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s/o Reading Fridge stuff...What is the most shocking/weird/icky thing a guest has done in your home?


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While I think it's silly to get worked up if a guest reads book titles in your home, this thread was absolutely shocking. Using someone's tooth brush.... I can't even wrap my brain around that one. :)


I have one brother who is super entitled and will visit and be kind of greedy and rude. I made spaghetti one time and he served himself first and served a HUGE serving, like more than my husband and I would eat put together. I ran out of noodles and had to boil more (thankfully still had plenty of sauce). He noticed and said, "Oh, does someone want some of mine?" Um, no, not anymore... I'm a Dr. Pepper addict (I know, so bad for me) and so was he, but then he decided he was going to quit. He'd stop by my house and drink three cans, one right after another. Everyone in my family has a maximum of one a day, that's it. Maaaaybe I'll have a second one sometimes. No one sucks down three cans in a row. 


I have a lot of family who lives close by and they drop by unannounced and I like it that way for the most part, but this one brother does abuse the privilege at times.


A friend of mine had a mother who always did something horrifying when she came over. One time she went #2 and used my friend's towels to wipe. Yes, toilet paper was provided. I'm fairly certain the woman was mentally ill.

Yeah, some of the posts here have been  :scared: or at least  :ohmy: .  


With regards to the Dr. Pepper, my mom used to love Dr. Pepper.  She rarely indulges herself in anything but she had little 8 oz.  bottles of Dr. Pepper she would save for days when she needed to do something a bit special just for her or was celebrating something in her quiet way.  I became rather protective of those little Dr. Pepper bottles 'cause I loved my mom.  She had to hire a babysitter to take care of us while she was trying to get her Master's Degree.  This girl could eat and drink anything in site.  She often raided the fridge and stripped it nearly bare.  She found Mom's little Dr. Pepper bottles.  She drank every.single.one.  I was 11.  I still get hopping mad.  I asked her repeatedly NOT to drink the little bottles, or at least drink only one.  Drink anything else but not those.  She ignored me completely.  She drank them all.  I was so angry I stormed outside and sat in the back of our pick up truck for hours, waiting for my mom to get home (dad was overseas).  I think I will go walk on the treadmill to burn off some steam.  I'm mad all over again.   :thumbdown:

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I have a young cousin, 21 now, who is really clueless about boudaries and social etiquette.  She often asks to come and hang out when she is in town and needs a place to crash, and will ask me to make her food.  Or for drives - once I went out of my way, interrupting school to pick her up at her boyfriends and drive her to work.  I realized half-way there that she could have walked, it was a nice day and probably a 30 min walk.


But the most bizarre was probably when she called my house at 11pm the night before I was supposed to go into hospital for a C-section at 7 in the morning, just to see if maybe the baby had come early.  Though it might have been when she dragged the poor bf over to see the baby, who was asleep, and seemed to go out of her way to wake her up by laughing loudly.  Or possibly when she stuck her hand in the growling dog's crate and said how much the dog loved her.

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So I'm feeling up to it this morning....  I find this subject entertaining.


I live with someone who periodically has houseguests from another country.  I don't know most of these people at all, but I don't mind them coming.  However, ....


One guy was visiting and my housemate had to be at a morning meeting.  He slept in.  When he awoke, I showed him where the food and pans were.  He demanded that I make him eggs and bacon for breakfast.  (A luxury around here on a weekday.)  I obliged.  He then loudly, rudely criticized the way I made his bacon.  When I told my friend, she was like, why do you make bacon that way?  (The usual US way.)  She explained that men in her country are taught to treat women that way and I should have done a better job of kissing his a$$.


We had a party for my housemate's niece.  The ~18 guests invited themselves to stay the whole weekend.  OK fine.  One of them literally walked *through* our screen door.  Several people threw half-full bottles of beer in trash cans all around the house.  A granny spilled a whole glass of wine on the carpet.  I cleaned the kitchen after each meal, while they went out on the town.  They came home at midnight and decided to cook some more and trash the kitchen.  The person I had to share my room with snored loudly into my ear all night.  I was never so glad to say goodbye.


There are other stories, but I need to go let in the fridge delivery guys.

The big question now is what are you going to put on your fridge and can the rest of us come read it?  :)

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It was a good heads up, because a towel is a towel in her house and used for floor as well as dishes.

