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TV series I might like on Netflix?

Jenny in Florida

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I know we have this conversation now and then, and I could comb through previous threads, but I'm having an icky week and would really, really appreciate some suggestions.


I like to watch an episode or two of something after I log off my online tutoring job or while I'm working on Christmas crafting. We recently shut off the cable again. We have Netflix and Amazon Prime, and I can watch things that are free on Hulu.


I recently finished Gilmore Girls, which I loved. Other shows I've enjoyed include:


- 30 Rock

- New Girl

- Greek (Embarrassingly enough, I've watched that one through twice.)

- all the usual Whedon stuff - Firefly, Buffy, Angel, Dollhouse.

- Parenthood

- Brothers and Sisters

- Weeds (which stretched my boundaries for what I can find enjoyable)

- Sherlock

- Chuck

- Witches of East End

- Drop Dead Diva

- Dance Academy

- Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23

- Mindy Project

- Roswell

- Leverage (although I quit after a few seasons)

- Vampire Diaries (in which I also lost interest at some point)

- Alphas (not a favorite, but okay)

- Mr. Selfridge

- Suits

- Grimm (another I just kind of stopped watching and never bothered to catch up on)

- Slings and Arrows


I promise I have much more refined taste, too. I read and watch PBS and documentaries and everything. However, for that time between when I finish working and try to go to sleep, I like an hour or so of fluff.


Shows I didn't like:


- Orange Is the New Black

- Burn Notice

- Stargate

- Farscape

- Doctor Who

- The Paradise

- Scandal

- Once Upon a Time

- Revenge

- Parks & Recreation

- House

- Heroes

- Continuum

- Being Human (both British and American)


I've watched all of the Star Trek series and enjoyed them at the time, but I can't seem to get into any of them a second time. Ditto for Numb3rs, Alias, Lost and a lot of sitcoms.


And there are certain things I enjoyed when I was younger that I can't rewatch now. I seem to have lower tolerance for things that are creepy, gory or violent, for example (Twin Peaks being exhibit number 1).


As a general rule, I prefer not to start a series unless it has more than one season available.


So, anyone up to the challenge and want to suggest a couple of things for me to try? Otherwise, I'll probably end up starting 30 Rock over again, but, seriously, I can recite a lot of those episodes from memory. It's time to branch out a bit.



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How I Met Your Mother



Thanks for the suggestions. I have seen a few episodes of both of those and never gotten into them, but maybe I'll give one or both another try.


How I Met Your Mother is kind of crude but it's funny. Dd15 and I watch it together.


Do you like gentle BBC stuff ? Cranford and Lark Rise to Candleford  were both lovely.


Lost in Austen ?


Homeland ? Maybe a bit grim.


I've seen, and enjoyed, both Cranford and Lost in Austen. Homeland is definitely not my kind of thing. I've seen Lark Rise to Candleford mentioned here a number of times but never considered it. I sometimes find the quieter, more sedate BBC-style series don't work for this kind of viewing, especially since I'm often web surfing or working on projects and watching with only one eye. But I'll take a look, thanks.



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One of my very favorite shows ever is Saving Grace. Now I am pretty agnostic and this has an angel in it but he is sort of an agnostic angel and equally happy with any sort of religion. My atheist husband also really enjoyed it. Earl is a last chance angel for a woman cop played by Helen Hunt. It sounds terrible, but I have watched it several times. They even make fun of the "touched by an angel" thing. If I did believe in angels, I would want to believe in Earl. Part of it is a regular cop show, so it does have some violence but not really gore, and quite a bit of s*x and drinking. It is in Oklahoma City so a lot of the show is people affected by the bombing as well.


I have yet to convince any of my friends to try it, and I don't even know how I started watching a show with an angel but I seriously just watched all three seasons again a couple weeks ago. I love the ending. A bit of a change from my usual Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, and Dexter.

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How could you have not seen House of Cards?  It is amazing.  It's not for children, but for a late night omigod I must watch the next episode immediately sort of show, it's great.


I couldn't get through the first 10 minutes of the first episode. I know many folks love it, and I absolutely trust you that it's well done, but I found it too unpleasant.


My husband is watching it now, but looks to be stopping after a few episodes. He assures me that it is not a show I should watch.

