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Are there foods you eat (almost) every day?


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Just curious to know if others have foods/snacks/similar that they eat essentially every day (allowing for missed days with travel or company or whatever).


My breakfast changes between a few options, but regardless of the "main course," I always have a few cashews with a multivitamin and turmeric pill.


My lunch changes (it almost always includes red grapes if I head to school), but I always follow it up with a Hershey's Dark Chocolate w/Almonds Nugget, and Andee's mint chocolate, then a Life Saver's Wint O Green mint.  There are times I skip lunch, so those days don't count, but if I'm eating...


Supper has no constants whatsoever.


Anyone else have certain things?

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My kids have the same breakfast every day, some form of cereal, with greek yogurt, raw honey and some sort of fruit. They also have a banana nearly every day for one of their snacks.


My husband has a museli bar (kinda like a granola bar but stickier I think)  every day for morning tea (morning snack?)


I.... don't, actually. I have phases of things, like my phase of a few pieces of pork rind each afternoon, but nothing that's lasted more than a month. 

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An egg of some sort, a cheese of some sort, and a square (or two) of dark chocolate.


I want a banana most days, but the kid frequently wipe them all out.


My youngest two have peanut butter pretty much every day, whether it's at breakfast if we're staying home all day or just before bed because we were out all day.  And most of my bananas.

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Local, in-season fruit. In Mexico that was a mango every day except for November-January. Right now it's an apple. I also very often have a piece of toasted homemade bread. Lunch and dinner aren't consistent.


I really, really miss eating mangoes every day, but the apples are wonderful right now. I have at least ten different types in my fridge right now.

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Breakfast: oatmeal with blueberries and walnuts. And an egg in some fashion. And coffee, of course.


Lunch varies.


Snacks vary but usually include a Luna bar or homemade "Lara" bar. Carrots and hummus are regular staples, as are nuts or seeds of some type (pumpkin right now)


Dinner varies.


I feel like I reach for the same things everyday, but maybe that's more for DS. His daily consumption includes a huge array of different foods right now, though. Feed, repeat. Feed, repeat. Feed, repeat. ;)

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I eat a scrambled egg and a slice of Canadian bacon every morning, no exceptions. If I'm extra hungry on the weekend, I splurge on a piece of toast. :p


Lunch varies (usually leftovers from dinner) but my go-to veggie if I don't have anything to re-heat is roasted asparagus. It's quick and easy and I like it. I have it 2-3 times/week at least.

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I do eat the same thing many days. It's always meat + a vegetable, but it very often ends up being broccoli and chicken legs because I like them, they're nutritious, and they're cheap. I have this for breakfast and supper. I'm adding in a starch lately because I need to not lose weight, and that's variable -- it's been a potato or some rice lately. 


Lunch is a lot more variable. 

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The only thing I have consistently is that I usually have a cup of French Vanilla Cappuccino (instant mix from Sam's Club) each morning. 


I have gone through phases where I had a salad pretty much every night for dinner, especially when it's hot and I don't feel like cooking. And when I was pregnant with ds1, I think I had an egg salad sandwich every work day at lunch for about two months. 


I am surprised at how many say they have eggs every day. At one time, there was a warning against doing that. I did enjoy a senior omelette last night for dinner at Denny's, when I had some time to kill. 

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I am surprised at how many say they have eggs every day. At one time, there was a warning against doing that. I did enjoy a senior omelette last night for dinner at Denny's, when I had some time to kill. 


They've backed down on that recently -- http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/02/19/nutrition-panel-calls-for-less-sugar-and-eases-cholesterol-and-fat-restrictions/?_r=0


The panel also dropped a longstanding recommendation that Americans restrict their intake of dietary cholesterol from foods like eggs and shrimp — a belated acknowledgment of decades of research showing that dietary cholesterol has little or no effect on the blood cholesterol levels of most people.
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Breakfast is definitely my most repetitive meal. It's almost always a couple of slices of bacon, and a handful of berries with creme fraiche. Sometimes I'll mix it up and have scrambled eggs with cheese and red chile or a "mock danish" (it's a low-carb, high fat kinda-sorta-Danish-like thing). Oh, and every great once in awhile on the weekend if the craving strikes me I'll make low-carb pancakes. But that's pretty much it for breakfast.


Lunch and dinner vary more, but really they still come from the same basic foods, just in different combinations. I probably should work on getting a bigger variety of foods into our diets.