My MIL gifts me with dish towels I am *not allowed to use*.


I accidentally used one before she told me not to. I keep the rest in a box--a box of unused and apparently unusable dish towels--and worry about the day she'll ask me where the lighthouse towel is. (For the record, it was very cheap and shrank horribly when I washed it.)

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My MIL gifts me with dish towels I am *not allowed to use*.


I accidentally used one before she told me not to. I keep the rest in a box--a box of unused and apparently unusable dish towels--and worry about the day she'll ask me where the lighthouse towel is. (For the record, it was very cheap and shrank horribly when I washed it.)

So she gifts you these special towels so you can...what? What did she actually think you needed them for? To decorate your house with unusable towels? Another weird one. That would confuse me.

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Way back when our kids were little, my husband's cousin's husband was doing some training at a military base where we lived.  He wasn't allowed to leave the base, but since we lived on base, he was able to come spend time with us. He came to visit most weekends for a few months, and would eat everything in the house.  Not kidding.  If we left him there, we would come home to completely, empty boxes of gold fish, no more bread, no more peanut butter, all microwave popcorn gone, etc.  I tried to make sure we had plenty of food for him, but when I bought more, he just ate more.  I started hiding the toddler snacks in the car so that our little kids would have something to eat.


Looking back, we were just barely making it financially, and it was a real strain to have to feed an extra person every week!  I know his training was extremely strenuous and he was tired and hungry... I would hope that if it were my son, he would have a friendly face to see on the weekends, but I would also hope that he would occasionally pick up a pizza to share and bring over his own snacks or something.



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That reminds me of a woman I knew who SEWED her bathroom towels to the rods and tacked them to the wall so no one could use them. They were just for decoration. She put paper towels out to dry hands with because she thought it was more sanitary. I'm sure it is more sanitary, lol, but she still wanted the towels for decoration, but needed to make sure no one used them.

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That reminds me of a woman I knew who SEWED her bathroom towels to the rods and tacked them to the wall so no one could use them. They were just for decoration. She put paper towels out to dry hands with because she thought it was more sanitary. I'm sure it is more sanitary, lol, but she still wanted the towels for decoration, but needed to make sure no one used them.

That must have been a bit startling for new guests. :)

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So she gifts you these special towels so you can...what? What did she actually think you needed them for? To decorate your house with unusable towels? Another weird one. That would confuse me.


When I was a kid, we used to have decorative "towels" on the kitchen wall, with wise sayings etc.  Some of them were needlecraft.  So maybe that was the intention - to decorate.


ETA:  does anyone else remember "calendar towels"?


Edited by SKL
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The big question now is what are you going to put on your fridge and can the rest of us come read it?   :)


I am a person who does not like that kind of clutter.  That said, my fridge (which I share with 2 other adults) has maybe 6 travel-oriented magnets holding up a few photos.  Occasionally someone has a grocery list up there.  If anyone wants to know what kind of groceries we are planning to buy, they are welcome to look.  :)

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My in-laws and their children (1 teen, 6 adults) visited for two weeks over the summer and trashed my house:


- Wiped boogers on the couch


- Clipped their nails and left the nails all over my desk and coffee table


- Ate all over my house especially on the couch- I found so much food and beetles under the couch after they left


- Broke about half my dishes


- Spilled juice and coffee everywhere


- Brought lice with them, then treated the lice in my bathroom spraying the spray everywhere on walls and floor, and left all so much mess from dead lice bodies to clean up. I had to remove the wallpaper to get it off. It was so completely nasty to clean up. I try not to think about it. Thankfully we were planning on removing the wallpaper anyway.


- Broke my washer from overloading it when washing due to lice.


- Somehow broke a bookshelf in the guest room they were in? They "fixed it" by using my books as boards to prop up the bookcase sides.


- Sadly enough I could go on and on. My husband was completely shocked and so was I.


After they left and I deloused my husband and children, I spent two weeks cleaning the house. Every inch was cleaned. I don't think that they will stay with us again but in a hotel.


On the bright side, my husband and children have never been so appreciative of all I do to keep things nice and clean. :)

Edited by 4Kiddos
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That reminds me of a woman I knew who SEWED her bathroom towels to the rods and tacked them to the wall so no one could use them. They were just for decoration. She put paper towels out to dry hands with because she thought it was more sanitary. I'm sure it is more sanitary, lol, but she still wanted the towels for decoration, but needed to make sure no one used them.