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30 Rock is one of my all-time favorites. I also love Arrested Development.


Did you watch only the first few episodes of Parks & Rec? I didn't love the pilot but was advised to skip the first season and start with the second season, and it grew on me quickly when I did that. 


I liked Arrested Development, too. I think I got about half-way through the first season of Parks & Recreation.

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In that case I'd give Bones another chance.  It can be gory, but it's not a dark show at all, and it's one of those rare shows that kept getting better for many seasons.  The character development is great.  They all manage to become better people and make you like them more but there's still drama.  This most recent season isn't quite as fantastic, but I think they're winding it down.

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I like crime drama and will watch and rewatch Crossing Jordan and Rizzoli & Isles a lot.


The ones on your don't like list are things I generally don't like either, except for Parks and Rec, so thank you for starting this thread, because we seem to have similar tastes (and I like having something on while knitting or folding laundry). I'm on the second season of Brothers and Sisters.


I also like Switched at Birth and Call the Midwife, plus Arrested Development and The Office.

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How could you have not seen House of Cards? It is amazing. It's not for children, but for a late night omigod I must watch the next episode immediately sort of show, it's great.

I don't know...by mid second season I was pretty bored with it. I kept at it that long out of hope it would improve.


I liked the first few episodes I saw of The Americans, but I think I lost access to the rest. Might be worth a try.


Firefly? Psych?

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In that case I'd give Bones another chance. It can be gory, but it's not a dark show at all, and it's one of those rare shows that kept getting better for many seasons. The character development is great. They all manage to become better people and make you like them more but there's still drama. This most recent season isn't quite as fantastic, but I think they're winding it down.

This. Bones is a show you'll appreciate if you watch it from the start. It really is well done.


Also like Criminal Minds.

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Hmmm, you and I match up about 50/50 on likes/dislikes.  So I'll just list a few I've really liked lately....


all time fav is

midsomer murders,  if you like it and get to the end of what's avail. from Netflix then you can pay for a month subscription over at Acorn to catch up to the current season.

bletchley circle

call the midwife

ripper street, kind of dark/violent

hinterland, only 1 season but there will be more!

foyles war, I started this series 3 times just couldn't make it past the first couple episodes.  I'm so glad I got really bored and suffered through.  It's probably my 2nd fav.

george gently

life   they only have 2 seasons but I was sure there were at least 3.

warehouse 13 if you like somewhat silly/serious sci-fi ish, indiana jones but not really adventure....

Eureka  LOVE this show watched it many times


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Foyle's War is my favorite.


I've just started watching Peaky Blinders.  The first one is okay.  The second one was better.


Bletchley Circle is really fascinating and very well done. 


I loved the newer BBC Little Dorrit series.  (2008 I think?)


White Collar is pretty good.  I'll take a break from it and then decide to go back to it eventually.


I'm a little embarrassed to say that I really enjoyed House of Cards, Homeland, and Breaking Bad.  (They're all rather dark, but I couldn't stop watching them!  Homeland might only be available on Netflix DVD.)


Awake was kind of interesting.


The Hour is a really top notch BBC series that sadly only lasted two seasons and ended with a cliffhanger.  It's not available right now on Netflix, but keep an eye out for it in case it ever is.


Pushing Daisies is really cute, but also only available on Netflix DVD.







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After watching all of "Switched at Birth" I wanted to be done watching a TV series for awhile, but then I started and watched "Gilmore Girls."  I didn't want to like it, but I did.  So maybe you could go the opposite direction and try SAB now.  Maybe you'll like it. 

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Others have mentioned Foyle's War, the discovery of which has made me quite the hero to my husband (so thanks, Board, for that), but it is not something I can watch while doing other stuff. The world must stop so that I can focus on the episode, which is 1.5 hours long. Just throwing that out for the OP--don't want her getting hooked and not being able to follow through. On the other hand, Mr. Jenny might enjoy it as well, so a Roku on the TV so you can watch or together might be something to consider.

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30 Rock is one of my all-time favorites. I also love Arrested Development.


Did you watch only the first few episodes of Parks & Rec? I didn't love the pilot but was advised to skip the first season and start with the second season, and it grew on me quickly when I did that.

