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What Is Your Secret Weirdness?


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Oh, so very many to choose from.  I can't sleep unless I am completely under the covers.  No body parts can be uncovered except my head, no matter how hot it gets.  Along those same lines, no body part can hang over the edge of the bed.  I KNOW what lives under the bed, people, and it is warded off by my protective covers. 


I think you need to watch the Hogfather movie as therapy.  :laugh:

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You guys who don't mind the smell of skunks, do you mean the smell of aged, been there awhile skunk odor, or brand new fresh just sprayed right by you skunk smell?


Aged skunk is not bad (though not like coffee, IMO), but fresh, as in while camping out a skunk just sprayed the dog full on, a few yards away, and the dog has now come to climb into the sleeping bag with you to try to get away from the skunk, well, that is a different matter. In my humble, sad, experience. The dog was pretty sad too. 



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I hate to look at fingernails that need to be clipped. When my kids' nails grow too long, it makes me really uncomfortable. I just asked DD14 to trim her nails today so that I wouldn't have to look at them. It especially bothers me if they are chipped or uneven.


Also, I can do a thing with my ears. I can make a clicking sound inside my head. I don't know if this is the true cause, but it is as if I am clacking my ear bones together. I can make it happen at will. It's easiest to do both at once, but I can do one ear at a time. Recently I had my children put their ears up to mine and listen; they could hear me do it.

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I always finish one type of food on my plate before I start the next one.


I cannot stand to hear the same thing over and over. My limit is 3 times, and that is being generous. Unfortunately I have a kid who likes to make the same noises / say the same words over and over. I have reminded her at least 1,000 times (so far) not to do that....


Having to talk to people makes me tired. Especially if it's about work. Doesn't matter what time it is. Also, having someone talk to me about project B when I'm engrossed in project A will give me a stiff neck and a headache for the rest of the day. :/


I find it relaxing to balance accounting books. (As long as nobody is talking to me while I'm doing it.)

I do the first thing. Eat one thing at a time. Save for soup, I don't like one pot meals and I don't like main dish casseroles.

My dh has an aunt who takes everything on her plate and mixes into one big pile. It's painful.

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When I was in high school I was in marching band and started counting my steps. During those same years I also started hiking and in steep sections I would count my steps. ("I'll rest after 100 steps." or " I'll do 50 steps, then 49, then 48, and it will get easier.")


Now I count my steps anytime I'm walking longer than maybe 25 meters or so. I like to guess and am happy when I'm right. For example, I'll think, "This is an 18." This means 18+17+16...+1. I also do this with time if I'm waiting for something, although I'm not necessarily counting once/second or whatever.


:leaving: <----- I estimate 5 bounces here.


I guess (same as the steps) how many up arrows, down arrows, or space bars it will take me to read long documents or web pages. I also sometimes count down remaining pages in a book this way.


I also add up all the numbers on license plates when I'm stuck in traffic.


Born to count, I guess.  :laugh:

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Also, I can do a thing with my ears. I can make a clicking sound inside my head


I can do that, too, but only both ears at the same time.  I checked, and my kids can hear it.  They have no idea how I do it, and neither do I.


I don't like cold and creamy white foods; they never pass my lips.  Mayo, sour cream, whipped cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, ranch dressing, cream cheese... I've never tasted any of them except for mayo, by mistake.  I do put ricotta cheese in lasagna, but I don't think about after it has melded with everything else.  It gives me the creeps to use it in a recipe, though. 


I love bananas, whole fruit only.  I will not eat foods made with bananas or that are banana-flavored.


I have a dog who loves to lick people. I don't like that. So when he greets me after I've been away from home, he is allowed one lick on my cheek next to my ear, and that is it.  I also don't let him do the Wheaten Greetin' to me, no way an excited, twirling, spinning, jumping dog is going to land on me and lick me to death for 5 or 10 minutes.  My kids, their friends, and my husband, all like this.


If anyone dares to tickle my feet, they will get a hard, swift kick wherever it lands -- it's a reflexive reaction.


Back to food.  I like to eat Chef Boy Ar Dee spaghetti and meatballs straight out of the can.  I cannot abide the way that stuff tastes and smells when it is heated.  My husband brings me a can about twice a year and it is a real treat!


I like sweet pickle slices tucked inside grilled cheese sandwiches.


I don't like sour food except for dill pickle spears once in awhile.


I like gravy on my French fries.  When we moved to PA, I was thrilled to discover that servers in restaurants ask if I want gravy on my fries... that is a first!


