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UPDATE IN OP ____**anxious** My personal injury attorney just called


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To talk to me to "15 - 20 minutes." No further info.


I have pending issues:


The man who hit me is suing me (personally ME). Theory was that he and his attorney chose that because insurance wasn't paying. My insurance company hired an attorney to represent me. That attorney happens to be 25+ year close friends with my attorney. BUT, I got notice from my insurance company that they settled. This would typically mean that Mr. T-bone was asked to sign a waiver that he would not sue me. I have not been able to get confirmation of that from my attorney or the newly hired attorney.  I don't get the whole thing on a logical basis; young man was doing over 80 mph on a side street, police report and 2 witnesses identify him at at fault. WHY WOULD AN ATTORNEY take that case? But I am told it is normal and "fault" doesn't matter in terms of auto accident settlements.


And, of course, my own case which includes nearly $100K of medical bills, missed work, ongoing physical issues, etc. I haven't heard a WORD about that.


I have a raging case of PTSD about the whole thing (yes, a year and a quarter later) and I am in a tizzy.



News was not good, but not bad. My attorney came by to help me answer the 75+ questions on Mr. T-bone's claim; I had been unable to even open the attachment. So, my attorney walked me through it. VERY supportive and helpful.


It turns out the Attorney State Farm hired is having a heart procedure today.


No news on my claim; we have counter claimed on Mr. T-bone's suit.


No news on the settlement.


My new favorite, from Ravin: Personal Injury law is whack.


And I have to go to Family Law Court tomorrow (child support). Freaking sigh.




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Oh, that does sound so stressful!


All I can think of is that many personal injury lawyers take cases like that (young man's case) on a contingent that the client doesn't pay if they lose--so they settle so they can get paid from the settlement. Maybe something like that is going on?


I for sure wouldn't settle for less than your bills AND compensation that will allow you to get treatment for as long as it takes for you to resolve your PTSD. And I'd ask for pain and suffering, whatever the legal term is.


So stay strong.


Wish I could be more helpful.

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I hope he's bringing happy news. But it would bug me if my insurance settled with him...are you saying that he's getting money from YOUR insurance company?  So wrong. And to have no news on your own case....just not right. 


If the attorney is coming to your workplace to deliver bad news, I hope he trips on the way out.  On second thought, no I don't. Because somehow THAT would be your fault, too. 

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News was not good, but not bad. My attorney came by to help me answer the 75+ questions on Mr. T-bone's claim; I had been unable to even open the attachment. So, my attorney walked me through it. VERY supportive and helpful.


It turns out the Attorney State Farm hired is having a heart procedure today.


No news on my claim; we have counter claimed on Mr. T-bone's suit.


No news on the settlement.


My new favorite, from Ravin: Personal Injury law is whack.


And I have to go to Family Law Court tomorrow (child support). Freaking sigh.

Family Law is slightly less whack. Good luck!
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Correct me if I'm wrong (anyone!), but if you are represented by counsel, then Mr. T Bone's attorney should be talking to your attorney, right? NOT to you.


Well, yes. Except that the questions Mr. T-bone's attorney wants answered require my answers. :)


I don't have any direct contact with him or his attorney. (horrible pun, there)

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I don't have any direct contact with him or his attorney. (horrible pun, there)


Yabbut, I'm pretty sure many of us would be more than willing to arrange some very specific forms of direct contact for them, based on the "whacked"-ness of what they are trying to pull.  


OK, maybe I should go back to praying for justice.

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Ugh...I guess I will stop being so frustrated about my claim now.  Mine was the other guy's fault, and his insurance has paid up.  Just waiting on my attorney to find it a priority to get the bills dealt with.  I can't imagine having to deal with all that crap on top of the pain. :( I hope that things start moving in the right direction and other guy's suit gets thrown out.

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Ok, you know more about this than I do, but I still think your attorney should be present. 


For what? My attorney has been with me for the tickets (his and mine, both dismissed), and came to have me answer the questions/discovery for the personal lawsuit.


I may not be communicating well (it is a convoluted system), but there has not been anything other than being served with the papers (happened at my home) where I appeared and my attorney did not.

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Oh well...balls.


