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PSA to the lovely woman behind me at the store tonight....


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Wonderful woman - had I turned around and looked, I would have probably seen you only had two items, and I would have let you go ahead of me, with my cart full of stuff.

Had you said something... 'Hey, I'm kind of in a hurry, and I've only got a couple things - would you mind if I went first?' I wouldn't have even minded. I would have let you.


However, I didn't turn around.

I didn't see how much you had.

And you didn't ask.


However, I will say with certainty that when you chose to talk about me on the phone, I wasn't feeling all at helpful.

When you said, more than once, that 'you'd really think someone with a hundred items would let someone with two things go ahead of them in line. You'd think that's common sense. But I guess some people just aren't polite.' ...part of me still thought, should I take my stuff off the belt and let this woman ahead of me? Should I tell her, 'I'm sorry, I didn't see what you had, I wasn't paying attention...would you like to go ahead?'

But in the end, I chose to pretend I didn't hear you. Even after you said it to the cashier...and the other cashier who opened the register next to us... And loudly behind me again as you left the store.


Sigh. I try to be really nice to people. I try to go out of my way for others. And sometimes, people still want to try to make me feel like a jack@$$.


Not cool, lady. I hope you always take your own advice, look behind you to see how many items the person has, and let them in front of you. After all, if this was such an ordeal, by all means, it should stick in your head as something that everyone should do no matter what.



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I must have missed that post! Now I gotta find out what happened at WM

Luanne's dd is a cashier at Walmart, and some nasty customers were very mean to her. The people were so out of hand that the store manager kicked them out of the store. The thread title is, "I feel for my daughter sometimes."


I'm sorry I can't post a link, but I'm on my iPad.

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I'm sorry I can't post a link, but I'm on my iPad.

Threadjack: I've seen you say this before, but you can. You can dooooo eeeeeet. Say it with me...


I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. :P


Then when you want to link, click address bar to highlight, click again, click copy. Then paste wherever you want. :)

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Wow, I'll admit to thinking it before, like the time I was in line with a packet of diapers for a baby who had an unexpected blow out while in the car, and the person in front had TWO TROLLEYS of stuff


But I didn't say it. I waited patiently.


Passive Aggressive people amuse me because they often get caught out.


Actually, that reminds me of one time I was walking through the middle of a crowded shopping center at Christmas time. This guy behind me says something to his partner, I don't remember what, but it boiled down to a passive aggressive complaint at how slow I was in front of him. My husband stopped us and turned to face him, and you should have seen his face when he realized I was 9 months pregnant! I have never heard such an apologetic man! When my husband said I was legally blind, which is why we were walking side by side and taking up extra space, well, I doubt he has made such a comment since lol.

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OH MY GOD! I know her. I ran into the dollar store once and was looking at something in the aisle. All of a sudden, out comes the phone, "Some people are just standing in my way! They are so rude"... I was upset for days!


She's not worth it, honey.

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She must be related to the grumpy old man who came up behind me in the express line once and started chewing me out for having too many items. I was right at the limit, but the way he talked, I was buying half the store. Never mind that I had been waiting in another line when the checker waved me over to the one she had just opened because they were remodeling and there were only two or three checkouts total. I was still a horribly rude person who can't read signs. At least he didn't run me over with his scooter.

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Ugh.  I don't make eye contact with people who come in behind me with a few items, after once getting a very nasty look and the passive-aggressive sighing and toe-tapping from someone who came in behind me.  She didn't know that I had just let 2 people go ahead of me and I could not afford the time to do it again.  I would be shocked, though, if someone asked to go ahead.  I would never ask.  It's great when someone offers, but I don't want to put someone in an uncomfortable position where they felt they couldn't say no.  If someone asked me, I think I would have to say yes, even if I was in a hurry.


And who hasn't let someone go ahead because they have only a few items, only to find... an item is not priced, or their credit card is declined, or they don't have the cash after all, or there's a dispute over a coupon....   





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This reminds me of how lately, (and I live in a tourist state) there have been so many people honking their brains out for me to turn right on red.   Now, I am not planning on going right, I am going straight.   It's happened several times lately at different intersections, I am always in the right OR straight lane, and I have never been positioned weirdly or able to move so that they could get by me.   I have been completely mystified by this.   I can't go right on red, I am going straight.   In the lane next to me you can only go left, this lane you can go right or straight, see the arrows painted on the road???  Not to mention it's not a law that you MUST go right on red. 


Anyway :) .


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This reminds me of how lately, (and I live in a tourist state) there have been so many people honking their brains out for me to turn right on red. Now, I am not planning on going right, I am going straight. It's happened several times lately at different intersections, I am always in the right OR straight lane, and I have never been positioned weirdly or able to move so that they could get by me. I have been completely mystified by this. I can't go right on red, I am going straight. In the lane next to me you can only go left, this lane you can go right or straight, see the arrows painted on the road??? Not to mention it's not a law that you MUST go right on red.


Anyway :) .

The intersection by my house is "under study" so they made it a four way stop (there are at least 3 lanes at each). I get honked at because I actually stop, mostly by older people and tourists who seems to think that every one needs to stop but them. I have waited many times so that I don't get hit by someone running the sign (I'm usually turning left).