I can tell if I will like a food by the way it smells.  I have never, not even once, been wrong.  When I cook, I never taste anything because I can tell by the smell and by a feeling I get if it is just right.


My kids say I have no fear of being boring!

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Rings make me claustrophobic. In middle school, I had a PE teacher who explained that we had to remove rings during gym class in case we broke our fingers and they swelled, cutting off circulation. Ever since, I can't wear rings without suspect that my fingers are swelling. I don't even wear a wedding ring.

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Hmm...when I'm outside, I put a sandwich bag or plastic wrap over my drink because I don't want bugs or crap from trees falling in it. I also always squeeze some toothpaste out of the tube before I use it because I can't think of someone else rubbing their brush against it before me. Even if it's my kids *gasp*

I also can't eat out of a box of cereal or a bag of chips if I know someone has stuck their hands on there instead of pouring some out into a bowl.

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As I'm reading, I'm coming up with new ones:


I don't like swimming in ponds or lakes - oceans or pools are fine.


I freak out when someone is erasing something with a pencil eraser and the eraser wears down enough that the, ugh, metal bits, scrape across the paper. I can barely write this....getting goosebumps just thinking about it. 


I use my foot as a thermostat when sleeping. If I'm hot, I stick my foot out from under the covers to cool off and when I cool off again, I'll stick it back under. 


I can't go to bed if there are any dishes in the sink. I just can't.


Agree with all of these!!!!  I'm the same way.

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1st one: yep.

Last 2: It's my DS. Bonkers I tell ya!


Also I have this thing where when I meet a person, I get an impression of an animal. And later I often find out I was pretty accurate with regards to their temperament/personality.

It can sometimes be specific, like Persian Cat, or general, like deer. After I know you for a while, it fades and sometimes I'll forget what my 1st impression was.


I can't eat anything mushy. Like polenta, risotto, custard etc. Nope, Nopey, Nope!

Now I want to meet you so you can tell me what my animal personality is.

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I don't want a dog in my sleeping bag, with or without skunk perfume. No dogs in my bed, or licking me.   When I say I don't mind the skunk smell, it can be fresh or not when we drive past.  It smells like coffee--like it has the same volatile molecules or something.  I love coffee, BTW. 


My 10 year old smells like sour milk.  It bothers me so much that I cannot figure out if there is something medically wrong with him or he just has stinky feet or maybe a yeast overgrowth.  No clue.  It smells much worse than skunk to me. 


The other thing that bothers me is the seafood section of certain expensive grocery stores.  But not dead roadside skunks. 




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I freak out when someone is erasing something with a pencil eraser and the eraser wears down enough that the, ugh, metal bits, scrape across the paper. I can barely write this....getting goosebumps just thinking about it. 





This is totally me!  I HATE that sound.  I feel it in my bones.

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Also I have this thing where when I meet a person, I get an impression of an animal. And later I often find out I was pretty accurate with regards to their temperament/personality.

It can sometimes be specific, like Persian Cat, or general, like deer. After I know you for a while, it fades and sometimes I'll forget what my 1st impression was.


So it's like some kind of synesthesia, but way more complicated?




Ever since getting pregnant with dd, I have had a horrible sensory reaction to icy pole sticks. They're fine if they are bought in a packet for crafts. They are not fine if they are being surrounded by icy pole or ice cream. Cornettos for me forever. Not that they are very tasty either, so I hardly ever eat them.


I seem to have three forms of synesthesia, but one of them only works on one person.

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Ok, having caught up to here I'm pretty much thinking I no longer have to admit being weird.   :party:


The face blindness deal is there.  


I can't stand dogs licking me and get repulsed by seeing them lick others on the face or when people share things like ice cream cones with them, but I don't actually think that's weird.  I suspect that's a decent majority of people who don't care for that.  It is in my circles anyway.


But the only other thing that really comes to mind is how weird my body is medically - not getting most "usual" symptoms when it has issues (getting abnormal symptoms instead), plus just plain getting abnormal issues rather than the usual colds, morning sickness, etc.  I'm convinced I wasn't paying attention before birth when all of us in the birth year 'XY were in line getting our attributes, so I got stuck with whatever they could find that was left over.  (Chances are I was looking at the travel brochures at that time.)


But for pretty much everything else I've read on here, my mind goes, WTH?  Then wonders if the Hive is abnormal or if we'd find similar things if we could do a similar listing of random people.  I can't say I've heard of most of these even with oodles of conversations with people in my circles throughout the years and kids at school, etc.  Some teens have weird eating habits, but I'd always assumed most would outgrow it.  


