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What's a good middle name that goes with first name "Ann"?


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I'm having trouble finding a middle name for baby girl (we're expecting!) that goes well with first name "Ann".        Any ideas?

(Our last name is Guidry (pronounced: Gid (rhymes with bid)-dree(rhyhmes with flee) :-) 



My husband likes Ann without an E (Anne) because he thinks she'll have to constantly spell it for people/correct people (on official documentation) and have them add the E.  


I want the Anne (with the e) because of Anne of Green Gables and the rationale Anne gives for needing the -e at the end: "Print out Ann and it looks dreadful, but Anne with an e is quite distinguished" (if I'm recollecting the quote correctly) :-)


Would you spell it Ann or Anne?


Edited by jana_suzanne
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How many syllables is your last name, and what letter does it start with?  


Ann Marie is what pops into my mind.  I suspect you will end up with a two-syllable middle name.


Oh, and will you truly use Ann....or Anne (with an e) ;-)

Edited by JFSinIL
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How many syllables is your last name, and what letter does it start with?  


Ann Marie is what pops into my mind.  I suspect you will end up with a two-syllable middle name.


Oh, and will you truly use Ann....or Anne (with an e) ;-)

Our last name is Guidry.

Pronounced:  Gid(rhymes with bid) and dree (rhymes with flee)




My husband thinks Ann so she won't have to constantly spell it for people/correct people when they leave off the e.


I want the Anne (with the e) because of Anne of Green Gables and the rationale Anne gives for needing the -e at the end: "Print out Ann and it looks dreadful, but Anne with an e is quite distinguished" (if I'm recollecting the quote correctly) :-)




Edited by jana_suzanne
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Ann Colleen

Ann Katherine

Ann I think I really want a strong K sound in there to go with your last name, just sounds right.


edited to be:


Anne Colleen

Anne Katherine

Anne Carole 


Do spell it with an e as without it looks too blunt.

Edited by JFSinIL
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I think you need something with multiple syllables. Personally, I like the flow of Ann with a middle name that begins with an unstressed syllable - someone else mentioned Marie, and other ideas along those lines would be Elise, Clarice, Lucille, Elizabeth, and Cecilia.

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I prefer Ann with an "e".  I was thinking Anne Shirley too :)  I actually think it's the default spelling these days.


I would remove your full last name from your post for privacy but maybe keep the "g" bit.


Ann(e) Amelia


Ann(e) Georgiana


Ann(e) Elizabeth


Anne Gabriella


Anne Genevieve


Anna Grace

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Just saw your second post - I think that with the name Ann or Anne, either way she'll be constantly telling people "no e" or "with an e."

Yes. She'll be spelling it either way. FWIW, I never read Anne of Green Gables, but I instinctively add the e. It took me ten years to remember that SIL doesn't use an e. Oops.


I know two Ann Maries. :)

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I know a woman named Ann Renee. It flows off the tongue easily. Anne Renee would work, too, but that has an awful lot of Es in close proximity to each other.


I also like the suggestions above for Ann Elise (or Anne Elise ... or Annelise with no middle name?)


Do you intend to use the middle name with the first as a double name, or will the child be called Ann/Anne alone?


If she's called only by her first name, I prefer Anne because it's prettier and looks more complete somehow. I think no matter how it's spelled, people will either spell it however they think is normal (and be wrong 50% of the time), or they'll write "Ann," then look up and say "is there an E?"


If she's called by first and middle names, then I think the choice of middle name matters more, and I would be more ok with spelling it "Ann."

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Definitely "Anne" with an "e!"  It's not a problem correcting people's spelling. Usually they ask if there is an "e" or not. FWIW, those folks without an "e" also have to correct the spelling of their name. I was named after Anne of Green Gables.


Elizabeth (or Elisabeth) would be a fine middle name.

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How many syllables is your last name, and what letter does it start with?  


Ann Marie is what pops into my mind.  I suspect you will end up with a two-syllable middle name.


Oh, and will you truly use Ann....or Anne (with an e) ;-)


Anne Marie is what came to mind to me as well.


Honestly, either way you spell it she will be correcting how people spell it because BOTH spellings are "Normal"


I am constantly telling people "Sarah with an h" Because both "Sara" and "Sarah" are common.


(I prefer Anne to Ann too. But that is really between you and your husband)

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I don't really love the name "Nicole," but Anne Nicole flows nicely.  How about other N names?  Anne Noelle.  M might fit also--


Anne McKinley (but I would never be able to resist the urge to call her Annie Mac, 'cause that would be adorable)

Anne Michaela


If you were in the South, of course you would add a family last name and call her by the double name of Ann Colton or Ann Campbell or somesuch.

