RootAnn said:

Is it not expensive (for the size/serving) where you are?

Lol, I have no idea.  I've never bought a can of Spam in my life... 

Though I have to say I'd assumed it was cheap meat (or why buy it?), but it sounds like 'shelf-stable' meat is it's actual selling point?

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"An aging workforce

A July 2019 article in the New England School of Medicine showed that from 2000 to 2017, the number of physicians younger than 50 years old living in rural areas decreased by 25%, and by 2017, more than half of rural physicians were at least 50 years old. More than a quarter were at least 60.

By comparison, in urban areas only 39% of physicians were older than 50, and only 18% were older than 60."


This is something I am keeping in the back of my mind. There is already a doctor shortage in a lot of the country, and older, overworked doctors are going to be at greater risk. Plus a lot of rural hospitals have closed in the last few years. Another one here in Alabama just announced it will close.

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12 hours ago, Ausmumof3 said:

Global Times

Chinese scientists claim that the #COVID19 virus has probably genetically mutated to two variants: S-cov & L-cov. They believe the L-cov is more dangerous, featuring higher transmitibility and inflicting more harm on human respiratory system.

@Pen @BeachGal
National Science Review China’s webpage couldn’t load but OUP has a copy loaded


“Population genetic analyses of 103 SARS-CoV-2 genomes indicated that these viruses evolved into two major types (designated L and S), that are well defined by two different SNPs that show nearly complete linkage across the viral strains sequenced to date. Although the L type (∼70%) is more prevalent than the S type (∼30%), the S type was found to be the ancestral version. Whereas the L type was more prevalent in the early stages of the outbreak in Wuhan, the frequency of the L type decreased after early January 2020. Human intervention may have placed more severe selective pressure on the L type, which might be more aggressive and spread more quickly. On the other hand, the S type, which is evolutionarily older and less aggressive, might have increased in relative frequency due to relatively weaker selective pressure. These findings strongly support an urgent need for further immediate, comprehensive studies that combine genomic data, epidemiological data, and chart records of the clinical symptoms of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).”

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52 minutes ago, RootAnn said:

My DH would love it if I bought SPAM but it is much more expensive than it used to be so he considers it a guilty pleasure/delicacy. I don't know what he adds in, but my BIL grinds Spam & sonething (velveeta?) together & makes patties. Spamburgers. [Not my thing.] 

Is it not expensive (for the size/serving) where you are?

Spam 12oz $2.99 for San Jose area Target stores.

Cheaper usually at Grocery Outlet and Dollar Stores.

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“ATHERTON, Calif. (KGO) -- The Menlo School in Atherton announced on Wednesday that all classes have been canceled through the weekend.

On its website, they learned that a staff member of Menlo School had contact with a relative who tested positive for the novel coronavirus on Tuesday.

"Out of an abundance of caution and for the safety and well-being of our community, we have decided to close the School through the weekend," the announcement on the website read.

The school is working closely with the San Mateo County Department of Health and the CDC.”

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2 hours ago, Plum said:

Yes. I’m so ready to turn off the news. If I do get it, being completely stressed out will only harm not help. 

Are you actually getting any other news than Super Tuesday and tornados and flooding????  We had Covid19 news on Monday but none yesterday or today

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1 minute ago, StellaM said:


There is no loo roll in any of my local Coles or Woolies - none at all!

Ds has a cold and I went out to buy him some more tissues - got the last box in the shop!

Cheap toilet paper was used as a substitute for tissue paper when I was a kid by some families.

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32 minutes ago, beaners said:

"An aging workforce

A July 2019 article in the New England School of Medicine showed that from 2000 to 2017, the number of physicians younger than 50 years old living in rural areas decreased by 25%, and by 2017, more than half of rural physicians were at least 50 years old. More than a quarter were at least 60.

By comparison, in urban areas only 39% of physicians were older than 50, and only 18% were older than 60."


This is something I am keeping in the back of my mind. There is already a doctor shortage in a lot of the country, and older, overworked doctors are going to be at greater risk. Plus a lot of rural hospitals have closed in the last few years. Another one here in Alabama just announced it will close.


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3 hours ago, mumto2 said:

Spam was sort of a picnic(camping stove) staple for me growing up.  I have happy memories of my dad frying it up with a can, yes I said can , of potato’s on picnic tables as we traveled.  My kids actually would love to try the stuff from my stories but Dh hates It.   I can see where food banks and churches would love it.  Maybe I will buy some and hopefully be able to donate it.

