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What's everyone doing for Valentine's Day?


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Just wondering because I love hearing about how others celebrate different holidays.


We have never celebrated Valentine's Day. I have always hated how huge of an emphasis has been put on the day but am always thrilled for other people's happiness. This year is the first day I'll be celebrating it since I was a elementary student handing out silly premade cards to classmates. My children heard from their grandmother that Sunday was Valentine's Day, she always gets everyone a little card and some chocolate, so there kids took it upon themselves to make cards for family members. This turned into dh making me a card because the kids wanted him to(I haven't seen it yet.) So I decided to follow in Ralph Wiggum's footsteps and made dh a card that says " I choo choo choose you." With a picture of a train on it. And that is the extent of our celebration.


What do you do?

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Why, making a bunch of snacks and watching The Walking Dead, of course! LOL :P We tend to not do much of anything for these smaller holidays, honestly. Keepin' the expectations low for our kids' future spouses, I guess.

I wish we were watching The Walking Dead. We don't have cable to we are always a season behind and have to wait for it to come on Netflix.

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We don't do much.  We try to acknowledge it for our son's sake, so if/when he marries he will not disappoint his as-yet-hypothetical wife.  We figure he will end up with someone with low expectations, but not necessarily zero expectations, kwim?   (As in, not expecting extravagant gifts but not expecting the day to go unacknowledged, either.)   He doesn't pick up on those things naturally but needs explicit guidance.  :-)


Tomorrow is going to be a bit of a crazy day in our house, though, with one kid away on a ski trip and my husband having to go to a different church to help run a meeting that will likely last well into the afternoon.  I will probably make a nice chocolate dessert and that will have to do.

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If the weather were nice, DH and I would go hiking. Since it isn't, we may finish our taxes, do tasks around the house, and catch up on all the stuff that did not get done the previous two weekends when the weather was fantastic and we hiked both days.

I would love to go on a hike and would likely get my way if it weren't so cold! I'd happily hike in the cold but with 4 young kids it just isn't something they would enjoy for long no matter how much a bundled them up. They do enjoy long hikes in good weather though.

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We usually have a special dinner (just us) like fondue or shrimp creole. We'll have some wine and a nice dessert in the livingroom  We used to eat late so the kids would be almost in bed (if teens) or in bed (if little), around 8:30 or so. DH would do a card and flowers--I've told him I don't like or need roses and he finally has stopped bringing flowers.I get him a card. It's a nice talking time.


This year Mt. Vernon scheduled their Birthnight Ball on Sunday. Dh is always invited to say a prayer because our parish is where George attended/served/etc.

It sounds wonderful, but (complaint follows--FWP) I loathe going. I never have anything to wear, feel out of place, have to talk to complete strangers at the table (tables of 10, usually) and feel ugly. Big bummer this year. I told dh I was not going this year (told him last year) but last week he said it was on Valentine's Day, so I kinda have to--it would be mean of me to not go with him.

Edited by Chris in VA
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ds has a hockey game at 6:10, grrr. So it's doubtful we will do anything. I'm thinking of making a stew so it's ready for when we get home and we'll all eat together. Kids usually get cards and something sweet as a treat.


Normally, if we have any excess money lying around, we'll go out to eat at our favorite restaurant. Otherwise we'll set the kids up with a simple dinner and then scoot them upstairs with a movie while we make a special dinner for ourselves.

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We'll have a nice steak dinner as a family and I'm making chocolate mousse for dessert. Some years I've made heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast, but I have errands to run before we go looking at houses late morning. We have little boxes of candy for the kids and DH and I exchange cards and he usually gets me flowers. We're not very extravagant. DH joked that if we end up buying one of the houses we're looking at, it will be the best Valentines gift he's ever bought me.

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We'll go to church in the morning and swing by McDonald's afterward for a Shamrock Shake (milkshakes are a weakness for us).  Since it'll be about 9:30 am, we'll count that as brunch I think.  Then we'll come home and take a nap since we're old and have discovered the joys of Sunday napping.


Sometime later in the day we'll be feeding, watering, and worming ponies... not sure I can count that as "doing it for Valentine's Day" but we are doing it tomorrow and tomorrow is Valentine's Day so...


Not much else is planned.  We rarely plan much on Sundays.  It's our R&R day if we can do it.  We're pretty attached to an R&R day each week and hate to give it up.


No gifts.  No cards.  I'll call my mom, but I do that almost every Sunday.  We may or may not choose to go out or get take out for dinner.  That part is totally unplanned right now.  We'll see what our whims are tomorrow.  If we eat in, we'll choose something to watch on TV too.  We have oodles of things taped on our DVR to choose from.