I once very loosely sewed the hand towel to the bar. What was happening is I would go the bathroom and find it on the floor used to mop up stuff, then it would be back on the bar without being washed. Everyone insisted, "not me."


So when no one was looking I sewed it onto the bar. Lo and behold Dh was the only one to notice it was sewed on. The culprit was found. Sometimes I'm amazed how Dh can do things without noticing he is doing them.

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I have some kid stories.  I suppose everyone has those.  The time a 6yo peed on the wall because he was trying to kill a spider up there.  The school-aged kid who peed on a couch pillow (not washable of course).  The time we had a 3yo stay with us and his mother let him do absolutely everything he wanted, including break stuff, abuse my piano (my only real possession at the time), and scratch and kick his host (me).  Then when I got up and walked away from said scratcher/kicker, he screamed bloody murder and everyone chided me for being mean.  I'm sure there are others, but I tend to forget kid stuff because they don't understand.


Back to adults - my housemate's friend's husband (whom none of us had met before) came for a visit on his way to some temporary living situation.  He demanded that we take care of his beloved fancy car while he was gone (like a year and a half).  This was at an apartment complex where we 2 housemates had a total of 1 covered parking spot.  It was not an enclosed garage, just 3 walls and a roof.  Because of that, he covered it with a tarp.  He demanded that we start it periodically to keep the engine happy - we were supposed to remove the tarp, run the engine a bit, and then re-cover it about once a week.  LOL.  (I did this a total of one time, like the day before he returned.)  He felt a little bad taking our only covered parking spot, so he said, "I pulled the car way up so you can still park one half of your car under the roof."  Really?


Another young man lived with us for about 1.5 years.  He felt he should offer to help out around the house, so I suggested he could take out the garbage from the kitchen when it got filled up (2-3x per week).  Taking it out meant walking to one side of the kitchen, opening the door, and dumping the garbage over a railing into the open garbage cans that were always kept right there in the garage.  He agreed that this was something he could do, but asked us to buy a bigger garbage can so it didn't need to be done so often.


The same houseguest as directly above was sitting around the house when our maids' car got stuck in a snowdrift.  He watched us 3 middle-aged women work for at least a half hour to free the car.  We were so mad that he didn't even offer to help.  Later that day he tried leaving in his car and got stuck.  He came and asked me to help him dig out.  He was completely surprised when I told him that I was still cold from digging the maids out and since he didn't bother to help with that, he could dig his own car out.  He went out there and tried, gave up and cried inside his car, and called my housemate (his aunt) to urge me to go out and help him.  Which I did.  I do think he learned his lesson.  My housemate said that his explanation for not helping us earlier was that we didn't go inside and ask him to help.  Really?  We didn't speak to each other for some time after that.

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When I was in graduate school I lived at home with my parents. A houseguest who got to stay in my room (while I slept on a cot in the living room) found a condom wrapper underneath my bed. He then informed my parents, based on this evidence, that my sixteen year old sister was having sex. I was mortified. That he didn't consider me a suspect. I was twenty-one! It was *my* room! He also looked at a bunch of porn on my computer. Thanks a lot. Next time you sleep on the bloody cot.

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He walks through our bedroom. He doesn't visit that often, but DH has said something to him a time or two. He did it again just a few weeks ago, though. It's not like there's anything major going on in there, but I sometimes have feminine products out, and I keep a chart on the wall where I track my weight. Not exactly things I want him to see. Even the kids usually ask before they use our bathroom. And we actually have TWO additional bathrooms!

You know, I'd lock my bedroom door from the inside and stash away those little poker "keys" so he can't get in. But, maybe he visits too much for that to be convenient. Would solve your problem, though.
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Shortly after my 2nd child was born, my MIL came for a visit, bringing DH's niece and nephew along (they were probably 11 and 7).  

Anyway, I had just finished renovating the hall/guest bathroom -- literally hours before they arrived.  (IDK what I was thinking, I mean, I just had a baby -- who then decides to retile/paint/etc the bathroom right before having guests).


Anyway, mid-visit I went into the bathroom to make sure they had enough toilet paper and whatnot.  And I noticed that someone had wiped a huge, nasty booger on the bottom of my brand new, white, over-the-toilet cabinet.  Like, seriously 10 inches from toilet paper and a trashcan.  