I read behind a paywall but U.K. plans are being released.  Big panic via friend is that Paracedamol has basically ran out...........that is basically Brit’s version of Tylenol,  using aspirin is not common, and alieve is a prescription    .  India not shipping in and the other source is China. 


Glad I stocked up on panadol then. 

It is different than Tylenol, but uses for the same thing. People here mostly use panadol. It is considered safer than aspirin, though it is used as well

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3 hours ago, Pawz4me said:

This is the conclusion I've come to. Of course nobody else has to agree with it -- I'm going to go forward with the belief that it's probably inevitable that I or one/more of my immediate family members is going to get it. That doesn't mean I'm not going to do all the things we're encouraged to do--on the contrary, I'm going to do them to my utmost ability, but w/o driving myself absolutely nuts about it. I can't make myself nuts about it, or live in fear or extremely heightened anxiety for the next . . .  months? years? who knows? Viruses happen. And despite the stats and despite the fact that both DH and I are in serious risk categories, still  . . . life goes on, and odds are if (when) we get it we'll be okay. I'll do the best I can to prevent it, but I've got enough real life/right now health worries and stress. I can't expend any more emotional energy worrying about what ifs. So . . . pragmatism but not panic.

Well basically I prepared for when we get it.

My Dd is now at her accommodation for uni which started yesterday. She also prepared for when she gets it. She bought panadol, tissues, flue tablets, and throat lozenges  .All her food is provided by the accommodation. 


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Article from Politico about how an FDA official was blocked by CDC from entering and discussing measures to increase test kits.  The article also goes on to say that when he did get in the next day, he is the one who found lab contamination in the area where they were testing the ones that hospitals/etc were sending.   This all happened several weeks ago but the CDC really seems to be failing over and over.  I am much more trusting of some of the other responses of the federal agencies.

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DH went into Walmart last night to grab something non-coronavirus related. He said there was no water except a few gallons of distilled (which he bought because he uses it in his cpap and is almost out), only a few packs of toilet paper (which I now want to forever call "loo paper" because...it sounds adorable), no sanitizer, and no tylenol (not even generic). We're in NC and haven't even had many cases yet! He did but jalepeno spam because he said it looked interesting...

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Panadol, paracetamol and acetaminophen are all the same thing.  With me, the only thing they help with is lowering  a fever but since I have only gotten one once since I have lived here 8.5 years, I am not even sure why we have so much of it.  I think I need to give it to dd2 because I think she doubles up ibuprofen and acetaminophen  at times.   I wish I didn't have to take it at all but they combine it with my opioid here in the US- they didn't in Belgium and I never added in it and had just as good pain control.

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SF Chronicle (paywall) https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Coronavirus-live-updates-Six-dead-in-Washington-15100710.php

“11:30 a.m. Cruise company, CDC officials ask passengers who traveled on ship to self-quarantine: Officials of the Grand Princess cruise company asked passengers who traveled roundtrip from San Francisco from Feb. 11 to Feb. 21 to self-quarantine until cleared by a health official as CDC officials start investigating a small clusters of cases in Northern California connected to the voyage.

11:23 a.m. U.S. death toll rises to 11 with first California death reported: A coronavirus patient in Placer County has died, health officials reported. The individual, the second case reported in Placer County, was an elderly adult with underlying health conditions. This is the first coronavirus death in California.

“We extend our deepest condolences to the loved ones of this patient,” said Placer County Health Officer Dr. Aimee Sisson. “While we have expected more cases, this death is an unfortunate milestone in our efforts to fight this disease, and one that we never wanted to see.

11:17 a.m. U.S. death toll rises to 10: Another person in Washington state has died from coronavirus, according to the state’s health department, bringing the total number of dead in the U.S. to 10. The person was a King County resident, officials said. All U.S. deaths have occurred in Washington.

11:11 a.m. More than 500 people in California tested: As of Wednesday, 515 people in California have been tested for the coronavirus, according to the California Department of Public Health.”

