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Peeking at presents

Night Elf

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Nope. But a few occasions I used to see what my mom had bought because it was laying on the couch in a room with the door partially open. Fortunately, by the time Christmas came around I had forgotten what I saw anyways. When I got older (teens+) I'd have access to their emails and could see what they ordered through that. Sneaky, but I at least don't open the presents already wrapped up. That's going too far in my opinion.

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I do it now. Only for the presents that DH gives me. It helps me prepare my reaction and try to get excited about the presents.

I have never peeked at presents from anyone else (like from my sisters, I KNOW i will like what they get me).

My DH is just not good at picking things out for me but I feel a lot of pressure to like what he gets me.

I think this year will be better. I'm picking out perfume and telling him the exact one I want. I also sent him a link with 5 pairs of earrings I like on etsy and told him to pick a couple pairs from that group.


I know this sounds ridiculous.


I never peeked as a kid.

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Not only did I peek at gifts, I called Sears (remember when everything was ordered from the Sears catalog??) and pretended to be my Mom and asked what packages I had waiting.  I was such an ornery child!!

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I did that too at about the same age and yes, it made Christmas morning such a disappointment.  I don't know if I felt guilty so much as all the surprise and excitement were gone.  I remember getting one of those Members Only jackets that year--if anyone is old enough to remember when those were popular.

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Nope. But my mom pretty much curbed that permanently when older stepsister peeked. We were each all allowed to choose exactly ONE present (wrapped already, so we had no idea what it was!)...and we had to bundle all the other wrapped gifts into the car to drop off at Salvation Army.

Worst. Christmas. Ever.


Don't recommend it as a strategy unless you want to seriously traumatize small children:(((

Me? I think peeking is natural curiousity to a degree. If you do not want peeking, find great hiding places:)

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Nope. But my mom pretty much curbed that permanently when older stepsister peeked. We were each all allowed to choose exactly ONE present (wrapped already, so we had no idea what it was!)...and we had to bundle all the other wrapped gifts into the car to drop off at Salvation Army.

Worst. Christmas. Ever.


Don't recommend it as a strategy unless you want to seriously traumatize small children:(((

Me? I think peeking is natural curiousity to a degree. If you do not want peeking, find great hiding places:)


Wow, sorry that happened to you!

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I was a peeker.   My boys not so much but they are known measure and weigh certain presents to see if they could guess.  Now, dd likes presents under the tree but gets very curious so I now I wrap it twice.  I use last years paper and turn it over the white side and  then wrap with this years paper on top.  Or use an amazon box to disquise the gift if I need to.

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Never...I hate knowing anything about my gifts!



I'm the same way because I hate knowing anything about my gifts.  I don't want hints.  I don't want to be able to look at the present and know what's in it.  And I definitely would never ever consider peeking ahead of time!


My mom was super-careless when I was a kid and often left presents where I could see them before they were wrapped.  I absolutely hated coming across them.  It made me so sad to know ahead of time.  The anticipation and excitement are what I love about opening presents.    

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Nope. But my mom pretty much curbed that permanently when older stepsister peeked. We were each all allowed to choose exactly ONE present (wrapped already, so we had no idea what it was!)...and we had to bundle all the other wrapped gifts into the car to drop off at Salvation Army.

Worst. Christmas. Ever.


Don't recommend it as a strategy unless you want to seriously traumatize small children:(((

Me? I think peeking is natural curiousity to a degree. If you do not want peeking, find great hiding places:)


Wow, I'm flabbergasted!

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Never did...but one year long ago, my Mom talked and talked about how she really wanted a nice oak table for the eat-in kitchen of our new house (this was mid 1970s).  Finally she saved up enough money from her part-time job and ordered one, as a surprise for us all!  Then, a week later, horror struck - what if Dad had bought her one for Christmas?  Since the table was all she had talked about for weeks, that was a real possibility!  Mom had us kids go on "find out if Dad bought me a table" mode...and within a few days she had her answer,....and had to cancel the table she'd ordered, and then act surprised Christmas morning when Dad led her to a neighbor's garage to see the hidden table he had bought her!