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Dh and I are on a 100 day THM challenge and we are saying away from all things candy.   I'm making delicious meals that are on plan and we are exercising together.  We have a long weekend...so Monday we're going out to a very nice restaurant for steak at lunch time.    I also picked up several dozens of roses yesterday from Aldi and put them all over the house...we are just enjoying being together and hanging out watching movies. 


We are taking our grand-daughter to Bass Pro shop tonight to see the fish tonight and taking our big kids out for Mexican afterwards....we will stick to our food plan and they can indulge.  


Honestly...I'm just happy he's home with me and not deployed...everything else is gravy.   :001_wub:  :001_wub:  :001_wub:

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We'll go to church in the morning and swing by McDonald's afterward for a Shamrock Shake (milkshakes are a weakness for us). Since it'll be about 9:30 am, we'll count that as brunch I think. Then we'll come home and take a nap since we're old and have discovered the joys of Sunday napping.


Sometime later in the day we'll be feeding, watering, and worming ponies... not sure I can count that as "doing it for Valentine's Day" but we are doing it tomorrow and tomorrow is Valentine's Day so...


Not much else is planned. We rarely plan much on Sundays. It's our R&R day if we can do it. We're pretty attached to an R&R day each week and hate to give it up.


No gifts. No cards. I'll call my mom, but I do that almost every Sunday. We may or may not choose to go out or get take out for dinner. That part is totally unplanned right now. We'll see what our whims are tomorrow. If we eat in, we'll choose something to watch on TV too. We have oodles of things taped on our DVR to choose from.

Oh we'll be doing plenty that isn't Valentine's related. Mass, lunch with my parents and siblings, dinner with mil and dh's siblings, celebrating dd's bday at dinner since we haven't seen them since her bday. But that is all normal Sunday stuff

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I doubt that we'll do anything.


I bought him a card and got a few special things for Sunday dinner, but that will be it.


He's fighting a rough recovery from surgery a week ago among other things and won't be driving for quite awhile. One of those "real life" scenarios.

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We get the kids a little candy and have a fancier than normal dinner. Meaning I break out the candles, tablecloth, cloth napkins and fancy glasses. For some reason my kids adore getting to use our glass goblets. This year the menu will be a beef roast, mashed potatoes, green beans and salad. Apple crisp and vanilla ice cream for dessert.


Nothing too over the top. DH and usually don't exchange gifts.

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I'm freezing. I will do anything that keeps me from being cold this weekend and if that happens to include generating body heat and that coincides with Valentine's Day, so be it.





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I grew up loving those traditional markers in a year, though I went through a period in my young adult life when I thought they were stupid. Now, though I of course recognize them as being kind of trivial distractions, I do think these traditions can be a lot of fun!
My dh and I are on the road right now, but will be celebrating by going out to eat at a restaurant. A romantic dinner for two. 😃

Edited by J-rap
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Dh and I are going out on Monday, for a movie and meal.  Our oldest usually babysits but he had the chance to work somewhere else all Sunday and we weren't going to ask him and have him make the choice.  As the plan stands, we'll enjoy Sunday night with dessert after children are in bed, and take a quiet Monday afternoon to ourselves.

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Our wedding anniversary is today, the 13th. We've been married 14 years.


We don't celebrate Valentine's Day except for getting something small and cute for the kids...like PEZ dispensers.


We have our anniversary traditions but generally don't celebrate on the 13th. We are going out on Monday this year.

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I told dh that I would like to go out on Monday.  Will that still count as Valentine's day?  Or will we be going out for President's day? 


Any excuse is sufficient for going out.  ;)


Our wedding anniversary is today, the 13th. We've been married 14 years.


Happy Anniversary!!!


WE had a nice dinner out with our church for Valentine's Day this yesterday.  


We're doing this tonight - will be leaving in a little over an hour.


But we'll still probably order Chinese tomorrow night... as I told Jean, any excuse will do!  With Chinese, we'll have leftovers for our President's Day celebration (after work if it isn't a snow day).


I'm still looking forward to that Shamrock Shake too.

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I go a little Pinterest crazy and after my boys fall asleep -- I dump about 25 red and pink balloons in their room. I also picked up a Mylar "X and O." I like them to wake up to a fun, crazy mess.


We also have Lindt and See's chocolates. And my husband makes pancakes in the morning.



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I go a little Pinterest crazy and after my boys fall asleep -- I dump about 25 red and pink balloons in their room. I also picked up a Mylar "X and O." I like them to wake up to a fun, crazy mess.


We also have Lindt and See's chocolates. And my husband makes pancakes in the morning.




How fun!


We used to do something similar with our kids.  One year my husband and I cut out a bunch of paper hearts and wrote things on them - you know, like the sweetheart candies - and hung them on ribbons on their bedroom doors. 


