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For those that don't get the flu shot, can you share your reasons why?

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It still has thimerosol, which has been taken out of other vaccines.


Also, dh took it four years straight and got a horrible case of the flu every time. I, unvaccinated, didn't catch it from him even sleeping in the same bed and waiting on him hand and foot.


The last time I did catch it from him and when he complained about waiting on me "hand and foot" I told him, "That was your last flu shot." He hasn't had it once since he stopped.


I do worry about my youngest, but we just stay home during the worst of it. No guaruntees though.

Edited by Blessedfamily
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I don't get the flu shot so I have one less toxic chemical in my body.


Especially since it's not a guarantee that you won't get the flu anyway.


Yep, same here.


Also, my mother gets it every year and nags me to get it but she gets the flu every single year anyway. She says it's because she gets a strain that wasn't covered. Or she says it's not as bad as it would have been. Yet, I never, ever get the flu and I've never had a flu shot. Anecdotal evidence, I know.



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I don't get the flu shot so I have one less toxic chemical in my body.


Especially since it's not a guarantee that you won't get the flu anyway.



I get the flu some seasons and some seasons I never get it. I don't see what getting a shot is going to do, but pad someone else's pockets.





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I don't get the flu shot so I have one less toxic chemical in my body.


Especially since it's not a guarantee that you won't get the flu anyway.


:iagree: but


I *do* use Influenzinum 200 by Boiron. It is a homeopathic remedy based off of the flu vaccine made each year with the new vaccine. Its purpose is to strengthen your immune system so you can use the previous years without a lesser effect. I bought too much last year and plan on using it up this year. I trust homeopathics more than the regular drug companies. I am getting a little bothered by the vaccine industry. My kids are much heathier when they are not vaccinated. (They have been in the emergency room after shots, so I have seen the negative effects first hand in my own kids.)

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1. I had a flu shot many years ago and my whole arm swelled up and hurt very, very badly.


2. Dh is required to get the flu shot every year (he's an RN) and yet I don't get the flu any more than he does.


3. Last year I did start to get the flu and took oscillococcinum (a homeopathic remedy for flu) and it headed it off.

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I have opted for the past, ummm, 3 years not to have the flu shot. As have both my partner and my family. My partner and I discovered that each year we received the flu shot, we both would become very sick during the flu season. And trust me, two sick, grouchy paramedics are the last thing anyone wants to see when they call 911 -- let's just say we were "shining" examples less than stellar customer service. The last couple of years (when the epidemic in my neck of the woods was actually worse than in the previous years) we didn't get it and remained healthy despite having gravely ill patients. I'm sure this falls under the heading of "case rate v. base rate" (as my medical director would say), but I don't argue with success.


My family doesn't receive it for various reasons. I have one child allergic to eggs, so she obviously doesn't get the shot. As for dh and the rest of the clan, well, they're very healthy and we just haven't seen the need for any of them to get the vaccine.


The underlying theme here is that everyone is basically very healthy. I think the answer would be different if one were in one of the high-risk catagories. Of course, having said that, it's interesting to note that during the pandemic of 1918 many of the people who died of influenza were young and otherwise healthy. The belief is that the particular strain triggered a massive immulogic response (which was stronger in younger, healthier people).

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Two of my kids are "high risk" (one has epilepsy, the other asthma) so they need to get it because complications are riskier for them. My other two kids are recommended to get it because they are in a household with "high risk" kids. My husband gets it because it is free at work. Why don't I get it. Simple. If they don't get sick, neither will I. Having little ones in the house, especially one with diapers, I wash my hands millions of times a day. I don't get sick very often.


Oh, by the way, last two years, they all got the flu shot, AND they all got sick. Me. Neither the shot, nor did I get sick when they were. Don't know what to make of it. But, since I have had to get "poked" so many times (four kids....lot's of pregnancy blood draws) I figure I have earned a pass on this one! :glare:


Hot Lava Mama

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3. Last year I did start to get the flu and took oscillococcinum (a homeopathic remedy for flu) and it headed it off.


I have tried that one too and it worked well. Man is it pricey! If you have a cheap source I'd love to hear where you get it.

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An anecdote:


The first time I got the flu I was in college. I got it for three years in a row then didn't get it any more. Then a few years later I got it again. I started getting the flu shot the year after and didn't get it any more for a few years and faithfully got my shot every year. After five years, I got the flu after getting my flu shot - it was a strain that wasn't in the shot that year - okay. The next year, I got it again - it was a strain that was in the shot. Not okay. The next year, I got the shot and three confirmed cases of the flu - two that were in the shot and one that wasn't. That was five years ago. I haven't had the shot again since or the flu.


