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Re-using dishes and utensils


Is it gross?  

170 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think it is gross to eat from dishes/use utensils your partner or kids have used?

    • No. Not gross.
    • Yes. Completely revolting.
    • Bunnies are cute and fuzzy!

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Sharing utensils--gross.

Cups, mugs and glasses--gross if intentional, although mistakes happen with people refilling or picking up wrong one.

Plates or bowls okay IF the items previously eaten on said dishes were dry, (perhaps leaving only a few crumbs) and IF if we were out of clean plates.

Sharing with spouse, not as gross generally.

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We really don't share around here.  I was on immuno-suppresants the first few years of ds's life.  Because sharing anything was completely unacceptable then, it became the norm.  He probably seems a bit like a germaphobe, but eating or drinking after anyone just feels wrong to all of us now.

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I'm fine with most of the things you listed but I grew up sharing everything with my sisters.  I will often wipe a fork or spoon off if what's on it is wet but not always.  I would probably rinse out a cereal bowl before reusing..... but I'm a nut about keeping the dishwasher going so we rarely run out of dishes (unless we have company).  DH on the other hand only had 1 little sister and parents who were more particular then mine so it has taken many years to break his bad habits.  He will now drink after us (if drink is 1/2 full or more) and eat after us if certain (unknown to me )conditions are right.  Seriously, if you grew up the way I did, eating after your children would be no big deal, we were kind of like a little wolf pack.


ETA: I think it helps that I still consider my kids to be part of me, even though they're not babies anymore I still will try to wipe their noses, brush their hair, etc...  So eating after them is no big deal.

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In the evenings we generally have a couple glasses of water that everyone shares.  One with ice and one without because ds doesn't like ice in his water.  So, there could be four of us sharing one glass of water.


Before we were married and had kids, Dh was extremely picky about having anyone eating off his plate or sharing food.  He got over it, especially once kids were involved. :laugh:

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LOL I have a feeling a lot of responses will include some gut-feeling type thing that doesn't necessarily make complete sense.


I share water bottles and glasses with my kids and huz, no problem. And I'll give them a bite of something off the fork I am using.


But I would never share a spoon with my kids because it goes all the way inside their mouths and I think that's gross. I will share a spoon with my husband, like to eat ice cream for example.


And I won't share glasses or bottles with my kids if I can help it, because I can usually see what's floating in there after someone has drunk from it! Backwash is inevitable, and I try to avoid it  :lol:


I'll usually use a plate or bowl after oldest DD or DH, but not after youngest, because she's not as sanitary as I'd like, in spite of my nagging. I'll re-use a utensil if I must and be OK with it, but if there are clean ones, I'll grab one of those instead because it's just an extra layer of cleanliness. None of this horrifies me, but I'd also prefer clean dishes or utensils generally. 

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I do have one 8yo daughter who is weird about other people's spit.  If she shares, say, a water bottle, she'll wipe the spout off on her [not-so-clean] t-shirt before drinking out of it.  Ohh kay.  She generally refuses to share food / eating utensils with her sister in particular.  I don't know where she got that from, since everyone else in the house is much more laid back.

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Unless someone in the house is sick...I don't mind re-using a dish, but I'd like my own flatware...unless it's just to "take a bite" of their food...you know, how sometimes someone hands you a forkful of what they are eating?  And you just eat it off the same fork?  That's not gross. 



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I'm actually not sure how to vote.  I wouldn't reuse a cereal bowl.  I don't prefer to drink out of a glass that DH drank out of, but I'll have a drink if I wanted to try it.  I would take a bite of his food off his plate (with his utensil) but I have my own plate.  I wouldn't like reuse his dishes after he finished.

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Everyone knows that Mommy germs are not the same as other people's germs.

Ex. a dab of my spittle on a handkerchief is an excellent way of cleaning anything.

Therefore, it is OK and acceptable if I wish to take a taste of something off my family's plates before they eat (with my used fork) or serve them something from a plate I have used.

However, it does not work the other way around!  They are filthy beasts and I would not eat off their plates and utensils after they have dug in.

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COmpletely depends on the food and the person eating before me.


A plate with "dry" crumbs on it is almost always OK.


Using a utensil after one of those slobbery sloppy eaters? :ack2:


Poking a fork into a separate food bit on someone else's plate?  usually OK. Dipping your slobbery soup spoon into their bowl? :svengo:


Drinking from a cup or straw: as long as I can't see lipstick or that gross mucous-y lip print, I'm OK. Also assuming the previous drinker does not leave crumbs and gruesmeness in the cup all floating around. :ack2:

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For dh and kids, not gross.  I tend to use my own utensils though.


With *my* folks, not gross.  Well, plates.  Utensils, for a bite/taste, not gross.  To eat after them, gross.  


