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Anyone interested in buying pre-soiled jeans for $425?


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My dd and my sophisticated washing techniques seem to do a good job of making it permanent!

We're quite good at permanent staining around here too! I won't be able to cash in on this trend though unless it spreads beyond jeans--none of my kids will wear them. Think anyone will pay for dirt stained t-shirts and sweat pants?

Edited by maize
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Lol... I can only imagine what the cowboys (real, actual, working cowboys) or the oil field workers here in West Texas think of this insanity. What's the saying about a fool and his money? Lol

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Farmers and construction workers come in my restaurant every day with jeans that look like that, I never think of them being a fashion trend. What is a hoot, though is that the new cultural norm seems to be wanting to LOOK like you work rather than working. 

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I've offered my gardening jeans on fb, at a discount--only $325!--but have no takers so far.

When the Nordstrom jeans get sold out, all the disappointed customers will search FB for another like that one - and then, yours will get sold. No worries!

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If you look at Nordstrom's site they are also selling paint splattered and ripped jeans for a mere $425. I really should raid dh's side of the closet - he's got our retirement in there  :lol:

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If you look at Nordstrom's site they are also selling paint splattered and ripped jeans for a mere $425. I really should raid dh's side of the closet - he's got our retirement in there  :lol:

I just now went and looked for that one and wished that I hadn't. For an anxious moment, I thought that I was seeing blood in the picture of this pair of jeans  :huh: What on earth is that supposed to be?


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I just now went and looked for that one and wished that I hadn't. For an anxious moment, I thought that I was seeing blood in the picture of this pair of jeans  :huh: What on earth is that supposed to be?



Since the jean style is "Barracuda" I guess it is supposed to look like blood. 


Crazy stuff.  Wonder how much of that really sells.  And where.  

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Nordstrom has come up with some really weird retail items lately. 

I just can't fathom WHY.


Because they expect people will buy them.  :-)


And/or, they know people will talk about them, and link to their site, and maybe find something else to buy.  

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If I'm paying $425 for a pair of JEANS, they had better be something more than the $20 ones I get at Target.  Just sayin'.


Really, I look at this like, meh, whatever, people are weird.  More than the fake mud all over them is the price.  It boggles my mind that people spend that much on jeans, but, hey, if they have the money, go for it.

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Golly, for $425 -- forget mud stains.  Those jeans better project some sort of hologram that make me look awesome!


Yeah, why not jeans that make you look uber-beautiful rather than jeans with mud and blood?


With publicity stunts like this, I wonder if they only produce a small number.  I mean, how many people would pay $400 for joke jeans?

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Nordstrom has come up with some really weird retail items lately.

I just can't fathom WHY.

You can't fathom why? Because a fool and his money are soon parted, that's why. I'm convinced that saying is Nordstrom's marketing mantra.

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You can't fathom why? Because a fool and his money are soon parted, that's why. I'm convinced that saying is Nordstrom's marketing mantra.


I remember back in the 80s when they got rid of town square.  they started telling all their medina housewives what they should wear (to which the median housewives objected). . . . that marketing team ended up fired.

I've hardly shopped there since.

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Since the jean style is "Barracuda" I guess it is supposed to look like blood. 


Crazy stuff.  Wonder how much of that really sells.  And where.  


I just showed that picture to my 9 year old and he said the same thing: "Mom, the barracuda probably bit the man on his bottom, that is why his pants are blood stained"!


PS: I have given the nordstrom website atleast 20 hits since this AM since I saw the news article. There will be a pay raise for their website designer this quarter, for sure.

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Am I the only one who read about "soiled" pants, and imagined something else?

I was glad to see it was just fake mud.  Not glad enough to purchase the jeans, but relieved that Nordstrom has some boundaries they haven't crossed yet.



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Something about the color of the 'mud' screams the type of farm work involving animal poop.   


I think the worse part, even worse than the price tag, is the inherent assumption that people that come by clothing like this honestly would ever wear it off their own property.   I live in a small farm town that even has "Farm" in its name.  I think we know more farm animals than people in the area.  I'm certain that farm animals outnumber the people.  The feed store knows my name.    Yet I have never ever ever seen people wear dirty clothes in public.   If anyone is wearing dirty clothes it is me with a little grease stain on my shirt from my lunch, and I'm on my way home from work.  


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