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Peeked a few times, reminded my mom she had forgotten a few things once (she stashed in various places and sometimes forgot), but stopped when I realized that it really detracted from my enjoyment of the day.

Your comment about her forgetting things reminded me of our annual "Lost Christmas gift celebration" that we hold around February when my dh finds the gifts he bought and forgot about.  

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No. I like the surprise. Ds is a peeker an it annoys me. I work at coming up with something he'll love and I want to be there to see his face when he opens it. It's one of the reasons we didn't leave his gifts wrapped and under our tree before Christmas (one of our cats was another reason). I have several hiding places he hasn't found yet and will continue to use them. 


Not just ds, but anyone I give a gift to. If you're going to look, then let's just go shopping, you pick something out, and I'll pay. Gift giving is fun, and peekers take the fun out of it for the giver.

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  I remember getting one of those Members Only jackets that year--if anyone is old enough to remember when those were popular.


The exclusive Members Only jacket that anyone could buy? Yeah, I remember those.  :lol:


I was a peeker.   My boys not so much but they are known measure and weigh certain presents to see if they could guess.  Now, dd likes presents under the tree but gets very curious so I now I wrap it twice.  I use last years paper and turn it over the white side and  then wrap with this years paper on top.  Or use an amazon box to disquise the gift if I need to.


I don't mind someone shaking and feeling the weight and trying to guess. I'm really good at making the wrong answer sound feasible. I'm a terrible liar, but if the person gets started on guessing I can take it anywhere and they won't know what is wrapped in that package.



Never did...but one year long ago, my Mom talked and talked about how she really wanted a nice oak table for the eat-in kitchen of our new house (this was mid 1970s).  Finally she saved up enough money from her part-time job and ordered one, as a surprise for us all!  Then, a week later, horror struck - what if Dad had bought her one for Christmas?  Since the table was all she had talked about for weeks, that was a real possibility!  Mom had us kids go on "find out if Dad bought me a table" mode...and within a few days she had her answer,....and had to cancel the table she'd ordered, and then act surprised Christmas morning when Dad led her to a neighbor's garage to see the hidden table he had bought her!


Aww. That's actually a sweet story. At least it sounds sweet. I don't know if it felt that way to your mom at the time.



My mom didn't forget gifts, but she would often wrap in a hurry and plan to label later. Then she'd forget whose gift was whose. Rather than label incorrectly she'd just hand my brother or me a gift and say something like, "I think this one's yours. At least the box looks right. You'll know when you open it." It became almost a tradition. One year not long before she died, she was so proud of herself for labeling the gifts. My brother and I were disappointed. Fortunately we all laughed about it.

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Oh my gosh! I was terrible. I knew where the presents were hidden in the secret cubby hole above the stairs in the basement. Didn't matter if they were wrapped or not, I still managed to ruin my Christmas every year for a few years.


My husband is admittedly horrible at buying presents. I usually just pick up whatever I want when I am out shopping because I know that it is less stressful for both of us. Last weekend, I ended up ordering a couple of my gifts online after he had spent three hours trying to find an additional gift to reach the free shipping minimum. He was stressed and the kids were stressed; he finally came upstairs and asked me to help him. I had the order completed in less than five minutes.


Oh, the stories I could tell about his gift giving...

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LOL - I did a few times as a kid.  I have accidentally crossed paths with gifts DH has bought me.  I think it's normal for kids to be curious and root around the house a little.  I try really hard not to hide stuff in the house any more.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one with a dh who is terrible at choosing gifts. It's not as though he doesn't know me and what I like or would want. It's not as though he isn't thoughtful and is just buying anything to get the shopping over with. He's very thoughtful in other ways. I don't know what it is. I think he just freezes up when it comes time to shop for me and forgets everything he's ever known about my likes, dislikes, wants, and needs. 