We also used to get them candy.  I should have done that, but they do get a box every year from their grandparents.  I had said I was going to make a special chocolate dessert for tomorrow but decided on a new recipe (to me) for chocolate chip cookies, using browned butter.  I may as well link it here now.  I'm going to make the dough tonight and then bake a few tomorrow so we can have them warm from the oven. aahhhh.....


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Why, making a bunch of snacks and watching The Walking Dead, of course!  LOL   :p  We tend to not do much of anything for these smaller holidays, honestly.  Keepin' the expectations low for our kids' future spouses, I guess.  


That's what we're doing. Valentine's Day? No, it's Walking Dead day! ;)

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How fun!


We used to do something similar with our kids.  One year my husband and I cut out a bunch of paper hearts and wrote things on them - you know, like the sweetheart candies - and hung them on ribbons on their bedroom doors. 




LOVE the idea to write on paper hearts -- so cute! Will do! Thanks!



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I have a card and a movie theater size box of candy for dh. And we'll watch The Walking Dead.  That's it, and that's fine with me.   Today is dh's birthday and he and I went out for a nice lunch together (Mexican food- yum!). I have no desire to get caught up in the crazy busy Valentine's Day restaurant rush so long ago we settled on going out for lunch on his birthday instead.  


I did make personalized quilted postcards for the grandkids and they received them in the mail today.  It's so funny to see them get so excited over receiving mail even when it's just a postcard.  

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The kids and hubby brought me cards and flowers today.  I made sugar cookie bars with frosting and heart sprinkles for dessert tomorrow.  Still trying to decide what to make for dinner, but maybe I'll shape our customary pizza into hearts.  I go all out....LOL  Not!  Too lazy to even roll out sugar cookie dough, what is this world coming too?  

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DH always buys cards and a treat for the children on Valentine's Day.

DH buys me a card and chocolates.

I buy DH a card and chocolates.

Since Valentine's Day is on a Sunday, we'll attend Mass in the morning, assuming the weather is okay (we're supposed to get a winter storm Sunday or Monday).

DH dragged me to Fresh Market earlier today so he could get the ingredients to make me and DD14 beef wellington with some kind of mushroom/shallot sauce, and asparagus :D


DH did get me an actual "gift" this Valentine's Day, but we usually do not exchange gifts on V-Day. I only happen to know about it because I was on his pay pal :p


Me and a friend hosted parties for the kids and their friends yesterday at my house - an elementary homeschool v-day party in the morning; a middle/high school homeschool v-day party last night. I'm partied out :P It was fun, though.

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We had plans but they got changed. My dh has to work on my daughter's care. Her breaks went out this morning while she was driving and the cost at the local shop was $1400 so dh said he can do it himself for a third of that. Guess our plans are put on hold. I'll get the tv free though.

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Valentine's Day is stupid. I agree with the talk show host who said it all started with a massacre and has been continued on by greeting card companies. Why be romantic just one day of the year? It is more romantic to show up with flowers and a card on a random day.

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Heart shaped pink pancakes with the kids in the morning, and everyone will get little gifties.  The kids already have balloons tied to the back of their chairs, and they will have bubbles, twisty straws, stickers and Hershey kisses.  Toddlers are easy :-) DH is getting a replacement wallet (that I intended for Christmas but it was backordered until Feb, so....) and a card.  I'm not expecting anything, but I might get surprised.


Tomorrow night we'll have a nicer dinner after the kids are in bed.  Usually I make a fancy risotto and we throw scallops or lobster tail or steak on the side, but this year our fancy cheese of the month club came on Thurs, so it'll be a fancy cheese tray with whatever "go alongs" I pick up at the store tomorrow.  Valentine's dinner date in, and I don't have to cook.  Win, win!  I'm indulging in a sparkling cider and pretending it's champagne.

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I'll be teaching school and DH will go do the grocery shopping. The boys picked out one piece of candy each that they wanted for a treat. I think I'll make Swedish meatballs and baked or mashed potatoes. That's about it.


ETA: DH did get me flowers. Daisies.

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Valentine's Day is stupid. I agree with the talk show host who said it all started with a massacre and has been continued on by greeting card companies. Why be romantic just one day of the year? It is more romantic to show up with flowers and a card on a random day.

And then there are people like me who don't find flowers or cards romantic at all no matter what the day. But I wouldn't go as far to say the day is stupid.

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Today, my husband picked up takeout for all of us on his way back from getting a flat tire fixed, including picking up some roses for me and one for our daughter. Tomorrow will be church in the morning, we'll read the Sunday paper together (something we've done every week for almost 22 years), they have aikido practice in the late afternoon, then I'm meeting them to go see "Deadpool."

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