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Here's a question for you to contemplate

Night Elf

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If you could hire one person to help you, would you want help with cleaning the house, cooking the meals, or doing yard work?


I want help cooking. I love to eat but hate to cook. We have extremely simple meals. Dinner is a meat, starch, and vegetable. Breakfast and lunch are whatever you can find. I love the idea of having someone cook us 3 meals a day. Oh, how cool that would be!

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Cleaning without a doubt. I actually enjoy cooking, and our yard isn't too big, so help in either of those areas really isn't necessary, but I don't particularly enjoy cleaning, and I suppose I'm not very good at it, either. I'd love a professional to take care of it for me!

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We already have a house cleaner and someone to do yard work for us, so I would hire someone to cook for us.  I would absolutely love that!!  I actually do enjoy cooking, but not every day.  It is just another chore on the list at this point.  Right now we survive by cooking half the week and getting takeout the other half.  :blushing:


Now, if I had to choose between the three options, I would definitely stick with the house cleaners, no question.  After all, cereal or sandwiches are perfectly viable dinner options, right?  :001_cool:



ETA: When we haven't had someone do the yard work for us, DH handles ALL outside yard work, so that is why I'd choose the house cleaners as my #1 priority.   ;)

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We have someone that does our yard work. I wouldn't give him up for the world. My DH works 70-80 hours a week so I don't want us to have to do yard work in the hours when he's home. I'm afraid the kids and I wouldn't keep up up with it.


Next on my list would be house cleaning.

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Hmm, I pay people to do all of the above.  :)  Not all of the time, though.


I think for me, the most important is the outside work, because it really isn't fair to the neighbors if I don't ever cut my grass, and I can't get out of my driveway in the winter if it isn't plowed or shoveled.  I have a long driveway and it can take hours to shovel it.  (Though shoveling is great exercise!)  I just don't have time for that, especially on an unpredictable schedule.


I don't have time to cook every day either, but there are enough healthy alternatives that I don't care about that.  However, I have a sister who needs money, so I pay her to come on Sundays and do stuff with my kids and cook.  She is a truly awesome cook.  She cooks for Sunday and packs leftovers for another meal or two.


Cleaning, I enjoy.  I do pay someone to come and do the floors, dusting, and heavy bathroom cleaning about once a month.  It had gotten too hard for me to be consistent about these chores, with my demanding job and other duties / interests.

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If I did yard work, I'd say yard work, but DH does it.  


I do the clleaning and cooking. I can skip cleaning for a day or two if I want to.  But cooking has to be done 3 times a day.  So I'd rather have help with cooking since there's never a break from cooking.

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Cleaners. I love our cleaners.


We have yard help, too, but only for the front - they are included in our HOA though, so it's not really optional. We still do the fun stuff - gardening, etc, they just take care of the chores - mowing, blowing, etc.


Many years ago, we had doggy pooper scoppers. There's not a service in our area, but I'd love one of those!

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Definitely cleaning.


Unless by "yard work" we mean: 1) policing the one side so when the neighbor comes over and sprays Round Up on our trees and lawn they catch her red handed; plus tell her yard workers to stop blowing leaves into our yard and stop messing with our lawn since she obviously told them a wrong property line but pitches a fit when you try to tell them politely to please stop mowing down our stuff (which I suppose means I actually want  more of a "yard thug"), 2) eradicating all of the zoysia , and 3) as a bonus, get rid of the sweet gum trees that are dropping all of those &%**% balls all over our yard and sidewalk.


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Cleaning would win every time.  I don't mind yardwork plus I have teenagers so my time spent there is minimal.  I enjoy cooking the majority of the time (and when I don't they get spaghetti and I eat a frozen dinner but the reality is I only do that once every month or two).  Cleaning on the other hand (and that does include doing the dishes from all the cooking I do), plagues me.  I have the kids help but they miss so much stuff, take so long, just move stuff around etc that I wonder why I bother (but I still make them do it and redo it and come back a 3rd time if necessary).  It's rare to ever have the whole house clean at once.  I would LOVE for someone to come in a do it for me.

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Cleaning windows and ironing.

These are the only chores I wish to outsource. Our yard is low maintenance; we only hire somebody to cut the grass when we are traveling. I like to cook, and I've gotten pretty efficient at cooking yummy warm meals in 25 minutes during lunch break.

I don't want somebody to clean inside of my house - that's quick and no big deal.


But windows, oh how I hate washing windows....and I do not like ironing. For a time I could pay DS to iron, but now he has a part time job and does not need that money.

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Dh does the yard work, but living on a corner lot, there's actually a fair bit of it even on a smallish suburban lot. As we age, I think yard work is what we're most likely to hire out. But I wouldn't mind a house cleaner. I like to cook--not likely to hire that out, but if the house cleaner could clean up after me that would be nice.

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We already have a yard guy.

Honestly, in our current house I wouldn't want anybody - it would be more work to keep the children out of a housekeeper's way than it would help, lol.

In a bigger house? Help with laundry. That's it. I can do everything else. I don't MIND doing everything else. I hate laundry with a passion. I wouldn't tear up if she also did the dishes :D

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