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Let's compare egg prices

Annie G

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We eat a lot of eggs. I usually buy them by the 18 count package. 


Last Monday: $2.63 for 18

Last Friday: $3.73 for 18

Yesterday: $4.44 for 18


I'm baking graduation cakes for friends- I usually don't buy eggs this often. 

The bulk package at our Walmart was the same price per egg as the 18 count. No discount for buying a lot. 



So...what are egg prices doing in your neck of the woods? Is it hitting organic eggs just as hard? How long is this expected to last? (Is there a plan to recover from this Avian Flu?)



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Yesterday we just bought eggs from Trader Joes at $1.99 for a dozen. The price spike for eggs locally was more than a few months ago and prices has drop a little.



California has a newly implemented cage law that cause a spike in price for California.


"Egg prices are soaring in California, where the USDA says the average price for a dozen jumbo eggs is $3.16, up from $1.18 a dozen a year ago, and in some parts of the state it’s more than $5. The Iowa State University Egg Industry Center says retail egg prices in California are 66% higher than in other parts of the West.


The cause of these price gyrations is an initiative passed by California voters in 2008 that required the state’s poultry farmers to house their hens in significantly larger cages. "


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I usually buy the 30 pack from shoprite. Last week they were 4.50. Yesterday 6.50! At least they had notes up explaining the price hike for people who didn't know why. I'm in DE. I ended up getting the 18 count because they were a bit cheaper but still over 2/dozen

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I usually buy the 30 pack from shoprite. Last week they were 4.50. Yesterday 6.50! At least they had notes up explaining the price hike for people who didn't know why. I'm in DE. I ended up getting the 18 count because they were a bit cheaper but still over 2/dozen


That's where I shop too.

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I get a flat (30 eggs), cage-free, organic (not certified, but organic) eggs for $5.  I win! But, they aren't usually available from June-August (bummer)


If I buy them in the store, they are $1 for 6 regular large eggs.


If I get them at the local fruit stand, I pay about $0.20 an egg.


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I get the 3 dozen package.  It's around $5 or $5.50.  The price has not changed.  The grocery stores have said they will do everything they can not to increase the price.  However, they have started rationing the eggs (TX).  You can only buy 3 packages (and by packages they mean 3 cartons of a dozen OR 3 cartons of 18 OR 3 cartons of 36, so you can actually get up to 9 dozen at a time).

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I get the 3 dozen package.  It's around $5 or $5.50.  The price has not changed.  The grocery stores have said they will do everything they can not to increase the price.  However, they have started rationing the eggs (TX).  You can only buy 3 packages (and by packages they mean 3 cartons of a dozen OR 3 cartons of 18 OR 3 cartons of 36, so you can actually get up to 9 dozen at a time).


I admit, this is kind of why I asked. I wondered what was going on in other areas- price increases or rationing or both. I think raising the prices to what I'm seeing here is doing the same thing as rationing-the shelves are FULL of eggs.  I'd much rather have rationing (though 9 dozen at a time doesn't seem like rationing to me) than large price increases.  Hope it levels out and prices don't go much higher.  


I eat the same thing for breakfast every day and today I calculated and the eggs cost more then everything else combined. 

2 eggs cost more than the :corn tortilla, 2 tablespoons of black beans, 1/4 avocado, 5 grape tomatoes, and a sprinkling of cheese.    

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I eat the same thing for breakfast every day and today I calculated and the eggs cost more then everything else combined. 

2 eggs cost more than the :corn tortilla, 2 tablespoons of black beans, 1/4 avocado, 5 grape tomatoes, and a sprinkling of cheese.    


I want to eat breakfast at your house!

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Mine are around $4 and climbing for decent quality eggs, which is why I have 10 chickens that should be laying in a month or so and 15 more on order. I can have fresh, healthy eggs for less than that. My family eats eggs for breakfast nearly every morning. The other morning when that was all that was thawed we ate 18 in one sitting...so yeah, happy healthy hens is the way to go for us now.

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The U.S. Dollar is extremely strong now, after being extremely weak for many years. Based on today's currency exchange rate, the 30 eggs I purchased yesterday cost approximately USD $2.28.   I don't think I'd seen that brand in the store before. Notable, because this morning my wife told me they were of the same quality as a costly brand of eggs we'd purchased before, which cost approximately 50% more.  We eat a lot of eggs so we are also interested in the prices... (Prices here include tax, but not everything in supermarkets is taxed and there are varying rates, depending upon what it is)

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I want to eat breakfast at your house!


You're welcome anytime!  


BTW, I wanted to like your post but there is no like button. I assume you are either a moderator or a secret agent.  Consider your post liked since I can't actually click the button. 

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Twelve large free-range eggs, £2.25, or USD 3.46 at a standard supermarket.


A dozen free-range organic eggs have been about $5.50 here for a very long time, and that is what we buy. We don't eat a lot of eggs but I think that's right. If we can't afford to let the chicken roam we can't afford a chicken. 


I haven't seen a rise in prices.


They were cheaper in Europe, I remember, as were many quality, fresh foods. I miss that!

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A dozen free-range organic eggs have been about $5.50 here for a very long time, and that is what we buy. We don't eat a lot of eggs but I think that's right. If we can't afford to let the chicken roam we can't afford a chicken. 


I haven't seen a rise in prices.


They were cheaper in Europe, I remember, as were many quality, fresh foods. I miss that!


The ones I quoted are only free range, not organic.  Free range is now very common - at least half of the eggs at the supermarket are free range these days.  


Organic eggs (mixed size) are £3 for ten, so about USD 4.61 for ten.