(Food likes and dislikes are not included in my WTH thoughts.  We're all different with that.)


It'd also make me pause and run back to this thread if I ever invited any of you over to my house!   :tongue_smilie:


It has been a fun read though - best thread in a while!

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I especially hate this because I handle money all day long.  You have no idea how gross it is when someone digs in their bra, and hands you a moist, warm $10 bill.   :ack2:   Yep, I know money is filthy.  But damp money, especially sweaty money, is a whole nuther level of gross. I don't think that people who do this realize (or likely just don't care) how damp money is from that area.  Maybe because it is the same temperature/moisture as their own hands or something, makes it seem dry?  It isn't.

I used to work as a teller.  There was a guy that came in every week, a hard-working guy.  I think he was in construction or landscaping or something.  Anyway, he always came in right after work, dripping with sweat and grime, and would proceed to pull a wad of cash out of his back pocket to deposit.  It was always wet.  Butt sweat. All of the tellers would try to not be the one that had to take his money and one or two often found a reason to go to the vault.  :leaving:

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I like sound of unwrapping, regardless of whether the item being unwrapped is a treasure or a box of toothpaste.  


Amazon boxes, crinkly plastic wrappers, bubble wrap squeaks, ripping paper: they all make me happy, and I have no idea why.

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Reading through all of these makes me feel less strange!


I smell phantom scents sometimes, usually unpleasant odors.  Like last summer I kept thinking a manure truck went by one night (not uncommon in a small farming town), but no one else smelled it - apparently it was just me.  The same thing has happened with the smell of cat pee in certain parts of the house, or vomit, or a number of other smells.  It seems to come in spurts - there for a few months and then gone for a long while.  I don't know if it's due to stress or a weird thing where my nerves and my brain aren't communicating right.  But it kind of freaks me out, especially when I mention phantom smells to others, and they look at me like I grew a second head.

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I'm weird in so many ways, I don't know where to start.


I get very restless if I have shoes on in the house. Shoes on means we are leaving. NOW. Do not delay my exit after my shoes are on.


Me too!


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Also, I can do a thing with my ears. I can make a clicking sound inside my head. I don't know if this is the true cause, but it is as if I am clacking my ear bones together. I can make it happen at will. It's easiest to do both at once, but I can do one ear at a time. Recently I had my children put their ears up to mine and listen; they could hear me do it.

Wait, not everyone can do this? I thought it was a normal thing like knuckle cracking.


Which I can not abide. The sound of soneone cracking their knuckles makes me wiggy.


I also have photic sneeze reflex. Neither dh or my kids have this. Until recently I thought everyone sneezed when greeted with a bright light.

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I spend an irrational amount of time worrying about where I am going to sit in an audience. I have embraced this one by going ridiculously early to every event to make sure I get just the right seat.


Oh my gosh, I thought I was the only one with this problem. People who come in late and just sit in whatever seat is available make me question their sanity. If it was between not getting the seat I wanted and not going at all, I wouldn't go. Seriously, I must have an end seat always or I start to freak out.




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Wait, not everyone can do this? I thought it was a normal thing like knuckle cracking.


Which I can not abide. The sound of soneone cracking their knuckles makes me wiggy.


I also have photic sneeze reflex. Neither dh or my kids have this. Until recently I thought everyone sneezed when greeted with a bright light.


My siblings, my children, and I all do this.  It's hilarious when we're all together for a holiday and we step outside to go on a walk.  Eight people sneeze within thirty seconds of each other.

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I forgot one thing that even I think is weird.  I have to identify animals that are killed on the roadside.  Most of the time it is a deer or a groundhog.  If I have to be somewhere, I keep going, but it bugs me that I haven't identified the animal. If I am with someone else, and they are the indulgent sort, they will turn around so I can see it.


The other day I passed a large animal that had been hit by an 18-wheeler.  I was going to fast (55) to be able to tell if it was a deer. I didn't see hooves, but that doesn't mean they weren't there. It still bugs me that I don't know what it is.


If I find animal parts scattered in the pasture, I look for identifying parts.  If I can't find them, I take pictures of the parts and show them to my neighbor so he can tell me which animal it was.


I watched a dead possum at the side of our driveway for a few days.  I was thinking about boiling its bones and gluing it's skeleton back together once it was mostly bone.  But it disappeared on day 3 ... I think a turkey vulture must have taken it away.


