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How many of you know of families IRL who have 8+ children?

Do you personally know any families IRL with 8+ kids  

  1. 1. Do you personally know any families IRL with 8+ kids

    • no, we don't personally know any families IRL with 8 kids or more
    • yes, we personally know at least one family with 8 kids
    • yes, we personally know at least one family with 9 kids
    • yes, we personally know at least one family with 10 kids
    • yes, we personally know at least one family with 11 kids
    • yes, we personally know at least one family with 12+ kids
    • obligatory other: please explain

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We are expecting our little #8 in January. Dh and I were talking about big families that we know IRL. I could only think of one that we know of (don't really know directly) that has 8 kids. We know about 3 families with 7 kids. We don't know any family IRL that has more than 8. It made us feel a little odd-ballish. AND, it made me wonder how many of you know families IRL who have 8+ kids.

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I voted that I know a family that has 8 kids (my aunt had 8), but I do know a few adults who come from very large families. I just don't remember exactly how many (10-12ish). And I know a family that has 7 kids, and another that's expecting their 7th any minute. We only have 4dc. Don't feel odd-ballish, though. When I was a kid, I always looked at my aunt's family and wished that we had a family as big. I only had one brother, and a big family looked like a lot of fun. We would have more kids except that after my 4th I've only had miscarriages. Hey, if you count the miscarriages, then I have 8! Okay, I know that doesn't really count.




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We know lots of families with 8+ children (we are "small" with "only" seven!).


We were good friends with the Jeub family, who were featured in the TLC series "Kids By The Dozen" a year and a half ago, when we lived in Colorado. They have 14 kids now. They're AWESOME! And their book "Love in the House" is a great read.

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When we moved here to Northern VA (D.C. suburbs) a few years ago, I didn't expect to find any big families here. I was so surprised to find a huge enclave I guess you'd call it in our homeschool co-op! I now know many families with over 7, including one with 10, and I don't feel at all weird about expecting #7! It really amazed me though, because I just assumed everyone here would fall into the materialism trap with the huge house and 1, maybe 2, kids and a nanny. Not true at all! The big families have been such an encouragement to our family.



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Dh's aunt raised 12 (a combination of his, hers and theirs). His cousin has 5 small children and an adult stepchild.

Other than that... my grandmother was one of 6. She had 5, but only raised 3 to adulthood (one adopted, one died at age 2.)


If you add up my step-siblings on both sides, I'm one of 8, but was raised as the oldest of 3. My parents each remarried when I was in my 20's. (I've been married longer than my mom and step-dad! :D)


I'm pretty much the "freak" in my real life circles, and that's with only 4!


ETA- My neighbor is one of 12, and throws really big parties, lol.

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I am the oldest of 8 children so I grew up in a large family. Our pastor has 7 kids and there a folks in our church, co-op, hs group with 8 or more kids. My youngest sister has 5 kids and she is not done having kids. In our circle of friends and aquaitences we have a small family.

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I know more than six families with eight children or more than eight, mostly home educated but not all. Can't say we managed more than seven keepers.

I am priviledged to know a lovely family of 14, who always make me feel ashamed at what a motley crew mine look. They are all so supportive of each other, all high achievers, athletic, cute, and since their dad is one of nine, they just think it is normal .

It is great that people feel comfortable having the children they want and not to feel as if they are personally responsible for the hole in the ozone layer. Big familes are great at reducing, reusing and recycling and believe that people have come up with the solutions to the worlds problems.

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I have seven kids and while we are doing great then I have absolutely no idea what I'd do with a few more. Seriuosly. Does mother get any time to just thing? We love our kids and might get one more to keep baby brother from being Mr. Spoiled, but we did have a six year gap between numbers 6 and then 7.


I have not met anyone with more than 7 kids and no homeschoolers although I know they exist, just haven't run into them. I am definitely an oddity in our circles, having all those kids, but so be it!!!!

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A professor at hub's Bible college had 9..I haven't heard of any additions...that was 7 yrs ago or more.

Then there are two BMX families that each have 8 or more. I forget for sure now. I know them but don't *know* them. We're still GETTING to know them...visits are scattered among races. One family lives upstate the other upcountry :p

Do those count?

All great kids. Amazing to me that with a crew that big the kids are all just fabulous! You'd think it would seem more chaotic.

