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Who ranks posts with single stars???


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One of my threads asking for advice on a very sensitive and upsetting issue got "one-starred." I interpreted that as a warning that I was, perhaps. oversharing. It did hurt, though.


I just think there's enough unkindness in the world as it is. Why not just pm the poster re your issue instead of one-starring? Or re-evaluate just why you think your opinion matters so much--I've done that.

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I routinely forget that you CAN rate posts until someone mentions it, then I might rank that thread and forget about it right away. I ranked THIS thread three stars. I meant to rank it one to be a brat, then go back to change it. It turns out you can't change OR touch the wrong star because it's permanent. (I thought I'd have to touch each star to light it up. WRONG)


I do 98% of my posts from an ipad or iPhone. I don't know how it works on the computer, but it would be EASY to hit a random star while scrolling and never even know you did it. It would seem impossible to avoid if you're a leftie. BTW, where are the total rankings even compiled? I don't think I've ever even SEEN the screen that causes people to notice the ranking of their threads and generate threads like this. What ELSE do I miss by not logging in from a real computer????? Can you even rank posts? I only see the thing at the top to rank the entire thread.

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One of my threads asking for advice on a very sensitive and upsetting issue got "one-starred." I interpreted that as a warning that I was, perhaps. oversharing. It did hurt, though.


I just think there's enough unkindness in the world as it is. Why not just pm the poster re your issue instead of one-starring? Or re-evaluate just why you think your opinion matters so much--I've done that.


Ah, Chris...sometimes there are benefits to be so obtuse as I am and not even realize the rating system is available. I bet it's like Kung Fu Panda said - someone scrolled somewhere and did not even realize it happened. I would not draw any conclusions at all from something as benign as a little star....

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I think the stars are unnecessary and just, well, a bit odd. I have seen some threads with low star ratings and they are about the most benign topic. It's strange.


Probably because the rater evaluated it as boring. I have never checked, but I would be willing to bet that most of my threads are one-starrers because I lead an ordinary life.  :laugh:

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I don't notice the stars unless it's pointed out to  me.  I did give this thread 5 stars.  Now I think I should go back to threads I've started and see how they are rated.  Of course I'll assume that any low ratings are accidental.  :lol:

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I'm always on my phone and haven't seen any stars. Hopefully that means I'm not the culprit. If I don't like the thread I just close it and move on. Guess I need to try the full version sometime. I think in the beginning I liked posts, by clicking the check mark, whether I liked it or not.

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I have done that, too, and then I wonder if the person is going to think I'm some kind of nosy stalker the next time they go to their profile page and see that I visited it. :blush:


When I'm on my iPad, I accidentally click on people's profile pages *all the time*.  It's embarrassing, and I'm thankful for the opportunity to say that I'm not stalking you all, really!!!


Some of my favorite posters have low star ratings on their profile pages, and I admit, that bugs me a bit, especially when I'm pretty sure it's due to their viewpoints rather than their behavior on the forum. Such is life on the interwebs.

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When I'm on my iPad, I accidentally click on people's profile pages *all the time*. It's embarrassing, and I'm thankful for the opportunity to say that I'm not stalking you all, really!!!


Some of my favorite posters have low star ratings on their profile pages, and I admit, that bugs me a bit, especially when I'm pretty sure it's due to their viewpoints rather than their behavior on the forum. Such is life on the interwebs.

I'm glad you mentioned that, because although giving a one-star rating to a thread is tacky, at least it's easy to do, and it's easy to click the wrong number of stars by accident. If you want to rate the actual person, don't you have to go to their profile page to do it? Clicking on a star next to a thread title is one thing, but making a special trip to a person's profile page to give them a low rating is just plain petty and mean.

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I think the stars are unnecessary and just, well, a bit odd. I have seen some threads with low star ratings and they are about the most benign topic. It's strange.


Agreed.  Initially someone rated our recent World Cup soccer thread with one star.  Ridiculous.  There's no good reason for rating threads & I wish the mods would just turn off that feature.

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I honestly never notice the stars are even there unless someone mentions them. I may have hit some accidentally, because my big oafy thumb regularly hits the link for people's profile pages. I love the ipad touch screen, but I sure do hit a lot of things I really don't want to click on.

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I agree that some of it is likely accidental. But, some people have admitted to one-starring threads that they disapproved of. :/

Yep, certain topics are guarranteed to be one-starred, like anything more "liberal" (for lack of a better definition. I've noticed threads that are related to modesty and gentle discipline get an auto one star for example.

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Agreed.  Initially someone rated our recent World Cup soccer thread with one star.  Ridiculous.  There's no good reason for rating threads & I wish the mods would just turn off that feature.


I agree, too. It's divisive and too prone to accidental rating. Can we ask for its removal? I propose the Sylvester McMonkey McBean Petition to get rid of thread/post star ratings.

