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anyone need to vent?


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If I ever divorce my husband, it will be because of his unwillingness to USE A PLATE WHEN MAKING TOAST. 


Every day. 


Every. Day. 


Cleaning up his needless pile of crumbs is my sisyphean task, atonement for what crime I wish I knew. 


(Divorce is not going to happen. I'm sorry to make light of something that's so serious. Still, it really angries up my blood.)

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For years dh sat on the bed while changing clothes and put his 'play clothes' in a drawer and then left the drawer open. He liked it open because he wore the same play clothes every day for about a week.  It drove me crazy.   But....this spring we bought new mattresses and the bed is too high to comfortably sit on it. So he changes across the room in a chair.  The drawer is now closed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  


Now he puts stuff on my sewing table.  Sigh. 



I am grateful that this is the worst habit he has. I'm sure I do lots of things that annoy him but he suffers in silence. g


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Dd and I are day tripping a practicum for a few days. I have told dh the schedule at least three times. I am virtually certain that he will ask about our schedule yet again sometime today. Then he will wonder why my response is slightly testy. To make matters worse dd is the same way if not worse.

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Dh comes in from work and goes in to change. He stops to use the bathroom on the way and takes off his shoes and socks. And leaves them on the floor. Of our tiny half bath. His giant shoes. I can't even get to the toilet without stepping on or moving them. Sigh.

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My gripe for today has multiple parts. First, I am capable of being organized but am not. My house is a disaster. This is partially my fault. I detest cleaning and don't have a good plan in place for anyone to help me keep it organized.  But there is also the problem that I have too much stuff and not enough places to put it and I don't feel like I can get rid of anything.  Anything that I WANT to get rid of, I can't seem to sell...


Add to this problem that my ODS is the MESSIEST person you've ever met.  He has ZERO idea how to clean (and this is probably entirely my fault as he would have to learn it from someone to know how to do it, right??).  When told to clean up, he relocates the cr@p.  He never actually puts it where it belongs or throws things away.  He just rearranges it or puts it on a different surface.  Example? Today we were cleaning off the table.  He took the brownies to the kitchen (logical).  But then he also took my co-op paperwork and put IT on the kitchen counter! And he put the playing cards that were on the table in front of the computer! We have a place for playing cards!!!  :glare:


How do you teach a 14 year old boy how to clean? If I could find my time machine in all of this mess, I'd just go back and teach him right from the beginning.  But that's not happening! So what do I do now? Hope his future wife doesn't know he's a slob and then say "good luck?"  :confused1:

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If we're sticking to vents about our DHs, mine has a habit of taking off his tie as soon as he gets home and leaving it in the living room or kitchen.  And then I have to stop the kids from turning his good ties into ropes or other play objects.  On hot summer days he will also take off his dress shirt (he wears undershirts) and leave it wherever he happens to be in the house.  If I don't pick it up, it will sit there for several days.  I don't think he can even see it after he randomly sets it down.

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My dh piles stuff in our bedroom.


Currently, there is a box of random old Christmas gifts that he got years ago, but never opened the packages (someone might need this someday!) A set of freeze branding irons, an entire box of termite baits that have been sitting there for THREE FREAKING YEARS (he put them in the corner of the bedroom because if he put them in the barn or garage HE WAS AFRAID HE"D FORGET ABOUT THEM!)


Oh well, At least I got the semen tank out of there. It's in the garage where I put it when the guy filled it last time. It IS rather disturbing to have frozen bull squigglers in the corner of your bedroom.

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My dh piles stuff in our bedroom.


Currently, there is a box of random old Christmas gifts that he got years ago, but never opened the packages (someone might need this someday!) A set of freeze branding irons, an entire box of termite baits that have been sitting there for THREE FREAKING YEARS (he put them in the corner of the bedroom because if he put them in the barn or garage HE WAS AFRAID HE"D FORGET ABOUT THEM!)


Oh well, At least I got the semen tank out of there. It's in the garage where I put it when the guy filled it last time. It IS rather disturbing to have frozen bull squigglers in the corner of your bedroom.


Hahahaha. You win! :ack2:

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Oh well, At least I got the semen tank out of there. It's in the garage where I put it when the guy filled it last time. It IS rather disturbing to have frozen bull squigglers in the corner of your bedroom.


That would seriously bother me... :huh: Definitely the first time I've heard of anything like that.

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welp - I don't want to go into details since there is a no dissing our spouses rule on this forum... but yeah, I totally get everyone's complaints and frustrations.   I've been on the edge of tears for days.   After 28yrs you realize it's never going to change...and it feels pretty hopeless. 