For my MIL, nope.  not going to do it.  Not even leftovers left here.



ETA:  my whole family seems to think my travel water is for group consumption.  It used to be a water bottle with some kind of flip top mouth thing.  Now it's a Tervis.  But still, group consumption there.  And I tend to take water in the car every time.



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When I was growing up my folks failed to explain certain matters to me, and left it up to 8th grade health class.  I was the ONLY kid in class who didn't already have a clue when we started in on the mechanics of human reproduction, and the entire class busted up when I blurted out, "that's GROSS!"  In later years as I found out even more details of what can go on in intimate acts I had to overcome a similar revulsion at the mental concept before I could find out what the physical result could be.


I have also, in my younger days, attended two archaeology field schools, worked a summer for a Forest Service archaeologist of the opposite sex, gone backpacking at high altitude with someone prone to high altitude sickness without a sufficient clue beforehand, done fieldwork (farm and archaeological), been in some rather dicey travel situations in pretty foul weather, and lived in a bunkhouse closet (for privacy, as I was the only gal) for a winter because my own quarters froze solid due to unseasonably frigid weather.  I have been in up-close-and-very-personal situations with folks I was in no way amorous on several occasions, and we occasionally had to not only share dishes, utensils, and drinking containers, but also had to scrub them clean with sand at times, too.


Oh, and I performed the Heimlich maneuver on my own mother when I was 9 months pregnant.  Yes, I really did.  She was rather frail at the time, and smaller than me, or I wouldn't have been able to manage it.


I think I have seen and been through enough grosser things in my life.  I voted no, not gross, simply because I've survived worse.  Really, when food is concerned there's not much grosser than the after effects of the Heimlich maneuver.


I do teach my kids the basic common sense about sticking to your own dishes, especially when someone might be contagious.  But if I have the only water bottle on a hot summer day I'll share, with pretty much anyone.  And I'll clean up what my kids don't eat, though I'll usually use my own utensils since I already have them out anyway.  And I'll have the kids clear my dishes from the table since I'm clearing theirs.

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That's going too far lol


I've had to be given water when I didn't have any and was quite dizzy from the lack, and I've found others in a similar situation.  Oftentimes when dehydration is strong the person doesn't think they need to drink, thinks they can wait, but their ability to function is already strongly compromised.  I will not let any child get to that point, and I'll insist strongly with adults, too, if I think they need it.  I'll even drink baby spit, if I have to.  Been there enough times.

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I do that all the time ~ less dishes = more free time for all :laugh: !


I'll add though, dh will grab my toothbrush if it's easier for him.  I don't like that so much.  I want my toothbrush to be mine only. :tongue_smilie:


Same here, though the kids can't "forget" their toothbrush to get out of brushing on trips.  We've had toothbrush mix-ups before, so into the mouthwash they go and then they get used again.  My Dad used to run them through the dishwasher, but I think they taste like soap afterwards.  Listerine kills quite a lot, though!

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I'm sure we all do things that might not make sense, based on some gut reaction.  For example, when I was a kid, I would happily share an ice cream cone with my dog.  (He'd get one lick, then I would.)  I still would have no problem doing that for whatever reason, but I don't because I know it probably doesn't make sense and other people would think it's too weird.  But sharing an ice cream cone with a person -- even my own family -- would kind of gross me out.  Now THAT doesn't make sense, especially with my husband, because we do kiss a lot!  And I've gotten better at sharing things with my husband.  My husband doesn't have any problem sharing things with me and using my utensils and my plates.  A couple of my kids are like that as well, but the others are kind of germaphobics and would never do that.


Sharing beverages is the worst for me, because I think about the backwash that's in there...


On the other hand, I'll gladly share a toothbrush if someone forgot theirs.  Go figure!

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ETA:  my whole family seems to think my travel water is for group consumption.  It used to be a water bottle with some kind of flip top mouth thing.  Now it's a Tervis.  But still, group consumption there.  And I tend to take water in the car every time.


Ds does this and drives me crazy. I often suggest he bring some water when we're going somewhere where he might need it (in Florida that means he'll often need it). He says no, he'll be fine. Then later he wants my water. I wouldn't mind sharing if he didn't have a tendency to guzzle. Want a few sips of my water? Sure. Want to drink it all and leave me a half inch in the bottom of the bottle? You should have brought your own like I suggested. 


Of course I probably taught him he can do this because I didn't refuse him. Lately I started saying no and I feel bad when I do (even though I shouldn't).

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I'm voting for bunnies because, while it isn't totally revolting, it's also not my favorite thing ever. I will use a utensil used by dh or kids in a pinch, but if the option of having my own is present, I prefer that.

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