A long time ago, one of the cardiologists who visited me when I was in the hospital for emergency bypass surgery told me a story about his wife.  She had a huge collection of animal skulls, which she collected and boiled, and kept on display.  She was a physician, too.  He was having fun trying to gross me out ... but I was fascinated, to his great amazement.


I remember when I was 9, there was a dead animal on the side of the road.  I was fascinated to be able to see inside it.  Still am.


My secret wish since I was around 6 is to be able to dissect a cadaver.  I want to see what people look like inside and how things fit together.  I had read something about people robbing graves to study anatomy (was it DaVinci?), and I guess it captured my imagination.


The closest I got, which was minimal, was when I paid a visit to an autopsy room at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta when I was 19.  All I saw was a brain in a sink (which was cool), and fat (which was yellow and looked like chicken fat to me). My boss, who was about 60 and very sweet and paternal, nearly had a heart attack when he found out where I had been.  I told him there was a stretcher with a body on it in the hallway down there, and I stopped myself from pulling down the sheet.  It may have been a horror show since Grady was the place where all the extreme trauma cases went.


I like seeing wildlife that is alive, too ... I am not fixated on dead animals.  My most interesting sightings have been because of my dog.  One time a turkey vulture was walking down our long driveway, another time 14 deer were walking single file down a path in the woods toward our house.  Both times, the dog spotted them through the window and came and got me. 


The big mystery I'm trying to figure out is the disappearance of lots of barn cats from nearby farms.  Could be coyotes (but I've never seen one and neither has anyone else), so my money is on Great Horned Owls, who can take animals up to 16 lbs.  When I used to take my dog out at night when he was a puppy, I'd wave  my arms around to appear bigger so the owls would not grab him.  I hear those owls a lot, but I've never seen one except at an owl sanctuary.


Oh gosh, this is so long!  You can tell it is a subject dear to my heart!

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A few others (because it feels good to let them out I guess).. I cannot stand noises from eating and/or drinking. Even the sound of a swallow. *shudder* I am constantly trying to eat quietly so no one hears those nasty noises come from ME. :lol:


When I was a kid I would get the urge to make a certain letter sound. I would be playing or whatever and just get an urge and have to make the N sound (or whatever letter) a few times.


Can't eat popsicles because just thinking about my tongue accidently touching the damp popsicle stick is enough to make me gag. (The same way with my moms wooden spoons. I refuse to use them because of the way they feel in my hand. YUCK.)


My dd will erase something on her paper and NOT BRUSH OFF THE ERASER PIECES but will instead JUST CONTINUE WRITING WITH THEM ON HER PAPER... :scared: This is a criminal offense.


There are a lot of words I cannot stand to hear or say.. or apparently type. I was going to list them but I just can't :blush:


The list goes on.. and on... and on.








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My dd will erase something on her paper and NOT BRUSH OFF THE ERASER PIECES but will instead JUST CONTINUE WRITING WITH THEM ON HER PAPER... :scared: This is a criminal offense.



My kids do that. I don't understand. Why? Why do you not need to clean your paper before continuing?


They would also dump the crayons and put them back in any old order. The memory still makes me twitch.

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Oh wow, where to start? I can't stand hearing people sneeze. I have no idea why but the sound of sneezing makes me want to rip my hair out. I also enjoy cooking but I cannot do it if the kitchen is even a little bit messy. The kitchen has to be totally clean before I can start: sink empty, countertop clean, etc.



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I can't stand reaching down into the bread bag once a few slices have been taken out. I always trim the bag so there's just enough for the twisty to close it. I do this with chip bags as well, though I generally pour chips out into a bowl anyway. And I have to cut open the chip bag with scissors, not just pull it open. I dunno, the older I get the weirder I seem to get as well.


I hate being licked by a dog. I'll pet them but I don't want to be licked.


I'm not comfortable sitting with my feet flat on the ground. They at least need to be crossed. At home I always curl up on the couch, so no feet on the floor.


We have a double sink.  I cannot stand it when DH/DS put dirty dishes in the right sink!  Put them in the LEFT sink, people!  Is it really that hard?!

I tell people to put stuff in the right sink.  I do not understand why they won't do it, even though they know how much it bugs me.


I'm also in the put-dishes-in-the-sink camp; the left sink. It's the one next to the dishwasher, duh. Dh and I have been married for 28 years and he *still* puts his dishes on the counter--the *right* side on top of that--just like his mom trained him to do. But he grew up with a single sink, very big counters, and no dishwasher. We've always had double sinks, less counter space, and nearly every house has had the dishwasher to the left of the sink. At least my dc are good about putting their dishes in the proper sink.

