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Three months ago I sat across the table from my friend Christy at a 4th of July BBQ. She was 6 months pregnant at the time and we were laughing and talking about pregnancy and motherhood, etc. She and her husband Jason were expecting their first baby, a boy.


They are one of those magical couples that you see in the movies...met when they were young and have loved each other ever since. I am not talking just about the comfortable love of companionship after many years together...no, they were still head-over-heels, butterflies-in-the-stomach in love even after 15 years together.


She was one of the kindest souls I have ever met. And she died yesterday.


You see, about 2 weeks after that 4th of July BBQ, Christy found a lump in her armpit. It was melanoma in her lymph nodes and it was on her lungs as well. She was pregnant and could not get chemo. They started her on steroids to develop the baby faster and he was born on August 28th, 7 weeks early.


It seems that as soon as the baby was born the cancer began to spread rapidly...like it was waiting at the starting gate for the gun to go off. It spread like wildfire quickly engulfing her organs, filling her lungs with fluid until she couldn't breath.


Too late for chemo. Too late for anything.


Except for a miracle.


I would love to tell you that God miraculously healed her and that she and her baby and her loving husband lived happily ever after. But I am even happier to tell you what really happened. In the final weeks of her life God worked a miracle...he called Christy's soul to Him and she accepted the gift of salvation.


She died peacefully, quietly, in her sleep. She was 29 years old and she leaves behind a beautiful 5 week old baby boy who is her mirror image...a little piece of her for those of us who will miss her.


The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.


Thank you so much to all of you who prayed with me for a miracle. Our prayers were answered and she's with our saviour now.

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Three months ago I sat across the table from my friend Christy at a 4th of July BBQ. She was 6 months pregnant at the time and we were laughing and talking about pregnancy and motherhood, etc. She and her husband Jason were expecting their first baby, a boy.


They are one of those magical couples that you see in the movies...met when they were young and have loved each other ever since. I am not talking just about the comfortable love of companionship after many years together...no, they were still head-over-heels, butterflies-in-the-stomach in love even after 15 years together.


She was one of the kindest souls I have ever met. And she died yesterday.


You see, about 2 weeks after that 4th of July BBQ, Christy found a lump in her armpit. It was melanoma in her lymph nodes and it was on her lungs as well. She was pregnant and could not get chemo. They started her on steroids to develop the baby faster and he was born on August 28th, 7 weeks early.


It seems that as soon as the baby was born the cancer began to spread rapidly...like it was waiting at the starting gate for the gun to go off. It spread like wildfire quickly engulfing her organs, filling her lungs with fluid until she couldn't breath.


Too late for chemo. Too late for anything.


Except for a miracle.


I would love to tell you that God miraculously healed her and that she and her baby and her loving husband lived happily ever after. But I am even happier to tell you what really happened. In the final weeks of her life God worked a miracle...he called Christy's soul to Him and she accepted the gift of salvation.


She died peacefully, quietly, in her sleep. She was 29 years old and she leaves behind a beautiful 5 week old baby boy who is her mirror image...a little piece of her for those of us who will miss her.


The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.


Thank you so much to all of you who prayed with me for a miracle. Our prayers were answered and she's with our saviour now.


I'm so sorry for your loss. :grouphug:


My father just found out that his colon cancer has returned and is now in both lungs.


Perhaps we can say a prayer for both of them.

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Oh Heather!

I am typing through bleary eyes, filled with tears that are now dripping down my face...


I am so sorry to hear your friend is gone but your joy is so evident, I find it hard to do anything except say PRAISE GOD!!! :)


Thanks for sharing this with us.

My prayers are with you tonight & the family as well.

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They are one of those magical couples that you see in the movies...


She was one of the kindest souls I have ever met. And she died yesterday.


She died peacefully, quietly, in her sleep. She was 29 years old and she leaves behind a beautiful 5 week old baby boy who is her mirror image...a little piece of her for those of us who will miss her.


:grouphug: Heather, on the loss of your cherished friend.

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...thank you for sharing a glimpse of just how wonderful Christy was. You tell her story quite tenderly, and I am moved to tears. My heart aches, for how much I know she'll be missed.


Peace to you and to Christy's loved ones, and blessings to that baby boy.

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The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.


My two little boys love to sing a song based on this scripture. My DH and I recently made a point of explaining exactly what it meant.


Praise and Bless the Ancient of Days, and thank him for his blessings.


Thank you for posting this, what a beautiful reminder that we should bless His name in every situation.

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{{{many tender hugs for you and all her family}}}


When I was in college, my college fiance's sister went similarly after having her first child.


The pregnancy and birth accelerated rapidly a cancer that was undiagnosed and asymptomatic. She was gone before her baby could crawl. Death is never easy, death of a young person is harder and death of a young mother is beyond words.


{{more hugs}} and prayer.

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"Blessed be your name

When the sun's shining down on me

When the world's all as it should be

Blessed be your name


Blessed be your name

On the road marked with suffering

Though there's pain in the offering

Blessed be your name


Every blessing you pour out,

I turn back to praise

When the darkness closes in, Lord

Still I will say...

Blessed be the name of the Lord"



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Wow! I want to be sad for your loss...but you wrote the most joyous ending one could imagine...I actually started out crying for the tragedy but when I got to your message of her salvation, a bubble burst inside me and actually made me REJOICE!! I was just writing how God cares so much for the sparrow that He would not overlook our needs...possibly ten years ago, the pure sadness of the situation would have overcome my faith to KNOW that God has that precious baby in His hands and will provide abundant blessings, it is a miracle of our medicines today that the baby was born and I hope she was able to hold him in her arms....


Also so touched that God put someone like YOU into the path of this child. Thank you for your words of truth and courage to share them!



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What a beautiful post and tribute to your friend and our Savior! Words can't express the sadness that I feel for your loss....and yet, the happiness/ peace that I feel for you seeing her walk into Jesus' arms. A miracle in deed! Oh, and that precious son!! Wow....what a Legacy she has left....


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