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Can you take another baby naming thread?



129 members have voted

  1. 1. Which name do you like best:

    • Beatrice
    • Margaret
    • Alice
    • They are all the worst!!!!
  2. 2. Is Beatrice too out there?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Don't know

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So I am having baby girl #4 in a few months. We had our first's name picked out long before she was born. Our second and third weren't decided until after they were born, although we had narrowed down to 2 or 3 names. I have c-sections, so I was pretty drugged out after the babies were born and I still remember not being able to recall what my own babies names were because I was so fuzzy.  It makes you feel like a horrible mother when the nurse asks you what you named your baby and you honestly can't remember. So that, combined with the fact that I want to be mentally all there when the decision is made, means I want to decide sooner than later. So here are our choices:


Beatrice w/ a nickname of Trixie (dh and our other children's favorite)

Margaret w/ a nickname of Maggie



Those are in the current order that dh likes them. We use nicknames as an option for our children, but not exclusively. My Eleanor/Ellie prefers Eleanor and we call her that probably 80% of the time. My other girls go by their full first names.


Our other girls are:






Honestly, I kind of want to choose Beatrice which despite being very old, it is not common at all. I think it is ranked in the 600s right now or something. I'm concerned that it might be too out there. So my other question is: Is Beatrice too out there? Would you think it was totally weird to name a kid that? I'd probably call her Beatrice over Trixie, but don't mind the nickname. It makes me think of Knuffle Bunny. :)



ETA: We'd use the pronunciation Bee-uh-triss for Beatrice and Mar-gret for Margaret


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One of my daughters is a Margaret.  Per family tradition, she is called Peggy.  


I love the name because it gives her a nickname that everyone pronounces correctly and that is quite unusual (she has never met another Peggy her age).  She also has a lovely "grown-up" name she can use when she chooses.


Plus, Margaret has the advantage that if you lined your girls up in the right order, it spells LAME.   :lol:



No - Beatrice is a lovely name and definitely not too far out there.

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So I am having baby girl #4 in a few months. We had our first's name picked out long before she was born. Our second and third weren't decided until after they were born, although we had narrowed down to 2 or 3 names. I have c-sections, so I was pretty drugged out after the babies were born and I still remember not being able to recall what my own babies names were because I was so fuzzy.  It makes you feel like a horrible mother when the nurse asks you what you named your baby and you honestly can't remember. So that, combined with the fact that I want to be mentally all there when the decision is made, means I want to decide sooner than later. So here are our choices:


Beatrice w/ a nickname of Trixie (dh and our other children's favorite)

Margaret w/ a nickname of Maggie



Those are in the current order that dh likes them. We use nicknames as an option for our children, but not exclusively. My Eleanor/Ellie prefers Eleanor and we call her that probably 80% of the time. My other girls go by their full first names.


Our other girls are:






Honestly, I kind of want to choose Beatrice which despite being very old, it is not common at all. I think it is ranked in the 600s right now or something. I'm concerned that it might be too out there. So my other question is: Is Beatrice too out there? Would you think it was totally weird to name a kid that? I'd probably call her Beatrice over Trixie, but don't mind the nickname. It makes me think of Knuffle Bunny. :)



ETA: We'd use the pronunciation Bee-uh-triss for Beatrice and Mar-gret for Margaret


I like Margaret. I can live with "Maggie"--I think "Meg" would be better--but "Margaret" all by itself is pretty. :-)


Not fond of Trixie, NOT fond of Beatrice. At.All. I put it up there with Hazel (which, BTW, was my maternal grandmother's name) and Lucille as Names I Would Not Ever Be Likely To Impose On A Child.

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I like Margaret. I can live with "Maggie"--I think "Meg" would be better--but "Margaret" all by itself is pretty. :-)


Not fond of Trixie, NOT fond of Beatrice. At.All. I put it up there with Hazel (which, BTW, was my maternal grandmother's name) and Lucille as Names I Would Not Ever Be Likely To Impose On A Child.

Haha, I wonder that is generational. As I'm Meagan, we'd probably avoid the Meg nickname. I actually like Hazel (not a huge fan of Lucille, but no strong emotions towards it). Do they seem old-lady to you?

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I chose Beatrice as it seemed to flow better with your other names. Not sure about Trixie; just don't go with Triss or people will think you named her after a book character. :laugh:

 Oh, I know! When I realized that was her name in Divergent, it was almost a deal breaker. Interestingly, Beatrice actually went down in popularity last year, so I don't think the books effected it much. We would be avoiding Triss. :)

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Out of the options given, I like Beatrice the best, though I'm not a huge fan (reminds me too much of the princess (queen until a few years ago), whose name is Beatrix). Beatrice looks like it would go best with your other kids' names. Also, I do NOT like Trixie. I'd go with Bee if you you need a nickname.


ETA: and, I'd expect an uptick in the use of that name due to Divergent's Tris.

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 Oh, I know! When I realized that was her name in Divergent, it was almost a deal breaker. Interestingly, Beatrice actually went down in popularity last year, so I don't think the books effected it much. We would be avoiding Triss. :)


But the movie came out March 21st, 2014, and I don't know when most people come up with baby names, but it's still possible popularity will go up for 2015. And then, if people see others naming their kids that, they may be more likely to decide it's not too far out there, and name their kids... it's still quite possible for it to have quite an uptick over the next few years.