I guess folks think the same about us, having six, that it *should* be chaotic..but it's not. Not to us and others have said as much.

Anyway, rambling...can you tell I just had some chocolate? :p

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We personally know one family with 8 (they are friends of ours), one family with 11 (I work with the dh), one family with 12 (the eldest two girls used to babysit for us - best babysitters ever!), and one family that I think has thirteen (I know them through our homeschool support group). We also know a number of families with 5 and 6 kids. I feel like I have "only four" when I'm in homeschooling circles.

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A family at my church has 10 kids. They said they were done after the fifth child. Then another one came, and they said they were done. Then another, and another, and another, and another. Each time they said they were done. Now they have ten. They might be done. She's only 40, though, so... we'll see. :)

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I have a good friend with 11, and one of my closest friends has 10. There are 2 families in our big hs group that have 12. There is a family that used to be in our AWANA group with 12. I know one family with 9 (I will admit that they probably should have NONE due to serious neglect issues). I know a family with 8 (in fact, I think there are several families with 8 in the large hs group). There is another AWANA group family that had 8 when they left our AWANA church for one closer to home (they could have a couple more by now).


Yeah, I'd say we know some pretty big families. There are at least a couple of those I find exceptional in the way their kids behave and have been raised. One is abhorrent (as noted above). A couple I don't know well enough to judge, and the rest are what I'd call "normal." (as in they have typical real-life problems with their kids, but nothing horrible)


edited: I guess I could add that my kids' grandma (my ex mil) was one of 14 kids. Oddly, many of them grew up to have only one, or no, children. I think they have a rough upbringing but she never shared a whole lot about it.

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I voted that I know a family that has 8 kids (my aunt had 8), but I do know a few adults who come from very large families. I just don't remember exactly how many (10-12ish). And I know a family that has 7 kids, and another that's expecting their 7th any minute. We only have 4dc. Don't feel odd-ballish, though. When I was a kid, I always looked at my aunt's family and wished that we had a family as big. I only had one brother, and a big family looked like a lot of fun. We would have more kids except that after my 4th I've only had miscarriages. Hey, if you count the miscarriages, then I have 8! Okay, I know that doesn't really count.





It does to me.:grouphug:

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I know three families personally who have more than 8 children: all of them older relatives.


The first one I thought of was my father. He is the fourth of nine children.


Then, after I picked "I know one family with 9 children" I remembered my Grandmother and Grandfather.


Grandma was the 14th of 15 and Grandpa was the oldest of 14(?).


You know what's really funny? My father's parents came from small families. My father's father has two siblings. My father's mother had one sibling.


Oh, and actually I know another! My MIL was the youngest of 14 (11 surviving past toddlerhood).

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Yeah, I'd say we know some pretty big families. There are at least a couple of those I find exceptional in the way their kids behave and have been raised. One is abhorrent (as noted above). A couple I don't know well enough to judge, and the rest are what I'd call "normal." (as in they have typical real-life problems with their kids, but nothing horrible)


edited: I guess I could add that my kids' grandma (my ex mil) was one of 14 kids. Oddly, many of them grew up to have only one, or no, children. I think they have a rough upbringing but she never shared a whole lot about it.


Maybe this is why I'm so drawn to tv shows about large families. I would really like to have a great big family, but our 4 often seem so overwhelming. And I think dh is put off by the fact that his cousins have... "issues."


I've met 11 of the 12 cousins, and they all seem like extremely good-hearted people, but 10 of the 11 are quite rough around the edges, so to speak. Dh definitely attributes that to their being so many. Experience certainly colors choice.


Now, if I could just get him to watch some of these shows about happy big families! If we should ever meet one IRL, I'm afraid I might glom on to them like a scary stalker. (Any volunteers?) :lol:


P.S. As much as my grandmother loves my kids, she's sometimes apalled by what I consider "normal" kid exuberance. As the eldest of 6, she and her siblings were trained to sit quietly, lined up by age, with their hands in their laps while their mother visited with neighbors. And they did, without fail.


P.P.S. I consider my great-grandmother, who had all 6 of those kids in 7 years (starting in 1928, of all times), a saint. I wish I had been able to meet her. :D

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I am close friends with several families who have 8 or more children. One has 12, and another one is expecting their 13th soon. My sil is the youngest of 10


All of the large families that I have met are great to be around. We have a lot of fun with them. They are also hardworking and well mannered.

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