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I'm the only person I know who doesn't mind the smell of skunks.  I think it smells similar to coffee.


And I only wear socks for about 3 minutes in the winter---the rest of the time I wear flipflops or Tevas.  I only wear the quarter socks---can't abide the ones that are below the ankle.  And I'm funny about the seams in them.


I've always said this and people think I'm nuts!!  You get me - You really get me!

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Chalk me up as another who cannot stand mouth noises.  At all.  Not eating, not kissing, not any of them.  I'm not even talking about over the top noises, although those are intolerable.  I mean just normal eating or light kissing or whatever, including my own.  It's awful.


I also hate socks.  All socks.  I think I have foot claustrophobia or something.  I wear them when I have to, but then I can't wait to rip them off at the end of the day.


Repeated loud beeping noises drive me into a frenzy.  Trucks backing up, or alarm clocks or smoke detectors...you get the picture.  I think I must have died in a fire or been run over by a reversing truck in a past life or something.  


I have a bit of a tape addiction, but only Scotch brand tape in the green package.  I love the way it smells and I love the way it feels when I stick it to my hand and then peel it off, over and over.  I'm always taking strips of tape and rolling them into perfect cylinders (it's not easy...go ahead and try it...I dare you...perfectly lined up edges?  No way can you do it. haha!), then I stick the cylinders together and end up building these elaborate honeycomb looking things that people find all over the house.  It's gotten to where I really just can't keep it in the house.  Too distracting.  

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I used to work as a teller. There was a guy that came in every week, a hard-working guy. I think he was in construction or landscaping or something. Anyway, he always came in right after work, dripping with sweat and grime, and would proceed to pull a wad of cash out of his back pocket to deposit. It was always wet. Butt sweat. All of the tellers would try to not be the one that had to take his money and one or two often found a reason to go to the vault. :leaving:

You have inspired me to confess my truly secret weirdness.


I like to wash my money, then iron it with a little magic sizing or light starch. I used to do this without fail. Now that I have children, I mostly just live with the the icky-squicky feeling of having wrinkled, grubby cash. Having time to wash my money again is one of the few things I look forward to about having the children "up and out."

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The dinging noise when keys are left in the ignition and the car door is opened drives me crazy. Dh does this often when getting gas. I hate it. I take the keys out immediately when the vehicle is parked before the door is opened.


I don't feel dressed for the day unless I have shoes on. Not slippers or house shoes, but flip flops or tennis shoes have to be on my feet or I feel incomplete. When I take my shoes off at the end of the day, then I am done.

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Unlike other pp, ankle socks are the only kind I enjoy wearing. 

I can make my ears do the clicking thing too. Now I am going to have to ask my kids (and DH too, if I am honest) if they can).

I can't stand bananas, in any shape or form. Bananas themselves or banana flavored things. Bananas are disgusting.

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You have inspired me to confess my truly secret weirdness.


I like to wash my money, then iron it with a little magic sizing or light starch. I used to do this without fail. Now that I have children, I mostly just live with the the icky-squicky feeling of having wrinkled, grubby cash. Having time to wash my money again is one of the few things I look forward to about having the children "up and out."


Wait, are you for real? You wash and iron your cash?


That's SO weird!!!! I've never heard of anyone doing that before. I love it!!!


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You have inspired me to confess my truly secret weirdness.


I like to wash my money, then iron it with a little magic sizing or light starch. I used to do this without fail. Now that I have children, I mostly just live with the the icky-squicky feeling of having wrinkled, grubby cash. Having time to wash my money again is one of the few things I look forward to about having the children "up and out."


That is a very interesting weird habit!

Do you wash it in the washing machine and send it through the dryer? Or wash it by hand in the sink, then air dry it?

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The entire state of Maine is off limits for me. Too much Stephen King when I was younger. Can't do it.


Also I have an irrational fear of my teeth falling out. I count them periodically to make sure they're all there. Also due to too much Stephen King.



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I like boats, but I do not ever want to sleep on one. The idea of being on the water overnight creeps me out. (Maybe I read about the Titanic at too impressionable an age?) No cruises for me!


The ear-clicking thing is just a matter of how your TMJ fits together, I believe. Mine clicks all the time.


Nobody's else's socks bother me, but shoes that separate the toes are a little disturbing.

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