I proceeded to march both children onto the back porch and give them a private tongue-lashing.  Neither 'fessed up.

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Wow - these are horrifyingly awesome. I was going to post that one Christmas I went upstairs to my bedroom for something while guests were downstairs and found my step-mother in my bed, covers pulled up to her chin. She said she was cold. Okay...BUT WHY ARE YOU IN MY BED?!! At least she hadn't put my pajamas on, I guess?


Sent from my XT1049 using Tapatalk

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Wow - these are horrifyingly awesome. I was going to post that one Christmas I went upstairs to my bedroom for something while guests were downstairs and found my step-mother in my bed, covers pulled up to her chin. She said she was cold. Okay...BUT WHY ARE YOU IN MY BED?!! At least she hadn't put my pajamas on, I guess?


Sent from my XT1049 using Tapatalk


Once my FIL was spending the night. He was shown the guest room, and he placed his over night bag in that room. It had a queen size mattress on a bed frame, very nicely made up for him. (Just mentioning this because all other beds in the house are just mattresses on the floor, and are not made in the morning.)


At one point it was mentioned FIL was going upstairs to have a nap. When I went upstairs I found him napping in my bed! Dh said that his Dad would just lie down on the closest bed. Even though his bed would have meant walking about an extra 3 meters.


Dh then said to me, "If you want to nap, you can just use my bed". (Dh and I have separate double size mattresses for beds, but they are side by side to form a massive bed.)

Edited by Julie Smith
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I've had the odd houseguest who tried to demand me catering to them. Like the specific breakfast requests. That never really went well for them.


The thing is that I do cater to guests in general. I will happily make eggs to order etc. But not for ones who demand it. The pushy ones get cold cereal and yogurt.

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Oh, once my friend brought her boyfriend to stay. He ate all of the cheese in my refrigerator. Like a 5 pound brick of Tillamook cheddar that I expect to last a full month. The entire thing, by himself, overnight.


He was really sexist too and there was just something wrong with him. I was sooooo happy when he left. I had to ask him to leave actually.


The next time I saw that friend we were picking her up to take her to get services for domestic violence. Suddenly my keen aversion to him made complete sense.

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Back to adults - my housemate's friend's husband (whom none of us had met before) came for a visit on his way to some temporary living situation.  He demanded that we take care of his beloved fancy car while he was gone (like a year and a half).  This was at an apartment complex where we 2 housemates had a total of 1 covered parking spot.  It was not an enclosed garage, just 3 walls and a roof.  Because of that, he covered it with a tarp.  He demanded that we start it periodically to keep the engine happy - we were supposed to remove the tarp, run the engine a bit, and then re-cover it about once a week.  LOL.  (I did this a total of one time, like the day before he returned.)  He felt a little bad taking our only covered parking spot, so he said, "I pulled the car way up so you can still park one half of your car under the roof."  Really?




The same houseguest as directly above was sitting around the house when our maids' car got stuck in a snowdrift.  He watched us 3 middle-aged women work for at least a half hour to free the car.  We were so mad that he didn't even offer to help.  Later that day he tried leaving in his car and got stuck.  He came and asked me to help him dig out.  He was completely surprised when I told him that I was still cold from digging the maids out and since he didn't bother to help with that, he could dig his own car out.  He went out there and tried, gave up and cried inside his car, and called my housemate (his aunt) to urge me to go out and help him.  Which I did.  I do think he learned his lesson.  My housemate said that his explanation for not helping us earlier was that we didn't go inside and ask him to help.  Really?  We didn't speak to each other for some time after that.


I didn't quote your whole post or any of the others because it would be way too long. But I'm enjoying the stories. I have to say, SKL, you're a good sport for putting up with this stuff. You do collect an interesting assortment of people!


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Shortly after my 2nd child was born, my MIL came for a visit, bringing DH's niece and nephew along (they were probably 11 and 7).  

Anyway, I had just finished renovating the hall/guest bathroom -- literally hours before they arrived.  (IDK what I was thinking, I mean, I just had a baby -- who then decides to retile/paint/etc the bathroom right before having guests).