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I really like the name Margaret (which means "pearl"), and also like the nickname Maggie.  I dislike the nickname Marge.


"Trixie" is strongly off-putting to me.  I would unconsciously assume the girl was silly and/or affected.  As when poor girls around the country were saddled with "Buffy", "Muffy" and other names of that fad's era.


Beatrice, however, is lovely and regal.  (as is Margaret).  Don't use a nickname if you choose Beatrice!  (although within the family, I could get along with "Bea")

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I love Beatrice, and wanted to use it for Faith, but Sheep Daddy was vehemently opposed to the nickname Trixie. He said it sounded like a stripper.


I then wanted to use Trixie for one of our dogs, but he said he was not calling a stripper name out the window when he needed her to come in. We ended up naming her Lulu, but I still secretly call her Trixie!


We have a Beatrice at church and she is lovely. She goes by Bea and it suits her.


Margaret would be my second choice on your list, with Meg for a nickname.


I am not fond of Alice. Alicia, yes, but Alice, no.

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I like Alice best by far. I've never been a fan of Margaret and even less so of Maggie. I neither like nor dislike Beatrice. Trixie sounds a bit ditzy to me but I imagine, like some names, once you know someone with the name it changes your perception of it.

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So, I'll start off by saying that I love all three names, in a vacuum.  Alice would have been on my short list for DD#2, except that there's a young Alice in our social circle already and I didn't want to repeat names.  DS may well have been Beatrix* had he been a girl.  And Margaret was a contender for DD#2's middle name, though we decided on something different because it flowed better.  


That said, I think Beatrice is the clear best option of the three for you.  Alice is a form of Adelaide, so I think you should avoid that one.  Meagan is a form of Margaret, and while naming your daughter after yourself is certainly fine (it happens with men and their sons plenty!), I think having a Meagan and a Maggie in the same household is just asking for confusion.


I think Divergent will be a flash in the pan thing, not super long-lasting.  Also, if I recall correctly, the character went almost exclusively by Tris, so unless you chose that as a nickname, I don't see people jumping to that connection.  


Beatrice is a beautiful name.  Trixie is a cute nickname.  Go with that.  :thumbup1:



* Beatrice was out of consideration for us because I'd taught one.  She was a great kid, but I didn't want to use names of former students.  Plus I liked that Beatrix was a bit more unusual.

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Beatrice isn't out there at all. There is a Trixie in ds7's DDC whose mother gets a few "stripper name" comments, but so does Ember's mom. The ex-stripper in my extended family has a very conservative first name and used a pseudonym when she was stripping. :P


ds7 was born on the cusp of the Madysyn-Mykynzi-McHaileigh trend and the Baby Agnes trend, which might have something to do with why I always react, "Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! A baby naming thread! I LOVE baby naming threads!", so thank you for asking. ;)


Margaret was the name of my favourite doll when I was a little girl so I'm glad to see that one coming back and Alice has always been around, just not overused and usually coming from really cool parents.


I like all of your choices, but I voted for Beatrice because I think YOU love it best and needed to be reassured that it is a great name and perfectly appropriate for her generation.

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If you love yesteryear names, I vote for Amelia, Rose, Mabel, Pearl, Georgia, Charlotte.



Amelia is a favorite and would be our number 1 probably except that it is really, really popular right now so we are avoiding it. Charlotte and Rose are both middle names to some of my girls. :)

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Of the options, Beatrice is my favorite. I might be slightly prejudiced since my youngest is a Beatrice. She loves her name and frequently gets complimented on it. She usually gets called Bea or B.G. (beegee) after her first two initials. I have found myself calling her Beatrice more often as she gets older because I think her full name is pretty.

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I can't vote (I need at least one post on the boards, hee hee), but I don't dislike any of them.


I actually think Beatrice is a nice name. Although I will admit that in my head I always pronounce it "Bee-a-TREE-chee" because of this crazy English teacher I had in high school. (Apparently that's the Italian pronunciation? Or at least she thought it was.) You have to say it in a really drawn-out, high voice too. :)


The nickname Trixie is really cute. I tend towards old-fashioned and somewhat unusual anyway -- or at least I thought I did. DD is Charlotte, but hey, it wasn't that popular 10 years ago!

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I confess, I kind of hate them all :o But Alice is the least poor, and if you like Trixie just name the kiddo that?


Funny enough, I love Bea as a name on its own, but not Beatrice.

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When we were naming our dd, we first chose Beatrix (we love Beatrix Potter) but ended up going with Beatrice because I didn't want her called Trixie. It reminded me of Ed Norton's wife on The Honeymooners. Silly reason. No regrets choosing Beatrice though.

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I voted before I read your post.  I voted for Alice because that's a name we've considered for family reasons.  But I like Beatrice, although I like Beatrix better and if you plan to call her Trixie think it's a great choice, too.  We know a little Beatrix and she's a doll (her nn is Bea). 

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