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My horse lost her entire hoof


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I'm so sorry. I don't know anything about this, so maybe this sounds naive, but I hope there's a solution and she heals and her hoof grows back.



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She's been put down. Everything from a few inches below the knee was gone except for bone. It was simply from the way the wire wrapped around the leg. It might (very very very little chance) have all healed but the odds of her foundering in the other foot would be high from too much pressure constantly on it and she would have huge muscle atrophy problems and so and so on. I'm gonna be useless to the world for a day or two, but it was the right thing for her.

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She's been put down. Everything from a few inches below the knee was gone except for bone. It was simply from the way the wire wrapped around the leg. It might (very very very little chance) have all healed but the odds of her foundering in the other foot would be high from too much pressure constantly on it and she would have huge muscle atrophy problems and so and so on. I'm gonna be useless to the world for a day or two, but it was the right thing for her.

:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  That's so hard. :(

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My oven started throwing sparks today and died, my filly was put down, and the neighbours dog came over and attacked my daughters cocker. Some days, I hate life. Thank you everyone for your suggestions and sympathy. I needed that.

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My oven started throwing sparks today and died, my filly was put down, and the neighbours dog came over and attacked my daughters cocker. Some days, I hate life. Thank you everyone for your suggestions and sympathy. I needed that.


I came here to check for updates before going to bed. I'm sorry I did. I'm so very sorry for your loss. :(


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Boy, a washing machine that's on the fritz and Dh's back car window that is stuck down *in* the door don't seem like big deals right now.


I hate outliving my pets. A cat adopted us a few years ago, or we would have no pets. My ds really wants a dog, but the day he was born I learned we had to put our dog down. I can't bury another one. I just can't. And I know my ds. He's just like me. It would be too hard for him too. 


I'm so sorry and so sad. (((Dory)))

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My oven started throwing sparks today and died, my filly was put down, and the neighbours dog came over and attacked my daughters cocker. Some days, I hate life. Thank you everyone for your suggestions and sympathy. I needed that.


What a day... I'm so sorry... :grouphug:   But I also think you made the right decision.  It's just super, super hard afterward.  Take care, and allow yourself the time to grieve.

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I am so sorry you had to deal with all this. You made the only right decision a humane animal owner could. You chose to deal with the emotional pain to save your horse from dealing with the physical pain. And that is what a good owner sometimes has to do, horrid though it is.


I pray that you will be able to ease through the feelings of grief and loss and that you will rest in the knowledge that you did the right thing.

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My oven started throwing sparks today and died, my filly was put down, and the neighbours dog came over and attacked my daughters cocker. Some days, I hate life. Thank you everyone for your suggestions and sympathy. I needed that.


Hugs, sweet Dory! 


I am so sorry about your beautiful horse. You did the right thing --- you put her needs and wellbeing first, even though it was very, very difficult to say goodbye. 


Take it easy, take care of yourself, and know that you and your family are in my prayers. 


The loss of a beloved animal is so incredibly painful  :grouphug:

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I am so sorry you had to deal with all this. You made the only right decision a humane animal owner could. You chose to deal with the emotional pain to save your horse from dealing with the physical pain. And that is what a good owner sometimes has to do, horrid though it is.


I pray that you will be able to ease through the feelings of grief and loss and that you will rest in the knowledge that you did the right thing.

So true.


Prayers for you Dory.

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I'm so sorry.

She's been put down. Everything from a few inches below the knee was gone except for bone. It was simply from the way the wire wrapped around the leg. It might (very very very little chance) have all healed but the odds of her foundering in the other foot would be high from too much pressure constantly on it and she would have huge muscle atrophy problems and so and so on. I'm gonna be useless to the world for a day or two, but it was the right thing for her.


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My oven started throwing sparks today and died, my filly was put down, and the neighbours dog came over and attacked my daughters cocker. Some days, I hate life. Thank you everyone for your suggestions and sympathy. I needed that.

What an awful day. :grouphug:


Is your dd's dog OK?

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I am so sorry about your horse.  I hope your daughter's dog is okay. 



What an awful day. :grouphug:


Is your dd's dog OK?


The dog has a ripped ear (those cocker ears are always the first thing to get injured when another dog goes for them). Lots of blood, a couple punctures that we shaved around and cleaned out, but I think she'll be fine.

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The dog has a ripped ear (those cocker ears are always the first thing to get injured when another dog goes for them). Lots of blood, a couple punctures that we shaved around and cleaned out, but I think she'll be fine.

Poor thing! Thank goodness it wasn't more serious, though. We had a cocker when I was a kid, and he was such a great dog.

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