Anyway, mid-visit I went into the bathroom to make sure they had enough toilet paper and whatnot.  And I noticed that someone had wiped a huge, nasty booger on the bottom of my brand new, white, over-the-toilet cabinet.  Like, seriously 10 inches from toilet paper and a trashcan.  


I proceeded to march both children onto the back porch and give them a private tongue-lashing.  Neither 'fessed up.


Anybody else wondering if MIL did it?

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So I'm feeling up to it this morning....  I find this subject entertaining.


I live with someone who periodically has houseguests from another country.  I don't know most of these people at all, but I don't mind them coming.  However, ....


One guy was visiting and my housemate had to be at a morning meeting.  He slept in.  When he awoke, I showed him where the food and pans were.  He demanded that I make him eggs and bacon for breakfast.  (A luxury around here on a weekday.)  I obliged.  He then loudly, rudely criticized the way I made his bacon.  When I told my friend, she was like, why do you make bacon that way?  (The usual US way.)  She explained that men in her country are taught to treat women that way and I should have done a better job of kissing his a$$.


We had a party for my housemate's niece.  The ~18 guests invited themselves to stay the whole weekend.  OK fine.  One of them literally walked *through* our screen door.  Several people threw half-full bottles of beer in trash cans all around the house.  A granny spilled a whole glass of wine on the carpet.  I cleaned the kitchen after each meal, while they went out on the town.  They came home at midnight and decided to cook some more and trash the kitchen.  The person I had to share my room with snored loudly into my ear all night.  I was never so glad to say goodbye.


There are other stories, but I need to go let in the fridge delivery guys.


You were way to nice to the guy............ but why on earth did you have to share YOUR room with one of your housemate's guests?????


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These stories are horrifying! My mild story is the time someone stayed at my house and rearranged my fridge and freezer to make it "correct". The SO said, "He does this at every house" as if it was no big deal. It particularly galled me because it was organized, but my way. He started digging in my kitchen drawers and I quickly told him it wasn't necessary.


I think I might have been an unwelcome visitor. I watched a friend's children at her house while she was at a medical appointment. She ended up having an emergency which took longer than expected so I fed the kids and put them to bed. My children were with me thus the playroom, messy before we arrived, was a disaster by the time we needed to leave. I couldn't take a step in the room without stepping on a toy. We picked up everything, putting the toys in the various bins scattered around. The room was clean by the time my friend's husband came home and relieved me. She called me late that night with her child crying in the background. He had a treasured stuffed animal and it couldn't be found. Did I happen to know where it was in the playroom? She hadn't started looking; she just thought I'd remember whether it was in all the toys I cleaned up. I didn't. She then chastised me for the room's condition, saying several times I really shouldn't have cleaned it. I did apologize.


She never asked me to watch her children again.

Edited by ErinE
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These stories are horrifying! My mild story is the time someone stayed at my house and rearranged my fridge and freezer to make it "correct". The SO said, "He does this at every house" as if it was no big deal. It particularly galled me because it was organized, but my way. He started digging in my kitchen drawers and I quickly told him it wasn't necessary.


I think I might have been an unwelcome visitor. I watched a friend's children at her house while she was at a medical appointment. She ended up having an emergency which took longer than expected so I fed the kids and put them to bed. My children were with me thus the playroom, messy before we arrived, was a disaster by the time we needed to leave. I couldn't take a step in the room without stepping on a toy. We picked up everything, putting the toys in the various bins scattered around. The room was clean by the time my friend's husband came home and relieved me. She called me late that night with her child crying in the background. He had a treasured stuffed animal and it couldn't be found. Did I happen to know where it was in the playroom? She hadn't started looking; she just thought I'd remember whether it was in all the toys I cleaned up. I didn't. She then chastised me for the room's condition, saying several times I really shouldn't have cleaned it. I did apologize.


She never asked me to watch her children again.


Maybe she was still stressed after the emergency and just wanted to get everyone in bed and call it day. But... you're welcome to come clean up my house any time! One of my pet peeves is to host a playdate where the other parent doesn't at least offer to have their child(ren) clean up before they leave!


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No real horror stories. The worst was a friend of ds when they were 12 or 13. The friend was recovering from a broken leg and at this point was using a walker. He ripped the screen door off a hinge trying to get the walker through. I didn't really care as it wasn't done on purpose but when I told his parents what had happened I could not believe they didn't offer to pay for the repair. I wouldn't have accepted but they could have offered.