Oh, and I *always* start my morning with coffee with a little heavy cream. Always. Come to think of it, my drink choices are extremely repetitive: coffee, tea, water, sparkling water. I never drink juice unless it's a tiny splash in a cocktail. :lol:

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I've been amazed at how many do eggs for breakfast too.  Since we have chickens, eggs for breakfast is really common - usually with fried garden veggies if I have them, but not exclusive.  Sometimes I make a toasted (or grilled) cheese sandwich.  Sometimes I have leftovers from the previous dinner.

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Same exact breakfast every day: greek yogurt with fruit, with some Grape Nuts sprinkled on top for texture and honey drizzled on top.


Same beverages every morning and afternoon: black coffee in am, peppermint tea in pm, lots and lots and lots of seltzer water throughout.


Same 2 snacks: raw almonds, and crudites with hummus.


If I have lunch (I often don't), it's nearly always salad greens with a bit of protein (hummus, black beans, HB egg) on top.



Dinner varies substantially.

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Big Train brand Chocolate Chai tea (no other brand or flavor) made in almond milk first thing in the morning. An hour or so later some kind of protein, preferably just a chunk of meat but sometimes I have to resort to leftovers and that may be a casserole with out stuff in it.  Sometimes after that I will have another cup of chai tea.  Then I'm good for the morning.

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I eat 2 eggs every day, usually with a bottle of Mocha Frappuccino.  I cook them differently every day, and mix different things in, or have something different on the side.  


One of my faves is almost-hard boiled eggs (still warm) with a PB&J sandwich, Frappuccino chaser.  That sounds good.  I think I'll go have breakfast.

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Coffee, cheese, cucumber, herbal tea, butter (in various things), an apple. Every day. LOL I've never really thought about it like that but it's kind of funny, as a "base diet."

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No. I get burned out on foods easily. If I eat the same food, or type of food, more than a few days in a row, I ultimately find myself dreading eating it. Sometimes repetition can put me off certain foods for a long time (even permanently). While at times it's fun to switch up what I eat frequently, I find myself wishing I could get into an eating routine. It would make life and nutrition a whole lot simpler. Growing up, I had a friend who brought the exact same cold lunch items for all 4 of our high school years. I was simultaneously amazed, jealous, and repulsed.

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I'm very boring. Eggs every morning for breakfast, hard-cooked if I'm rushing, scrambled if I'm not. Tuna, salmon or grilled chicken on salad every day for lunch. A meat and lots of veggies for almost every dinner (the rest of the family eats a starch too). I like to make more interesting dinners, but my kids really turn their noses up on casserole/curry/soup/really anything that mixes ingredients, so we stick to the basics most of the time.

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Each morning a cuppa 1% milk chugged while I wait for the water for my cuppa Lipton to get hot, then I nuke a portion of steel-cut oats with a sprinkle of sunflower seeds and salt.  I just made another batch of oats in the pressure cooker - in small containers it lasts five days.


I eat a large green salad with tiny tomatoes in the afternoon or evening.  At some point I grab a small Greek yogurt and gobble it down.  Most days (not always) I have a bowl of dal mixed with torn up wheat bread.  I make that in large batches, too.  If we are having chili or Indian food or something else spicy or full of legumes I skip the dal.


Other than that, it varies.


Oh, and this week I shall devour an entire bag of mini-Mars bars. I knew I should have waited to stock up on Halloween candy! ;-)

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I have cycles also, but my one constant is garlic. I love garlic and use fresh and dried with at least one meal a day. 

Now that we're cycling into colder weather, I have cravings for mashed potatoes with kale and Bragg's liquid amino acids and sauteed garlic. Yum. 

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Every morning (for years), iced French press coffee with ID Sweet Cream creamer. Green Juice for breakfast with a protein .  Cottage cheese with blueberries and more green juice for the evening meal. The green juice binge started in May---I am addicted, and losing weight.  I've even got my "No Green Veggies Will Ever Pass My Lips" husband drinking it.  


Otherwise, I eat a varied diet--our mail meal is at lunch time, so casseroles, meat and potatoes, etc. 

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baked oatmeal with diced apple and blueberries for breakfast 6 days/week (I make it in an 8"x8" pan once a week and cut it into 6 sections).




Hey, me too with the 1/6th baked oatmeal!  lol  Although I rotate it with eggs of some kind. :)


In the fall, winter, and spring, I drink a cup of Yerba Mate Latte tea pretty much every morning and evening.

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