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It's 7:15 PM. You're invited to a dinner...


Going Out for Dinner Question  

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  1. 1. It's 7:15 PM. You are invited to a dinner 45 minutes away and you need time to get ready. Would you go?

    • Absolutely!
    • No way!
    • Maybe...
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If you received a phone call at 7:15 PM to go out to dinner, would you go? The restaurant is 45 minutes away and requires some dressing up.


I was invited to dinner last weekend, but a stomach virus was making the rounds, so I opted not to go.


Tonight, at 7:15, I was asked to dinner again. Though I was dressed for the day, I wasn't dressed for dinner at this restaurant; it's not fancy, but people wear nicer clothes than jeans and a t-shirt. I also don't wear makeup during the day as it causes my face to break out. So I needed time to put on makeup. At the very earliest, I would be there by 8:00, but more likely 8:30.


Would you go?


I chose not to. I had already eaten dinner, plus I felt the invitation was too late and I was winding down for the evening. But part of me feels I'm being a bit stodgy and I should have made the effort. What do you say?

Edited by ErinE
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Last minute dinner invitations by anyone other than my hubby, would be a no go.  I'm already cooking dinner or have eaten dinner by that point in time.   When I was single, it would be no big deal and I'd go.  Now. I'm winding down for the day.



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Depends on who is inviting and why. If a close friend fly into town and cleared customs early enough to meetup for dinner with buddies, I could easily change and go without makeup.


If it is a regular girls night out and I wasn't informed a day early, I would have to pass anyway since someone have to babysit my kids.



I have never bothered to put on makeup even for posh fine dining places. I'm just not into makeup.

Edited by Arcadia
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Depends on a lot of things.  I wouldn't be closed to the idea, but if I had already eaten or something then I would lean towards a no.  If it were friends that were mainly wanting to get together to chat, I might go along and then just get an app or dessert.  I don't tend to do as much spontaneous outings like I did before kids, but the idea sounds fun sometimes.

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I said YES!  but with the caveat that I do have a toddler at home so I'd probably need to find a babysitter which could be a problem.  We have a large group of friends and we've been known to call each other at 9 PM and tell them to come over for dessert, coffee, and games.  

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If I really wanted to spend time with the people who invited me, I'd go and have tea and a dessert.  


I enjoy impromptu get togethers more than planned get togethers, though. 


I also wouldn't worry about wearing makeup and just pull on a pair of slacks and a sweater. 


This all depends on everyone who is going to the dinner coordinating their arrival time. If I were to arrive at 8:30 pm to find that everyone else arrived at 7:45 pm and they were already well into their meal, I'd feel cheated of some social time. 



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I would have gone in my 20s before kids. That was early back then! Now, I am looking forward to watching Dateline on a Friday night in my pjs at 9pm!


If there had been more notice, I would've tried to make it a go, but by 7:15, I would have already eaten dinner and not looked forward to driving 45 minutes away.

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Totally depends on the day.  


Sometimes, I head out of my house, to wander around stores at 8pm, with the sole purpose to get out of the house. I taught dd17 to drive by going out at night, in the rain.  We would head out at 8,9 or even 10pm, and go drive around aimlessly as she honed her driving skills.  


Other nights, (like tonight) I don't want to move even.one.inch from where I am sitting at the moment.  It was a long hard day at work and I am mentally and physically exhausted. 


The getting ready part would be a bit of a factor too though.  If I just needed to change clothes and spend 5 minutes primping, then no biggie.  If I had to shower and spend more than 15 minutes getting dolled up, that would change things a bit.


How much time I would have once I got there would matter too.  I don't want to drive for over an hour to spend 45 minutes eating and then leaving.  It would need to be at least an hour of entertainment for me to spend that much time driving. 

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If I had already eaten, there is no point for me in going. I will tell my friend that we could go out for dinner next time. I would also not get dressed and put on makeup and go anywhere at 8:00 pm - and I don't have any last minute baby sitting available, so the point is moot.

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I would be done eating. I would be mentally and emotionally done with the day already, and looking forward to pajamas, a cup of tea, and a book or TV show before bed.


If there were a *really* good reason for the late notice, AND it was someone I *really* wanted to see, I'd consider it. But 7:15pm, and a 45 minute drive ... I'm not sure it would work out even if I wanted it to.

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At 7:15 I've already had dinner for the day and I'm looking at the clock waiting for the kids bedtime.


I not only wouldn't make the effort for such a fancy dinner at that hour, I'd be rather put out that someone wouldn't bother to invite me in a decent fashion.  You don't invite people to nice places at 7:15pm.  Frankly, that invite needs to be that morning, at the latest. 


It's not stodgy to recognize the time that works for your family and not take up ridiculous invitations made at the last minute.

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I am an early to bed, early to rise person and that kind of impromptu dinner invitation would result in a no. Most likely I have already eaten and am already thinking about my pajamas. Going out in the evening requires advance notice.

An exception would be a friend from out of town who never knows if they will feel up to stopping on their way home from visiting family until they are passing through.

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Definitely not.


Getting ready is not the issue--I could be ready for anything in five or ten minutes, since I would've showered in the morning. The fact that it's an invitation for a meal I would've already eaten, 45 minutes away, is the problem.


Now, if a friend called at 7:15 and asked me to meet her 10 minutes away for coffee at 8ish, I'd likely say yes.

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If I had already eaten, then no I would not be interested in going out to eat.  I wouldn't enjoy the food since I was mostly likely already full and I'd rather save my money for a night when I could enjoy the company and the food.  If I hadn't eaten and was willing to wait another hour plus for supper than yeah I would probably put the effort into going.  But really who wait until 7:15 to start planning their meal for the night.  That seems awfully late to me (said from someone who's family eats around 5:00 every night).

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