It's actually comforting to read everyone else's and know we're not alone.   Maybe the male species just didn't get a conscientious gene or something?  :confused1:    It must be attached to the gene that keeps them from finding things in the pantry & refrigerator.

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Oh well, At least I got the semen tank out of there. It's in the garage where I put it when the guy filled it last time. It IS rather disturbing to have frozen bull squigglers in the corner of your bedroom.


Uhhh... ummm... That second sentence really threw me for a loop... haha! Glad I kept reading.

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My dh piles stuff in our bedroom.


Currently, there is a box of random old Christmas gifts that he got years ago, but never opened the packages (someone might need this someday!) A set of freeze branding irons, an entire box of termite baits that have been sitting there for THREE FREAKING YEARS (he put them in the corner of the bedroom because if he put them in the barn or garage HE WAS AFRAID HE"D FORGET ABOUT THEM!)


Oh well, At least I got the semen tank out of there. It's in the garage where I put it when the guy filled it last time. It IS rather disturbing to have frozen bull squigglers in the corner of your bedroom.


Wouldn't that be a great scene in a novel? Somebody wants to put her house on the market and has the real estate agent visit to assess what needs to be done. "So, about the semen tank in the corner of the bedroom..."

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My children are driving me insane today. I am tired, I took a rest on the couch after we finished school today (it wasn't restful at all) instead of cleaning the kitchen like I normally do. So my kitchen is a wreck, I don't see that changing anytime in the next few hours. I have dealt with more tantrums in the past two days than I can count, apparently rain makes children into lunatics. But my DH has been pretty awesome lately so no complaints there really! :) Bedtime in 8 hours, I can do this!

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Everybody is driving me crazy today.

This may have something to do with working 52 out of the last 72 hours and going back in for another 24 hour shift at 6 pm tonight.


And my children chose today to empty all of their toys into the living room and my part time nanny is on vacation.


Fortunately this is the last week of craziness for a while.

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DH has only put a telephone book away once in our entire marriage. That one time he put it away was because I told him it had been sitting there a week and that he NEVER put them away. Now I can't say never, can I? 


DH does a significant amount of our calling though. I'm pretty sure he didn't realize the extent of my phone phobia before we married. 


I used to sigh over it but I decided to call this one even. 

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welp - I don't want to go into details since there is a no dissing our spouses rule on this forum... but yeah, I totally get everyone's complaints and frustrations.   I've been on the edge of tears for days.   After 28yrs you realize it's never going to change...and it feels pretty hopeless. 


It's actually comforting to read everyone else's and know we're not alone.   Maybe the male species just didn't get a conscientious gene or something?  :confused1:    It must be attached to the gene that keeps them from finding things in the pantry & refrigerator.



I am right were you are.  It is a big deal when you realize the situation isn't going to change.  And I agree it is comforting to know we are not alone.

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My six year old has a booger/sleepy sand/eye gunk collage on his bedroom wall that reappears quickly after cleanup. It goes along with his "everything but a napkin is a napkin" philosophy of life and his "let's shoot my socks all over the room like rubber bands" strategy for dirty clothes pickup (we find socks in all rooms of the house). It's a good thing he's cute and that he has a lot of socks.




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Dh comes in from work and goes in to change. He stops to use the bathroom on the way and takes off his shoes and socks. And leaves them on the floor. Of our tiny half bath. His giant shoes. I can't even get to the toilet without stepping on or moving them. Sigh.


Just ONE pair of shoes?  I don't mean to one-up you, but I'd LOVE just ONE pair of shoes being left out.   Dh leaves an obstacle course of work boots throughout the family room.  He loves to "rotate" his work boots, and the course grows longer as the week goes on.  The boys add their sneakers in and I fear I'm gonna trip and fall trying to get to the couch.

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welp - I don't want to go into details since there is a no dissing our spouses rule on this forum... but yeah, I totally get everyone's complaints and frustrations.   I've been on the edge of tears for days.   After 28yrs you realize it's never going to change...and it feels pretty hopeless. 


It's actually comforting to read everyone else's and know we're not alone.   Maybe the male species just didn't get a conscientious gene or something?  :confused1:    It must be attached to the gene that keeps them from finding things in the pantry & refrigerator.



An you are blessed with ovaries that enable you to track down missing items within minutes.


At least that is what my dh believes as I've demonstrated this skill millions of times over the last 24 years.

