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Replied to the wrong person in email -gah--


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Thankfully I wasn't a total *ss but there are still some thoughts that should be kept private. 

It sounded like I was questioning their intentions and I really didn't mean that at all, that's what I get for being in a hurry.

It looks bad on both dh and myself and there is nothing to be done for it. I tried to delete it right away but it did no good.

I would like to crawl in a hole :(

Horrible timing. 

Now to think of something to say that might smooth it over, geez.


Anyone else done the same thing? Sent a message to the wrong person? Please make me feel better.

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Uhhhh.... YUP!  


Without getting into details, I once hit "reply all" instead of reply and pissed off about 1000 people with the contents of a message.  


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

Wow, I guess I'm good I only upset 2 people, my dh and the person the message went to. 


I don't want to go into details either :(


I just sent a groveling apology, I hope that helps and at least takes the blame from dh as it had nothing to do with him. I was really just ranting and didn't mean what I said.

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Wow, I guess I'm good I only upset 2 people, my dh and the person the message went to. 


I don't want to go into details either :(


I just sent a groveling apology, I hope that helps and at least takes the blame from dh as it had nothing to do with him. I was really just ranting and didn't mean what I said.


Admitting you're wrong, when you are wrong, is always the right thing to do.  Their reaction and the "fallout "are out of your hands now, so take some peace from that.  

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I had a former coworker who use to send me highly inappropriate jokes along with the occasional cute one. I once forwarded what I thought was the cute one to my aunts, I found out it was the wrong one when the one aunt just about had a heart attack.

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Yep.  Was super pissed at DH and sent a vent to my mother for some support and perspective.  It went to DH instead.   :eek: 


Probably just as well.  Once he got home we were able to clear the air quickly instead of letting things fester.  (That was a really long day, though, while I waited for him to respond).

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I would guess that a lot of us have done it!  It's soooo easy to do with email.  I've learned to check and double check and triple check the email address before I hit "send."


Once my dh sent a quick "Love you, thinking of you!" type email to our dd, who happens to have the same name as one of his employees. His computer automatically filled in the email address of that employee and that's where it went!   Whoops!  Thankfully she has a sense of humor and knew right away what happened!


Another time I was trying to line up a B&B stay with a friend, and then decided against it because it looked kind of dumpy.  I emailed my friend to tell her but accidentally sent it to the B&B itself!  Ugh, that was embarrassing! 




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I once was having an exchange with a friend and she accidentally forwarded it to a person I wasn't speaking not so nice about. She told me she did it right away. She said she had started typing the person's name into the "to" line just to get their email to pop up so she could send the email address to me. But she accidentally left the address there.


It basically was a case of a item left behind that had to be returned. The body of my message said something like "please don't make me have to talk to and see Jane Doe". My friend was trying to be the go between and accidentally forwarded my message containing that to Jane Doe.


Jane Doe never responded and when I saw her in public after that she was always kind and chit chatted and never mentioned my rudeness. I thought much more highly of her after that.

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I'm so paranoid about this even though it's never happened to me so I am always sure to be very careful with the "To:" field. It's always left empty until I'm absolutely sure I'm ready to send, and if there's already something there because it's a reply I clear it while I compose. That won't cover every possible way you can send the wrong thing but I think it's a good precaution. I mostly do it to keep from accidentally sending an incomplete draft of something, but in general it's good to be aware of that field and not put anything in it until you're absolutely sure.

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He replied very graciously and totally excused my flub, and wants to make sure there aren't any hard feelings. Really he is an upstanding guy, which makes it all the worse. I think it will be fine but I know dh will be mortified about it still. GAH! I just got in a hurry and that's what happens!

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My DH works in IT and has had a number of times someone sent an email to the wrong people and he has had to retrieve the emails and delete them.  Some of them contained sensitive or private information that should not have gone out.  It happens to a lot of people.


I am paranoid about it and usually try to recheck at least twice before sending, but sometimes in a hurry I don't.  I have been known to go back into my sent folder to double check that an email was sent to the correct person.

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Yes, I have.  And I have gotten one, too.  On the upside, I was mortified for the other person when I got their e-mail. "There but for the grace..."  That occupied my mind so much, I'm not sure it even occurred to me to be offended.  

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Yes, I accidentally sent an incriminating email to my boss's boss's boss.  Like the head tax guy in the entire firm.


The email was supposed to go to my boyfriend, who lived in the city where the firm was having an upcoming training.  I meant to forward to him the firm email which said hey, does anyone want to attend this training in [City] on [dates]?  I said, are you around during these dates, I could come on firm business and spend the following weekend at your place.  Instead of forward, I hit reply.  I realized my mistake when I got a read receipt from the big big boss.  OMG!  What had I just said?  Had I told him I was misusing firm resources?  Had I invited myself to the boss's house for a weekend??!


After I re-read what I had said, it didn't look that bad, so I just replied with an apology and said it was supposed to go to someone else.  I didn't get fired.  :p

Edited by SKL
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Yes, I accidentally sent an incriminating email to my boss's boss's boss.  Like the head tax guy in the entire firm.


The email was supposed to go to my boyfriend, who lived in the city where the firm was having an upcoming training.  I meant to forward to him the firm email which said hey, does anyone want to attend this training in [City] on [dates]?  I said, are you around during these dates, I could come on firm business and spend the following weekend at your place.  Instead of forward, I hit reply.  I realized my mistake when I got a read receipt from the big big boss.  OMG!  What had I just said?  Had I told him I was misusing firm resources?  Had I invited myself to the boss's house for a weekend??!