As a youngster I was the bad guest. I turned people's toilet paper around to the right way. I realize now that it was an incredibly rude thing to do.

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I don't understand so many of these.  SKL= your roommate who was unhelpful I understand, don't approve of him, but do understand.  Sleeping in other people's beds without asking?  That just blows my mind.  And 4kiddos that was such a horrible visit.  


I guess we are lucky.  MY mil when she was alive used to come and try to clean up before my dh or I did (and we weren't leaving things undone).  SHe just was always trying to be the first one to do any task.  I just wanted her to enjoy the grandkids and have a nice visit.  But that isn't really all that strange I think.  FIL was great and did spend time with the kids.  Otherwise everybody has been pretty well behaved if just that some people do need to be told to help or else they won't volunteer (family).

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Someone stayed at our house and I realized they had fixed a long broken door handle. It must have involved getting out tools and possibly buying a new screw.


That's probably not what you meant... but that's the only one I can think of.


That reminds me of the time our postie turned up (on his postie motorbike during his usual daily mail run) with his drill and some screws to fix our wonky letterbox.

We were both grateful and a tad embarrassed  :blushing:

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My sister, bil, and their three teenage children stayed with us for a week while they found property out here to move to.  Before coming out I set some ground rules, because my husband can't stand smoke and we have a small farm (free range chickens and ducks).  

At first we asked them to not bring their dogs and ferrets.  They have an adult friend that stayed behind.  They decided to leave the ferrets home, but said they couldn't leave their two dogs.  I said ok, then we need to go over some rules (knowing my husband isn't a dog person).  I asked them to keep their dogs on a leash when outside due to our free-ranging birds and to not let their dogs on the furniture.  

I thought it was obvious that we didn't want my bil to smoke in the house.


When they arrived they had one dog in a carrier and the other on a leash.  I offered one of my dog's leashes for them and they declined.  Once they entered the house one dog messed on the floor.  They took both dogs outside and let them both run free.  I didn't know this until my bil came back in the house with them and said, "See, I let them run and they didn't pay any attention to your birds."  I chose to let it go.  On their last evening he came back in saying, "The dogs chased the chickens away from where you didn't want them.  See, they are good dogs."  Nevermind that we don't have a place on our farm that the chickens aren't allowed to go.


They left their stuff EVERYWHERE.  I was constantly picking up after them and they would just watch as I did this, not offer to help nor pick up their own things.


My bil didn't smoke in the house, but left his cigarette butts all over our yard.


They allowed their dogs on the furniture and would chastise my children (ages -1 yr, 4, 7, 8, and 10) for wanting to pet them.  


I informed my bil that I was eliminating pork from my diet to see if that was the cause for my sinus problems.  We discussed this at length.  The last day he decided he would be nice and cook dinner for my family.  He went to the store and bought everything he needed.  He cooked a pork roast and used the drippings in the mashed potatoes.  


We are Christians.  They are not.  My bil had no problem telling me dirty jokes and cussing like a sailor.  The first evening I pulled my sister aside and voiced my feelings to her on the matter.  Her husband was better behaved in that regard, at least.


When they came back a few months later and needed a place to stay while they cleared their land and had their cabin delivered we did not open our doors to them.  In the 6 or so months that they've been here we've seen them twice.  

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Once I was the bad house guest. Our host had a couple of young kids and was always running behind on laundry. I had insomnia and couldn't sleep, and in my crazed state (can I use that excuse? please?) I decided it would be a really kind thing if I did her laundry for her. All of it. There were at least three loads, with their underwear and all that. At the time, I thought of it as a Christmas-elf sort of thing to do, for my friend to wake up to magically folded clothes. When she was tight-lipped and didn't say anything about it the next morning, I realized how intrusive and thoughtless I had been (and how it  might appear judgmental). I apologized, and she graciously accepted my apology. But I still cringe over it.


We had a friend over a few years ago, and I remember walking into the living room to find all the cushions off the couches and chairs and the guy peering into our couch. "Look!" he said, "See what I found!" I don't know if words have ever filled me with so much dread as those (there could be all sorts of awful things I missed cleaning in there). It turns out that he was hunting for change, and he had found a whole $1.75. He proceeded to check in and under every piece of furniture, and gleefully pocketed what he found like he was a treasure hunter. The weird thing is, he made a decent amount of money, so it wasn't like he needed it.