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Just ONE pair of shoes?  I don't mean to one-up you, but I'd LOVE just ONE pair of shoes being left out.   Dh leaves an obstacle course of work boots throughout the family room.  He loves to "rotate" his work boots, and the course grows longer as the week goes on.  The boys add their sneakers in and I fear I'm gonna trip and fall trying to get to the couch.


Ha! Yes, just one of dh's in the bathroom. His others are typically with the boys' shoes in front of the shoe shelf. Not on. In front of. Because it is just to difficult to actually put them on a shelf even though you are standing right in front of it. :huh: :lol:

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Wouldn't that be a great scene in a novel? Somebody wants to put her house on the market and has the real estate agent visit to assess what needs to be done. "So, about the semen tank in the corner of the bedroom..."


Well, ours is on the back porch :P

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On the plus side if I want to hide food from dh it's pretty easy Lol. He's so tall he won't bother to bend down and peer behind objects on low shelves.



Dh almost never pushes the trash down and he also won't tie it up. If I want him to take it outside I have to do that step myself. He claims that he gets dizzy bending over but he made an exception when he took care of the trash at his mom's during a visit. I wonder what he would do if I left town for a week? Just open a new bag and leave the full can there?

Yup, that is exactly what he will do. He will leave the full bag in the can, open a new bag, and set it on the floor in front of the can.  Yeah. :glare:

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My vent (again, for some of you):  I have contracted HFM from the kids.  This while being treated for both strep and a sinus infection.  


Strep + Sinus Infection + HFM = Hell.  (Why don't we have a flaming hell smiley?)


My feet are so red and spotted that I can't walk on them.  I hobble around screeching like a monkey in pain.  The kids find this funny, so at least we laugh at it. Tragically, my hands are so swollen with welts I can't pick up a coffee cup, which makes me less than patient (as if anyone can be patient while dealing with this mess!).  I am contemplating asking DS to create a Rube Goldberg type machine with coffee in tubes to get my caffeine fix.  Of course, I'm not sure I can keep it down.   :o


What I've learned from this is that HFM trumps strep and sinus infections.  And whoever said cases are mild in adults - was wrong.  Dreadfully, horribly wrong.


DH is awesome. I am counting down the hours till he's home and I can take Benadryl and go to bed.  Although he does say that this is my penance for never having had chicken pox.  

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School is starting, everyone is posting their back-to-school pics on FB, and I was unsuccessful in convincing my dh to let our kids go to the sweet little reasonably-priced classical Christian school that's 10 minutes from our house, because he's still convinced that homeschooling is the best thing ever. Of course he's out of town practically every week M-F, so he has a completely rosy picture of our lives at home.

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This is long, so you may not want to read it, but just know that I am not really upset about this, because it was expected.  


When my kids were born, until my oldest was 7, I lived within 15 minutes of my parents (my dad died 13 years ago).  Then we moved 2.5 hours away 12 years ago.  Even when we lived in the same town, if my mom was asked to watch my kids, she would cancel on me for stupid reasons, like "I might be coming down with a cold".  Not that she was sick, just that she might be getting sick. Since I moved away, she has seen my kids maybe 5-7 times, and all of those were because we went to see her, or she was here visiting my older sister, so we got together for an hour or so.  I have tried to go see her, but she wasn't available when I was.  Over the years, she always says she wants the kids to come see her for a weekend or to visit us for a few days.  The problem is, that the 3 times we have scheduled something with her, is that she cancels for stupid reasons! My older kids are super easy.  Dd15 could get a little high energized when she was under 5yo, but was always obedient , good natured, could entertain themselves, never fought with each other, and willing to help around the house.   


Last time....we traveled to the town for our high school reunion. They were 15, 11, and 3yo.  She was going to spend time with the kids so we could go to one 2hour event on one day and then actual reunion for 4 hours on the next night.  She canceled both, the day before we got there, because her asthma was acting up. For one thing, how do you know your asthma is still going to be acting up in 2 days?   It wasn't her asthma, we went to see her and she was fine (my son has asthma and I grew up in my home with her and her mystery asthma that only appears when she doesn't want to do something).I know what it looks like when hers acts up and it isn't asthma.  She is a 2 pack a day smoker and she was just dealing with not taking her steroid inhalers like she is supposed to, due to cost.  So my son and older daughter got to spend the hours  in a hotel room, 5 minutes from her, alone entertaining a 3yo. 


FFWD to this week....