Sorry about the rant, the MDOT people really need to stay with the lights especially in the summer during tourist season.

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Wow.  It is nice to let people in front of you, I do it myself if I notice.  But it is not a RIGHT.  It would never occur to me to EXPECT someone to let me in front.  They were there before me.  Don't you learn that in Kindergarten for heaven's sake?

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This reminds me of how lately, (and I live in a tourist state) there have been so many people honking their brains out for me to turn right on red.   Now, I am not planning on going right, I am going straight.   It's happened several times lately at different intersections, I am always in the right OR straight lane, and I have never been positioned weirdly or able to move so that they could get by me.   I have been completely mystified by this.   I can't go right on red, I am going straight.   In the lane next to me you can only go left, this lane you can go right or straight, see the arrows painted on the road???  Not to mention it's not a law that you MUST go right on red. 


Anyway :) .


Yes this. And at one intersection in my neighborhood I don't feel safe turning right on the red as it is difficult to see whether there is traffic coming due to a hill before the light. And another place I am getting honked at is when I yield at yield signs. A moments hesitation or brake light at a yield gets a honk these days. I need to figure out how to not let this bother me.

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Wait a minute. She was standing behind you and you didn't see what she was buying? You are a mother, aren't you? I thought once you brought a child home, an eyeball grew in the back of your head? You don't have eyes in the back of your head?! Poor thing! :P

(I am just joking. She was out of line and stuff like that sticks with me and I dwell on it for days. Sorry it happened to you.) 

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OH MY GOD! I know her. I ran into the dollar store once and was looking at something in the aisle. All of a sudden, out comes the phone, "Some people are just standing in my way! They are so rude"... I was upset for days!


She's not worth it, honey.


You didn't fake talk on the phone with your hand saying "some people don't know how to say 'excuse me' They are so rude!"


What is wrong with people?



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Threadjack: I've seen you say this before, but you can. You can dooooo eeeeeet. Say it with me...


I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. :P


Then when you want to link, click address bar to highlight, click again, click copy. Then paste wherever you want. :)

Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.


My iPad is quirky. :D

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Yikes!  I almost always let people go in front of me if they don't have much.  At Aldis last week, though, I let three people in front and then someone else came up behind and got all huffy that I had my stuff up on the belt already and wasn't letting her go.  Sorry, lady, my patience with 5 kids on hand only goes so far and I'm already unloaded.  

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She should have used self check out or the express lane. Besides she was BEHIND you, she should have seen your cart full and have gone to a different lane instead of complaining about it.


This!  When I just have a few items and behind someone who has a bunch of stuff, I never even think of taking it up with them.  I either stand in line or find another line.  Entitled narcissist much? 

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That's a pain in the buttinski.  A creative response might be to pull out your phone and make a call like, "Hey babe, there is this weird lady in the line-up behind me talking on the phone about me. I think she's really annoying the cashier, who is a sweetheart. I'll bet her mom is at home worrying about all the jerky customers she has to deal with."  ;)


My fil used to count up the items people had in the express line up, go in front of anyone who had more the 8, and say, "I think you're in the wrong line."  Cheek devil!

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That's a pain in the buttinski.  A creative response might be to pull out your phone and make a call like, "Hey babe, there is this weird lady in the line-up behind me talking on the phone about me. I think she's really annoying the cashier, who is a sweetheart. I'll bet her mom is at home worrying about all the jerky customers she has to deal with."  ;)


My fil used to count up the items people had in the express line up, go in front of anyone who had more the 8, and say, "I think you're in the wrong line."  Cheek devil!


At our store the express lane clerk always waves someone over if her line is empty and other lines are full.  I am glad to not have to wait, but I feel embarassed in that line with all my groceries.  If anyone comes behind me I always apologize and explain.


Also, what express lane only lets you have EIGHT items???

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I don't expect people to let me ahead if them in line. 


The point is that they are in the wrong line. You know those people who have 20 items in the 8 items or less line? It's a way (or sorts) to let people know that there are other lanes designed for them.


Just like the lady with 2 items in the OP. She COULD have gone into the express lane, or she could have moved lanes. Instead of moving or just being patient because she picked a slower lane than she was hoping for, she chose to be a doosh bag.


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The ones that say 8 items or less. It's a joke. Yes there are cashiers that wave you over. This is just a joke.


One of the groceries I visit has a 7 items or fewer line. There are enough people who have only a few items that it's reasonable there.


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The ones that say 8 items or less. It's a joke.


I hope so, because if they were serious their grammar would need some serious help. ;)


We have a store in town that actually does have a "12 items or fewer" sign above their express lane. It makes me want to high five the express clerk, even though they had nothing to do with the sign.

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I hope so, because if they were serious their grammar would need some serious help. ;)


We have a store in town that actually does have a "12 items or fewer" sign above their express lane. It makes me want to high five the express clerk, even though they had nothing to do with the sign.




Wegman's has "or fewer" on theirs.

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OP again!


Thanks so much.  I had to get it off my chest lol.


FTR, our express lanes are 20 items or less, self checkouts are 30 or less.  (This was at WM).  


Anyway, chalk it up to another funny anecdote to tell sometime.  :)  Seriously, some people sometimes... I just couldn't believe that someone would act that way!!

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