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Can I take Christmas down tomorrow?


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I always leave everything up until around mid-January.  I love the look of the lights, the tree, etc.....but since I am on a time crunch to get the house on the market, I am considering taking it all down tomorrow or Saturday.

Will I regret it?  

I should still do it, right?

I am almost finished with the "extra" stuff out and into the storage unit!  Believe me, I still have tons to do.......furniture donations to Habitat, some other donations to our local homeschool place, and TONS of cleaning......but the surplus junk is looking much better under control.  

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10 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

Normally, I leave it on until Jan 6, since that is the 12th day of Christmas.  But go ahead since you are moving.

My son needs to be back at college by Jan 6th and it is 4 hours each way, plus grocery shopping once I get there.  Then I go back to work on the 7th......so I can't leave it up that late.  The latest would need to be Wed of next week.  I am going back and forth.

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16 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

Normally, I leave it on until Jan 6, since that is the 12th day of Christmas.  But go ahead since you are moving.

Yep. This year you get a pass. But next year, young lady, you need to leave it up an extra week! Merry Christmas!!

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Of course you can take it down! I debated taking our Christmas down today, but got distracted. Even if I get the tree put away soon, and the living room back to normal!

And I don’t know how long you expect the house on the market, but pictures with decorations will be a dead giveaway of market time without any effort at all.

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6 minutes ago, arctic_bunny said:

Of course you can take it down! I debated taking our Christmas down today, but got distracted. Even if I get the tree put away soon, and the living room back to normal!

And I don’t know how long you expect the house on the market, but pictures with decorations will be a dead giveaway of market time without any effort at all.


It won't have pictures or be listed until the end of January, but I don't have time after I start back to work Jan 7th.

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If I were moving I’d take it all down as soon as I could. Taking it down now would remove another thing from my to do list which would feel good! We are doing Christmas with DH’s family at our house this Saturday so we are leaving our tree up for that, but on Sunday it’s all getting packed away! I’m ready to get things back to normal. 

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I'd make sure everyone in the house is on board with the idea of taking it down. 

One year we were slammed with activities all through the season into the new year, and I really needed the extra space the tree, etc, took up, so I started taking everything down without really announcing my intentions.  Dh was so upset -- I think if we had talked it over first it wouldn't have hit him so hard -- it was just the shock of walking in and finding everything unexpectedly being boxed up. (That was the year the basement flooded , which was a few days after the de-decorating happened -- it was a wild year, whew!)

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My house is on the market now.  Both realtors we interviewed suggested not having Christmas decorations up at all.  So, if it were me, I'd take it down before the photographer comes to take pics for the listing.  With all the other stress associated with moving, it would make me personally feel better to have it put away, if it were me.

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Lone dissenter here!

I would leave the Christmas stuff up for a while longer. It makes you happy, and since you’re already stressed from all of the hard work you’re doing around the house, it might be nice to be able to sit down at the end of the day and enjoy your decorations. 

I would feel very sad if I had to take everything down this soon after Christmas.

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2 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

Lone dissenter here!

I would leave the Christmas stuff up for a while longer. It makes you happy, and since you’re already stressed from all of the hard work you’re doing around the house, it might be nice to be able to sit down at the end of the day and enjoy your decorations. 

I would feel very sad if I had to take everything down this soon after Christmas.


Thanks for speaking up.  I was thinking that maybe I could get my youngest to take it all down while I am taking oldest to college next weekend.  I will ask him.  We honestly don't have that much.  I purged a year ago when I had the organizer come help me.  

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19 minutes ago, May said:

We took our tree down yesterday but left the other decorations up. We have a dear friend in hospice and are expecting to leave town soon. Our tree was pretty dry already so hubby won’t stress about that when we leave.  


Ah, ok, ours is a fake tree.

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I took them all down today and they are already at the storage unit!  The tree is actually going to Goodwill.  It is a very sorry looking tree I got for $20 off CL several years ago.  The lights stopped working and the top droops.  No need to pay $$ to store it.  The rest is in boxes.

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DH’s birthday is today and mine is tomorrow.  We almost always have Christmas down by yesterday. I don’t like Christmas up on our birthdays.    

We were too busy this week to get it done, so it’ll be coming down on Jan 1st.  Frankly, I can’t wait for it to be down.  I want to get back to normal.  It’s been Christmas here for 5 weeks and that’s plenty.

With that said, if it was any other year, OP, you should keep it up because you like it.  But with all the pressure of getting the house ready to sell, I think you’ll feel relieved that it’s done this year.

Edited by Garga
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11 hours ago, theelfqueen said:

We are 12 days of Christmas people, we set up later in Advent and keep it up through the Christmas holiday (to Jan 6) and have a family tradition about ending the season... I would regret taking it all down early ...but I say you should do what works for you. 


Well, this year is just different.  But we also set up at Thanksgiving, so the tree/decorations have been up a while.

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