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The case in Atlanta involves a homeschooled child. He attended class at a hybrid last week. The center is closed and the families who were in class with him are in isolation. Many families who attend the same center (even on different days) elected to do a self-imposed quarantine. I know many students who have taken classes at this hybrid; luckily none of my currents students do. Lots of hand washing and hand sanitizer today.


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(Sorry for the big font...computer being wonky)

I was horrified to discover that my ds14 and ds17 use 2-3 and sometimes 4 (!) pumps of soap each time they wash their hands.  No wonder I’m always refilling the pumps around here. I can get a good, sudsy lather going with 3/4 of a pump.  


We’ll be having lessons on how to be thrifty with liquid soap while still washing properly.  I’m pretty sure they were pumping 3 pumps into their hands and then turning their hands sideways to scrub, causing half of the soap to slide off down the sink.  I will be teaching them this afternoon how to leave it in the bowl of their palms and lather before turning their hands sideways.  With everyone washing their hands all the time (and I am hearing reports of people doing that more and more), liquid soap and even bar soap might start becoming scarce in the stores.  So...we need to protect our current supply by not wasting all those pumps!


As the only female in the house, I’m being very careful with the loo paper, since I use it every time I go, while the males only use it sometimes when they go.  Tonight I’m going to discuss with them about not gathering giant wads of the stuff if they don’t need it.  Get enough for the job, but not more than is necessary.


I stocked up 2 weeks ago on things thinking “what if we have to quarantine”, but I didn’t get hand sanitizer. At that time, I’d been reading that it was only marginally effective and we should use soap and water instead.  I forgot that poor DH is at work all day (in a college with lots off people) and might not always be able to get to a sink.  He asked me yesterday, “Did you get hand sanitizer for me to take to work?”  I had to tell him no, and now I’m not sure there is any left in our stores.  :(. He asked me about wipes to wipe things down at work  and I told him I’d planned on making some bleach water, but again, he was hoping for wipes at work. 


I’m thinking that if he has a little bottle of bleach water with a rag and uses it discretely in his office, no one will care, but he’d hoped for the ease of wipes.


I do feel like I failed him for not thinking about how he’d handle things at work.  I was mostly thinking “quarantine” when I was preparing and not “still going out and about and being exposed to germs at work”.  



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36 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

Cheap toilet paper was used as a substitute for tissue paper when I was a kid by some families.


(Hangs head) we mostly do that — use tp. 

It’s usually softer anyway at least for US tp .  Not I guess the stiff type in some places.  Our septic safe Scott tp is very soft. 

Since my kid reached high school and needs to not be mortified with embarrassment, I’ve bought some tissue travel packs. Since we so far haven’t been cold/flu/nasal discharge type sick this year we still have that.  

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12 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

Costco (NJ) has no regular water.  But they have what I wanted water wise, alkaline water ( yes I know to some it is woo but it helps my migraines tremendously).  But they did have isopropyl alcohol (very limited).


I really really want to know more about that, but don’t want to derail this thread!

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1 hour ago, Dotwithaperiod said:

 I’ve seen a couple different Spam commercials lately, geared to younger people.

My mom loves it, she fries it for breakfast or makes grilled cheese sandwiches. She says she buys HEB brand which also comes in bacon flavored. 

I think it’s an easy meat source for the elderly, soft enough that those with bad or no or false teeth can chew.


I haven’t had it in years, but recall it as being tasty.  

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3 hours ago, YaelAldrich said:

Israel has enlarged the number of countries that non-Israeli citizens cannot enter and Israelis have to self-quarantine. We have US friends whose family left Italy to avoid the issue in going to Israel. They went to France. Now they're looking for another country to safely ride it out for 14 days so they can eventually get to Israel.

Jerusalem Post

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that going forward, any Israeli who returns to the country from France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain and Austria will now require isolation.This list is to be added to the already expanded list of people requiring isolation, including those coming from China, Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand and Singapore.

I am leaving Israel for the States on Saturday. My dear friend's brain tumor means I *need* to see her sooner than our planned August furlough/vacation. I am also going to Orlando to see my parents. 

I have a knot in my stomach at the thought of being denied reentry into Israel; who knows how COVID-19 will explode in the US in the next 3 weeks. 

Also, my elderly mom currently has a cold that she fears has turned into bronchitis. I am worried it might be COVID-19,  I am worried dd, who is visiting her Sunday (she is at a conference in Orlando) will catch whatever Mom has, and I am worried I will catch it when I see her 16th Mar, and get sick and not be able to see my friend. 