I've taken to giving him a list with 5-10 items that vary in price. That way he can get something I want, he can choose the price, and it will still be a surprise. Sure, I know it will be one of the things on my list so it isn't a complete surprise, but at least it will be something I want, and I don't know exactly what he picked until the day arrives.

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I peek now.  But not at my own gifts.  I have to peek at whatever the ILs send for the kids to see if I need to come up with something else in addition to what they send.


As an example, last year when DS turned 10 they sent him a toiletries kit.  Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, band-aids in a truly heinous zipper bag.  The kind of thing that gets donated to a homeless shelter.  At the age of ten!  An age where toys are still really fun and cool, but things like clothes are also cool to get...  Anyway, I learned very early on to open up and see what was in gifts for the kids ahead of time.  My kids have learned the lifelong lesson of excessive gratitude for something you really didn't want in the first place.  



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One year, my sister found the stash of Cabbage Patch dolls hidden in the garage.  She showed all of the rest of us (6 sisters).  And then one of the little sisters went right to mom and told her what we found.  We were in BIG trouble.  My mom and a friend had camped out in front of JC Pennies over night to score the dolls.  We were told that since we found them, they would have to go back to the store.... I remember crying and begging my mom to just give mine away but let the little girls have theirs...  It was so so sad.


On Christmas morning, no dolls.  After we opened everything else, my parents sent us on a treasure hunt and we found the dolls!  Yay!  Best year ever!  


All of the anguish and fear and wondering made Christmas so exciting!  But I wouldn't really recommend it....


I have one child who cannot handle surprise.  She is also extremely picky.  This year I took her shopping with me and let her buy a few things for herself.  She says that is even better than a surprise because of the anticipation.  Not the same thing as peaking, but I'm pretty sure she has peaked in the past.  She will still get a small surprise or two under the tree.


I always buy myself a gift and wrap it and put it under the tree, To: The Best Mom in the World!! 

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Nope. But my mom pretty much curbed that permanently when older stepsister peeked. We were each all allowed to choose exactly ONE present (wrapped already, so we had no idea what it was!)...and we had to bundle all the other wrapped gifts into the car to drop off at Salvation Army.

Worst. Christmas. Ever.


Don't recommend it as a strategy unless you want to seriously traumatize small children:(((

Me? I think peeking is natural curiousity to a degree. If you do not want peeking, find great hiding places:)


Wow, that is harsh!

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We found all of our presents when I was 10.  It made Christmas such a bummer that year.  I've told the kids that they are more than welcome to hunt for their presents, but Christmas morning will be so less exciting.  I don't even hide them very well.

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Did you ever peek by opening presents and then sealing them back up again? I did that when I was 12 years old and Christmas morning was such a disappointment to me. I felt so guilty.



I did that at about the same age... I was JUST thinking about that this week, wondering how I would handle it.  I had a burgundy wrist watch and a sweater with a scotty dog on it under the tree.


My mom "discovered" our trespass somehow, and called us out.  She then told us she was giving EVERY gift to a charitable organization, which brought much wailing.  


Only, she didn't... we had our gifts Christmas morning and were delighted.


If my DS did this, I would be disappointed, but I would let him experience the disappointment instead of calling him out.  Natural consequence of peaking.  Kind of sad, but part of growing up. :0



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I don't peek, but I have a general idea of what I will receive. I shop on Amazon, put the items in the basket, then tell hubby to choose whatever he wants to get me. lol He loves this new method. He stresses at stores and gets very irritable. 

I ruined his Christmas one year by accidentally ordering his big gift via his Amazon account and not mine. :( He got an email saying his order had shipped. Instead of just acting surprised, he still teases me about it!

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Oh my little kids peeked this year. They saw too much and really, why am I wrapping them still? They know what they are mostly getting. Hiding presents in an apartment is just impossible. Note to self: have maintenance install a locking door knob for master bedroom closet. Oh well, my kids will still be plenty excited anyway. They are the over the top kind of kids. They gush naturally over just about anything (they did not get that from me).

