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Is this selfish/waste of money/crazy?


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I have a deadline in a few weeks. I'm VERY behind. It's just so hard to switch gears from mom to romance writer off and on all day, and yes, I have ADHD probably as well, and well, I'm behind. My husband will take the kids out of the house or I can leave, but then I feel guilty after a while. And there is the time getting ready to leave, etc...bedtime, it just never is enough. I'm seriously thinking about renting a hotel room this weekend and locking myself in and writing. Is that crazy?

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Totally not crazy! Do it.


It is so hard to write when you are constantly interrupted. There are a hundred things interrupting them when you are a mom at home, phone calls, texts, oven timers, kids needing just one thing, kids needing just one more thing, dogs barking, mailmen knocking, dishes....


Do it for your fans. :)

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Rent the hotel room.  Do whatever it is you have to do to overcome your ADHD in the room if the new environment will distract you.  Make a schedule, bring music from home, whatever. 


This is your job and you need to get it done.  There's a reason people *go* to work--no distractions from the work.

Edited by Garga
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Not trying to shoo you away, but you should probably redirect your board time, too! Imagine all your last week's words here added to the word count of your manuscript. 😆


ETA I'm not fussing at you - it's just top of mind because it's how I recently reprimanded myself.

Edited by Seasider
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Not trying to shoo you away, but you should probably redirect your board time, too! Imagine all your last week's words here added to the word count of your manuscript. 😆


ETA I'm not fussing at you - it's just top of mind because it's how I recently reprimanded myself.



True!  Limit your electronic distractions as well.  Maybe keep a not-very-good book on hand if you need a mental break from writing.  Something you can easily put down and get back to work after a short break. 

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It's not crazy. I have done similarly to write uninterrupted, and even to read uninterrupted. One time, I drove to the Atlantic Ocean early one morning (3 hour drive), just so I could sit on the beach and read all day. I drove back home at night. Okay, that probably was kind of crazy!


When my family goes on ski trips, I bring my laptop and write while they ski. I don't like skiing. I like writing and this gives me several hours uninterrupted in a comfortable setting where I can't be distracted by laundry or cooking.

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It is not selfish to take time for yourself. It is a requirement for a healthy life.


It is not a waste of money to spend a little money to meet a contractual obligation that... brings in money.


It is not crazy, nor should you feel guilty, for your children's father to be the full-time parent for one weekend. It'll be good for everyone.


I know an author who does the same thing. She only has one, older (13), fairly self-sufficient child at home. She still needs the change of pace and distance from home/to-do list to concentrate fully on her work.

Edited by fraidycat
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Thanks all! I'm going to think about it. 


As for distractions, I have apps on my computer to limit my hours online, and I just started using them again. So that will help. (expect to see me less!)


I may do a free place, but the library is just not very comfy (uncomfortable chairs), and Panera is a bit better but you can only sit there so many hours without feeling weird. (usually about 4 is my limit). on the other hand, the hotel room check in is 3pm, and I am not a night person, and would have to check out at 11am, so not sure that would be the best use of my productivity. I may just get up early and go to Panera, then the library, then starbucks or something. Or I could go to my mom's for the weekend, but I'm not sure my parents would'n't be more of a distraction really than my kids are. Plus I'd waste 3 hours driving round trip. 


I'll keep thinking. But at least I know I'm not being selfish or crazy :)



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I typically have an off-limits desk in my room that I use. But I am totally in love with this big room at one of our state parks. I have this fantasy of going there one day and just staying in that room, hogging one of the huge tables all to myself, and writing for hours. Beautiful view of the valley below the window, big fireplace, and 40's music always playing. Heaven.

Edited by Critterfixer
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Thanks all! I'm going to think about it.


As for distractions, I have apps on my computer to limit my hours online, and I just started using them again. So that will help. (expect to see me less!)


I may do a free place, but the library is just not very comfy (uncomfortable chairs), and Panera is a bit better but you can only sit there so many hours without feeling weird. (usually about 4 is my limit). on the other hand, the hotel room check in is 3pm, and I am not a night person, and would have to check out at 11am, so not sure that would be the best use of my productivity. I may just get up early and go to Panera, then the library, then starbucks or something. Or I could go to my mom's for the weekend, but I'm not sure my parents would'n't be more of a distraction really than my kids are. Plus I'd waste 3 hours driving round trip.


I'll keep thinking. But at least I know I'm not being selfish or crazy :)

Go Friday-Sunday. Relax Friday night in the solitude to get your creative juices flowing. Write and relax all day Saturday and Sunday morning. You can go to Saturday night mass (if available) or the latest mass available on Sunday if you feel you can't skip that too.


You can pack your picnic basket/backpack/duffle bag with whatever food that meets your dietary needs/restrictions if you'd feel bad about also spending money on eating out or room service.

Edited by fraidycat
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If you live near a decent sized city, you could use Priceline to get a hotel. We have done that several times and it has always been a good experience. I haven't paid more than $70 for a hotel and they have all been very nice (I have done Kansas City, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Louisville, San Antonio, Dallas, Indianapolis, etc. I'm sure there is nothing like that in Chicago, LA, or NY). I usually bid about 50-75% off the list price of the hotels.

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Every time i see this thread title, i think "I need to schedule my pedicure" - thats a selfish waste pf money and i am willing to embrace it.


But your question. No, work must be done, whatever it takes!


Well, I did get my nails done today too :)


In my defense, I have acrylics and they were lifting at the corners, so it needed to be done before moisture got in there and I got an infection. 

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It's not crazy. I have done similarly to write uninterrupted, and even to read uninterrupted. One time, I drove to the Atlantic Ocean early one morning (3 hour drive), just so I could sit on the beach and read all day. I drove back home at night. Okay, that probably was kind of crazy!

Ummm... no that sounds absolutely lovely. If I lived in driving distance of a beach I would do that for sure! Sigh. Maybe someday...

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My friend is an illustrator for a well-known children's Bible.


In order to finish, her husband sent her from the midwest to San Diego for 8 days.


He wondered why someone was ordering animal crackers and orange juice from Amazon. It turned out she wasn't leaving her room, just illustrating! He ordered her to at least eat one meal out of her room daily. :-)

So you won't be the first person to do it! If you can afford it, go for it. Finish.



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I ditto the college or university library. Here they don't require id to walk in, you just can't take anything out without id. Headphones, water bottle, work. Set phone on silent & use the Forest app.

One of my local uni libraries is currently open for 24h/day as we're heading into finals. 

I do know authors who do the hotel room thing & it works for them but I know I would just ppv or rearrange the mini bar or play with all the toiletries.... 

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