DH is going to the same  town my mom lives in in 2 weeks, to go rafting with friends for a day.  He asked her to watch dd7 (my bio-great-niece) who is special needs  for one day. DD7 does require extra work. DD7 thrives on novelty though, so I am 100% certain that she will be a perfect angel for my mom for a single afternoon.   My mom has my sister and 2 teenage nieces living with her (none of them work), so she won't even be doing it alone. My mom has extensive training and 30+years of experience in dealing with kids with issues like DD7. My mom has helped raise my niece who is 18 and has very similar issues, plus my mom worked in a home for the handicapped, was extensively trained and has been a paid caregiver almost her entire life.   It is absolutely within  her capabilities and expertise. AND she is the one who keeps saying we should bring her over so she can watch her for us.  So, I tell dh to not even bother asking, because she will cancel and he decides to risk it anyways,  He calls her and she says 'sure, love to, but if an emergency comes up, I will have to cancel' he says, 'ok, lets try'. The same day, she tells me the same thing "I will have to cancel if there is an emergency", I just say, "of course, if there is a true emergency, I would expect you to cancel." 


Last night, I get a phone call from her.  The trip is in 2 weeks, but she has to cancel.  She says 'your uncle, might be dieing'.  Yep, my uncle (1 of my moms 7 siblings) has been sick, for 10 years, at least. He is a wet drunk, heavy smoker, and poor health. He went to the hospital last week because he couldn't breath well, and they treated him and released him.  He needs a bit of at home monitoring to make sure he continues to recover, but is home and doing about the same as he has done in the past 10 years.  BUT, here is the kicker.  My sister had a dream about him sitting at a table with my other family members who have died.  So, my mom has decided that he is going to die any day, so she can't watch her grand child for one afternoon, in two weeks.  :banghead:




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My vent (again, for some of you):  I have contracted HFM from the kids.  This while being treated for both strep and a sinus infection.  


Strep + Sinus Infection + HFM = Hell.  (Why don't we have a flaming hell smiley?)


My feet are so red and spotted that I can't walk on them.  I hobble around screeching like a monkey in pain.  The kids find this funny, so at least we laugh at it. Tragically, my hands are so swollen with welts I can't pick up a coffee cup, which makes me less than patient (as if anyone can be patient while dealing with this mess!).  I am contemplating asking DS to create a Rube Goldberg type machine with coffee in tubes to get my caffeine fix.  Of course, I'm not sure I can keep it down.   :o


What I've learned from this is that HFM trumps strep and sinus infections.  And whoever said cases are mild in adults - was wrong.  Dreadfully, horribly wrong.


DH is awesome. I am counting down the hours till he's home and I can take Benadryl and go to bed.  Although he does say that this is my penance for never having had chicken pox.  


Dh had a horrible case of HFM this spring. Like, bad enough that the doctor called in his nurses to see it. And he's now lost one fingernail and one toenail to it.   At the same time, dd got strep and a sinus infection and came home from school for a few days.  I cannot imagine how you're surviving having ALL of these things!!   I would hug you but you're probably contagious...

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Man, I sat through the worst conference call today.  Yelling, arguing over something I don't even care about.  I kept sending emails to the other party on my team, e.g., "just say yes already!"  That stuff wipes me out.


Then my sister calls and starts going off about something she and I disagree about.  For the first time in her life I told her what I really think.  She hung up.


Then the auditors start complaining that I never gave them something I never was asked for (so that's supposedly why the tax return is late).


And it's not even 4pm, ugh.

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Dh had a horrible case of HFM this spring. Like, bad enough that the doctor called in his nurses to see it. And he's now lost one fingernail and one toenail to it.   At the same time, dd got strep and a sinus infection and came home from school for a few days.  I cannot imagine how you're surviving having ALL of these things!!   I would hug you but you're probably contagious...


Aaaaaggghhh!  Hearing about your DH's case just gave me the shivers.  Really.  I'm a mess right now.  How long did it last?  When will this end?


And yes, very contagious.  I feel like Typhoid Mary.  Although I think once you have immunity to HFM, you won't get it again.  Whew.  So there's that.  


Anyone want me to whip up a batch of HFM lollipops, a spin off of the chicken pox lollipop craze?  ...Just kidding, of course.  :)

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I have never had HFM. I hope I can't catch it by sharing the same board with people who have HFM. Where is my Lysol? :tongue_smilie:

My vent is on me. Why is it that I always try to paint a second coat before giving the first one time to cure properly? I dislike painting. I will dislike it much, much more when my paint job rips off, and I have to sand and do it over again. So why do I persist in madness?