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For years my parents and their best friends hid each others' kid gifts. So our house had the gifts for the other family, and they had ours. Here's the problem- since they weren't for us, my folks didn't hide them, just put them wherever. And the other family had a LOT more money so the gifts were bikes, bumper pool tables, etc. So on Christmas morning, my gifts looks pretty modest compared to the loot I had seen in our house all month long. And the other kids were THRILLED because they had been living with our tiny stash of gifts so when they got theirs, wow!!!



Oddly enough, we were good friends with the kids from the other family. I wonder why we never told each other what we were getting. Because it went on for years and we KNEW who the gifts were for!

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Not only did I peek at gifts, I called Sears (remember when everything was ordered from the Sears catalog??) and pretended to be my Mom and asked what packages I had waiting.  I was such an ornery child!!


Wow! You were good! That never occurred to me. I would always find out my Christmas presents. Sometimes it was through no fault of my own. (ex: I would be asked to put up laundry in a closet where my gifts were stashed. Other times, I did the open/reseal thing. I never felt guilty. That was part of the fun at our house. Seeing if a gift could be stashed well enough to be kept from me, but not so good my grandmother could not find it on Christmas.


One year I found a whole bunch of doll accessories right before my birthday (November) When I did not get the stuff (or even a doll for the stuff) I was crushed. I thought my grandmother had bought it for my cousin.  I was **elated** that Christmas to see all that stuff AND a BEAUTIFUL new dolly to go with it.

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I did once when I around 12 or so.  I had asked for a particular book, and one day when my parents were out I checked under their bed to see if it was there.  There was a book, but it wasn't the one I wanted.  I felt sick and was dreading Christmas.  Turns out, it was the right book - I saw the back, not the front (and of course I hadn't gotten a good look since I didn't dare move it).  It really messed up Christmas for me and I've never done it again.  

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I don't recall ever peeking on purpose. There was a time or two when I accidentally stumbled over one or more gifts that weren't terribly well hidden. I felt guilty and upset, because I knew my parents would have been sad if they knew. So, I re-doubled my efforts to act especially surprised and delighted when I found those things under the tree. It was all very stressful and confusing.


When they were younger, my kids had a tradition of examining each gift that went under the tree, shaking and poking it and then solemnly discussing their predictions. It's something they enjoyed sharing, but they never took it very seriously. Of course, this prompted the adults to find creative ways to wrap things so as to obscure the contents of each package. Our practice most years has been to put out the first gift the night we decorate the tree (usually in mid-December) and for one or sometimes two additional gifts to appear each overnight from then until the 23rd. Then the final influx happens between bedtime on Christmas eve and Christmas morning. So, we just avoid putting the obvious or difficult-to-disguise stuff under the tree until the last night.

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I think my mom put stuff on layaway just so that the presents wouldn't show up until Christmas morning.  Hers were wrapped, Santa's were not.  That was back when every store had layaway.


My dad's gifts, on the other hand, were shipped to my Mom's house after the divorce.  The wrapping paper would get torn or the tape would get unstuck on at least a quarter of the presents, and he sent a ton of them.  I swear they spent at least $20 each on party favor or dollar store type junk just so we'd have a lot of presents to open.  We'd also get books and 1-2 really expensive presents each.  Typically the pricier stuff was in boxes and the paper didn't get torn, but we'd see half of the dollar store junk.  It never ruined anything for me, it just made me more excited.  My mom wouldn't let us play with any of it though.  And she once made me re-wrap a pair of pom poms that the paper was completely shredded, even though they were for me.  I couldn't have them until Christmas. 


Yes, I'm the type that will google spoilers if I'm marathoning a show and I find the tension too much for me.  I thought DH would never forgive me when I let something slip once about House of Cards. I've also skipped to the end to see who the heroine would end up with when reading a romantic book and I couldn't figure out which was the primary romance.