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There are times when I accidentally click on someone's user name.  I know immediately if I do that because the page changes.  But if I accidentally click on stars then nothing changes on the screen.  I can totally see doing that and not knowing that I've clicked anything.  


I have a tendency to accidentally click on user names, from both the regular computer and my phone. The stars, only accidental from my phone. Not a problem, otherwise.

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I have poor vision and have to upsize the screen frequently to read things, especially in the evening when my eyes are tired. I've misstarred threads (I am so sorry!!!), given posters whom I adore low personal rankings, visited the profiles of dozens of posters, and frequently begun to report perfectly innocuous posts (fortunately *that* can be retracted).


Did I mention that I am so sorry? I will give this thread many stars now. Or perhaps some random number. We'll see how it turns out.

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Meh, I always forget that there even are stars and ratings for threads. I don't give them, I don't monitor any that I or anyone else might have received, and I assume I don't get them either. I'm not sure I have ever even noticed where on the screen the stars show up or when. It seems so...Jr. High School...to me. Say what you feel you need to, don't read topics/posters that you know will irritate you, and move on with life. Don't seek self worth or worthiness of an idea or comment of yours via a system like the star ratings. Because it appears that several of us either don't use them at all or use them incorrectly. So the stars may not mean much.


For the record, there have been some threads here that I loved, that contained information or ideas I thought were very profound and extremely important. Some of them will (hopefully) be imbedded in my brain for the rest of my life. And I gave them -0- stars. There have been other threads where my first thought was, "What an idiot!". I didn't respect or appreciate the poster's attitude, information, ideas or word choices. If I had heard the thread uttered by real people in real life, I would have (hopefully) rolled my eyes, restrained my tongue and walked away. And I gave those threads -0- stars also. So please don't think that the star rating is an accurate reflection of what all readers or posters think of a thread. I can assure you it most certainly is not.

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It seems so...Jr. High School...to me. Say what you feel you need to, don't read topics/posters that you know will irritate you, and move on with life. Don't seek self worth or worthiness of an idea or comment of yours via a system like the star ratings. Because it appears that several of us either don't use them at all or use them incorrectly. So the stars may not mean much.


Oh, agreed.  They don't mean much ~ or anything, in fact.  But it does come across as very "junior high" which begs the question (and it's been asked before), why even have the system in place?

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I assumed I rate the thread / topic, not the person who posted it and not the first post. So it could be a controversial topic or something I don't personally agree with, but if it is discussed in a civil manner, and I'd be wow, great thread, 5 stars. Or if I learned something new. 5 stars.


Or if everyone is bickering, or posters gang up on the OP, I'd give it a 1 star. Tsk tsk tsk! Or I read through pages and pages and realize I wasted my time (my problem, I know) but the thread might get a 1 star--boring.


But I don't rate every thread I read. It gotta be either super exciting, or super bleh to make me scroll up and rate it.


So I admit, I've given a 1 star. And I've gotten 1 star. It never occurred to me we are rating particular posters. I assumed we are rating a conversation. I've probably rated a thread down even if I agreed with the OP--if the thread went nuts, or something like that. I don't agree it is mean spirited to occasionally rate a topic down.


I'm sincerely sorry if I upset anyone. But I still maintain that "likes" are to show support to individual posters, and thread rating is just thread rating. It says "Rate Topic", not "Rate the OP."

Don't do that any more. Who can guess that you mean, "I don't like that three pages in, two posters are arguing about Johnny Depp in a kilt," rather than, "Quill sucks. I'm rating every thread she starts one star"? ;)

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Also keep in mind that there are a billion (slight exaggeration) members on here who never even post. Perhaps there are some that just get on forums and make trouble any way they can to see what will happen. I never even remember the stars are there until somebody comments on them. 

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I'm starting my own ranking system. I rate this thread:




It's a complex system, but this is a darn good rating with a little room for improvement (to keep you inspired and striving).

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I'm starting my own ranking system. I rate this thread:




It's a complex system, but this is a darn good rating with a little room for improvement (to keep you inspired and striving).


I see a bunch of boxes and something that looks like tiny Fallopian tubes. So now I don't know what I'm supposed to be striving for.


But I trust Panda, so I know it must be something good.

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I don't look at the stars.  Problem solved.  Anyone who accidentally hits them are saved from being the bad guy.  Anyone who uses them erroneously (as in a different way then others think they should since there really isn't one "right" or "wrong" way to do this) is saved from being the bad guy.  And anyone who is a drama queen and is trying to bring people down is ignored and will go away.  

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I'm starting my own ranking system. I rate this thread:




It's a complex system, but this is a darn good rating with a little room for improvement (to keep you inspired and striving).


😂😂😂😂 Hilarious!

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Barring an accidental click here and there on a mobile device, I figure people who do that either need to grow up or get laid.  Or both. 