After I re-read what I had said, it didn't look that bad, so I just replied with an apology and said it was supposed to go to someone else.  I didn't get fired.  :p


oh my!!


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Actually, this also reminds me of an experience I've had several times, when my own personal email sent to someone, was then forwarded to someone else.  It might start out as an email I sent to someone with a question, with some personal and relevant info in it, that they then decided to forward to someone else in order to better answer my question;  but instead of just asking the next person a simple question, they'd send my complete personal email on to the next person without my approval.  Or, a couple of times, I'd send a personal email to someone who was going through some problem and sharing personal things with them, and then they included my email at the end of their email update to many people.  I think they started out just responding to my personal email, and then decided it would be easiest to use that same email to respond to everyone who was asking her how she was doing, but then it still had my personal email tacked on at the end.




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I've been part of a group that was almost destroyed by an errant "reply all".  


I have also replied all myself, but fortunately didn't say anything disturbing.  The moment of realization was sickening though, before I could even stop to think about what I had written.

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A favorite scripture that I try to remember before I get offended over something like this...


Ecclesiastes 7:21,22   21 Do not take to heart all the things that people say, lest you hear your servant cursing you. 22 Your heart knows that many times you yourself have cursed others.  


Amen! ;)  



Edited by goldberry
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About 12 years ago I worked for a large law firm that was a satellite office of an even larger firm with 5 different offices spread across 3 states. A paralegal in the main office accidently sent an email to the entire firm (I would guess roughly in the 2,000-2,500 range) discussing the two associates she was sleeping with (who also worked for the firm),  comparing the two (one was nicer, the other was better "in bed"). I would have seriously packed up my stuff and left. I guess HR didn't think it was that big of a deal (??) because a few weeks later she sent out an email asking if anyone was interested in purchasing candy bars through her sons' boy scout troop.


I did, however, accidently CC a person in an email that wasn't supposed to be CC's. It wasn't really a big deal, but yes at that moment my stomach sank and I had a bit of a panic. I think it's easy, perhaps too easy, to accidently send the wrong thing to the wrong person(s) when we are preoccupied and in a hurry. Hugs to the OP!

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In college I sent a research paper to the entire friggin' department! A not particularly well-researched or well-written paper, and it was late. (I was in way over my head with that class...) Luckily the IT/maintenance man was very friendly with me, noticed it right away, and worked his IT magic to get rid of it.


Nowadays I try to be Mrs. Nicey McNice in my communications. I was once complaining to a friend via facebook messenger about a relative who was being an irresponsible jerk and treating his pregnant wife really badly. It occurred to me that it would be really easy for something to go wrong and for her to get those messages. It would hurt her a lot, and the fallout would harm some relationships in the family. Not worth it, even if he is the world's biggest loser. Anyway, she won't see the jerkiness until she's ready. Le sigh.

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Yes, and, unfortunately, it was to my MIL. Yes, I was complaining about something she did to my husband. Oops. 


She still loves me. Luckily I was complaining when she exposed one of my kids to sick people  (because she had to show her grandchild off) and said grandchild got sick. She understood. She probably understood that mamas don't like anyone exposing their babies (infant at the time) to sick people -no matter what the justification!

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I'be done it, and it ended up exposing some really disturbing hidden undercurrents in a social group my husband participated in. The group broke up due to what was learned, and only a few of the...less weird...people have kept in contact. I felt horrible at the time, but in the long run, we don't have to deal with a couple of really toxic people.

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If it is any comfort, I did this in a big way after taking a family member to a new doctor.


I disliked the doctor for a number of reasons, and outlined them in an email to the doctor who provided the referral.


And sent it to the wrong doctor.


Who then called and left me a not-so-lovely voicemail.


I am careful to the point of paranoia now.





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So, I groveled. Dh went to talk to him in person. All is well. Phew!


But evidently, my email sounded a bit worse than I thought as my clumsy wording made it sound like I was perhaps referring to the person as incompetent, I WAS NOT. Dh cleared that up, I hadn't even thought to clear that part up as I didn't realize it was read in that way, thankfully the recipient understood my intent. 


I have even more respect for this person now, really a good guy and in the end, the incident ended up a positive for dh because it opened the door to some topics that he wanted to discuss but was trying to be delicate about.

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I did once and it was low-stakes, but I've been very, very, very careful ever since. I was grousing about my dh to my best friend. I typed her name and it automatically filled in her info...only it wasn't her info. It was the owner of a local Chinese restaurant's info. We hang out at this restaurant a lot and I message the owner from time to time about things, and so he got the grousy message about my dh (whom he also knows because we're customers there together.)


Fortunately it was only mildly grousy and the restaurant guy is pretty laid back. I told him, "Oop! Wrong person!" And he wrote back LOL and never mentioned it.


I do NOT write grousy messages about DH (or anyone). I realized that it could have been a lot worse. I didn't like that panicky feeling of "Oh no! Oh NO NO NO!" And then reading the message quickly trying to assess just how bad the damage was. That's not a good feeling.

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We do our church hotline messages with group texts. Someone once sent the entire church a lovey dovey one she meant to send just to her husband. 😂


It was like the one time I tried to flirt via pictures I sent dh a picture of my legs and he accidentally sent it to his mom when he was texting her another day. He told her that I had sent it to him to show him a bug bite or something :o :laugh:


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No, but I once sent a mildly embarrassing text to my DDs' band teacher instead of DH because I wasn't paying attention and forgot DH wasn't the last person I sent a text to... He had a good laugh, as did his wife. :blushing:

Haha, my best friend has texted my dh that she's having a shower... more than once. She nearly cried the second time. We still tease her about it.

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