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I've never peeked because I like to be surprised.  Not that I've been surprised in a long time though since I usually end up buying my own presents or directing my dh to the correct website with detailed instructions.  The only gifts under the tree that are a surprise for me are the ones from my girls, and even then I sometimes have a pretty good idea what they got me because they ask what I want.


I do think it's perfectly natural to be curious and peek.  It's just that I love being surprised with getting a gift.  Dh has never figured that out.

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Once, as an adult, I asked my mom where she hid the presents when we were little and she told me they kept them in the trunks of both cars. I remember my sister always hunting for them. I can't recall ever seeing any gifts before Christmas morning. Except, of course, the year I posted about unwrapping and resealing packages. That was the year I got a polaroid camera. My mom had wrapped it in a tea kettle box and I had no idea why mom bought me a tea kettle. So I still had a surprise that Christmas, but still felt horribly guilty.


One year my first husband and I exchanged gifts on Christmas Eve. I was so disappointed when there was nothing to open on Christmas morning, I never did that again.

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I don't recall peeking. My parents always wrapped everything right away and put it under the tree, so we all knew it was there, but weren't allowed to touch or look too closely. That was fine with me. If I ever tried to find hidden gifts, I wasn't successful.


One year, my brother told me he found the stash. He described my gifts in great detail. My Little Ponies. I was not pleased that he taunted me and when I didn't beg him to tell me, he ruined my surprise anyway. It turned out he was lying. I never got ponies, not did we give them to cousins or anyone else. Complete fabrication. Jack ass.


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I searched for  (and found) my gifts exactly twice. The first time I let it slip to my mom that I found them, and she was annoyed but said that if I wanted to ruin the surprise of my Christmas, that was up to me. It didn't really ruin my Christmas, so I did it again the next year. And that year I really WAS disappointed on Christmas morning, so I never did it again. Natural consequences, I guess!


In this house we don't really have a workable hiding place (except the attic, and getting into it is so noisy and obvious that trying to hide them there is pointless) so the gifts live in a corner of my bedroom in their (nearly always Amazon) boxes. Oldest DD is like DH--she would never, ever disobey us (and ruin her Christmas) by peeking at her gifts. Youngest DD would TOTALLY disobey, except that the first year she realized they were there, I explained that she was completely free to peek if she wanted, but she'd only be disappointing herself. She hasn't touched them since :D


Yes, I'm the type that will google spoilers if I'm marathoning a show and I find the tension too much for me.  I thought DH would never forgive me when I let something slip once about House of Cards. I've also skipped to the end to see who the heroine would end up with when reading a romantic book and I couldn't figure out which was the primary romance.


:lol: I do the same thing! I'll do it with really suspenseful books too, because then I can go back and read from then on and actually enjoy the book instead of zooming through to find out the big ending. DH thinks it is SO weird.

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I am one of those people who prefers the anticipation and fun of picking stuff out rather than the surprise the day of. I'm also extremely picky so I liked knowing what I was getting and getting over the possible disappointment rather than being disappointed the day of. After I was 10 or so I peeked pretty much every year for a while then I decided I wouldn't and I still came across presents. I just have a knack for finding them lol. Now for the most part everyone buys me exactly what I ask for though because otherwise they know I'll most likely return it. :P

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One year I decided that going into my parent's room and peaking would be an awesome idea!  I knew mom hadn't wrapped anything yet so it would be easy.  While going through bags I noticed one gift I was particularly excited that she got me!  Then Chirstmas morning rolls around and I never get that present I saw.  I was really upset but obviously didn't say anything or else she would know I peeked.


Fast forward to May and my siblings and I are playing a game of hide and seek.  I decide to hide in a bathroom that had not been functioning for MANY months.  In that room were 2 bags filled with wrapped presents.  It pretty much ended up being one gift for each of the 7 kids.  My gift I saw was in there!! I thought it was so funny I had to tell everyone the story.  Apparently, mom hid them up there once she wrapped them but then forgot about them.  The other gifts all got wrapped right before she put them  under the tree so she just assumed she had all the gifts. Never peeked again!

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