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I greatly prefer Anne with an E......it just feels more classic and complete to me. My sister's name is Anne (Anne Marie), and yes, she often gets the "with or without the e?" question, but she would also get that with the Ann spelling. Or just about any name, for that matter (given all the creative and alternative spellings these days!). Spelling it Ann would not save her from any of that, so choose the spelling you love.

I think it is a great name that ages well.


For a middle, I would suggest a three syllable name you like......I think it would sound best with Anne and then your last name.

Then again, she may not carry your last name forever, so a two syllable middle would be nice, too. Just watch for middles ending with the long e sound, because it sounds a bit rhymes/sing songy with your last name.

For what it's worth, my sister always felt her full name (Anne Marie) was too expected. While Anne Marie is lovely, it always bothered her how so many people could guess her middle name without knowing it; Anne and Marie just naturally go together for a lot of people. She always longed for a middle name less predictable.


Some ideas:

Anne Eloise

Anne Sylvia

Anne Eleanor

Anne Penelope

Anne Juliet/Julia

Anne Maribel

Anne Lorelei

Anne Josephine

Anne Genevieve

Anne Vivian

Anne Cora

Anne Fiona

Anne Sophia

Anne Juniper

Anne Margaret

Anne Emmeline

Anne Clara

Anne Charlotte

Anne Linnea

Anne Elise

Anne Margot

Anne Rosalie

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I have a sister named Anna Wynne. (Rhymes with Quinn or win) I have always loved that middle name.  I think it goes well with Anne (or Ann), too -


Anne Wynne


Anne is such a beautiful name - I think any middle name would be nice.  Do you have a favorite grandmother or Aunt?  Our son's name is John (another easy first name that can go with any middle name,) we gave him my grandfather's rather unusual name as his middle name.  I love that!

Edited by wendy not in HI
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I see my link didn't save the search information.  In 2014 Anne was ranked #553 most popular, but Ann was ranked #945.


Similar names - Anna #34; Annie- #311.


For people about the same age as this baby Ann(e) will be, yes, there are many more Annes than Anns.


However, if you take into account the way the two names have tracked on the charts over time, you actually get more Anns (~333,390) than Annes (~226,579) who are currently living in the US. Wolfram Alpha is useful for this sort of calculation:





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I would go with a middle name that is at least two syllables.  Ann(e) goes with virtually anything, IMO!


I can't put my finger on it, but something about Anne looks odd to my eyes when paired with another name, though it looks fine with a middle initial.


In my extended family, we have both Ann and Anne, the former being a middle name.


How about Anne Kathleen

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I don't really love the name "Nicole," but Anne Nicole flows nicely.  How about other N names?  Anne Noelle.  M might fit also--


Anne McKinley (but I would never be able to resist the urge to call her Annie Mac, 'cause that would be adorable)

Anne Michaela


If you were in the South, of course you would add a family last name and call her by the double name of Ann Colton or Ann Campbell or somesuch.


I'd probably skip Anne Nicole. It sounds almost identical to Anna Nicole, which is cringe-inducing because of Anna Nicole Smith.

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Anne is my middle name and my mom's middle name but the one she "goes by". Her name is actually spelled Ann legally but she spells it Anne. She also used the spelling Anne with my name. I asked her why and she said she always hated the spelling Ann. It not only looked less appealing to her but also most misspelled it anyway. Around here the spelling Anne is the more common one I have found. As for middle name suggestions, we almost went with Anne Melissa back in the day. Some of my other favorites are


Anne Claris

Anne Josephine

Anne Juliette

Anne Romilly

Anne Miriam

Anne Rosalie

Anne Scarlett

Anne Louisa (think this might be my fav with your last name)

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I'm an Ann Marie. I was born in 1961 so I spent a few years in my childhood being called 'That Girl".  For those too young, Marlo Thomas played a girl named Ann Marie. 

I never cared for Ann growing up, and my German friends and relatives pronounced it Anna anyway. Dh has called me Annie from day one, as my parents did much of the time.  Growing up I wished my folks had spelled it Anne. 


My granddaughter is Anna Grace and she wants to go by her full name- her parents intended that from birth. But most folks shorten it to just Anna.  


It's a classic name- most anything not super trendy will sound nice with it. But not something like Mykelti.  

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Ann Marie was my first thought as well.


Mine as well. 


And you absolutely have to spell it with an E!!!!!!! There is no question. Ann is Raggedy Ann. Anne is Anne of Green Gables. End of story. 


But seriously, please....please please please spell it with an E. 

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