I figure that I have had many of the strains that are around and if not, I will catch them when they come around whether or not I get the shot.

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Aside from the fact that I'm a bit skeptical of such things, I'v never had a flu shot, and I can't remember when I've had the flu last (ever?)--maybe as a child. Also, my family and most people I know don't get a flu shot, and I don't hear of any of them getting it very often at all. I asked my husband about this the other day, as I hear so much about the flu and flu season and how "everyone" seems to get flu shots (on tv, news, internet, etc.). However, in my real life--people I know around here--I don't hear much about it at all. I wonder if it can be more regional (?). My husband mentioned that since we live in the south it may not be as common. He used to live up north, and mentioned that people have to spend much more time indoors there during the winter--so maybe the flu is more common for them (?). :confused: The flu is just not something I think about.

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If you search the boards, I posted why I don't on the last couple of flu shot threads. Basically it boils down to that in all the studies there is no significant evidence that the shot is effective in any category of people (high risk or not) and they are frequently wrong in choosing which strains to produce and I don't like the chemicals. Instead, we eat a healthy diet with lots of fresh fruits and veggies, no white sugar or flour or dairy or other processed foods.

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1. I'm not in a high-risk group, nor is anyone I live with.

2. My adopted kids' vaccination complications opened my eyes to the risks of too many vaccines. I doubt I'll ever get another vaccination -- Tetanus, perhaps, but not much else.

3. "Oscillococcinum" has worked for me.

4. Many meds work atypically in my body. I'd rather not take the chance of a side effect.

5. Selenium, zinc, B vitamins and antioxidants make more sense (in terms of prevention) to me.

Edited by Lisa in Jax
Sometimes I just cannot type correctly!
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I never get the flu shot. I get the flu every other year. I have the flu right now (day 3). I don't mind the actual flu, it's the horrible stomach viruses that go around. :ack2: If they ever develop a shot for the stomach viruses, I'd be the first in line. Gotta go take more drugs.

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I never get the flu shot. I get the flu every other year. I have the flu right now (day 3). I don't mind the actual flu, it's the horrible stomach viruses that go around. :ack2: If they ever develop a shot for the stomach viruses, I'd be the first in line. Gotta go take more drugs.


They do have a shot for the Rotavirus, but not the other thousands of stomach bugs.

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We are always healthier when we DON'T get it. I'll never give it to my son again. Last time he had one he developed a super high fever within 3 days and went into a febrile seizure. He was unconscious for over 30 minutes; 911, Ambulance ride, all kinds of neurological tests since he was almost 5yo. Everyone swears they had nothing to do with each other. Well, I'll never be convinced. We all stopped getting it.


The only reason we used to get it was because DH is a public school teacher and I have to practically disinfect him when he gets home.

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It still has thimerosol, which has been taken out of other vaccines.


Also, dh took it four years straight and got a horrible case of the flu every time. I, unvaccinated, didn't catch it from him even sleeping in the same bed and waiting on him hand and foot.


The last time I did catch it from him and when he complained about waiting on me "hand and foot" I told him, "That was your last flu shot." He hasn't had it once since he stopped.


I do worry about my youngest, but we just stay home during the worst of it. No guaruntees though.


Same reason!!! I had only 1 flu shot (long ago) and it was my last. I got the severe case of flu with the shot. I was violently ill (vomiting, diareah, and chest issues). I never got the shots and never got the flu again. My dh got the shots 2xs and got the flu right after the two shots. He said never again. He still gets the flu though but it is very mild compared to what he had when he got the shot. I am talking so mild that it is like a head cold. That is it.


Also it still has mercury. Also there are statistics that have come out that said there may be a link between the flu shots and Alztiemers.


Also the symptoms of a flu resembles really closely to Vit. D deficiency. Also there are reports out now that states even though there is a high vacine rate the flu epidemic is still rising. What is our kids doing during the winter months? In front of the TV playing video games or watching tv? I remember I spent alot of time playing outdoors even in the snow blizzard when I was a girl. We rarely see that now. Even in the summer months, we do not see that very much.


I forgot to mention that all of us have asthma. We are fine without the flu shot. Our dr is ok with it.





Edited by Holly IN
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The last time I had the flu was 11 years ago, when the Princess was killed. I can't remember ever having it before then. Why get a vaccination for something I never get anyway? Especially since no one knows for sure which strain of the flu will be active in any given season.