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We were helping a young man out and let him live in our spare bedroom for a few months.  He paid "rent" but really it just covered his food.  One day we were having a diner party that included various people who were friends of his and ours.  Since we were on a tight budget I made a casserole so I could feed a crowd with overspending my budget. Young man didn't really like what I served and after eating one plate full of it got up and proceed to fill his plate with leftovers from the fridge and then returned to the table with his other food while everyone at the table continued to eat the casserole I was serving for the meal. 


Another time I had bought a rotisserie chicken to make for supper the next day. He came home late at night and ate the entire chicken for supper.  I discovered in the next morning and then had to figure out what we were going to eat that day since the food I planned was all gone.

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When I was in high school, I went on vacation with my parents and my older sister. When we came home, my sister's bed had a t**d in it. Turns out, my older brother had a party and a friend ??? slept and p**ped in her bed. We still call it by his name, as in, "The dog did a St€>€ [email protected]<script data-cfhash='f9e31' type="text/javascript">/* */</script> in the yard."


This entire thread has been strangely entertaining, but this post made me really laugh out loud!!!  My family would SO do that naming thing!!



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Speaking of laundry - once I had a family of 4 staying with me for about a month.  The mom had done the family's laundry using our machines, which is great.  Afterwards, she was watching me fold my t-shirts, and she said, "oh, so that's how you fold your t-shirts to avoid wrinkles.  I'm going to try that!"  Great.  Next thing I know she is re-washing every article of the family's clothing, which was like 10 loads since they brought a lot of clothes.  :P  I used to be a big penny-pincher in those days, and I did a lot of secret cringing.  :P


Another laundry story - I had put a load of laundry in the dryer and left it there overnight.  It wasn't entirely dry, but my houseguest (different from the one above) decided he wanted to do his laundry, so he took my damp clothes out and dumped them on the dryer and did his laundry.  Except that he left his clothes in the dryer for days.  I felt it was very rude to pull someone else's clothes out of the laundry, so I waited and waited for him to do it so I could finish mine (which at that point needed to be re-washed).  Well finally I complained out loud.  Everyone else told me I was nuts and I should have just moved his clothes or asked him to do it.  I guess that was one of those times when women expect men to know what we want, because it seems so obvious.  I mean, is it not obvious that you would eventually want your dryer back after your wet clothes were thrown out of it?  (He of course claimed he did not notice the clothes were damp.)

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My most shocking/annoying behaviors have usually been kids, not adults. Once, a niece ate pudding or yogurt in my powder room and hid the spoon behind the toilet. Another time, this niece took the block of cheese out of my fridge, cut a big piece of it, then left it on the dining room table, which I didn't discover until the next day. She also wrote the word "Coke" on my wall in the kitchen. I have no idea why she did these things. She is/was neurotypical and was not a particularly badly behaved child. But she had some weird hangups about food behavior.


Once or twice, my nephews have trooped into my office and were playing on my office computer. I really don't abide that well and do consider my office private space.


The only adult bad behavior I can think of was once when my SIL had given her DD a puppy for Christmas, they brought the puppy to our house for Christmas dinner. I find that completely inapporpriate! We don't keep dogs inside the house, which all family members know, so why I want somebody else's puppy at my house on Christmas day is anyone's guess.

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I was going to say that no one has really done anything weird in my house, but then I remembered that every kid that comes over to my house ends up nosing around the master bedroom before I can even get the front door shut. Every single one. My kids are not allowed to ever go in an adult bedroom unless with me or dad or grandma - one of my few "I am so freaking serious about this" rules. It's a very private space. The vast majority of people around here own guns. People keep medications on nightstands.


But something about my bedroom makes kids beeline for it before their parents can get their bearings and figure out where the kids ran off to. I shoo them out and lock it, but I've caught some wanderers trying to pick the lock. I suspect they are trying to get to the hiding cat at that point.

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We had a friend visiting. Apparently he had an itch on his back. He began rubbing his back up and down on a corner of my kitchen walls. He stood there talking to us, practically writhing up and down the wall.  At first I was completely grossed out, and then I was pissed, because he rubbed so much that some of the paint rubbed off.


His wife was there. He should have asked her to scratch his back!


I didn't even know what to say. "Please don't rub yourself on my walls?"  lol



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