I tried Parks and Rec a few times but just couldn't get into it. Then I read (on here?) that the first season isn't that great, so I forced myself through season one (I didn't want to skip it) and was hooked by season 2. I also really enjoyed How I Met Your Mother - crude but hilarious and binge worthy!

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Thanks so much, everyone. Most of the series mentioned are things I've seen (Psych -- can't believe I forgot to mention that one! -- Black Books and a few others) or that I've tried and just couldn't get into for one reason or another, but there are several that sound like I should give them a try (or another try).


I appreciate all of the suggestions!

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Did you try Call the Midwife, as has been suggested? I watch it with my dd (and we discuss, too)--it's very well done. An added plus for us is that my dad grew up in Liverpool, so it's quite interesting to see the rather bleak and seedy setting.

ETA: oops--Meant to add, and see the joy that can be found even in hard circumstances.

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With all that's been mentioned I don't have any other suggestions besides -


The Guild - This was originally a web show by Felicia Day. It's different and quirky, but since you like Arrested Development you might like this too. She based it on her years as a MMORPG gamer.




midsomer murders,  if you like it and get to the end of what's avail. from Netflix then you can pay for a month subscription over at Acorn to catch up to the current season.



If you do that, you might as well watch Murdock Mysteries while you're at it. It's a turn of the century police procedural set in Toronto. 

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The Guild - This was originally a web show by Felicia Day. It's different and quirky, but since you like Arrested Development you might like this too. She based it on her years as a MMORPG gamer.



That one was a lot of fun, too. There were a few times when the humor went over my head because I've never played that type of game. Those were the parts when DH, who's been a gamer for years, laughed the loudest.

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Did you try Call the Midwife, as has been suggested? I watch it with my dd (and we discuss, too)--it's very well done. An added plus for us is that my dad grew up in Liverpool, so it's quite interesting to see the rather bleak and seedy setting.

ETA: oops--Meant to add, and see the joy that can be found even in hard circumstances.


I've watched the first little bit of the first episode a few times, and it's never grabbed me. I think part of it for me is that I have a particular tenderness regarding bad things happening to babies and/or moms losing or being separated from their children. And I find the midwife storyline stressful, because I worry about everybody.

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I really like The Americans and am looking forward to it returning.  I also like House of Cards and am excited for season 3, but it doesn't sound like a good fit for you.I like a lot of things on your like list (Suits, Parenthood, Weeds, Mr Selfridge, but I also like some on your "don't like" list (Orange)..


Justified?  Can be a little dark.


Covert Affairs is decent.  Some seasons are on Prime I think?  Spy/CIA show but not super dark.


I'm currently watching How I Met Your Mother finally.  I'm on season 4 and find it pretty funny.  Yes, crude at times but it is light, funny, and short episodes work out when I just want to watch something while snuggled in bed.


I like Gossip Girl when DH is away and I want something fluffy and chickish :)  I need a bag over head smiley I think.


I am currently watching Gilmore Girls, as I never watched it when it was on originally.


Have you tried The Good Wife? 





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What about West Wing on Amazon?


The West Wing isn't on Amazon Prime anymore, but it is on Netflix now. I've had to switch over in order to finish watching it.


I have a friend who is very conservative Republican and kept insisting he didn't want to watch it because it was known as "The Left Wing." I finally convinced him to give it a try and he's loving it. Though the fictional administration of the show is Democratic and liberal, the writing is so good that it doesn't matter if you agree with the politics.

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The West Wing isn't on Amazon Prime anymore, but it is on Netflix now. I've had to switch over in order to finish watching it.


I have a friend who is very conservative Republican and kept insisting he didn't want to watch it because it was known as "The Left Wing." I finally convinced him to give it a try and he's loving it. Though the fictional administration of the show is Democratic and liberal, the writing is so good that it doesn't matter if you agree with the politics.


I watched most of the series when it was on broadcast. I tried re-starting it a few months ago, but found it was too tense for me.


Again, I feel like I need to make it clear I'm not always a total wimp. I do watch things that require more of me, just not during the hour or so when I'm trying to unwind between work and sleep or while I'm crafting Christmas presents.

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