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I don't get the flu shot so I have one less toxic chemical in my body.


Especially since it's not a guarantee that you won't get the flu anyway.



My husband has got the flu shot for years, and still gets sick. I never have had a flu shot and only even had the flu once, 12 years ago. The real flu that is.

This year, dh decided not to do the flu shot. He got sick, just like other years.

So many viruses are floating around- the flu shot only protects against a couple.

Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical companies rake in billions of $.

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My symtoms starting after receiving a flu shot a few years ago. I have sjogren's which trust is no fun to live with and it effects me every minute of every day. I did a lot of research to what caused it and the mercury used in flu shots can be a trigger in some people. I have a very strong feeling this is what caused it in me. Needless to say, I will never get a flu shot again

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Basically it boils down to that in all the studies there is no significant evidence that the shot is effective in any category of people (high risk or not) and they are frequently wrong in choosing which strains to produce and I don't like the chemicals.


When dh was considering the shots I researched the shot for him and discovered this same thing.


Dh decided against getting a shot based on his own research as to possible side effects, including neurological implications (dh has MS). He was interested that my findings on the efficacy backed up his decision. The risk-return ratio was just plain wrong, especially for him.


By the way, the bit about Alzheimer's rate increasing due to the flu shot is anecdotal. As I recall, a doctor mentioned it in a speech at a medical convention back in the late 90s, but no evidence was ever given to back it up. I may be anti-flu-shot, but I'm not using the Alzheimer's link as a factor in my decision until I see evidence that a link really exists. Not to derail the thread into an argument about whether anyone has valid reasons or not, but just commenting. There are plenty of other reasons not to get the shot.

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My aunt (in her early 40's) died in her sleep the night she got a flu shot. Probably circumstantial, but it has always kept me from getting one!


This past March my 4 kids and I got the flu and it was absolutely horrible. Everytime I think of it I wrestle with the idea of getting the shot. I just don't know what to do.



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My kids and I get the flu shot every year. We have not gotten sick from the flu shot and we have not gotten the flu. My dh did not get the shot last year and he got the flu but thankfully the kids and I did not get it.


My nephew (4) was hospitalized last year with the flu and pneumonia and it was terrifying.


If we got the flu and the flu shot (like some people have posted here!), I wouldn't bother with the shot at all.

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My symtoms starting after receiving a flu shot a few years ago. I have sjogren's which trust is no fun to live with and it effects me every minute of every day. I did a lot of research to what caused it and the mercury used in flu shots can be a trigger in some people. I have a very strong feeling this is what caused it in me. Needless to say, I will never get a flu shot again

interesting connection. I also have lots of immune stuff going on. My mom had me immunized to the hilt as a kid and I really feel that plays a part in my reality these days. Of course I don't tell her, but she's smart and puttint it all together. My kids are only immunized minimally--what I have to do dragging my feet of course, before we adopt them. :)

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Never had a flu shot and never will. Like someone posted previously, I have a lot of atypical reactions to meds and I try my best not to take anything.


Also, two family members of mine had reactions after taking the flu vaccination. Another friend of the family went into kidney failure - and yes, the docs actually admitted it was a rare but related side effect.


I tend to go with what my instinct tells me as far as my own health goes. Several years ago I was sent for an MRI, spoke to my doc about not getting any type of contrast and was given the all clear only to find at the radiology place that they intended to give me a shot of something that "only 1% of patients react to." I flatly refused. The tech tried to convince me for about ten minutes, threatened to tell my doc that I was uncooperative, and only relented with the caveat that my MRI was not going to be nearly as effective. Whatever. I had the test and the results were okay, and I went on with my life. About a year later it came out that whatever the substance was that was being injected was causing a potentially fatal reaction in kidney patients (me!). I've been thanking God ever since that I had the fortitude to not give in.

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DH has so many health and immune issues that we've decided not to chance it. I'm not comfortable having my children get it because we don't vaccinate beyond the basic ones and can't afford the thermisol-free flu shot anyway (insurance wouldn't pay).


I get the "cheap" one at my internist's that has thermisol (about $5 after insurance) because I have mild asthma and am the primary caregiver for my husband. If I'm down, the household grinds to a halt, although our children are more and more capable of taking over.

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I don't get it. I don't really ever get the flu. Any time I have, I've used homeopathic remedies and gotten rid of it very quickly.


My older son had the nasal spray last year instead of the shot (he went back to school). I don't *think* those have the thimerasol in them, but I need to check that out.


My husband gets it free at his workplace. I'm trying to move him into getting the spray instead, too....

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