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UPDATE post 118 Help me make hospital and NICU as good as possible


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And he's still hanging on. His sats have actually gotten better at times; at one point they were at the high point for the day for quite a while. Then we moved him from my chest to DH's again, and he's bounced around more. Nobody really knows what's going on. We're just enjoying him and soaking up his precious baby sweetness for as long as we can.


(I did get some video of his noises, though I don't know if they came out well or not since he's so very quiet. A friend came and took a bunch of photos of him and us. I don't really have video of him moving much, because he's all covered with blankets, but if we put him back in the isolette, I'll try to get some.)


It's a miracle that he even got here alive and that we got this much time with him. I'm truly grateful for that. I still believe that God can do a very mighty miracle and defy all expectations, and I am praying that He will, while also praying that He will let me handle things if that is not His will.


I also cannot thank you all enough for the incredibly helpful information in this thread. You all truly helped make a terrible situation a good experience.

Edited by happypamama
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I have been reading along and praying for baby Nathaniel all along. I am saddened by the news that he is not doing well. I pray for peace for you and your family.


I have a Nathaniel and have also had to say goodbye to a sweet baby of mine much too soon. Know that you have love and support here and other places. I'm glad you got pictures. Those are so precious to me.

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Still thinking of all of you - and praying. I'm glad you've gotten to hold him for quite some time (at least compared to what was expected yesterday). I'd love a miracle.


My heart goes out to you during this time in your lives.

Thank you, all of you. Yes, we have been given so much more time than we ever could have expected. We thought yesterday morning we were talking about hours and minutes, but we just said hello to the nurse who had him yesterday until 7, who is back for today's shift. He was up and down all night, and a few times we thought the end was very near, but every time I put him back on my chest, he stabilizes and is happy. It is probably just prolonging the inevitable, but he hasn't sent the clear message that he is done here, so we just keep him cuddled up and are enjoying him.

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I am so glad you are getting to soak up this time and are recovered enough to enjoy it. My heart goes out to you so much. I don't know what to say beyond we pray for you often and think of you and that sweet baby even though we haven't met. Sending you both prayers and hugs.

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Thank you so much for the update. You and Nate are in my thoughts frequently.


Nothing like a baby and his mama. He knows where he wants to be.

Exactly my thoughts. He just wants his mommy and it's the very best place for him to be right now.


Crying for you both tonight :grouphug:

Edited by Arctic Mama
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Thank you, all of you. Yes, we have been given so much more time than we ever could have expected. We thought yesterday morning we were talking about hours and minutes, but we just said hello to the nurse who had him yesterday until 7, who is back for today's shift. He was up and down all night, and a few times we thought the end was very near, but every time I put him back on my chest, he stabilizes and is happy. It is probably just prolonging the inevitable, but he hasn't sent the clear message that he is done here, so we just keep him cuddled up and are enjoying him.

I believe in miracles, for I have seen many.

Sometimes the miracle is life; sometimes the miracle is the healing and restorative power of a mother's love.

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Been thinking about you non-stop for the past day and last night.  Thought and prayed for you when I was falling asleep last night and you were my first thought this morning.  It was wonderful to wake up and read that Nathaniel was snuggling with you guys.  

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He did okay when we put him in the isolette for an hour or so so we could eat, freshen up, pump, and get his exam and care done. Sats went down to 50s and 60s, even down to 40s a bit, but he's back to kangarooing with me, and now he's in the 70s again. Doctors say that they will do whatever we want in that respect, but they're happy for him

to stay with me until that is no longer even enough. He's a bit of an enigma. They say he has no bowel sounds, but he's pooped a couple of times recently. (The surgeons are less convinced that he has a blockage.)

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Thank you for the update, it is amazing how a baby will respond to snuggling up with mom and dad.


Were you able to get any sleep last night?

A tiny bit. I attempted to pump at about 3, while holding him, but sitting forward made his hose kink, and his sats went way down. We moved him to the isolette and got him settled back down, and I left him there for a couple of hours so I could sleep in the chair next to him and so they could get a stable blood gas reading (not spectacular). Other than that, I've dozed a little, but he really needs me right now. He does okay for Daddy but really does better for me.

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