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I have an irrational fear of...(let's share. I'll go first.)


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Parking garages.


Why are the ceilings so low?!?! I'm ducking INSIDE my car. I know it's an illusion, but geeze.


And they are either damp OR freezing cold OR horribly hot.


And the stairwells smell. Disgusting.


And the elevators are like a nightmare...claustrophobia-inducing anxiety and slasher film scenes come to mind.

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I have a somewhat normal irrational fear of spiders.


I have a strange, completely irrational fear of The Great Blue Hole, and the idea of underwater caves and sinkholes creeps me out. One of the kids was watching a documentary about some divers exploring an underwater cave, and I couldn't watch. I read about an underwater lake recently and that gave me heart palpitations too. 

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Phone calls and business meetings!  UGHHHHH!  I have a conference call coming up and I've been hyperventilating all morning.  Blah!!!!


I think I also have an irrational fear of getting caught up on my work.  Every time I am in danger of shortening my to-do list, I get all panicky and have to switch to some unproductive activity such as jigzone.com.  Though the backlog makes me crazy too.  Despite outward appearances, a serious battle is being constantly waged over here....

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Spiders and high bridges. I lived in a city with two very high bridges (international shipping lanes). I drove over them exactly once - when we moved there. I could ride over them, just couldn't drive over them. I really tried to get the courage to do it. Every few months I'd psych myself up to do it, then I would hear about an accident on the bridge and I'd lose all desire to try. 

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Parking garages.


Why are the ceilings so low?!?! I'm ducking INSIDE my car. I know it's an illusion, but geeze.


And they are either damp OR freezing cold OR horribly hot.


And the stairwells smell. Disgusting.


And the elevators are like a nightmare...claustrophobia-inducing anxiety and slasher film scenes come to mind.


I duck inside my car in parking garages, too! Especially at one mall near us. My husband laughs whenever we go there, because I'm in the passenger seat, cowering so I don't "hit my head!"


Driving near water. Especially if it involves backing up, say near a pond. I can't do it, and I have to close my eyes if I'm in a car when somebody else is doing it. It's especially irrational, because I have no idea where this fear comes from at all!


On a related note, bridges over water. I guess I just have a weird thing about water when I'm in a vehicle. Why I choose to live in a place that has lots of rivers, I'm sure I don't understand!

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Except for white hawks? ;)


I do like ducks, penguins and birds of prey, including hawks and owls. I've not had them get too close. It's the smaller fluttery icky things that need to back up! I appreciate the things that eat worse things. :)

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 I have visions of them falling and screaming and I can't deal with it. It's one of those places where having a very vivid imagination is a curse.


Me too, fear of my children falling off of something high.


I was not afraid of my children falling until I was pregnant with our 4th child and I dreamed that my dh dropped our third child down a ten-story concrete stairwell. I have been irrationally terrified of my children, and particularly the child I dreamed about, falling.


I am also irrationally afraid that there will be an earthquake while I am stopped at an intersection under an overpass.




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Even the mention of the word "snake" makes me jump a couple feet in the air. When we visit the reptile house at the zoo, I walk in the middle of the hallway and avoid looking at the cages. I don't care if most of them are harmless and they're an important part of the ecosystem. As far as I'm concerned, they are all evil :).


Also, I wouldn't say I'm afraid, but I really don't like talking on the phone to people I don't know well. I would so much rather send an email or a text.

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Even the mention of the word "snake" makes me jump a couple feet in the air. When we visit the reptile house at the zoo, I walk in the middle of the hallway and avoid looking at the cages. I don't care if most of them are harmless and they're an important part of the ecosystem. As far as I'm concerned, they are all evil :).


Also, I wouldn't say I'm afraid, but I really don't like talking on the phone to people I don't know well. I would so much rather send an email or a text.

You actually go INSIDE the reptile house????? :svengo: Not me! I stand outside and contemplate ways to end the life of the residents of the building. You remember that nasty snake that got loose a few years ago from the Zoo in NYC??? Somebody even tweeted on behalf of the darn thing. Nah....give the residents 24 hrs. to get out of town, and then level the place. Have some standards for pities sake! :D

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Echoing the bridges over stretches of water. Not quite an irrational fear, back when I had three kids in car seats and drove them on a daily basis. I would mentally rehearse the unbuckling order and escape strategy on every approach.


I have a bit of a fear of heights, which I didn't realize I had until the first time I jumped off a dive boat over a site 80' deep in crystal clear water. Took my breath away. I have since found that I need guard rails at high places to feel comfortable and while I love to fly, and look down and around when I do, I get nauseated if I let my thoughts dwell on the fact that there's thousands of feet of nothing but air between my backside and the hard ground.


Like all mothers, I do dread something awful happening to my kids. But that's not irrational, and I don't let it rule me.

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I have a somewhat normal irrational fear of spiders.


I have a strange, completely irrational fear of The Great Blue Hole, and the idea of underwater caves and sinkholes creeps me out. One of the kids was watching a documentary about some divers exploring an underwater cave, and I couldn't watch. I read about an underwater lake recently and that gave me heart palpitations too.

The Blue Hole has fascinated me for years, but that lake - that is amazing!

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I have three.


1.  Anything ob/gyn related.  When I was pregnant with my two boys, I felt like I was walking around with a scarlet "slut" written on my forehead.  I have never had a pelvic exam.  I pretend that area of my body doesn't exist.

2.  Psychatrists.  I immediately think they are going to lock me up, drug me & lobotomize me.

3.  Using the telephone.  I used to only use the phone to chit-chat with my family or husband or for business.  Then I had my husband take over business calls, and stopped chit-chatting with my family.  So for the last several years I would call my husband freely and my mother for short no-nonsense calls.  I might give up even that soon.  The phone ringing when I am not expecting a call terrifies me.  If I am expecting a call, I won't sleep the night before and I pace until it happens.


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Really? Do you know how you came to be afraid of them? Did you have a bad experience with a malicious rabbit?


(I'm not making fun, I am genuinely curious.)


It's weird, isn't it? I have no bad bunny experiences. I think they're beautiful, actually. But just as I don't want to be up close with a lion or shark, I don't want to be anywhere near a rabbit.

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Snakes. Any snake. There is no snake on earth that I want to let live. Flamethrower, shoulder launch bazooka, hand grenades, nuclear bomb....I barely, just barely survive the lizard ds keeps.

Yup. Lizards are cute, though. I don't mind them. I'm with you on the snakes.

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It's weird, isn't it? I have no bad bunny experiences. I think they're beautiful, actually. But just as I don't want to be up close with a lion or shark, I don't want to be anywhere near a rabbit.





Cliffs, underwater or underground caves, snakes - I can't even watch these things on TV.


ETA: Clowns. Clowns are just creepy. With apologies to any clowns here.

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It's weird, isn't it? I have no bad bunny experiences. I think they're beautiful, actually. But just as I don't want to be up close with a lion or shark, I don't want to be anywhere near a rabbit.

I was waiting to see if you would say that when you were a kid, you saw that groovy psychedelic animated production of Watership Down...

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