Wasn't really any news then.  FWIW we were involved in a minor accident.  The police report pretty clearly stated the other driver was at fault.  The person basically entered the road from a parked position, but entered into the side of my husband's car.  We thought all of that was pretty cut and dried.  Nope.  The other person's insurance denied fault so it had to go to third party arbitration.  It took years to resolve, but really was a relatively piddly case.  They did not win in the end. 


Not comparable to what you went through, but just saying it seems to be normal to deny fault even when it's pretty darn obvious. 

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Even in my worst dreams, I couldn't have imagined this. I had to read you post several times, because it defies all logical thought and ethical codes.


I am just hoping that the questions were not too invasive.



The whole thing feels invasive, which is why I couldn't do it: traumatized brain = paralysis.


The situation IS odd, but apparently not so in personal injury land. It defies my understanding of life and justice, but appears to be status quo in the unreal and surreal world of personal injury law.


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To talk to me to "15 - 20 minutes." No further info.


I have pending issues:


The man who hit me is suing me (personally ME). Theory was that he and his attorney chose that because insurance wasn't paying. My insurance company hired an attorney to represent me. That attorney happens to be 25+ year close friends with my attorney. BUT, I got notice from my insurance company that they settled. This would typically mean that Mr. T-bone was asked to sign a waiver that he would not sue me. I have not been able to get confirmation of that from my attorney or the newly hired attorney.  I don't get the whole thing on a logical basis; young man was doing over 80 mph on a side street, police report and 2 witnesses identify him at at fault. WHY WOULD AN ATTORNEY take that case? But I am told it is normal and "fault" doesn't matter in terms of auto accident settlements.


And, of course, my own case which includes nearly $100K of medical bills, missed work, ongoing physical issues, etc. I haven't heard a WORD about that.


I have a raging case of PTSD about the whole thing (yes, a year and a quarter later) and I am in a tizzy.




News was not good, but not bad. My attorney came by to help me answer the 75+ questions on Mr. T-bone's claim; I had been unable to even open the attachment. So, my attorney walked me through it. VERY supportive and helpful.


It turns out the Attorney State Farm hired is having a heart procedure today.


No news on my claim; we have counter claimed on Mr. T-bone's suit.


No news on the settlement.


My new favorite, from Ravin: Personal Injury law is whack.


And I have to go to Family Law Court tomorrow (child support). Freaking sigh.

I am so sorry Joanne! I know your angst all too well, and I can't say anything specific about our case online according to our attorney. GRRRRR.....


Personal Injury Law in Michigan is DOUBLE WHACK because of No Fault Insurance.


However, at least our attorney absolutely has our best interests at heart, and knows the law well so while this may take an ungodly amount of time to settle, I am sure he will do well for us. The waiting makes me insane!


I have some bad PTSD as well. Mine was set off Sunday morning by a song in church and I have barely slept since then. The song keeps playing in my head, and I can see the corner of the van running the stop sign in my peripheral vision. Of course it's not there, so the whole way to and from PT today, I had to constantly remind myself that it wasn't there.


((((HUGS)))) Hang in there.

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I keep thinking that Dante should have written another level into The Inferno for shysters/crooked lawyers/insurance companies, etc.  Even he could not have imagined the messed-up "whackness" (thank you, Ravin) of all this. 


Today I got a call from my health insurance, all peachy sweet, asking after my well-being.  I just felt like biting the new case manager's head off, but I refrained and simply told her I had no desire to talk to them, and that I'd get whatever help I needed from health-care providers who knew me personally and had my well-being at the TOP of their list of priorities.


My heart goes out to you both, Joanne and FaithManor.  Full healing for you both, please.

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The whole thing feels invasive, which is why I couldn't do it: traumatized brain = paralysis.


The situation IS odd, but apparently not so in personal injury land. It defies my understanding of life and justice, but appears to be status quo in the unreal and surreal world of personal injury law.

NJ has no fault too, but the only time I was involved in an accident it was the other person's fault. My insurance did not charge me my deductible because of that. Your situation is just out of my realm of comprehension.


Not wanting to start another thread, but for the millionth time, I wish medical costs in the U.S. were more like that of most civilized countries. Then at least medical costs would not be part of car insurance (I presume?) and lawsuits.


I hope your situation gets better!

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