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costco was $15 something for 7.5 dozen.  I know it worked out to over $2.00 a dozen but can't remember exatly the number.  Local grocery store large eggs are about $2.68 a dozen.  Aldi was $1.69 on Sunday, up from $1.28 a week or so ago and 99 cents within the last month. 

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I saw an article last night that reported egg rationing had started in Texas.


Probably referring to HEB's new signs that eggs are not being sold to commercial customers. No more than 3 packages a customer.  Not really strict rationing but, rather, preventing businesses from coming in and buying it all up. Evidently some fast food are cutting back on hours they serve egg products.

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I usually buy the 30 pack from shoprite. Last week they were 4.50. Yesterday 6.50! At least they had notes up explaining the price hike for people who didn't know why. I'm in DE. I ended up getting the 18 count because they were a bit cheaper but still over 2/dozen


Enter string of curse words here.


We buy two 30 packs every week or two from Shoprite.  I've been out of town for 5 days.  I'm afraid to go back to the store.


Local free range eggs run $3.50-$4.50/dozen.  I'm willing to pay that, but not in the quantity we're accustomed to.

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Well we got ours 2 years ago. It is a large with plate setter and a few tools and the tabletop nest for around $900 I think.


Sorry when I saw the thread title I instantly thought of the big green egg. 😅😅


I get my chicken eggs at Costco and that price was already mentioned.

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I buy organic & pastured (I hope) eggs from a smaller (ish) local (CA) company. They are 7.99/dozen.


Holy COW. I thought it was bad up here. Ours are from in-state (we imagine). California organic shoppers win.

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$3 for a dozen or free range eggs from happy chickens at the Farmer's market.

$4 for same at the health food store.

We are in a low COL part of the country with low average incomes; people would not buy more expensive eggs.


I don't buy factory eggs, so don't know exactly what they cost; I believe Aldi's eggs are under $2/dozen

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Mine are free. Or a thousand dollars, if you consider my chicken feed costs and coop. ;)


But I love my chickens, so it evens out.

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Despite the slightly higher prices, really they can't be beat price wise for a protein source.  Milk and butter prices have come down quite a bit around here.  That kinda makes up for it too.


But what is up with beef prices.  Oh my.  I'm the only one here that eats it, but ugh so expensive.



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Yeah, I went shopping at Wegmans and noticed a huge price jump this weekend. I was told it is due to avian flu.  But the good news for me is that now the price for local organic eggs at my co-op is competitive. I've been mostly buying the regular eggs at Wegmans because they were just so cheap compared to the co-op eggs. I just couldn't ignore the price difference. But, now I have no reason not to buy the local organic. If I am going to pay that much I might as well get what I really want.

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Despite the slightly higher prices, really they can't be beat price wise for a protein source. Milk and butter prices have come down quite a bit around here. That kinda makes up for it too.


[bBut what is up with beef prices. [/b] Oh my. I'm the only one here that eats it, but ugh so expensive.

Word. B.) Towards summer's end, we will probably get a half or quarter steer, as we have before. At this point, I have run out of ground beef from out last. I don't like this. I like having a seemingly endless supply of beef and it makes me grumpy when I have to go buy it.

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Word. B.) Towards summer's end, we will probably get a half or quarter steer, as we have before. At this point, I have run out of ground beef from out last. I don't like this. I like having a seemingly endless supply of beef and it makes me grumpy when I have to go buy it.


What makes me sad is that imported grass fed beef is cheaper than regular ole beef raised here.  I tried the grass fed stuff.  I couldn't stand it.  I know, I'm supposed to want that right?  Nope.  I can't stand the way it tastes.  It might not be the grass part though.  Maybe it's a different type of cow?!  No clue.


I don't buy beef often because as I said only I eat it, but man I have my tongue hanging out for some beef and I just can't get over the prices!!

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I pay $5.00 per (organic, happy chickens) dozen from my CSA farmer.


That's generally the going rate. I don't buy supermarket eggs so I had no idea that the price fluctuates at all.


This is us too. We buy pastured eggs from local farmers. Chickens who are out in the fields and eat bugs and greens make yummy eggs! Their feed has no soy, no GMO corn and of course, no pesticide in it. We get ours at the farmer's market and get extras if we need them from our CSA farmer. $5/dozen.

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It costs me about $10/6 weeks for chicken feed.  My four old laying hens give me 3-4 eggs per day right now.  We don't purchase organic feed, but they free-range all day and only eat the feed in the morning and evening right now.  We have 6 new chicks who will also be laying in the fall, and while our feed costs will increase we'll be drowning in eggs.  The new chicks will probably lay through the winter, and we can sell the extra eggs to make up the feed costs.

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Free here.  They don't eat that much chicken feed in the summer.  They are free range but not organic (they get table scraps).  They also eat bugs and whatever else they can find.  Right now we only have 1 hen laying so we dont' eat that many eggs.  In a few weeks the other 8 should start laying.  Then we usually sell our extra eggs for $1.50-2/dozen.  We might have to ask more for our great farm fresh brown eggs.

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We eat a lot of eggs. I usually by them by the 18 count package.


Last Monday: $2.63 for 18

Last Friday: $3.73 for 18

Yesterday: $4.44 for 18


I'm baking graduation cakes for friends- I usually don't buy eggs this often.

The bulk package at our Walmart was the same price per egg as the 18 count. No discount for buying a lot.



So...what are egg prices doing in your neck of the woods? Is it hitting organic eggs just as hard? How long is this expected to last? (Is there a plan to recover from this Avian Flu?)

We must live in the same area. I paid $4.44 today for 18 at Walmart. Couldn't believe it.

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