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Playing in mud/splashing in puddles



100 members have voted

  1. 1. My DC played in mud and/or puddles until age...

    • Never interested or I never allowed it.
    • 3 or less
    • 4 or 5
    • 6 or 7
    • 8 to 10
    • 11+ (or has reached 11 and is still interested).

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All my children still play in the mud, they love it. The little one doesn't like getting her clothes wet and will whine when that happens, but mud play up to the point of getting chilled is a favorite around here.

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Our irrigation creek flooded the yard and with my unfinished ditches, there were places where DS (8) could wade up to his thighs. Then he got an old piece of wood to see if he could "surf".  And when it rains, he pretty much never comes in (unless it's not a nice spring rain).  I can't see him growing out of playing in the dirt/mud/puddles anytime soon.

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My kids are 8 and still enjoy the kind of play that ends with muddy clothes.  It's not like they set out to get muddy - I don't think - but it's the obvious result of the things they choose to do.


I don't mind it.  I would rather they enjoy the outdoors thoroughly.  I only ask that they only wear play clothes at such times.  :P

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I've seen college and grad students start splashing in puddles when doing field study of vernal ponds (which is basically biologist for "mud puddle"), not to mention the occasional splash fight. DD's mentor has mentioned that the students act more maturely when DD is present, and that she thinks it's because DD is acting so maturely and focused that they feel required to live up to her standard! (DD would happily splash in puddles-just not under the watchful eye of a college professor!).

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I've seen college and grad students start splashing in puddles when doing field study of vernal ponds (which is basically biologist for "mud puddle"), not to mention the occasional splash fight. DD's mentor has mentioned that the students act more maturely when DD is present, and that she thinks it's because DD is acting so maturely and focused that they feel required to live up to her standard! (DD would happily splash in puddles-just not under the watchful eye of a college professor!).

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My kids never enjoyed mud but playing in the rain is something that each still enjoys. Their ages range from 20 to 31.  I would probably join them if asked. 


Our college kids and their friends play in the rain and snow without hesitation.  They work hard, they play hard. Young adults are funny creatures...they can be very mature and serious or they can be running barefoot in the rain racing stick 'boats' in the gutter. 

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All 4 of mine would get naked when they were younger (maybe 5 thru 7) and roll around in the muddy grass after a good rain. The object of the game was to be completely brown with no skin showing through! 


Last spring when our street flooded, they ran outside barefoot to jump in the muddy water up to their knees.

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When they were very little we went and splashed in puddles together. We kids were aged 3, 6, and 36.


Now they're older and go alone.


I suppose the 36 year old :) blows the curve. I had to choose 11+. I adored splashing in puddles.


Oh wait! DH used to splash, too, and he was 41 back then. Definately 11+.

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Mine haven't grown out of it yet, so I don't know! I never played in mud or puddles when I was a kid. (My mom didn't keep me from it, I just never did) I never had a pair or rain boots until I had kids that NEED to be outdoors as much as humanly possible. Now that I have rain boots, I quite enjoy stomping through the puddles myself. When the snow was melting, the river overflowed a bit covering a sidewalk next to it- we all stomped through it on our daily walk and were sad when the water receded back to the riverbed.

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My eldest will be twelve in a couple months and none of them have grown out of it yet. The only thing that's changed is that their play has gotten a bit more complex. It started with toddlers just jumping in the water and now they build complicated constructions with aqueducts and sewerage pipes and things.

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DS is outside in the rain, building a mud dam in the puddle that forms in our driveway. Just curious, how long did your child(ren) still love this kind of play?


Never met a kid who didn't like it. The kids around here seem to enjoy it up until puberty. I remember running around and ruining a baseball field as a teen, having a mud fight...

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My oldest (6) still does, and as long as my kids want to, I'll love it :).


I loved, loved, loved mud and puddles and creeks and anything else of that ilk as a kid. Messy outdoor play is like a giant free awesome sensory box for kids, and all it costs me is a load of laundry and a bubble bath after!

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Mine wouldn't have touched a mud puddle with a 10 foot pole. Especially when he was little the idea of getting dirty (mud, sand, play dough...) was horrifying. He's eased up a bit now if it can't be avoided, but still wouldn't do it intentionally.

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I responded 11+, though if we are talking just the kids it is not entirely accurate yet.  DD13 isn't that fond of messy play (though she used to really love sand and now loves to paint), but DD10-going-on11 likes it.  She comes by it honestly:

  • Grandma (DH's mother) loves to garden
  • DH loves to drive through puddles
  • I used to really enjoy backpacking and archaeology (don't get much opportunity for either anymore), and I still love to collect rocks (just like both DDs)

I think the true aficionados lever grow out of it!


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