I could use some prayers. I don't travel alone well and this is going to be a hella emotional trip. 

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6 minutes ago, Chris in VA said:

I am leaving Israel for the States on Saturday. My dear friend's brain tumor means I *need* to see her sooner than our planned August furlough/vacation. I am also going to Orlando to see my parents. 

I have a knot in my stomach at the thought of being denied reentry into Israel; who knows how COVID-19 will explode in the US in the next 3 weeks. 

Also, my elderly mom currently has a cold that she fears has turned into bronchitis. I am worried it might be COVID-19,  I am worried dd, who is visiting her Sunday (she is at a conference in Orlando) will catch whatever Mom has, and I am worried I will catch it when I see her 16th Mar, and get sick and not be able to see my friend. 

I could use some prayers. I don't travel alone well and this is going to be a hella emotional trip. 

I will be praying for you.  

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39 minutes ago, lmrich said:

The case in Atlanta involves a homeschooled child. He attended class at a hybrid last week. The center is closed and the families who were in class with him are in isolation. Many families who attend the same center (even on different days) elected to do a self-imposed quarantine. I know many students who have taken classes at this hybrid; luckily none of my currents students do. Lots of hand washing and hand sanitizer today.


I was just coming to post that! My sister has some hs’ing connections in the area, but doesn’t usually attend events.

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20 minutes ago, Garga said:


(Sorry for the big font...computer being wonky)

I was horrified to discover that my ds14 and ds17 use 2-3 and sometimes 4 (!) pumps of soap each time they wash their hands.  No wonder I’m always refilling the pumps around here. I can get a good, sudsy lather going with 3/4 of a pump.  


We’ll be having lessons on how to be thrifty with liquid soap while still washing properly.  I’m pretty sure they were pumping 3 pumps into their hands and then turning their hands sideways to scrub, causing half of the soap to slide off down the sink.  I will be teaching them this afternoon how to leave it in the bowl of their palms and lather before turning their hands sideways.  With everyone washing their hands all the time (and I am hearing reports of people doing that more and more), liquid soap and even bar soap might start becoming scarce in the stores.  So...we need to protect our current supply by not wasting all those pumps!


As the only female in the house, I’m being very careful with the loo paper, since I use it every time I go, while the males only use it sometimes when they go.  Tonight I’m going to discuss with them about not gathering giant wads of the stuff if they don’t need it.  Get enough for the job, but not more than is necessary.


I stocked up 2 weeks ago on things thinking “what if we have to quarantine”, but I didn’t get hand sanitizer. At that time, I’d been reading that it was only marginally effective and we should use soap and water instead.  I forgot that poor DH is at work all day (in a college with lots off people) and might not always be able to get to a sink.  He asked me yesterday, “Did you get hand sanitizer for me to take to work?”  I had to tell him no, and now I’m not sure there is any left in our stores.  :(. He asked me about wipes to wipe things down at work  and I told him I’d planned on making some bleach water, but again, he was hoping for wipes at work. 


I’m thinking that if he has a little bottle of bleach water with a rag and uses it discretely in his office, no one will care, but he’d hoped for the ease of wipes.


I do feel like I failed him for not thinking about how he’d handle things at work.  I was mostly thinking “quarantine” when I was preparing and not “still going out and about and being exposed to germs at work”.  




I didn’t think wipes were something that would help me — till my eye opening trip to DMV .  

That made me think they would be.  We had one part of bottle H2O2 wipes from a camping trip, and I used s couple to clean my hands after being in DMV, then collected them in plastic zip lock bag and am planning to see if they can be boiled and reused with new H2O2 applied.

Amazon was out of stock but showing restock times to be fairly soon. And I ordered a couple more bottles of H2O2 wipes for us here (one for vehicle, one for backpack to public school) and sent one to my 80 plus yo mom. 


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Some things I have been reading (can’t link today because trying to do that logs me out) say that 1918 flu came in two waves.

First wave was less bad, but then when people thought it was over and got complacent, it was the second wave that proved very lethal and debilitating.

There were warnings by some medical field writers that something similar could happen with Covid-19 too.  

So it was a heads up not to get complacent if , for example, one is on US west coast and it seems to run through our states and Peter out.  It may well come back worse.  

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