Not on this board, on the other message board I used to post on a lot (but outgrew as my kids aged out of the baby stage), some petty person or two one starred my post sharing that after years of SIF, I was seemingly sticky pregnant with my younger son. I mean, really?  Talk about lame and petty. 

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I honestly don't pay attention.  

I've never looked at the topics I've posted in or started and seen what their star rating is, if they even have one.  

I don't generally 'star' threads.  


I guess, overall, I just don't think it's a big deal.  




Wait... I did give a thread 1 star once.  It was started in a very mean spirited, rude way.  It was obviously meant to be insulting as a spin off from another thread.  It was deleted really quickly.  But yeah, I 1 starred it.  



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I assume the purpose of the thread rating is to help highlight content worth reading.  What might work would be a "great thread" rating thing where if enough people clicked it, then the thread would get a star or something.  So instead of rating threads, it would be like the "Was this review helpful?" thing on Amazon or something.  Except you could only upvote it.


I'm sure the software doesn't allow for that, I'm just thinking if the purpose of the thread rating is to help people find the great threads worth reading that something like that would probably work better and be less middle schooly.

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I don't think I have every given a post any stars, except once way back in the beginning on a thread where somebody was explaining how it worked.


I'm not even aware of them nor do I ever pay attention to them. LOL. Now I'm gonna go look.

Okay, I just went back and rated this thread. I gave it a 5, of course. Now I wonder how many fives a thread needs for the thread to get a 5 star ranking. This one is still at a 4.

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I see a bunch of boxes and something that looks like tiny Fallopian tubes. So now I don't know what I'm supposed to be striving for.


But I trust Panda, so I know it must be something good.

You should see cookies and ice cream and monkeys and good things. The Fallopian tubes may be Aries 'cause Aries is the best.

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When I see only 1 vote has rated a thread I assume it was an accidental rating like from someone on a tablet, but when it has 3 votes + I see it as intentionally rating low, I just don't see several people on the same thread accidentally rating low.  That said what you usually end up with in that case is a overall rating of a 3 or 4 when someone notices the low rating and rates it a 5 just to bring it up.  I don't like the whole star rating system personally.  It feels like a petty thing and feelings can be hurt by someone accidentally rating a thread.  The last thread I had that got a 1 star was the one about my daughter's knee injury at camp.  Last I saw it was rated 3 times with an over all of 4 meaning someone had to have rated it at 1 while someone else a 5 and someone with something else.  It's annoying to have a thread rated.

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I have done that, too, and then I wonder if the person is going to think I'm some kind of nosy stalker the next time they go to their profile page and see that I visited it. :blush:


Me, too.  I feel like a creepster after browsing on my iphone. 

One of my threads asking for advice on a very sensitive and upsetting issue got "one-starred." I interpreted that as a warning that I was, perhaps. oversharing. It did hurt, though.


I just think there's enough unkindness in the world as it is. Why not just pm the poster re your issue instead of one-starring? Or re-evaluate just why you think your opinion matters so much--I've done that.

I'm sorry.  :(  That's just jerky.  People are poopheads sometimes.


70 votes and a 4 star rating?  I doubt most of that is from accidents.  I think some people just like being able to be anonymous jerks.  Same with the profile ratings. 

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Guest submarines

Don't do that any more. Who can guess that you mean, "I don't like that three pages in, two posters are arguing about Johnny Depp in a kilt," rather than, "Quill sucks. I'm rating every thread she starts one star"? ;)


I think you'd be better off if you never think "Quill sucks" based on some star that most people don't even know exists and those who know it exists click on it by accident on their phones. ;)


I'm a compulsive "rater". I don't rate all the time, but every couple of weeks I remember about the stars and rate threads that I read. It is fun. If a rating system exists, it would be silly to insist that no one is allowed to use it, or can only use it to give 5 stars.


Those who are bothered by it should petition with the board owner to remove the stars, instead of asking other posters not to use the system. I don't care much either way--if the start are there, I might occasionally rate topics. If they stars are gone, it will probably take me weeks to notice.


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If you think about it, the three-star ratings are the most idiotic.


Do people actually read a thread and think, "Well that was quite average in all respects. I'd better rate it accordingly."


Why would they bother?

Do people rate them with 3 stars? I have voted 5 stars for threads that had 1 star, but that gives it an average of 3 stars.

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If Amazon reviews are any indicator, it might not always be that the person hated the thread, but they actually thought it was great, lol. I don't know how often I have been reading one star reviews and the person is gushing about how great the product was. Not sure why people don't understand star ratings. I guess they are thinking of it like places in a contest. First place is best, and on down.  :001_rolleyes:

Yes! Those crack me up. I also see the opposite. 5 stars and a bad review.

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I never knew you could. This is my first rating and I gave it 5!


I didn't know about stars on profiles either. I am a compete 0. Not a single star.

I just gave you some, so now at least you won't think you're a zero. :)

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