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I feel like I have to micromanage the kids' chores or they don't get done. I might as well do them myself. I always feel like our house is teetering on the edge of chaos if I'm not on it constantly. It's been particularly bad as the baby still wakes up three times a night so I'm crabby, and it's too hot out to leave the house, so the kids have been crabby unless I turn on screen time which makes them more crabby later on.


Tomorrow is our 15th anniversary, and DH has left up the planning to me. He says that if he picks out my gift I'll be disappointed. Probably true, but it would be nice to be surprised. I can't think of anything other than a printer. We haven't had a working one in months, but then I'd feel resentful to get such a necessary gift when I picked out something thoughtful for him.


More iced coffee needed to nurse my headache.

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An you are blessed with ovaries that enable you to track down missing items within minutes.


At least that is what my dh believes as I've demonstrated this skill millions of times over the last 24 years.


My tombstone will read: Beloved Mother, have you seen my.........?


No one can find anything in the house but me, obviously!

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My dh piles stuff in our bedroom.


Currently, there is a box of random old Christmas gifts that he got years ago, but never opened the packages (someone might need this someday!) A set of freeze branding irons, an entire box of termite baits that have been sitting there for THREE FREAKING YEARS (he put them in the corner of the bedroom because if he put them in the barn or garage HE WAS AFRAID HE"D FORGET ABOUT THEM!)


Oh well, At least I got the semen tank out of there. It's in the garage where I put it when the guy filled it last time. It IS rather disturbing to have frozen bull squigglers in the corner of your bedroom.



I learn SO much on this board.

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My dh leaves a pair of dirty socks in front of the recliner every.single.night. :lol:  It doesn't even bother me anymore. I give up. I pick them up every morning or sometimes dd will grab them as she rolls her eyes and says that I wouldn't let her get away with this sort of thing. To which I remind her that she gets away with plenty of other things that daddy can't. Otherwise, he is an awesome dh.


My biggest complaint (of minor things, because I have bigger complaints trust me :D ) is that ds seems in capable of turning off lights. The den , downstairs bathroom, and his bedroom sit together as 3 sides of a rectangle down a hallway. All 3 lights are constantly on. He says he forgets, but he is doing it on purpose. How do I know this you ask? Because 1. he remembers to turn off the lights at his bio grandparents's house 1-2 times a month that he stays the night there. Honestly, he does a lot of things differently at their house though. 2. This is the biggie, he once, accidentally, turned a light off...so he turned it back on and walked away :willy_nilly: :banghead: :cursing:  Are you flippin kidding me?! I thought my head was going to explode. ODD really ticks me off!


I know it seems like such a small thing, but it is usually the cherry on top of the sundae, ykwim?

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My dh leaves a pair of dirty socks in front of the recliner every.single.night. :lol:  It doesn't even bother me anymore. I give up. I pick them up every morning or sometimes dd will grab them as she rolls her eyes and says that I wouldn't let her get away with this sort of thing. To which I remind her that she gets away with plenty of other things that daddy can't. Otherwise, he is an awesome dh.


My biggest complaint (of minor things, because I have bigger complaints trust me :D ) is that ds seems in capable of turning off lights. The den , downstairs bathroom, and his bedroom sit together as 3 sides of a rectangle down a hallway. All 3 lights are constantly on. He says he forgets, but he is doing it on purpose. How do I know this you ask? Because 1. he remembers to turn off the lights at his bio grandparents's house 1-2 times a month that he stays the night there. Honestly, he does a lot of things differently at their house though. 2. This is the biggie, he once, accidentally, turned a light off...so he turned it back on and walked away :willy_nilly: :banghead: :cursing:  Are you flippin kidding me?! I thought my head was going to explode. ODD really ticks me off!


I know it seems like such a small thing, but it is usually the cherry on top of the sundae, ykwim?


Too bad you didn't catch it on video. That's really irritating.


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My vent (again, for some of you):  I have contracted HFM from the kids.  This while being treated for both strep and a sinus infection.  


Strep + Sinus Infection + HFM = Hell.  (Why don't we have a flaming hell smiley?)


My feet are so red and spotted that I can't walk on them.  I hobble around screeching like a monkey in pain.  The kids find this funny, so at least we laugh at it. Tragically, my hands are so swollen with welts I can't pick up a coffee cup, which makes me less than patient (as if anyone can be patient while dealing with this mess!).  I am contemplating asking DS to create a Rube Goldberg type machine with coffee in tubes to get my caffeine fix.  Of course, I'm not sure I can keep it down.   :o


What I've learned from this is that HFM trumps strep and sinus infections.  And whoever said cases are mild in adults - was wrong.  Dreadfully, horribly wrong.


