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Do you wash your walls?


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I've never considered washing my walls, maybe because I've never lived anywhere long enough to need to, but I think I need to. We have a dark espresso brown wall and the way that a window hits it, I'm seeing tons of dust on it. Do you just take a damp cloth to it?

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If you have a lot of dust, you may want to dust or vacuum them before washing. Especially if there are cobwebs in the corners -- that will make your cloth a mess.


When I wash walls, I do the wood trim at the same time and use a bucket of warm water with Murphy's oil soap. Love the smell.

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Oh, I'll try vacuuming first! I never thought of that. Dumb question - which attachment do you use? I have one with bristles and one without. I don't even know what their original purposes are...

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Oh, I'll try vacuuming first! I never thought of that. Dumb question - which attachment do you use? I have one with bristles and one without. I don't even know what their original purposes are...


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As far as dusting goes, I have found that my dds think doing that chore with a long handled Swiffer is fun. So, I keep Swiffers in supply here and let them have as much fun as they want. ;)


Ha. Of course I just got rid of my swiffer a couple of months ago. I had it for a couple of years and never used it. With so much dog hair on the floor, it didn't do much.

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Our house used to get dusty due to being in an area with a lot of new construction near by.


 I used a microfiber mop (or swifter) with just a spritz of water to hold the dust onto it.


 I have a sheep's wool duster that I use sometimes.


A vacuum takes too long for me, but I have really big walls. 



I do use a washcloth and some basic cleaner on the dirty spots from kid hands periodically.  Soapy water, lysol/water, vinegar, even glass cleaner all work well, it just depends on what is in my hand at the moment.



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I just did this, but I didn't set out to wash walls.  I was coming out of the bathroom with a wet cloth and wiped at a spot on the hall wall.  Not only did the spot disappear, but the area I wiped stood out like a sore thumb.  So I washed walls.  I used Murphy's Oil Soap.  I can't remember the last time I did it; probably when I was hosting a party so at least 3-4 yrs ago.  It's just not high on my list.  I do frequently wipe down woodwork though.  It's white and really shows fingerprints.  

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Not whole walls. Weird smears or fingerprints get washed off. I will dust them with a microfiber cloth or vacuum if they're dusty, but I don't wash them. Baseboards might need a damp microfiber. The previous owners put in a really awesome air filter on the HVAC unit for their child with asthma, and it keeps the dust way down.

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We're told to wash the walls before we vacate housing at each post ... I don't do it. I've tried washing off small spots here and there, but the paint always goes with it, even if I just use water, so washing the walls would make it look a LOT worse than just leaving it alone. I do like the Swiffer idea, though--I'll try that before we leave this house next year.

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I wash mine. 


Not all the time, but they do get washed.


I mostly have an issue with the lower few feet of all of my walls because I have two cats and two slobbery dogs.  That means I get all sorts of things stuck to my walls with dog slobber all the time.  It's gross.  

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I use a swiffer because our walls get dusty. It looks goofy, but it quickly gets the job done and I have 10 foot ceilings so I'm very interested in being done quickly.   I'm sure they could use an actual washing but I'm not that good a housekeeper. 



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In 20 years of living in our home, I have never washed our walls.  They don't really look too bad!  We have ended up changing our wall paper a few times though, so I guess that covers cleaning them, in a way.


Now and then I'll take a vacuum to our living room walls because I can actually SEE the cobwebs on them, but those on the only ones.

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I do wash mine but not nearly enough. Things are looking bad right now. I have kids that climb up walls in hallways, sit upside down and put their feet up on the walls behind chairs and couches, and otherwise smear things around. (I have to pick my battles and this is not a high priority for me.  :ohmy:  )


I'm planning on painting soon, starting with the kitchen ceiling. I have no idea how a ceiling can have so many stains.

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I use a sweeper with a microfiber rag on it to "dust" the walls and take this time to also rub the air conditioning vents. For walls that are colored, I occasionally wash with a little castille soap mixed with water. Same for white or ivory walls, but if they are really dirty or have crayon or some unknown stubborn substance, a magic eraser does the trick.

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I do once a year after boiling sap. I use a regular sponge mop.

Wow I never thought of this. I use a rag and a ton of elbow grease.


To OP, yes I do wash my walls...every single one of them , every three months because it is required in our lease.


Even if it wasn't I would have too... cream walls and dirty handed children do not go together.

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I use a magic eraser to clean particularly dirty spots, trim, stair landings and railings, doors, light switches and anything else that doesn't look clean. I do it about twice a year. I also do this at my rental houses in between tenants if it will save on repainting. If you use a good paint, you can make if look amazing with magic erasers. I also swiffer dust on walls.

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People wash walls?



Doesn't your paint rub off?


I need to repaint ours. They need it.

the paint would only rub off if you were scrubbing them or over doing the magic eraser.  When I wash my walls I just use some mr clean in the bucket of water.  Just takes a light wiping to get rid of the handprints/footprints and other smears.  I have never had issues with paint rubbing off from washing those things off walls.  Because I do it weekly (If I don't it looks gross having all that dirt on the walls-ds10 is like pigpen from charlie brown and leaves a trail lol), it really doesn't take much and even when I do floor to ceiling no elbow grease is needed because it is maintained.  It is actually easier on the paint to wash them more often because it never gets dirty enough to scrub hard.

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the paint would only rub off if you were scrubbing them or over doing the magic eraser. When I wash my walls I just use some mr clean in the bucket of water. Just takes a light wiping to get rid of the handprints/footprints and other smears. I have never had issues with paint rubbing off from washing those things off walls. Because I do it weekly (If I don't it looks gross having all that dirt on the walls-ds10 is like pigpen from charlie brown and leaves a trail lol), it really doesn't take much and even when I do floor to ceiling no elbow grease is needed because it is maintained. It is actually easier on the paint to wash them more often because it never gets dirty enough to scrub hard.

Unless you're in my current rental where recently, yes, the cheap, water based paint did come off and was all over my sponge. I only used water and no form of cleaner. I have only ever lived in rentals, even growing up. My parents were allowed to paint some of our homes and used decent paints that one could easily wash without this happening. I was actually surprised to find this his happen since it wasn't a norm for me.
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Yes?  I didn't know people didn't wash the walls.  I wash them usually when guests are coming over.   I have cream coloured walls and everything shows up...


My kids are animals and get handprints and footprints all over everything.  Pencil marks, furniture marks, mysterious who knows smudges.  Makes the place look dirty even when it isn't.   

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Not nearly often enough, but yes.
And then they're immediately re-covered in hand prints, splatters, dog filth (I've decided to diagnose my dog with vestibular issues that cause him to walk against walls :tongue_smilie: ), trapped floating cat hairs, dust, random marks from shoes and toys...

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