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our most favorite beloved cat died yesterday, we are devastated

Jeannie in NJ

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about 6 weeks age our Quiky (Quiksilver) was going to be having dental surgery.  Since he was 7, our vet did some pre-surgery bloodwork and it showed that Quiky had diabeties .  We have an older 13 year old cat that has diabeties that was caused by being overweight, his blood sugar is now under control at 1 unit and our vet thinks Ginger may be able to come off insulin soon.  Anyway, they had no idea what caused Quiky to get diabeties as he is not overweight.  I started giving him the insulin shots and our vet was checking him .  At first his blood sugar went down, but then it started climbing and even increasing his dose several times, up to 5 units his blood sugar kept getting higher.  Last Tues night, he did not eat his dinner, did not eat again on Wed morning.  Took him to my vet and started force feeding him with a syringe, he kept getting worse.  My vet sent us to our local emergency animal hospital. By then, Quiky was in shock. They had him on all kinds of iv and machines, including an insulin drip.  After 2 days of improvement and then declining again, they said it was beyond what they could do so they sent us to a critical care animal hospital 1 1/2 hours away.  They even said he might die on the ride there, He didn't and they hooked im up to machines and a insulin drip.  They did all kinds of tests,which showed underlying heart disease and liver disease which was interferring with the insulin doing its job.  They kept increasing his continous insulin drip to higher doses and his blood sugar kept getting higher, his body temp was going down and this blood pressure was also going down, They had him on 2 different blood pressure meds at the max. dose they can give.

My dh, myself, our dd and her boyfriend stayed there at the hospital.  We had not brought our son as he is special ed and could not have handled all of this. My dh's two sisters went to our house and stayed with our son and took care of our other cats.

Finally, yesterday, Quiky's blood pressure had gone down to 40 and he was in a coma.  My dd kept screaming, "Quiky, wake up, you have to wake up, you can't leave us".  She had picked out Quiky at a rescue group 7 years ago when we had lost our previous favorite cat. He was her cat but we all loved him,he was the most sweet, gentle cat, only 7 years old.  After dd went away to college last year, Quiky started sleeping next to me at night, he was the only one of the cats that sleep in our bed every night, the others would off and on.  Quiky would pat my face at night.  He was by far the favorite of everyone.


The bill total for the er hospital and the critical hospital came to $8,000 which happened to be the amount that we had set aside for our first vacation in 4 years to Disney World but we all agreed to use that money for Quiky's care so now we have no trip to Disney , which we do not care about any longer but we also do not have our Quiky anymore.


I just needed to write about all this as my heart is breaking now.


Prior to Tues night, Quiky was active, doing his usual racing around the yard, running a few feet up a tree and then jumping down and the same to another tree. No one had any idea that he had any underlining heart disease, he was so active and seemed 100% healthy.

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:grouphug:  We lost our favorite cat last year at age 8, also very unexpectedly.  He declined within just a few days - he had stomach cancer.  I'm still not over it.  I think the fact that he was so young, and it was so sudden, I think made it a lot worse than if he'd had a long life.  He was also the most lovey cat - we have other cats, but he was really special.  I understand.  :grouphug: 

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I am so very sorry for your loss. Pets are family, too, and their passing is equally as difficult.


After you have had time to grieve properly, or at least when it's not so intense, I'd highly encourage you to have that vet

check the results again that convinced him your cat had diabetes. From what you've said, it seemed to you the cat was fairly

healthy up until the dx of diabetes. Why did they start giving him insulin when it doesn't seem like he didn't really need it?

His poor body even seemed to be saying he didn't need the insulin. My gut says there's something that was overlooked here

or interpreted wrong. Not by you, by one of the animal medical personnel.


That being said, put it aside for now. Concentrate on lovingly remembering your furry family member.

He was obviously part of the clan and it will take some time to heal.

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I'm so sorry. Three years ago I took my favorite cat in for her annual checkup and found out she had leukemia. She started declining shortly thereafter and died within three weeks. She was 15, so it wasn't quite so horrible, but it's always sad to lose a beloved pet, especially to an illness you didn't know about. :grouphug:

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