DH is awesome. I am counting down the hours till he's home and I can take Benadryl and go to bed.  Although he does say that this is my penance for never having had chicken pox.

grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I hope you feel better very soon! :)

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Ha! Yes, just one of dh's in the bathroom. His others are typically with the boys' shoes in front of the shoe shelf. Not on. In front of. Because it is just to difficult to actually put them on a shelf even though you are standing right in front of it. :huh: :lol:


I could only "like" this post once, so consider me quoting it to be a thousand more!!!

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I am not speaking to my husband for the evening because of the following chain of events:

1.  I had been going straight from 6:15 this morning until I got home at 6 pm to cook dinner; "going straight" means having meetings with two people I do not like; arguing with one client over a bill; and dealing with guidance counsellors at two schools over big stuff someone (not me) has screwed up.  I had not been in my house more than ten minutes since I left it this morning.

2.  I am finally home to start dinner, chicken meatballs, when I realize that I cannot grind my chicken because I just broke my food processor this weekend and have not replaced it.

3.  I run out to two grocery stores to find ground chicken and arrive home at 6:45 cheerfully ranting about whether I have a massive headache because everyone is annoying or whether everyone seems annoying because I have a massive headache, complete with animatedly-relayed examples of the stupidity of people in the Publix parking lot, including the woman who was walking, very slowly and diagonally, while reading the label on the quart of milk she had just purchased.  Who reads the milk label?  In the parking lot? 

4.  I am frantically throwing together dinner so that we can eat before 9 pm, while he STANDS RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE CABINET IN WHICH MY SALT IS STORED.  I took him by the shoulders and gently moved him to the side, saying, nicely, "Get out of my kitchen," and he gets all pissy and throws his stuff down on the counter.

5.  I said, "Fine.  Order a pizza," and went upstairs to finish The Last of the Mohicans.  Was there some part of, "I am ridiculously stressed, I have a headache, and everyone is annoying me today, and I really need to make dinner," that was unclear?  Apparently so.


I feel better now; thank you for the opportunity to vent.

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I did vent, to my husband, in text, and it wasn't aimed at him or about him in subject. I've been applying online for jobs for over 2 years. Frequently job ad will read, "do not apply in person, do not call about this position." etc.

Sometimes I'm slack and will apply for nothing for a month or two, and at other times for weeks I am applying at least 3 times a week. How can there be so many positions for which I am overqualified/underqualified/qualified and I have only had one interview? I have other human resources professionals working with me on my resume and job leads, how to approach perspective employers, etc. etc.

Tomorrow I have an appointment at a temp agency. And for that I'm grateful. But I'm still p!$$3D

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I am not speaking to my husband for the evening because of the following chain of events:

1.  I had been going straight from 6:15 this morning until I got home at 6 pm to cook dinner; "going straight" means having meetings with two people I do not like; arguing with one client over a bill; and dealing with guidance counsellors at two schools over big stuff someone (not me) has screwed up.  I had not been in my house more than ten minutes since I left it this morning.

2.  I am finally home to start dinner, chicken meatballs, when I realize that I cannot grind my chicken because I just broke my food processor this weekend and have not replaced it.

3.  I run out to two grocery stores to find ground chicken and arrive home at 6:45 cheerfully ranting about whether I have a massive headache because everyone is annoying or whether everyone seems annoying because I have a massive headache, complete with animatedly-relayed examples of the stupidity of people in the Publix parking lot, including the woman who was walking, very slowly and diagonally, while reading the label on the quart of milk she had just purchased.  Who reads the milk label?  In the parking lot? 

4.  I am frantically throwing together dinner so that we can eat before 9 pm, while he STANDS RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE CABINET IN WHICH MY SALT IS STORED.  I took him by the shoulders and gently moved him to the side, saying, nicely, "Get out of my kitchen," and he gets all pissy and throws his stuff down on the counter.

5.  I said, "Fine.  Order a pizza," and went upstairs to finish The Last of the Mohicans.  Was there some part of, "I am ridiculously stressed, I have a headache, and everyone is annoying me today, and I really need to make dinner," that was unclear?  Apparently so.


I feel better now; thank you for the opportunity to vent.


I can imagine a similar scenario playing out in my life!  


Since we're all married to the same man, allow me to gently point out that your dh didn't KNOW he was standing in front of the cabinet in which your salt is stored because he's never been able to FIND the salt!    :laugh:   

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